Ten days

By KellyHolmes4

157 12 0

Every night she'd been haunting his dreams; whispering his name in his sleep. She's the first thought he wak... More

The end


50 2 0
By KellyHolmes4

I can't actually tell you where this began... My emotions. I can't tell you why exactly this has happened. I can't tell you why it's You--but what I can tell you is that from the moment you said hello; from the day we shared our first laughs, coffees, smiles and tears to the moment I said goodbye I've always known you were the one for me. There was never a doubt in my mind about it... but I have to depart from....

"No... Maybe that's too sappy..." ivory muttered while crumbling up a piece of paper.

"I don't want him to think that I'm too.... Bleh...."

Ivory flopped back onto her bed, her hair outstretched wildly across her pillow.

"I have to tell him before I go." Sighing loudly she closed her eyes and started to think of him; His bright wide smile, long dark hair and coffee brown eyes. Her heart began to race as she started to see his face in her thoughts, rolling over she grabbed her stuff bear and began to hold it close to her as she sank deeper into her Illusions.

The next day would be the day she'd finally see him again..


The next morning Ivory woke up to the sound of birds chirping in the distances, the sun gleaming on her light brown skin. She reached over for her stuffed toy and placed it over her eyes trying to block out the suns rays "Fuck... it's morning already.. I haven't even finished the fucking note yet." Grumbling she got up from her bed and drug her body to the bathroom getting ready for another day.

"I just want some coffee and more sleep," her voice trembled with pain.
After a long and painful start to her morning she was able to leave the house and meet up with her friend.
"IVORY HEY. " Sammy yelled as loud as she could, knowing that her friend was still dead. Ivory just stared and kept walking to the bus stop, completely ignoring the loud, short quirky girl.

She didn't really want anything to do with her at this time of day and sammy knew that. That's why she was always so loud. She wanted her friend's attention.

"So how did you sleep?" wide eye Sam asked.

"I didn't really sleep that well to be honest, " Speaking blandly she sipped more of her coffee with her eyes facing forward. She was still thinking of the note... she was still thinking of him and how much she wanted to tell him. He needs to be the first to know—she thought this for a long time... It all started two years ago when she first saw him; It was at a coffee shop downtown. He came in there to use the bathroom, he really had to go that day but the cashier didn't care.
"Buy something or no bathroom" the annoyed cashier lady said while rolling her eyes. She rolled them back so hard you could basically see only the whites of her eyes. However, the boy needing to use the restroom so badly he disregarded her rudeness and threw ten dollars at her, yelled for her to put anything down and zoomed to the bathroom. It was funny and a bit cruel because once he came back he was charged for two mocha frapes.

Ivory's lips started to curl with sweet recollection;

With slight anxiety, Ivory walked up to the annoyed man, "Hey um, I like mocha frapes... Um... I don't think it's right but so you won't waste your money..." she was rambling on like the nervous idiot she was trying to hide so very poorly. the man smiled and began to laugh. "Hey hey hey... Calm down," Her nervousness was that apparent,  "My name's Matt, would you like to have coffee with me?" His tone was mocking yet sweet which made the stuttering girl's eyes widen as she watched his lips move. All she could do was nod before she spoke softly,  "Yeah, of course." She reached for the coffee but the grinning boy moved his hand still holding onto the coffee. "And your name, ma'am?" Taking aback she slightly pushed her hair behind her ear getting even more nervous.

"Oh um... My name is Ivory..." She looked down as she spoke, her eyes looking in any direction but his. He thought that was kind cute because his grin got wider. He put the coffee in front of her, "Nice to meet you Ivory." Taking the coffee her heart raced extremely fast as she heard his voice speak her name.

Shortly after their coffee exchange the two became really close friends. They talked almost everyday and hung out. They went everywhere; the malls, the movies, arcades, restaurants, fast food places, skating--everywhere. They've had sleep overs believe it or not--but that was all in high school. I know, a guy and a girl having a sleep over in high school.. Its a bit far fetched but they had to sleep in different rooms of course and Ivory's dad was always on patrol. Ivory began to giggle as she thought of how ridiculous her dad can be... Especially when it came down to his dear Ivory...

"Hey Ivory, are you excited for today?" Sam's voice shattering through the glass door that was her memories.
An unresponsive girl stared at Sam.. She became more gentle once she realized how sensitive the topic was. Sam had been there for her through thick and thin; they were the best friend version of a married couple. Sam held onto Ivory's hand softly, her grip tightening as they gotten closer to the school...

"He should be back from his classes abroad. He told me he'd be at the entrance before us..." Ivory could only listen to her friend, she was stuck in a daze. Soon memories flooded inside her mind and wrapped around her heart, pulling and tugging onto her emotional heart strings. His smile, his laugh, his smell, his soft skin, his hugs, his voice, his tears, his yelling. Everything. The many emotional sides she's witnessed from him over the past years. He had her hooked--She wanted him. She craved him. She needed.. him.

"We're here. Are you ready?"
Taking a deep breath she nodded at her best friend.

"Let's do this...."

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