Favorite French Man (Lafayett...

By Aphmau_Owner

149K 3.6K 5.8K

You are a young women in her 20's who wants to help the revolution. While on a visit to your favorite cousins... More

Hello from your author ^_^
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Gossip in New York City ✅
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Notes Upon Notes
It Wasn't Suppose to be like this
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Y'all are crazy A/N
His Little Baguette
I Should've Thrown Away My Shot
More Than Two
Stay Alive
Mood swings and Hope
I'm sorry!
The End
Quick Thank You
Quick update and wow!!!

Calm, Safe, Alive and Free

4.1K 146 300
By Aphmau_Owner

A/N: you don't even need to say it I know this is a shitty upload, excuse my French, I get it, just please get over it I just reall wanted to get it out to you guys ya know.Love you guys hope you enjoy! Heads up within the first few sentences contain mentions of throw up so, yeah sorry!!!

Around dawn, what wonderful time to get sick, I run-walk to the bathroom where I immediately start to throw up, the felt my hair being pulled out of my face I automatic assume that it's Peggy considering she's just across the hall to keep an eye on me, because she claims I need it, even though I am clearly capable of taking care of myself, maybe.

Finally I stop throwing up, it felt like a lifetime "Pegs I've told you almost a thousand times, I'm more than capable of holding my hair and taking care of myself yet you always insist." I close my eyes and slowly make my way back to my bed, before I could get that close to my bed, I felt hand, man hands, those hands, his hands, Lafayette's hands grab my waist.

"I'm not Peggy mon amour and even I were would I really not try to take care of you," Lafayette said, my man, my love, the one who I've been keeping hope and praying for, was finally here in the same room as me, with our future children.

I was in complete shock for a few moments but before I knew what I was doing, before I could think, regain my balance, and realize fully what was going on, Lafayette had dropped his musket and his other weapons and I was in his arms.

He was obviously running here he was sweaty and warm but I could care less, at that point here was there he was alive, he stayed alive and I couldn't help but cry tears of joy and squeeze him half to death.

I mean he did the same but I don't think really we cared or noticed. "L-la-Laf," I said through tears, "shh, shh, shh, I'm here, I'm alive, we won," I couldn't keep it in I cried and cried and just kept crying.

After what felt like an hour but was probably less, Laf bent down to my stomach I just laughed and cried a little more as he caressed my stomach and whispered to my children, our children sweet nothingness.

I think I may have heard him whisper, daddy is here and now we will teach you all French, in French.

He got up from his squatting position and kissed me, "not in front of the kids," I joked he just laughed. God I missed that laugh, it flowed like sweet honey.

Before we could continue talking, Peggy walked in, in her night gown, rubbing her eyes, and moaning and groaning.

"Y/N, one you should be in bed two why-" her eyes widened when she saw Laf, she ran up and hugged him, I just laugh and Laf hugged Peggy back.

"I thought it wouldn't be in till after your kids were born that we would see you, wait did we win?" Peggy said and asked excitedly.

Laf grabbed my hip and pulled me close to him, "we did In deed, win and the only thing I could think about during my time fighting was that if I fought hard enough I would get to see my beautiful wife and children before they're even born." Peggy was dancing and laughing, smiling, she was being Peggy.

"Wait is Alex here?" I asked knowing Eliza was going to be ecstatic. "Umm see about that," my heart stopped when Laf said that.

I think he saw the panic in my eyes because he continued saying, "he's alive but as soon as Washington told us we were free to go and that he would be sending carriages to bring us back I didn't waist time, I ran here," I pulled him into a hug and laughed.

"Well since, I think all three of us are up, how about some tea or coffee," Peggy asked.

"Wow trying to protect me yet you offer me coffee," I teased. Peggy started freaking out "oh my god, I'm so sorry, I forgot god I'm a terrible aunt."

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "you're a great aunt," she just hugged me.

Laf and I walked to the dining room, while Peggy went into the kitchen and streets making me my favorite, peppermint tea. (Sorry if you don't like just go with it)

I hear Peggy ask Laffayette "so do you know when John will be back, Laf," she had so much hope in her voice.

"No I'm sorry, Peggy, he's was apart of the South Carolina troops, you would have to ask Washington to get answers on that," Laf was trying to be as catious as possible, so he wouldn't scare her in any way.

"That's okay I just can't wait to see his smiling face full of freckles again," Peggy was always gushing abort his face full of freckles i found it insanely adorable.

I heard footsteps coming from upstairs it couldn't be Eliza because well Eliza wouldn't be coming down here without Angelica and well there would be two pairs of footsteps, so it had to be Angelica.

"You are all insanely loud," she definitely heard Lafayette from upstairs because she casually went on to say, "hi Lafayette," and hugged him, "so did you and the boys do good for our country?" Angelica teased.

I know she knew that we had won otherwise Lafayette would probably have been down on himself a lot more than you could imagine, that's just how he is though. "Yes the boys and I served, how you say, justice for our country," he said laughing.

Lafayette sat back down pulling me into a hug. "So where's Alex?" Angelica asked, a little weirdly, but I won't judge her.

"He making his way back I ran here where as he waited and took a carriage," Angelica looked at surprised and then shrugged.

We all then heard a carriage from outside of the mansion, Alex ran in smiling at all of us, I walked up to him and simply said "go to her now," he didn't need to be told that twice, because before I knew it I heard Eliza squeeling and Alex chuckling they then came down hand in hand, Eliza smileing and blushing like a mad man.

Peggy brought out the tea and we all just talked, it was nice to feel calm and safe and to just feel free all at the same time, that's why I loved Laf that's why I lived my family and I couldn't wait to see my beautiful children's faces.

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