Mimic *ON HOLD*

By stfuximshelli495

5.2K 119 69

I watched as my brush went through my long black hair in the mirror. I was getting ready to go to bed, and ma... More

A New Year
A New Face Amoung Old Ones
Not Everything Is What It Seems
Awkward Silences Are The Best
Easy Confessions
Curiousity Killed The Cat
What A Horrible Day To Wear Grandma Clothes
A Good Ending to a Better Day
Dancing With Temptation

You're Not The Only One Sneaking Through My Window

379 10 12
By stfuximshelli495



Finally gym was done and over along with the school day. I had spent the whole period walking around the track by myself listening to my concealed iPod while Hayden walked with Carrie, talking to her the whole time. I don't know why, but it gave me an uneasy feeling how all of my friends, including Aaron, have warmed up so fast to her after just knowing her for not even a full day. I shrugged the feeling off though. My friends were just really friendly, and were just helping out the new girl just like I had.

Sitting on the curb in front of the school, I was waiting until my friends made their way towards me. I stood up once I saw Chloe and Hayden coming in my direction and smiled once we made eye contact.

"Hey chicka!" Chloe said happily, probably from the day being over with and the fact that we're going to her favorite place ever, which is the mall.

"Hey. So how are we doing this?" I asked talking about the car situation.

Chloe and Aaron usually drove together using Chloe's moms car, but today they wanted to ride in Haydens new car.

"Well, I guess Hayden offered to come when he talked to Carrie earlier so we'll just head over there in his car. She already told him it would be cool if she left her car here and pick it up later." Chloe explained as the rest of our group joined us.

"Oh, well that's cool. Anyone else want to join us?" I asked looking around at everyone.

"Sure, I'll go." Aaron said speaking up.

"Me too." Patrick said immediately after while putting an arm around my waist.

I nodded then looked at James. "You wanna come to? Please say yes!" I begged to him.

He rolled his eyes at my dramatics, and give in. "Fine. I have nothing better to do anyways."

"There's the new girl!" Hayden exclaimed as she walked up to us.

"Hey guys." She said nervously as she tucked her hair behind her right ear.

We all exchanged hellos, and walked in the direction of our cars. Since Patrick was going I decided to ride with him so there would be more room in Haydens car. James was going to join us so everything was situated.

"You all want to stop at my house real quick? I have to go pick up some money then we could go." I asked before everyone went into the cars.

They all nodded and we exited the parking lot soon after. The car ride was quiet besides the blaring music coming from James' headphones, but I didn't mind. Ever since we were little he had always loved his music too loud which had rubbed off on me. Before I knew it we were pulling into the driveway of my house and I jumped out of the car to go open the front door for everyone.

Before I pulled out my key I tried the door knob hoping Mason had left the door unlocked, but as usual he didn't. I saw him walk by the side windows of the door and I hit my fist on it trying to get his attention. He looked over and his eyes narrowed at me. I pointed to the door, signalling for him to unlock it, but he just shrugged then walked off.

"You're a fucking asshole Mason!" I yelled as I dug around my bag for my keys.

"What's going on?" I heard James ask behind me.

"My stupid brother won't unlock the door for me even though he saw me here." I answered frustrated.

I finally found my house key and jammed it into the lock. Pushing the door with too much force, it accidentally slammed into the wall and made a hole the size of a baseball.

"Hey, calm down Becca." Patrick said rubbing my shoulder, but I just shrugged it off.

"Make yourselves at home. I'll be right back." I said without turning around.

I walked quickly down the hallway, but instead of taking a right to my room I made a left towards Masons room. Again the door knob was locked so I slammed my fist against him door. He didn't answer for a minute then I pounded again. Slowly the door opened revealed my very annoyed looking brother.

"What?" He asked with a sharpness to his voice.

"Don't 'what?' me! What the fuck was that back there?" I asked yelling when I didn't mean to.

"Dude, you need to chill out. You're giving me a headache." He said in a bored tone which just pissed me off more.

Before I could reply someone spoke next to me. "Hey Becca, where's the - oh, hey Mason."

I blinked a couple of times trying to find my words. They already knew each other? When the fuck did that happen?

"What's up Carrie?" He asked smiling. "I forgot you said you were chilling with this crazy bitch."

"Yeah I am. You should join us." She said smiling back as she flirted with my brother in front of me.

"Umm, sure. Where are you guys going?" He asked which snapped me out of my temporary faze.

"Who said you could even go?" I interjected crossing my arms over my chest.

"Where you not paying attention or something? Carrie just invited me so I'm going." He replied in a 'duh' tone.

All of the sudden my head started to pound from a forming headache and I just wanted to stop dealing with my brothers bullshit. "Whatever. What was it that you needed Carrie?" I asked massaging the bridge of my nose with my thumb, and index finger while closing my eyes.

"Err, bathroom. I was looking for the bathroom." She replied timidly.


"Down the hall, last door on your left." My brother answered her interrupting me.

"Thanks." She said then turned to walk down the hall.

I shot my brother one last glare before I went to my room which was right across the hall from his room. I left the door slightly open then laid down on my bed as I tried to calm myself down and will the headache to go away. I don't know why I let my brother get to me so much. The only reason it does is because we used to never be like this. At first it hurt when he started to act this way towards me, but now it just pissed me the fuck off.

Another thing that confused me was the fact that Carrie already knew and had spoken to him. Many thoughts were going through my mind, but then I remembered something Chloe said which was that Carrie needed to buy gym clothes during lunch. That must have been when they met because I knew that he had to work the student store after getting into a shitload of trouble at school for smoking or something stupid like that.

"Hey girly. You ok?" Chloe asked softly as she opened my room door.

I sat up in my bed and crossed my legs. "I'll be fine. Carrie invited Mason to come with us so we'll have an extra body coming. Where are the boys?"

She sat across from me then leaned against my headboard. "I told them to chill in your living room until we were ready to go. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I answered sitting up a little straighter.

"Have you noticed Aaron acting a little bit weird lately? It might just be me being paranoid, but my gut is telling me something different."


"No." I lied getting slightly nervous as the words he had said earlier ran through my mind.

She sighed then sagged her shoulders. "I guess it's just me then. I asked the same thing to Hayden, but his high ass didn't notice anything either."

It was quiet for a little bit as we sat in our own thoughts, but I could tell she was still thinking something was wrong. I would have told her about what he had said, but what would that do except for hurt my best friend, and break up her and Aaron which I knew she loved. But should I really let her love someone who obviously didn't love her back? If I were to tell her though, she would know that I had lied and talked to Aaron behind her back, and Patricks which would only end worse for me.

Goddammit. I should have just listened to James.

"Well, we should probably start going. Carrie probably feels really weird by herself out there." Chloe said standing up suddenly.

I nodded and stood up with her. "Ok, let me just get my money."

I watched her walk out of the room and I quickly opened up my sock drawer to get my savings which was hidden inside a sock. I walked out of my room the towards the living room where I saw everyone laughing and joking around. And who was in the middle of my friends attention?


Weird I thought, because when I talked to her she was always timid, and shy, but the way she was acting now was the complete opposite.

"Hey James! Long time no see. How was Europe?" My brother greeted him happily as they man hugged.

"It was so bad ass dude. You should definitely tag along next year." James replied sitting back down on the couch armrest.

"Everyone ready to go?" I asked breaking my silence.

They all looked up at me and nodded as they got up then gathered their stuff together. We all got into the two cars and made our way to the mall. When we first got there everything was fine, but as time went on it seemed as though everyone was really taking a liking to Carrie which made me feel like the odd one out. Her and my brother seemed to have hit it off right away by the way they were flirting and quietly talking to each other.

This went on all the way through dinner with my friends. I barely got any words in while they were too busy getting to know Carrie better. I must still be a little sensitive from my fight with my brother. I have never been the jealous type, and the feeling didn't sit well with me. When we were all done with eating we made our way back to the cars and went to my house to drop me and my brother off. I gave Patrick a quick kiss then muttered a goodbye to James.

Once I was at my porch I turned to see if Mason was following me, but when I did, I saw him and Carrie stepping out after saying their goodbyes to everyone. He turned to face me then turned to Carrie as he said something to her as she nodded her head.

"Hey I'm going to walk with Carrie to school to get her car and she's going to drive me back. Could you let mom know so she won't freak?" He asked half way up the walk way to our front door.

"Why didn't you just have Hayden drop you guys off there?" I asked suspiciously.

"My business, just let mom know." He replied then turned to go back to Carrie.

She sent me a small wave which I returned then walked into my house. My parents were in the living room cuddled up on the couch watching 20/20. I slightly smiled at the sight of my parents because they were still very much in love with each other after all these years.

"Hey honey." My mom greeted looking away from the tv.

"Hey. Mason will be back soon so don't worry about him. I think I'm going to go lay down because I'm really tired." I replied as I walked towards my room.

"Alright sweety. Sweet dreams."

With that I walked to my room and shut the door behind me. I set down some bags that were filled with things I had gotten from the mall and started to change into my pajamas. After, I pulled my hair into a high pony tail and laid down on my bed, grabbing my phone from my bag. My loud ringer started to go off so I instantly silenced it then looked at who was calling. The name that flashed on the tiny screen made my heart stop and my stomach fill with butterflies. I took a large breath then answered.

"Hey Aaron." I answered.

"Can I come over?" He asked right away.

I sat up in my bed confused then replied. "Um, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Just for a couple of minutes. Chloe and I kind of got into when Hayden dropped us off at her house and I don't feel like going home."

I bit my lip, and went against what my head was yelling at me to do."Sure, just come to my window."

We hung up and I waited anxiously for his arrival. I don't know why I had agreed for him to come here, but part of me just wanted to be around him while the more logical part was screaming at me for being so stupid. I didn't care though. Aaron took control of all of my thoughts and I quickly walked up to my dresser mirror to fix my hair. After that I locked my door then clicked the lights off leaving my bedside table lamp on so my parents wouldn't get suspicious if the looked down the hall way.

I heard a tap coming from my window and I walked over to open it up. Aaron slowly came in making sure not to make too much noise because my parents were still awake. I shut and locked the window then released the blinds so no one could see in my room from the outside.

"Your brother is totally making out with Carrie in his room right now." Aaron laughed as he sat down on my bed. "He should really learn to shut his blinds."

My mouth hung open after I heard this because that was the last thing I had expected to come out of his mouth. "No way!" I whisper yelled. "They just met."

"I guess they don't like to waste time."

After he said that it got really quiet to the point where it was almost uncomfortable. I decided to break it because I hated awkward silences. "Soooo what did you guys fight about?"

He shrugged then answered. "Same shit we argued about when we first got together." He looked up and met my eyes. "You."

"Why me?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Because she's catching on to how I'm acting different. Which is funny, but sad at the same time because I started to act different months ago and she is just now noticing; where as you noticed right away. You just haven't said anything until now."

I adverted my eyes away from his and began to fidget with my hands. It wasn't until now that I realized my feelings for Aaron didn't go away. I just buried them really deep to where I couldn't find them, but being around him more and him actually talking to me without being all reserved has brought them back up. I stood up and walked towards my desk then turned back towards him.

"I don't know what to tell you Aaron." I told him honestly.

"I just can't hide my feelings anymore." He said standing up then walked towards me. "They are eating away at me, and nothing I do seems to get rid of them. Just tell me one thing." He said as he cupped my cheek which I leaned into.

"What's that?" I asked while my heart felt like it was going a million miles per minute still holding his gaze.

"Tell me when you want me to stop."

He leaned forward and brushed his lips on mine. My heart was racing, my adrenaline was kicking in, and the butterflies in my stomach felt like there were of meth. I looked down at his lips then backup at his eyes. We stared at each other for a couple of more seconds before I closed my eyes and waited for him to make the next move which happened almost instantly.

His lips crashed to mine, and my body exploded with anticipation. His hands tangled themselves into my hair as my arms wrapped around his neck. We stepped back together then I felt myself being pushed against my desk. Without breaking the kiss, I sat on the desk and opened my legs so he could get our bodies closer than they already where. Our tongues danced together as if we've done this thousands of times before, and his hands roamed my body which left me wanting to do the same.

I broke away from him to lift my now annoying shirt as he did the same. Once they were off I got up and pushed him so he was laying down on my bed. I straddled him around the waste and leaned down to kiss his chest and toned stomach. He hissed lightly then brought his hands to my hips and pulled me closer to him. I began to kiss back up to his neck then slightly sucked on the sensitive area around his neck. I expertly got his belt and pants undone then waited patiently for him to kick them off.

++++++++++++GO TO "Mimic *Restricted Chapters* (Fans only. You have to click the link on the side that says "External Link" underneath the conver.)+++++++++++++++

After we were done I laid next to Aaron with a smile on my face. I have never experienced that with anyone else, not even Patrick. I knew that later I would feel horrible for doing this, but right now I was going to enjoy the feeling. I looked up at Aaron and he also had a slight smile on his features.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked as I snuggled closer to him.

"You know where I stand Becca. It's your turn to make the next move." He replied as he slid his fingers up and down my arm.

I was about to say something when a tapping noise came from my window. My heart skipped a beat and Aaron and I sat up quickly. I grabbed my phone that was now on the floor and saw I had three missed calls from Patrick, and one text. I quickly opened it, and my stomach sank at the words I read.

PATRICK : Hey I tried calling you, but I'm on my way over :]

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