Opposite love

By PiperJistic

396 9 38

Love is strange isn't it? Especially between a scientist and a guardsman. This is a story about how 2 opposit... More

1- Normal day
2- Deal
3- Captured
4- Boss
6- Date?
7- Date.
11- Taken
12- Locked away
13- Found you
14- Final stand
15- Epiolgue


18 0 0
By PiperJistic

It was morning when the two woke up, smiles were on their faces. They get up and ready for the day then go down stairs. "So this is what I felt the whole time? Love? Then if that's so then I don't want to ever stop feeling this way." Papyrus and Gem baked breakfast together then placed the meal at the table. When they were baking, they had gotten dirty and had a flour fight. During the fight, the scientist had lost her glasses until the skeleton gave it to her but sadly, instead of a thank you, he got a flour ball to the face. They howled in laughter then she finished cooking while he cleans. To their surprise, Sans was at the table ready to eat. "Sup, you two lovebirds must be going along well." They blush but nod and sit down. Eating, they all have a nice conversation and meal until the door bell rings. Sans goes to open it while the other two talked. "Who is it?"

"It's me you dumbass! Open up or I'll have Alphys blow it down with her bomb!"

"U-Um ok." Opening it, he finds Undye, Alphys and Mettaton standing there. "Is there something ya want?"

"Yeah, I want to see Papyrus and his new.... lovemate..." Saying it in disgust and curiosity, she was secretly proud of him and wanted to hangout with him.

"And I also would like to meet this girl, for reasons of course." Alphys had a box and I don't think ya wanna know what's in it ;but nevertheless, she was curious and interested.

"I was brought along and I also wanted to see how you two were holding up." She had a nice smile on her face and really was curious about he girl, as well as how they were doing.

"Eh, sure, why not?" He let's them in. "1, we're holding up great I guess and 2, they're in the kitchen eating breakfast."


"Cause why the hell not?!"




"No taken."

"Oh wow, thanks Sans." Papyrus enters the room curiously then frowns.

"Oh why hello miss fishface and mad scientist! Oh and you brought Mettaton here too!" His arms were crossed and looks at them with disgust.

"Look, I just came to see how you were doing and why did ya become soft!"

"I came here to see the girl!"

"Thanks for saying me name. But I came to check on you two and see the girl too."

"First off, I'm doing fine; second off, I didn't go soft and third off, you can see here if she's comfortable with it." Gem peaks out to see them and blushes a bit due to hearing all of them. She coughs then softly says "I-I'm fine with seeing them Papyrus." They all turn around to meet her standing there quietly, to them, she looked like a scientist.

"Wow Papyrus, I expected different but I guess I was wrong?"

"My my my! This is a little scientist! We must talk! Pronto!" Alphys rushes to the scientist, grabs her hand and drags her to the kitchen. The girl was blushing but sighs and smiles as letting herself get dragged. "She seems nice Papyrus, what's her name?"

"Yeah, what is she though? I've never seen a monster like that?"

"Well her name is Gem and that kinda rude miss fish but she's a gem."

"That's a delightful name."

"Hey!!! Stop calling me names! At least I'm being nice and junk! And that's kinda ironic though."

"I know."

"Well well well my friends! Me and my new bestie bestie scientist is back! We had so so sooooo much fun with our talking session!" The Dino announces as she and the other comes back.

"Well that was quick..."

"I know.... She really likes having quick chats and deciding who she likes or not."

"That really is how it works Paps, even when it seems like that shouldn't be possible."

"Ok then."

"Now now now, we should all go out to a restaurant for dinner chat! How about later on and we'll meet you at Mettaton's resort! Right? Right! Ok now we must go! See ya Gem!" Alphys walks right out the door and Mettaton shrugs and follows. Undye waves and leaves, unusually for being a mean hard person unless it came with things like this.

It was time for the trio to go meet the other three at the resort. They wore the same thing and when to the resort, chatter was between them all. It was constant chatter until they reached the resort, they met the others there in the same clothing. Well except Alphys, she had a cleaner lab jacket than before. Without hesitation, they go in and have dinner. The six talk until the waiter came then ordered their food. "What would ya like?"



"I'm good."

"Mettaton burger please."


"Spaghetti too." They nod and leave while the chatter starts up again.

30 mins later
The food comes but it was just in time because Undye was planning to kill someone due to being hungry.

They had finished their food and kept chatting, they had grown as close friends due to that. When it was time to go, they split their ways and left after saying goodbyes. Papyrus, Gem and Sans when to bed once they arrived home. Before the scientist hit the hay, she wrote about today and yesterday then slept with Paps.

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