The New Girl

By mika1642

70.9K 2K 693

*Completed* What will happens when a new girl arrives at the same school as Sasuke's. A girl that is differen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 11

2.3K 70 21
By mika1642

Sayuri's POV

Its the day of the dance and since I know Naruto so well. I decided to wear a light colors dress not like last time that I wore a black one.

I do wonder where this party's going to be.

Kaori and the others should be arriving at 12 its 11:30 right now.

I told everyone I was going to walk to a friends house and when they weren't looking I sneaked the keys in my pocket.

When I got the airport it was 11:45. I just had to wait 15 more minutes.

Everyone back at the house was preparing dinner for today. We might not be a lot of people, but those three have have an appetite greater then Naruto's.

I in advance told them to make a lot extra just in case.

When the clock read 12 I looked everywhere for the three people I came here to see.

After a couple minutes of squinting and jumping to see over people I finally found them.

"Look at you Sayuri. All grown up." I smiled at Kaori.

I haven't seen her since she got married to Hiro.

"How about us?!" Whined Raiden, Yuki's fiancé.

I chuckled.

"Hey Raiden, Minori." I hugged both of them.

"Hello squirt." Said Minori.

"Big sister Sayuri!" My eyes widened at the sound of their voices. I let go of Minori and Raiden and looked down.

There I saw two little kids the oldest looked to be around 4 and the youngest was 3. I grinned at the both of them.

"Still remember me?" The 4 year old nodded furiously and hugged me as well as his little sister. I was in a crouched position so they were able to give me a proper hug.

When they let go I stood up.

"What are we waiting for. Hurry up let's get all these things in the car." I said while grabbing some of their stuff. They chuckled and followed me.

I don't know how we did it but we managed to fit everything in the car.

"I still can't believe you blackmailed us into coming here." Said Minori amused.

"Well that's the only way you guys would come here so I didn't really have a choice." I heard Raiden snicker.

"Back in Tokyo you're known for blackmailing Sayuri."

Everyone in the car laughed but me.

"Humpf I see how ungrateful you guys are." I said crossing my arms when we reached a red light. Not long after it turned green.

"Who said we weren't grateful?" Asked Kaori.

"I did." I said.

"Tell us it isn't true that you were known to be a blackmailer." Raiden arched a brow. I humpfed again. Everyone bursted out laughing once more.

They wanted to go to the store to get their lovers a present so we spent about an hour to get home.

They mostly got a bunch a balloons. There was so many we had to put them outside the car.

We're out in the driveway right now.

"Ok guys stay behind me and once I yell out surprise come out understand." The three nodded.

I turned around facing the door. I took in a big breath then let it all out.

I opened the door and looked around for any sign of them. It sounded as if they were all in the living room.

Good they're all in one place

I signaled Minori to close the door gently and when he did we all tip-toed to the living room. Telling then to stop I walked into the living room alone.

"What are you guys talking about?" Yuki was startled to hear my voice.

"Sayu what are you doing here?" Her voice cracked at the end which made me frown.

"Why were you crying?" She shook her head furiously.

"N-nothing." I looked at Miko and Hiro for an answer.

"She's feeling emotional." Miko didn't really answer my questions. I can see she's emotional but why?

"Because she wants to see Raiden." Hiro properly answered my question.

"Are all of you missing your partners or is it just Yuki?" They avoided my gaze. I chuckled. "Good or else this would have been for nothing." The three have never looked so confused.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled even the two kids.

Once Yuki's gaze found Raiden she got up and ran towards him. The kids did the same with Miko.

Kaori and Minori stood there smiling at their lovers flabbergasted expressions. I couldn't help but laugh at them.

When the shock was over they hugged and kissed their lovers like it was years when they last saw each other.

I was about to walk to my room when I heard Miko's voice.

"Where are you going Sayu?"

"To a party." I smiled. The smile she had faded.


"Because the 8 of you need time to spend together, and Naruto invited me to a party so it all works out."

"You don't want to spend it with us?" Asked Yuki sadly letting go of Raiden.

"I just want you guys to spend it together is all. You know I love every single one of you. Why else would I force your lovers to come all the way from Tokyo just to celebrate a holiday." Hiro walked up to me.

"Thank you Sayu." He hugged me and everyone else followed.

"Your a good kid." Minori ruffled my hair when everyone finally let go of me.

"No! She's a great kid!" We all chuckled at Yuki's outburst.

"I'll leave you guys alone. I have to get ready, and no Yuki I can get ready myself." I said when I saw that Yuki was about to say something. She huffed and crossed her arms. We all laughed at her actions.

Its 6:50 and Naruto will come in another 10 minutes.

I was just finishing putting on my makeup.

I'm not a person that wears makeup, but Naruto did say this was a fancy party so why not?

I heard a cars horn outside. I rolled my eyes.

Of course he's early

I put my mascara down picked up my clutch bag and walked out the door.

When I walked down the stairs I heard gasps.

"You look beautiful Sayu!" Squealed Yuki. I smiled.

"Thank you Yuki." Hiro had a frown.

"Take this with you, always have your phone with you, call me if anything, call me once in a while ok." He turned to Naruto after he gave me a small bag. "And you. Protect my little Sayu got that. Don't lose sight of her, not even to use the restroom. Don't even blin-" Kaori stopped his ranting. Everyone else either laughed or sweat dropped.

"She'll be fine honey." She told him sweetly.

"Bu-" she gave a look that said 'shut the hell up or I'll make you shut up'. He pouted.

I looked at Naruto who looked a little frightened by Hiro.

"Calm down Naruto." I laughed putting a hand on his shoulder. He blushed a little, but grinned at me.

"We should go." I nodded.

"Bye guys." I said waving my hand around.

"Be careful!" Yelled Hiro.

"Don't sleep with anyone!" I shook my head at Raiden's comment.

"Call if anything!" Yelled Minori.

"Who were they?" Asked Naruto once we were in the car.

"You already know Miko, Yuki and Hiro right?"

"Yeah." He said starting the car and getting off the driveway.

"The kids are Miko's and her husband was the one carrying the little girl, the pregnant woman is Hiro's wife, and the one that was grinning like an idiot is Yuki's fiancé."

"Why are they here?"

"Because I brought them here."

"Why? Aren't they your employees?" He asks turning left.

"So what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well uh. I don't know I just fine it weird is all."

"You know Naruto, it doesn't matter whether someone is an employee or a brother. Hiro has been like a brother and a father to me. I don't know if I've told you this before but when we left, my father was no longer the person I once knew. He would always be focused on his job, and the only person who would do the things he was suppose to do as a father was Hiro. He would go to my games at school, praise me for my grades, scold me when I did something wrong, and I feel like I owe him a lot. Miko and Yuki as well." I looked at him and he was... Crying? "Uh Naruto are you ok?" He sniffled.

"Hiro is so awesome!" I chuckled slightly.

It didn't take long to get there just about 10 minutes.

The house was big, beautiful and classy. There was many people already here.

"There's a lot of people here." I said when he opened the door for me to get out.

"Yep. Its like this every year!" I held his arm as we walked inside.


"Yeah Sasuke's parents are well known people." I tilted my head.

I'm not going to lie I might have a little tiny crush on Sasuke, but not to the point of being overly obsessed about him.

"So this is Sasuke's parents party?"

"Yeah the have one every Christmas and thanksgiving." The party was mixed of kids, teenagers, adults and the elderly.

"Oh. Are all our friends here too?" He nodded.

"Yeah look they're over there! Oh sorry I didn't have a chance to tell you this but you look really beautiful today Sayu!" I blushed a little.

"Thank you Naruto you don't look bad yourself." I looked at his suit. It was the same color as my dress. "I thought you could be wearing yellow." He looked at his suit as well and grinned sheepishly.

"I couldn't find a yellow one... They said they were all out and my mom wouldn't let me put on a yellow one either so I was stuck with this one. And that's a good thing since we're matching!" I felt someone staring at me and instead of ignoring it I looked and saw Sasuke. I smiled at him, but he didn't return it he just turned around with a scowl.

I guess that's normal for him so I ignored it.

"Hey Naruto what happened to Sayuri?" I tried not to roll my eyes at Kiba.

"This is Sayu!" Grinned Naruto.

"WHAT?!" I Sakura and ino's screams.

"Whoa Sayuri! You look so sexy!" Yelled Kiba. I grimaced.

This is too much screaming

"Little cousin?" I turned around letting go of Naruto's arm at the voice of Sasori. Standing beside him was Yahiko.

"Hey Sasori, Yahiko." I smiled.

"You like parties now?" Mused Yahiko. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Nope. I just came for a friend." I said looking at Naruto. He scratched the back of his head. I giggled.

"I see. I'm surprised you didn't spend this time with uncle Hanshiro." I scowled at the mention of his name.

I saw Sasori elbow him in the stomach.

"Hey what was that for Sasori!" He whispered yelled.

Sasori then whispered something in his ear. Yahiko's eyes widened.

"Umm I mean its nice to see you again little cousin. If you may excuse us we'll be going." He yanked Sasori by the arm.

"Come on Sayu let's sit with everyone else. They finally found a table!" My scowl disappeared once I heard Naruto.

"Ok." I once again held his arm as he walked me towards our friends.

He pulled a seat for me to sit in and he sat next to me.

"I still can't believe they're your cousins. They were so troublesome and you're way different." Said Shikamaru.

"People change." I told him.

"What makes you think they changed Sayuri. I mean you were here for barley even two weeks." Said Kiba.

"Because I know my cousins. If they were doing something bad they would tell me. You might think that would be ridiculous, but its not. Just like you trust Choji Shikamaru I trust my cousins. Everyone makes mistakes. Are you going to tell me you have never made a mistake in you life?" I asked.

"Y-yeah but not as big as them!" Kiba defended himself.

"Let me tell all of you something about myself. When I lived in Tokyo I bullied people, broke hearts, even ruined peoples lives just for my own amusement, and I regret every single thing I did. When you met me Kiba what kind of person did you think I was?" I looked at Kiba for a response.

"Umm. I thought you were easy to get, kind, and naïve." Was his answer.

"One year ago I was none of those things, but I wanted to change and now I'm here and I love it. I have friends like you guys. I've never smiled as much as I do now, so I want to thank all of you for that." All their frowns turned into smiles.

"Anytime Sayu!"

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