Scorpious and Rose: What are...

Par Lima_Beans28

4.7K 63 22

Rose Weasley hopped on the Hogwarts express and doing the exact opposite of wha her father told her she made... Plus

Chapter 1 (A New Year)
Chapter 3 (Mess in Potions)
Chapter 4 (Misconceptions)
Chapter 5 (Night time adventures)
Chapter 6 (Hogsmead and Apologies)
Chapter 7 (Pub)
Chapter 8 (Reflections and Realizations)

Chapter 2 (Back At Hogwarts)

640 7 3
Par Lima_Beans28

*Neville POV*

"So how long till Scorpious asks Rose out do you think?" I ask professor McGonagall after she delivers her headmistress speech. "Is this really the most appropriate subject to discuss at the feast Mr. Longbottom?" she replies and I shake my head. "Probably not but Professor Johnson, Kyle, and I have a bet going as to when he'll get up the courage to ask her. Johnson's set on her birthday, Kyle thinks sometime before the end of term and Halloween, and I'm going for Halloween." I say and I can tell the professor is suppressing a smile. "Three galleons he asks at Graduation." she says and continues on with her dinner. As I look up trying to keep my laughter in I spot Rose laughing with Albus and Scorpious.

*Rose POV*

"Ok here's one, why did Crabbe and Goyle cross the street?..... Because Draco did!" Scorpious says and we crake up laughing. "I still don't get how we find those jokes amusing Scorpious." Al says as I try not to laugh. "Well I'm a pretty funny guy you know." he says wiggling his eyebrows which only makes me laugh harder. "Oh yeah such funny guy, remember when you ran into a wall? That was pretty funny." AL says and I sigh. Those to are about to have one of their who can embarrass the other more contests. "Oh yeah Al? Well if that was funny what about the time your dad caught you making out with Gale Revel?" He asks and I suppress a laugh. "What about when your mom made you carry her new dress robes all around dragon alley." Al retorts. "Oh come on Al that's not embarrassing, it's gentlemen like." I say and AL just gives me a look of pure disgust. "So you'd have a guy carry around your stuff because you don't want to?" Al asks getting me fired up. "That's not what I said. I said it's the gentlemen thing to do. It's nice to offer your help to whomever your with. That goes for guys and girls." I tell him and he just scoffs. "Oh yes I'm sure every female would just love it if all the guys just carried their stuff around 24/7." he says sarcastically. "This is why you don't have a girlfriend, because you literally have no concept about what they think." I say which causes Scorpious to laugh. "Hey not cool mate." Al says to him. "Sorry but she has a point you know. You're clueless when it comes to girls." he says which makes Al angry. "Least I have the courage to even ask a girl out." Al says which makes both Scorpious and I blush. "Check Mate." Scorpious says trying to play it cool.

However in that moment Head Mistress Mcgonnigal (AN ill never spell her name right forgive me) stood up to tell everyone to head to their dorms for the night. "Well I'll see you guys in the morning. Sit at our usual spot so I can find you guys." I say standing up. (After the war no one sat with their house to eat). "See in the morning Rose." they say as we go our separate ways. On the walk to Gryffindor tower I look for my youngest cousin Lily, she's always there when I need a girl friend. Since neither of us have a sister of our own we tried to be each other sisters, which yeah meant we fought a lot, but we were there for each other at the end go the day. "Lily!" I call out to her. Her head bobs up out of the crowd, her long red hair is always easy to spot. "Hey Rose. What's up?" she asks. "Not much I just wanted to see how your doing sine this is owl year." I say and she smiles. "I'm doing fine. I'm really excited to begin working toward a career in Potions but I know it'll be a tough year." she says and I smile. Lily has wanted to be a potionieer for as long as I can remember, always messing with muggle chemistry sets and her dad's expansive potion collection. "Yeah fifth year will be hard but you'll get through it, you're really good at school." I say and she smiles.

Once we reach the tower I tell Lily good night as she goes to her dorm. I share a dorm with some of the oddest people, but some how they're all friends. First is Jennette Watters, she's a huge party girl who wants to go into muggle studies as a career. Second is Laney Hothwhile, she's a naturalist who spends almost all her day by the forbidden forrest. Third is Cassidy Jackson, she's the schools scholar, surprisingly though she hates it and spends most her times goofing off and not caring about grades; she wants to be a librarian. And fourth we finally have Emma Jennings, she's totally insane and has almost gotten expelled three times, she wants to be a pyrotechnic when she gets out of school. Those four girls however are best friends and, though they've tried to induct me into their group, I've never gotten close with any of them. So I usually don't hang out in my dorm when their having their catch up time. But tonight I'm to tired to wait around in the common room so I head up to the dorms. To no surprise their all their sitting in a circle talking about their summers. "Hey Rose! How was your summer?" Emma asks as I plop down on my bed. "Oh, um, it was great I spent most of it at my cousins." I say and they smile at me. "Oh come on Rose more details please?" Jennette asks and I sigh."Well for the first week I went to France with my mom and once we got back we just hung out at home for a couple weeks, then I went over to my cousins and that's it." I say and they nod satisfied, turning back to their circle. I then put on my pjs and head to bed.


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