The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 22: Forever

55 3 0
By Peace_life_Nh

read if u dare.
Lean over me. Grabbing the gold package. I shook my head.

"Not happening."

I stared at the package he looked about to tear.

"Nope." I shook my head. No. He inched closer. His breath fanning across my skin. His eyes.


Like the first time, I met him.

"If you don't wanna follow through, " He came by my ear. I felt his heavy breath and his musky scent. His aura was manly.

But his personality was a coward.


"You can sleep." He backed away. Staring in my eyes.

"For a very long time." My jaw was dropped. He searched for his pants leaving the room. When he came back a pill was in the palm of his hand. So were his pants.

A small pill.

"Forever." He took another one out. Popping it in his mouth. Memories of a moment I didn't wanna remember flooded back.

"Would you take a pill for me?" He said showing me the pill.

I widened my eyes.

"Would you?" He questioned. I looked at the pill suspiciously.

"Y-yeah," I said solemnly.

"You can forget all of this. I will take it too." He said pulling another one out. Is that why he had the water bottle with him?

"All of today will be gone." He reassured me.

I started tearing up. Thomas. I shook it away before any more tears can fall.

"Sleep doll." He touched my lips, pressing my bottom lip down. I stuck my tongue out.

"Forever, " I mumbled. He stared in my eyes sticking his tongue out

'Three two one.'

We swallowed it. He kissed my lips eagerly. I kissed his in sorrow. But I would rather have a man lips on my own than his knife digging in my skin.

I might have gone beyond the status of what I did.

I kissed him and kept kissing him and just wanted to feel as though I was loved. In a shallow pit of my heart.

It hurt me that Thomas probably lied. My parents just ugh. I missed my friends. That did love me.

His lips tasted like betrayal. While my own felt like despair.

Yet how can I kiss a man that did so much to harm me?

'you're becoming desperate. that's why.' My subconscious. Spoke. I stopped kissing him to look at his face.

Yes, I am. He stared at me, shocked. I was shocked too.

But then I kissed him again. Didn't stop this time. Chemistry and sparks were becoming replaced with my mind and heart. I felt everything from my body wake up. As if an electric current shot through me with want. The way his hands held my body as if he didn't wanna let go.

The grasp which his body moved in sync with mine. He felt so delicate under all that hard interior. His lips were so soft and slow. Felt like rose petals.

One of my hands traveled up to his hair. Running through it like a kid in a maze. While my other hand met his. Having him intertwine our hands. Then he started to squeeze it. Gently but tight.

As if he was afraid I would leave.

I opened my eyes from the kiss letting go briefly.

His eyes were watery, With pieces of grey in them. Making such a beautiful color. Almost as if he had his own universe in his eyes. But the emotion is what got me. He had a look that said, "do it." Do whatever you want with me, and only me.

I surrender. I bit his bottom lip. Tugging it hungrily.

Then went straight for his neck leaving wet and sloppy marks along the side. I bit at his ear, he chuckled.

I bucked my hips towards him. Wanting to see how he'd react. He groaned. I chuckled.

"Naughty girl." he moaned in my ear. I bit my lip. I did it again. But it was making me want him more after each moan he made. I unbuttoned his pants. Kissing his lips faster. Bucking my hips again rubbing against him.

As he fumbled to take them off. I pulled his shirt over his head. Before diving down kissing his collarbone going down to his chest.

Tracing my finger along that tattoo I really adored. I got on top of him feeling him get even harder as only our underwears were in the way.

Both thin fabrics. His hands went underneath my shirt feeling my exposed boobs

"God I want you so bad." He said with his eyes closed. I moaned now wanting it to. He squeezed my boobs. Sitting up going under my shirt and sucking at one of my nipples while he twisted the other.

I moaned really loud. Fuck this I want him. He did the same thing with the other boob. I felt his hands brush against my skin. By my waist to my butt and up again. Till they traveled in my shirt again slapping both of my boobs.

I chuckled he came from under my shirt with an undeniable smirk. I let my own hands travel now. Moving my body farther down his legs.

So I could reach for his boxers. I placed my fingers over the places his dick layed. Trailing softly over it driving him absolutely crazy.

I lifted his boxers and stared at him. His lips were swollen from our kisses along with his own lip bites and etc. I reached for his dick rubbing my hand up and down. His eyes were shut as I was doing it too.

I stopped, feeling self-conscious. He opened his eyes and groaned.

"Dollface that was good keep going." He said. I didn't move. He pulled down his underwear and it sprang up.   My eyes widened. It's pretty big. I put my hand around it pumping up an down.

I kept doing it. He kept having groans slip his mouth. His eyes were shut. I moved my body down a bit but kept the momentum. I looked at him. Still had his eyes closed. I ducked down placing my lips against his tip licking it slowly.

"Fuck Babygirl." I stared at his dick. Sucking it as best as I could do. Making swirls with my tongue all over it. I tried sucking all of it. But I failed miserably. His hand went on top of my head pushing me down and up.

He groaned.

I choked.

"Don't use your teeth. it hurts." I saw his pained expression. I stopped.

"I'm sorry."

His hand went in my underwear for the second time today. He kissed my collarbone.

Rubbing me fast.

"I'm gonna fuck your pretty little pussy nice and slow," he whispered.

Just as it was about to happen in which I'd freely let him do it a phone rang.

Throwing both of us off guard.

It wouldn't stop ringing either.

"Fuck." He said before moving from under me. Putting his underwear on. Grabbing his shirt and pants.

He left. While I got under the covers. It had to have been 15 minutes later. Till someone walked in the room.

"James?" I thought.

I took a wild guess. Till I saw her blonde hair.

Oh, just my fucking luck.

I scowled at the blonde bitch. She had a bunch of unnecessary equipment. She looked like some lab surgeon.

She pulled out some water packet thing you'd only see in hospitals. Plus other stupid equipment.

I blinked my eyes. She didn't even say anything. The fuck is wrong with her?

"Talk bitch," I exclaimed. She looked up and clenched her teeth but didn't talk.

I gripped onto the sheets getting angrier. Her hair looked more and more like cotton candy. I just wanted to rip it off. I got off the bed swinging.

Yelling in her face making her look at me.

"Fucking what happened to the phone, you bitch! What happened to my fucking life? Talk whore. Fucking crazy ass bitch!" I grabbed her hair and she swung. I gripped her hair extremely hard. She had mine.

"Your life isn't ruined mine is," I spoke evily. She looked at me with red eyes. As her makeup kept getting smudged.

"Blake get your fucking hoe away from me before I kill her." She exclaimed sniffing in. I started laughing I don't know why. I just started cackling.

I let go of her hair sitting on the bed. Blake walked in the room I heard his heavy steps and breathing.

She looked in my eyes hers all red and puffy. I squinted my eyes and laughed.

"Genius," I spoke lowly. But low enough so she could hear me. I stood up.

"He doesn't fucking love you." Her eyes widened and she tried punching me in the face, but Blake Pulled me back. She still was coming at me though.

I kept laughing.

"Fucking bitch go to someone else he's mine," I said chuckling. I saw her eyes fill with rage. I knew what would maker her angry. Come at me then. She did and Blake pushed me away

"Marisa Marisa, please. I promise. " He said. I laughed and walked behind him. Touching his shoulder mouthing to her.

'He loves me'

She tried to come at me. Blake wouldn't let her. I laughed at how pathetic she was.

"Fuck you you cunt. You're just his fucking toy!" She screamed. Her eyes were red and she was crying.

"Marisa get the fuck out," Blake demanded. Pointing to the door. I chuckled.

Her jaw was dropped.

"Get the fuck out!" He yelled. I jumped. She slammed the door shut. Blake stared at me.

"You shouldn't have said that to her." He stated. Hovering over my being.

"I'm just a naughty girl," I said repeating what he said. He took my jaw roughly.

I stared at him not knowing what to say. His eyes started glistening, however. Having the blue look brighter than how I've seen it before. It was a feeling of want I guess.

He has something I want. I have something he wants. But what do I really want?

'Your freedom.'

The air in the room thickened feeling more trapped than how it did before. Almost as if anything could happen and it wouldn't be our own thoughts but mere impulses.

He slammed his lips onto mine.  I pulled him too. He bit my lip. So hard I whimpered. He released and stared at me. He moved my hair out of my face, left without a word.

I heard arguments throughout the door. I heard glass shatter. While my head started hurting. I started feeling light-headed.

Sigh. I need water. Water. Something. My lips felt dry.

I was staring into outer space until I saw Blake walk in. Barley I barely saw him. My eyes started blurring for some reason.

I didn't look at him till I saw him right by me.

He stared in my eyes and he just couldn't couldn't. put the needle in my arm.

He fell on me moving over.

I stared at his shaking body.

"I'm so cold," He said. I got off the cover blinking my eyes feeling very hot.

"Take the fucking cover you wus." He frowned. I chuckled

"Ha. Jerk." I said to his face. He grabbed my face weakly.

"You know Judy. If I didn't love your ass so fucking much. I'd kill you on the spot." He spoke. I nodded chuckling. My hand unconsciously found the needle. hm.

'Do it.'

"And you." I pointed I looked at his face with his other hand. Seeing double. Emotion lost in my face. My hand feeling something it shouldn't touch.

"Can go fuck yourself." I jammed the needle in his arm. Getting off the bed running to nowhere. I slammed doors shut and open. Making it seem like I went into multiple different rooms.

I searched everywhere. But my vision was blurring. Failing me. I found a part of the house I didn't think I should've known.

Upstairs. There has to be a window. I ran upstairs hearing Blake struggle and look. Fuck. He's not getting me. I went into a room. Pushing it open.

Closing it quietly. He can't know.

"He won't know haha," I said. I turned around jaw dropped uh.

The room looked like a baby room for a girl. It was pink. It was a mess. I tried concentrating on one part of the room but my mind wouldn't let me.

"The fuck does he do? Ugh." I groaned. What the fuck? The window.

I tried opening it Banging on the glass. I heard the steps. No no!

I tried pulling it with all my strength failing. There were bars on the window. There was nothing I could break the glass with. Nothing at fucking all.

Fuck shit fuck. I searched across the room. The closet. I ignored the pictures. Of the girls that were once happy. I ignored everything, hid in the closet.

I shut the door. Breathing in and out really fast then I shut up. My mind was not recovering.

My mind was—


My fears and weaknesses all came to mind.

"dumb dumb Trinity dumb hahaha." I laughed nervously. I covered my mouth hearing The door jiggle. No.

I moved to the side of the door farther than I could go. I heard the door open and I closed my eyes I covered my face I did all I could. I felt the trickle of moving around.


I screamed really loud. No please devil take me or god. Either one. I closed my eyes. Covered my face. Don't take me.

"Don't stop ugh. no. no don't I'm sorry to blake I'm sorry Blake. I'm tired I want out I'm sorry fuck Marisa shit done I don't know." I just started rambling.

"Trinity.." My heart stopped. I opened my eyes. Seeing blurry Thomas.

"Thomas." He held his hand out. I looked shamed to even trust it.

"I needed that a long time ago." I tried saying. He held his hand out still. I ignored it. I got up myself. by falling several times.

"You know Thomas. Did you really even like me? Nah, love me. No no you didn't haha my bad."

"I do!"

I punched him square in the face.

"You bastard. You play me a fool?" I got up and left the room running. Tripping over my own feet.

"Agh!" Hands grabbed my waist pulling me back.

"You really thought you could get away didn't you?" He said whispering in my ear. I laid my head on his chest unable to move anyway.

"I'm sorry.." I said. Just worn.

"Sorry doesn't quite cut it all the time Doll."

"Sweetie—" I opened my eyes the slightest. Having tears form in my eyes. Thomas had looked at me. His eyes were red.

"What?" I asked.

"I do love you." Blake tightened my arms around me gripping on my waist. Then he pushed me to the side making me fall.

I gasped. Hitting the floor on my head. I groaned

"Those are the last words you will say to her." He said walking to Thomas. I just looked at the two savages.

Thomas lunged at him. This was insane. This fight became too much like a fight I once saw. My eyes starting tearing up. I started whimpering and shaking. All I saw was Luke and my dad. Fighting each other.

"Luke .." I said. Stop don't hurt our dad. He doesn't mean it luke. He never meant to hurt us. Then serenity would pop in crying. Seeing Luke and dad fight again.

"Serenity." Abby I would have called her. Abby Abby.

"Abby!" I screamed and placed my head on the ground. I was crying so hard that I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was coughing spitting up. I feel like I'm dying.

It didn't take a moment before I felt everything shut down.

My arms gave out.

So did my legs.

"Judy." Blake no.

"I just wanna die," I spoke begging for someone to just end it.

I sniffed in and blacked out.


Peace love ya muah

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