The Truth

By Shepic01

163 3 0

It is as simple as the title reflects. Its the truth. Simple yet complicated in its own right. Because in a s... More



11 0 0
By Shepic01

Crimson is very bold and strong for a woman. No sexism implied! I'm just speaking my thoughts. The reason I picked Crimson is due to her dark red hair, and the boldness she constantly reflects. This strength was anough to earn my trust as soon as I met her. She is also friends with my brother, even though she is constantly annoyed by him. I don't blame Crimson. He annoyed me too at times, but I have to live with that. I know these chapters aren't as deep as the beginning chapters but thier is a reason for that. I haven't known these people as long! Yet... Crimson knows the most about my other side... I haven't known her very long but I could tell she was trustworthy. I expelled some of my darkest secrets to her. Even though this book has the possiblility of revealing them now. Shes just a person you can trust and put your burden on. She will keep it a secret! Thier is even times when she will defend you when you need it or not! She is nothing like her brother or cousin. By the way, her cousin is Charcoal. But we will get to him later! As for our history... I became friends with her in my first year of high school. Back then she immediately liked me and gave me the nickname, "Favorite Freshman". She became friends with me when I was being my cold self, after the incident of chapter Orange. She sat beside me and started talking to me even though all I did was give her simple closed answers. She got mad and complained to Orange about me not talking back and then Orange tried to make me talk with her sarcastic, usual yell. I started talking back and we hit it off, which happens to ninety percent of people I chose to acknowledge the existance of. After that I got that nickname... I have a lot of nicknames but the one I hate most is "Lemon". I was called that in elementary school because my middle name was Leamon and it stuck to me like glue. I got rid of it in middle school only for it to come back in high. But I'm getting off track. Crimson later changed the nickname to "Super Sophomore". This is her last year but I still feel she will come up with something else next year even though she's moving back home. I'll miss her and so will Orange, and Pink. Orange because thier relationship was close. Pink because she helped Pink have the courage to ask me out. I will because of both situations and the fact that she holds my secrets. As for her brother... Yeah, what the heck! I'll miss him too even though he's not leaving at the same time! But Crimson is definitly a person you can trust. I just wanted her to know I appreciate her. Thats what this chapter was about.

My apologies... I never finished this... But I don't plan to either. But it turns out I did publish it despite the consequences... Thanks Leana, or should I say Crimson, for being the only person I told of this book. And keeping it secret. And thank you James, for helping me today during my breakdown, despite how stubborn I was... And Makenna... Thank you for always loving me and always trying to hold me up when I want to fall... I had a mental breakdown today where I cried for the first time in three years... And I may feel super different now, but I needed to do this. I'm willing to face the consequences, but my old defiant self takes none of this back.

Made public: August 18th, 2017, only a year after this cursed black book was made... But that year has felt like forever simply because I hid all of these things inside, burrying them inside. But I think I've realized my friends will understand... This is the first step to trying to become normal again... But in a way, I was never normal so... If I fail sorry! XD

But there may be something I still withhold within the truth...

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