Remember Me? {Andy Biersack F...

By Harley_Is_Batman

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Julia Angelo was Andy's girlfriend before he moved away to follow his dreams. While he was gone, Julia was in... More

Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction}
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 1
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 2
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 3
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 4
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 5
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 6
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 7
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 8
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 9
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 10
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 11
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 12
Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 14

Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 13

2.4K 33 11
By Harley_Is_Batman

"IM OUT THE DOOR IM ON MY ASS AGAIN LIKE EVERY NIGHT BEFORE!" Danny screamed the beginning of To The Stage.

I was excited to see their concerts. In all honesty, I had never been to an Asking Alexandria concert. It was high energy and really fun.

I knew immediately after this, Danny and the band were gonna get fucked up and bring some whores back to the bus. It's expected. Well, they are band guys...

I was so wrapped up in the song and everything around me. Concerts were the best. Everything about them, I loved. It was the best feeling in the world being at a concert.

"Ryder!! C'mon up on the stage!!" I heard my name being called.

I go by Ryder, not Julia. I've probably mentioned this before. I was firm about my name not being Julia. So far, everyone was supportive about it. And that made me happy.

I made my way to the front and Danny took my hand to pull me onstage. I was confused as to why he pulled me up there. It was kind of scary. A lot of eyes were on me.

I instantly loved the feeling. Being onstage. Attention on me. It was amazing. I couldn't get enough of it. But time to see what Danny wanted.

"Well, this is my best friend Ryder here!" he yelled into the microphone. He gave me a quick hug and ruffled my hair. "And she is going to sing a song for you called 'What You Want' by Evanescence!"

My mouth dropped open. I don't sing! Not in front of people at least. Maybe in the shower, a little around the house. But it's not like I was good!! What was he thinking??

I started to shake my head. James got up from his place at the drums and walked onstage towards where Danny had his arm wrapped around my shoulder. He took the mic from Danny.

"C'mon! She needs a little help! Ryder! Ryder! Ryder!" James started to chant.

The crowd chanted with him. Each second, it got louder and louder. The sound kept ringing in my ears. I don't sing, I don't sing.

The last time I tried, I was shot down by everyone around me I could never go through that again. I'll keep to myself, thank you very much.

My boys were all grinning at me onstage. The crowd was cheering me on. James picked me up and put me over his shoulder, walking towards center stage where a microphone was placed. Danny gave me a thumbs up.

I couldn't do it. I looked around like a deer in headlights. I knew I looked scared by the way everyone was acting. I can't do this, I can't do this, I just can't...

I ran off stage, Danny and James each tried to catch me as I ran. But I didn't expect them to follow me once I got off the stage.

I was wrong.

They chased me and chased me until I ran into a small room and locked the door. They kept hitting it so I would open up.

"Ryder, open up!"

"We're sorry! We didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Come out! Please? We feel terrible!"

Eventually, they realized I wasn't opening up so They left. Once I knew they were gone, I opened the door and stepped out.

I decided to watch the rest of the concert from backstage so that's where I headed. Everyone gave me sympathetic looks. I was so embarrassed...

A few minutes before the concert ended, I decided to get some fresh air outside. I walked out and felt the cool air hit against my skin. It felt refreshing g after the high energy and heat in the arena.

"Deer in headlights, huh, Julia?" A voice spoke from behind me.

It sounded familiar. Too familiar and brought tears to my eyes. Wait, Julia?

"My name's not Julia." I said, slowly turning around. "My nam- Chris?????"

"The one and only."

"CHRIS! I thought you were dead!!"

"Well here I am. Alive, in the flesh. I'm back, baby."

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