Remember Me? {Andy Biersack Fanfiction} Chapter 8

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I woke up in Andy's arms on my couch. When I looked over, I saw Chris sitting on the couch next to us.

"AHH!!" I screamed and bolted upright.

This caused Andy to wake up very freaked out and pissed off. He looked like a mess.

"So Andy's the other guy, huh?" Chris asked, pure hate written clear on his face.

"What?" Andy asked, confused.

I broke down again. I couldn't stop crying and shaking. Damn them...

Chris looked alarmed. Andy looked sympathetic. Again he held me.

"Look what you did!!" Andy yelled at Chris.

"Who fucking cares?? I don't even know what I did!!" Chris yelled back.

Through my tears and sobs, I managed to say something. "Maybe you guys should leave."

Chris got up and went to the door. Before he left, he turned back to face me.

"I'm sorry." he said and walked out.

I knew he meant it. And I knew it had taken a lot of guts to say it. Chris Motionless never apologizes.

I looked at Andy. He looked sad and just plain depressed. His hair was a mess, makeup smeared around his eyes.

"You want me to leave to?" he asked.

I shook my head and buried my face in his chest. We decided to watch some TV. As we did, I felt a feeling in my heart like I belonged. I felt comfortable with Andy. Happy.

But I also felt safe and happy with Chris. I shot Chris a text.

Me: I forgive you. And yes.

Chris: Yes what?

Me: Yes I will be your girlfriend.

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