Small Girl vs Big Boy

Por _mmysteriouss_

64K 1.9K 904

In a strange world where giants exist, a human girl is determined to look beyond simple 'stories' and discove... Mais

Opening: The Giants
Chapter 1: Dimensions
Chapter 2: The Forest
Chapter 3: Giant Boy?
Chapter 4: Games?
Chapter 5: Drama Queens
Chapter 6: It's Not Pass The Parcel
Chapter 7: Life Sucks
Chapter 8: Eventful Mornings
Chapter 9: 10 Wishes
Chapter 11: The Girl
Chapter 12: Adapting
Chapter 13: Powers?
Quick question
Chapter 14: Bad Day
Chapter 15: Grace's New Friend
Chapter 16: Samson
Chapter 17: His Other Side
A quick message!

Chapter 10: A Mission

2.3K 85 33
Por _mmysteriouss_

I sat down on the desk, feeling quite relaxed. I saw a large shadow at the corner of my eye.

"Don't even think about touching me," I warned.

"Argh fine." Nathan sighed and sat down.

Not long after, the doorbell rang.

He stood up and looked at me.

"It's probably Jason with those clothes. I'll be right back."

"Oh, ok. He better not come up here." I muttered.

I watched his large figure as he walked out of the room. I leant against a pile of books Nathan had put on his desk recently; waiting for him to hurry back up with my new clothes. I guess I'm rather lucky that Nathan knows Jason- otherwise I would've been screwed. It had been 10 minutes, and I was wondering what was taking them so long.

"Oh, come on!" I moaned. Seriously how long does it take?

I stood up in relief as I heard loud footsteps coming up towards Nathan's room. I then heard muttering in the distance and more footsteps.

Ohhhhhh crap.

Both of them are coming up, aren't they? No way am I seeing that disgusting creature again. I looked around on Nathan's desk. I could hide behind those books, I guess... I quickly ran towards the wall and hid behind the books. I then heard Jason's all-too-familiar voice and rolled my eyes.

"So all u gotta do is click on a button and then bam."

"That easy, huh?" I heard Nathan say.

My heart started pounding. I felt like a little kid playing hide and seek; desperate to win. Their voices got louder as they walked closer towards me.

"So where should I put the box then?"

"On the desk next to her."

"Alright, sure."

I felt the surface under me shake a bit as Jason walked towards it.

"Um, Nathan. She's not here."


I smiled and wondered when Jason was going to leave when suddenly I was yanked off of the ground by a large warm hand.

"Don't worry- got her." Jason smiled.

I glared at him; giving him the most vicious look I could. He simply placed me back onto the desk and went to walk out of the room. Leaving that fast? No torment? Nothing to annoy me with?

"Bye, Nathan." He muttered as he walked away.

However, it sounded like he said something else too. I couldn't pick up any phrases as he spoke so quietly. I could've sworn he shoved something in Nathan's pocket as he left.

"See you around." He replied, and I saw his hand go towards his jeans pocket for a second. We then heard the door close downstairs as Jason left. That was weird. Oh well.

I looked up at Nathan and back at the box as he rolled his eyes.

"Let's get this show on the road," I said with some enthusiasm.

I watched as he opened the box in a few seconds. I couldn't help but wonder how long it would take me to open the box... It was so effortless for him. Everything was so effortless for him. I wanted to be his size- at least in this dimension anyway.

He began to carefully place all of the clothes on the desk beside me, and I looked at them in shock.

"Wow! They look like something I would buy back where I live! How were they even made?!?" I screeched.

"Well, Jason's parents are very talented, and they do own a lot of advanced technology. His dad is an inventor- as I'm sure I've mentioned before."

I rolled my eyes again before choosing an outfit to change into. Once I had found the perfect outfit, I summoned Nathan to come closer with a hand gesture.

"What?" He asked.

"I need to make sure we are clear. When I get changed, you will go to the other room. Ok?" I glared.

He simply laughed.

"No. I will stay in my room on my phone, and you will get changed in the box or something. I'm not moving."

"Seriously? Whatever. Just promise me you won't look."

"I promise. Now get changed. Hurry."

He picked me up along with the clothes I had chosen and placed me in the cardboard box that was as big as a room for me. He then walked off to the other side of the room where his bed was and whipped out his phone. I heard weird beeping sounds, so I assumed he was messaging or playing a game or something.

I quickly changed as I still felt worried that he might appear out of nowhere and see me. I took off my old clothes and chucked them beside me. And stared at the new clothes I had put on. They were so nice! And perfectly fit around my small figure.

After I was changed, I started banging on the box and calling his name.

"Nathan, I'm done now. Hurry."

I heard him walk towards the box, and his face appeared over the top; causing my surroundings to become dark automatically. He placed his hand in the box- palm facing upwards and I hesitantly got on.

He raised me to eye level, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. What if I looked stupid? I shifted in his palm awkwardly as he watched my every move.

"You look good." He stated.

"Oh. Well... Um... Thanks, I guess." I felt myself beginning to blush, and I awkwardly faced the other direction.

"Awe someone's silent for once." He said mockingly.

"You can put me down now, genius."

I pretended to be a little grumpy, but I felt happy for once. He was CRAZILY annoying, but I somehow felt... Adapted to his annoying comments and sarcasm. His presence was almost... Enjoyable.

He looked at me for a moment and placed me back down on the desk.

"Outfit- check! What do you want next?"

I smirked and thought about it. As much as his company was... Quite enjoyable, I still wanted someone who would understand me- someone my size. I looked up at Nathan and back at the desk and decided I should ask.

"I want a friend. Someone my size."

He then started smiling like crazy.

"Good choice, shortie. Good. Choice."

I looked at him in confusion but didn't get a chance to speak as he abruptly picked me up and started walking out of his room. He opened up his hand; allowing me to sit in his palm.

"What are we doing? What are you talking about?"

"Shh. This won't take long."

I swear he touched his pocket... I didn't even get a chance to react... Again. He placed me in a small box as I sighed- knowing that he would let me out eventually. He grabbed the box with me in it, and I heard the sound of his keys clinking together as he opened the door and started running.

Nathan placed the box- with me inside, down onto something and I heard the slam of a door and the sound of an engine. Ooh, so he was in a car...

It had been around 15 minutes before the engine stopped, and he carefully opened the box and took me out.

"Ok, this is it. I'm going to put you in my shirt pocket for now. Everything will be explained soon, but for now- stay quiet, or you may be seen." He whispered.

What on earth was going on? I merely nodded before I was placed in his pocket, and he started walking. I peeked out of his pocket when I could, and it looked like we were in a mall of some type. He was walking towards a bench- and the area seemed quite crowded. Nathan sat down and scanned the area before whispering down at me.

"Pick someone. Anyone who you would want to be friends with."

I felt so confused.

"What? But that's not exactly what I asked... And I don't know anyone... I mea-"

"Just do it. And you will get to know them- believe me. Now hurry."

I quickly looked around. A gothic-looking girl was walking with two boys—an old couple on a bench together, a bit further from us. A good-looking guy in his early 20's, and a group of girls around my age- laughing around and walking. I had no idea.

"I can't pick one!! Why?"

He sighed loudly.

"I'm not joking. Pick before I pick for you."


I looked again and saw no one. NO ONE. When suddenly, a girl- once again around my age- was walking on her own. She had deep blue jeans on, black boots, and a pastel pink coloured jumper on. She had brown hair and a sweet look about her. She was drinking a strawberry milkshake, and I couldn't help but notice how miserable she looked.

Apart from the miserable bit, I think we would get along just fine. I mean... She was drinking a milkshake for heaven's sake!

"That one," I said.

"Which one?"

"The girl with the pastel pink jumper."

"Got it."

He winked before gently pushing me back down in his pocket. He started walking. I heard him talking to someone, and I could've guessed... It was the girl I'd picked.

"Excuse me, can I speak to you for a minute."

I couldn't help but peek a little, and I noticed her blush and looked down slightly at her drink.

"Um... Ok... Sure! I mean yeah of course!"

"I'm on my own, you see- and I was supposed to meet a girl, but she bailed on me. My friends will be here soon, and if I'm not seen with someone, they will laugh. The thing is- they told me they think I'll never get a girl and I wanted to prove them wrong. Now I guess they are right..."

Her face turned from miserable to one of sympathy.

"Aw. Of course, you can be with me. And just to let you know- any girl would be lucky to be with you. You are.. Really nice."

"Thanks, hun."

I assume he did that stupid smirk when he said that. What a foolish pity story. Why did she believe him argh? I was still so confused.

"So erm.. Were you supposed to be anywhere in particular?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, actually. I don't mean to be a pain, but I was supposed to meet them around the back entrance. I'll make it up to you, love."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes so far up that I was sure for a second that they went up into my brain.

I felt him walk and heard her walk beside him. They had soon reached the back entrance, and I felt Nathan sit down on a bench and summon the girl to sit next to him. I peeked again quickly to see what was going on.

"Do you want to see something cool?" He asked.

Oh my gosh. No. He can't do this to me. She may take me.. She seems nice, but we can't trust her! I can't believe him. My heart beat violently against my chest as I saw his hand move over the pocket I was in. I held my breath, and... Nothing. I was confused and peeked again, and I saw his hand go towards his jeans pocket.

What was in there? So Jason DID put something in there... I was confused once again until I saw a remote looking object. He held it- pointing it towards the girl as she simply stared.

"You're funny." She giggled. "What's so good abo- AHHHHH."

She screamed for a second before her voice was no longer heard, and I could no longer see her. I watched Nathan pick something up, and as I caught a glimpse of what was in his hand- my eyes widened in shock.

I can't believe it.

No way...

How could someone do that?

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