She's in Charge-ON HOLD

By aestheticallydun

41.4K 2.1K 229

CURRENTLY ON HOLD INDEFINITELY "A war is starting young man, your pack was a threat to our kind," he said as... More

Chapter Two: War is Starting
Chapter Three: Surprises
Chapter Four: Let's Bet On It
Chapter Five: Attack
Chapter Six: Memory Loss
Chapter Seven: Phone Calls
Chapter Eight: Taking it Slow
Chapter Nine: Breaking Down Walls
Chapter Ten: Heat
Chapter Eleven: Dinner Dates
Chapter Twelve: New Connections
Chapter 13: Reinforcements
She's In Charge- ON HOLD

Chapter One: Familiar Faces

4.6K 247 36
By aestheticallydun

C H A P T E R O N E:
Rayna is in the picture above

Nine years later...

A knock came at my door and I was quickly up. "Come in." I spoke before stretching.

"Rayna, I hope you realize what time it is," my third in command Micheal said, "you missed the pack training."

I sighed as I got out of bed. "Then I hope you took it upon yourself to train them, I didn't sleep well last night."

"Indeed I did," he started "we recruited some new members.

"How many?" I went through my closet as I spoke, deciding on black leggings and a loose fitting gray shirt.

"Only three, and they need work." He finished.

My pack had over three hundred and fifty men and woman, we were one of the largest, but we were only a myth to others because nobody knew the location of it and anybody who found us either joined or was killed. We were strong, the strongest pack by far, not even the king's pack was as strong.

I sighed at his comment, "Any rouge needs work Micheal."

I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked to the kitchen with him close behind. Micheal was one of my friends, but the word friend for me means that I occasionally chat about things other than the pack with them.

I wasn't close or nice with anybody except my beta Tori, I saw it as a weakness. You get close to someone, an enemy could use them against you. If you were nice to someone, they may think that they can walk all over you or use you. So I ruled this with an iron fist.

Heads bowed and conversations fell silent as I entered the kitchen. I had that power, to them I was their alpha.

You may be thinking, a girl as an alpha? How did that happen? I worked for it. After my family's death I vowed to find out what killed them and seek revenge. Turns out, vampires were the cause.

After I ran like my brother told me to, I ended up in another pack, a stronger pack who had heard about the incident. The alpha took me in. I demanded on learning how to fight and he agreed on helping me. His third in command would train me personally until I was fourteen and old enough to join the classes they had.

I didn't stay much longer after that, only a month. I had learned all I could there but still wanted to know more, to be stronger and quicker. So, I packed what little belongings I had and ran.

I was on my own for almost two years, which helped me more than I could've imagined. I was a rouge which was despised to other packs. It helped me not only become extremely agile but strong and independent. Brynn, my wolf,  also helped me with training and strength.

Then I stumbled upon Micheal and his group of friends who were becoming a pack. At this point I was only sixteen but stronger than most. I had scars already, from battles with rouges and wolves whose packs I had stepped on who were vicious and savage.

Micheal hated me at first, wanted to kill me. Then he saw my potential and let me join his band of rouges.

Within the year we had found an abandoned and falling apart castle. We quickly moved in, fixed it up and started growing to where we are.

You may be asking? Why isn't Micheal in charge then? After all, he took you in and was in charge. Well you are right indeed. But a point came when I got stronger then all of his men and he had to train me.

Maybe it was my determination or the alpha blood running through my veins but I quickly grew stronger than him. He soon offered me the position of alpha as he thought I was more fit to be in charge.

From there we grew, taking in rouges and making them fearless and cruel warriors.

"Well don't stop talking on my part," I said coldly as I went to grab cereal from the pantry. It was safe to say that all of them were afraid of me. Conversations carried on as I poured my bowl and left.

"Are we still celebrating tonight?" Micheal asked walking next to me.

"What kind of question is that?" I respond.

Tonight we were having a party celebrating our fifth year as a pack. Normally packs don't celebrate like that, but we weren't like other packs. We had come so far in such a short amount of time and we were still growing.

"Of course the party is still on. I think we deserve a break from training and fighting." I said between spoonfuls of cereal. "Just don't think I'm going soft because of this."

"Okay then, I'll see you tonight." Micheal laughed before heading to the gym.


It was an hour before the party and I still wasn't put together.

My door opened and in came an angry Tori.

"Why aren't you dressed yet!" She screeched, looking at my state.

Tori was my closet friend in this pack, she had come into the pack a year after I met Micheal. Tori quickly learned how to fight and became my beta due to her authority and strength. We became good friends. She knew about my past and she wasn't afraid of me.

"I didn't think it was necessary to," I said as I looked out the window.

"Not necessary?" She scoffed. "You are their leader, you need to look beyond amazing so they know they you don't mess around, and less than an hour of getting ready won't to the trick!" She practically yelled as she dragged me over to my vanity.

"This pack already knows I don't mess around." I stated as she forced me to sit down.

"Yeah, yeah whatever! Gosh, you are so lucky you have me to help you look great!" She huffed out.

"What would I do without you." I mumbled sarcastically.

She started doing my makeup, "You would not look as fabulous as you could going into the party and be running around this castle saying 'what would I do without a Tori in my life?' " I laughed at this and Tori lit up.

"Wow, I made the big bad Rayna Madley laugh. I didn't think she could!" I hit her playfully on the shoulder at her remark.

About a half an hour later Tori had given me a beautiful smoky eye and loosely curled my light brown hair.

"There, now you look as badass as you are!" She clapped her hands together before working on her hair. She had already done her makeup before coming to my room.

I walked over to my closet before grabbing both of our dresses. Mine was black with off the shoulder sleeves that were lace, the front part cut to less than mid thigh while the back flowed down to the floor.

Tori's dress was gold and hugged her body. It had a cut up the leg and an open back.

"We are going to look amazing!" Tori chirped and I smiled, something foreign for me.


    The party was going along nice, Tori insisted on making a dramatic entrance which she said "everybody loved," everybody was laughing and enjoying themselves which isn't something that happens around here.

It was about halfway through the party, we had eaten and toasted to our success and now most were dancing with their mates or friends, I stood watching over them all from the top of the stairs.

Micheal came up next to me. "Why aren't you dancing?" He said, not looking at me.

"I'm not a dancer."

"I bet you're a great one though." At this I laughed.

"I highly doubt it, the only time I've ever danced was with my mother at my birthday parties." The smile was quickly wiped off my face and replaced with a frown when I mentioned her.

"I know it's been hard," Micheal started, "but it's been nine years Rayna. Shouldn't you try and move on?"

I fixed my gaze on him. "I have moved on," I snapped, "just because I've moved on doesn't mean I forgot Micheal. My family is the reason we are where we are today." My harshness had returned.

"Besides Micheal, when was my life any of your concern." I snapped at him. He didn't deserve it but it's who I was, I was cruel and heartless. I didn't grow up with loving and caring people and I had told myself I wouldn't let love or feelings be apart of my life so they could end up clouding my judgement.

Next to me, Micheal suddenly straightened up, his face showing confusion.

"There is a group of wolves waiting outside, but they are not rouge. They ask to speak to the person in charge." He said, one of the guards must of informed him.

I forced out a quick laugh. "Allow them in and tell the guards to follow them closely."

With that the large doors to the castle entrance opened and in walked in a small group of people.

The music had stopped playing and the people had stopped moving, sending glares at the intruders.

I made my way down the stairs quickly, never taking my eyes off of them.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, one of them spoke although I couldn't see their face.

"Who is in charge here?" He boomed, slight power radiating off of him. Something in his voice seemed familiar to my ears.

My pack all cleared a path for me, some looking and me and others looking at them.

"Well that would be me." I spoke.

Suddenly a man stepped forward, an emotion that was I didn't like laced on his face, love.

"Rayna?" He spoke softly, as if it hurt him to speak.

My eyes widened in surprise at the familiar man in front of me.


Word Count:
There is is ladies and gents, chapter one. I hope you liked it and if you did remember to vote, comment and share.

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