The Mafia's Police Girl

By beyondgrey

97.5K 4.4K 362

Lizanna Marvel was a twenty-five year old proud, upstanding, law abiding citizen that always held admiration... More

Getting Situated
Prison Break
Smooth Sailing?
Cornered Yet Again
I Remember
Stupid Children
Little Bro
Authors Note
The Vito Mission
The Deal: Accept or Reject?
Ivan Bianchi and the Orphanage
The Deal: I Accept!
The Game Plan
Chaos Underground (1)
Chaos Underground (2)
Chaos Underground (3)


1.7K 74 3
By beyondgrey

The Bianchi Estate

Third Person POV:

"What are we going to do Signor Gastonne? Our export sales are declining, our new and former ties with clients from around the world are rapidly pulling back because of the damage your son is causing. H-He's out of control, sir," Enzo explained frustrated.

"Monza, one of the cities our cargo travels through is destroyed. The police and governmental agencies are flocking all around there as we speak, making it literally impossible for us to ship anything. What the hell are we going to do about him, huh?" Giovanna respectfully addressed.

Gastonne drew in a very exhausted sigh before answering. "I've already taken matters into my own hands. Last week, I sent the Vito family information about Ivan and his group. Hopefully they'll take care of them."

"In all due respect Signor Gastonne, but YOU DID WHAT!" Giovanna shrieked in horror. "Why would we even help them?"

"Call me cruel, but it wasn't that hard of a decision to make. My son has been out of control, causing mayhem in and around our territory. If he wants to go all lone wolf on us, let him fend for himself. Hopefully, once those Vito bastards and Ivan's lunatic posse cross paths, they'll kill each other. I call that killing two birds with one stone."

"Hopefully everything works out in our favor," Enzo sighed as he cradled his injured hand. "And that that bastard burns in the fiery pits of hell."

Andrés's POV:

Lizanna explained everything in detail to what led up to her meeting with Kenji and Kennedy. Though calm, I could tell that she was freaked about having been so close to the enemy.

I turned back to peer at the six stone cold bastards we were gonna be dealing with in the near future. Out of all of them, Ivan was the most lethal and unstable. If his father couldn't even tame him, there was no reason to believe that he could himself. Ugh, this is gonna be so fucking annoying.

Once Lizanna said her piece, she shifted her position multiple times in her seat. Clearly, she was unnerved. And the wierdest thought of wanting to go over there and sooth her anxiety came out of nowhere and overwhelmed me. I facepalmed myself to relinquish the thought, all the while gaining the attention of my father. He raised his brow in question, but I quickly waved it off.

"Carrying on," Cielo resumed. "Did Gastonne provides us with anything else other than their identities? For example, their location or background?"

"Yes actually. While he did provide us their background, their location was not mentioned. So, we first have Walter Richardson, the arsonist." I said as I zoomed in on his picture. "He's British with a criminal history of arson related crimes. He fled his native country when the English police came near to apprehending him, and I can only guess during his disappearance was when he met Ivan."

"Now that you mention him Andrés," Feliciana spoke out from her seat next to Hernández, her fingers balled up in fists. "Do you think that freak is responsible for what happened to Monza? The city was set ablaze all of a sudden without any traces of fault by the citizens. Investigators are theorizing that an arsonist may have caused the damage."

I let out a sigh and frowned. "Maybe, but let's not jump to conclusions. However, if we do find out that it is he who did that, rest assured he will pay with his own life."

Feliciana nodded stifly, but when Hernández patted her arm she immediately relaxed. Wierd.

I scrolled to the next bastard. "Maryann Bömbs, the decrepit hag and son of a bitch responsible for the bomb at Lilliana's Orphanage-" at this moment, everyone's frown deepened and their eyes flared with rage. "This crazy woman is German and has a family history of knowledge pertaining to explosive weaponry. When dealing with this one, we'll really have to be on our toes. Although she's renowned to us and her former home country for food filled explosives, she is still capable of crafting other forms so do not underestimate this old bitch."

Everyone nodded in all seriousness.

"Christian Anderson, is apparently a bipolar serial killer. He's nothing in comparison to the other members, but that doesn't mean he still isn't a nuisance. There's not much Gastonne sent about him other than the fact that his weapon of choice seems to be the chainsaw."

I clicked on the next person. "Kenji Suzuki, the tech wiz back in his home country. He's only nineteen and is already a member of Japan's top ten most wanted. Kenji's crime stems from his cyber war against the the Japanese government; he's guilty for releasing confidential government information to the public, hacking top government official's bank accounts, and spreading malware to their smart devices. He's a smart kid, and though he may not seem like much I can tell he's one tough cookie. So," I said as I averted my attention to Diamonte. "That's where you come in. We all know that your tech abilities are nothing to scoff at, especially since you managed to breach Juggernauts' cyber security all the way from here. You think you can handle him?"

Diamonte flipped her hair and hardened her eyes. "Hell yeah, boss."

Donatello smiled deviously and high fived Diamonte.

"Good. Next we have Kennedy Marshal, the cannibal—" I peaked at Lizanna from my periphery to see how she was taking this discovery. I noticed that she seemed paler and alittle bit nauseous, but other than that she did her best to keep her composure. That woman was just as strong as she was beautiful, wait where the hell did that come from? I cleared my throat to continue. "She's known in the states for her killing spree. She used to serve in the army as a captain before she discovered that her mouth could be used for more thing's than giving out orders. From this info alone, we can surmise that she has good combat and weaponry skills."

Lastly, I clicked to the next picture. "Last, but not least we have Ivan Bianchi...the most unstable of them all. There's not much about him other than his repungence toward authority and the fact that he kills blindly on a daily basis. According to his father, Gastonne, he's no longer affiliated with the Bianchi organization, however Ivan likes to think otherwise." I stepped away from the projector and placed my hands authoritatively on the long desk to peer at its inhabitants.

"Now that we know some background information on these assholes, it's time that we focus toward drafting an elaborate plan to protect ourselves and the city and to take them out. We need to first discover their location and only from there can we truly move forward. I also think we should increase the men we have in our factions as well as the ones we have patrolling the city. All in favor?"

The whole room rose there hands.

Quixote Hotel

Light's POV:

Lizanna Marvel's face was clear as day from behind Bell's repulsive looking selfie, Light thought. From the photo, I noticed that the former officer was sitting down in what looked to be a food court, conversing with a female. From this picture alone, I could only discern that the woman was dark skinned and had a shitload of food on her plate. I scrolled to the next photo, hoping that Bell snapped a picture of the woman, but unfortunately she didn't.

"Let me see Light," Hawthorne asked with his hand outstretched. I gave him the phone after I scrolled back to the photo in question. Bell peered over Hawthorne's brawny shoulder to peek. "Fuck," she sighed. "I can't believe I didn't even notice. She was right behind me for fucks sake."

Hawthorne hummed in agreement but didn't chew her out on it. "Either way, you still managed to do a good job. By any chance, did you happen to see what the female sitting with Lizanna looks like?"

Bell shook her head. "No, sir."

"That's fine then," he said as he handed her back her cellphone. "Let's start by finding out who this woman is. We'll need to head out to that same mall to retrieve the video feed to trace Lizanna's movements as well as finding a clear image of this mysterious woman. Bell, while Light and I get dressed, make arrangements for our transportation and for us to speak to the mall's security."

I quickly jumped out of my seat and made my way to my room. I pulled out my bag and rummaged through it to a find a plain fitted black shirt and matching pants. Once dressed, I fished out my phone, I.D., and badge before walking out to meet them in the foyer. Bell had just gotten off the phone when she turned around to greet me with a soft smile.

"What's wrong with you? You're lookin' a little somber?" I asked as I leaned comfortably against the wall, waiting for Hawthorne to finish dressing. Bell laughed softly before she brought her hands up to ruffle her hair. "Wow, I never thought I'd experience this. The great Light Fujiwara actually caring about someone other than himself?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck off." 

Bell let out a tantalizing grin. "You know that I was just kidding, but thanks for asking. I'm still a little annoyed that I wasn't more aware of my surroundings. I just cared about how silly I was going to make my photo."

"I can't believe you're still worked up about that," I deadpanned. "What's been done is done, it's in the past now. Sure, it would have been lovely if you'd realized our target was within reach, but at least you managed to get us a lead. All we had going for us was the fact that we traced an IP signal to Milan, which in a way was vague. The city is huge, but at least you narrowed our search distance. There's no need for you to trouble yourself, you did a good job."

Bell was silent, staring at me as a pink tint colored her cheeks. I was going to question if she was ok, but Hawthorne stepped out of his room.

"Everything set?" He asked.

"Y-yes," came Bell's startled reply. She cleared her throat and shifted her stance respectfully. "Yes, sir. The car is ready and waiting downstairs."

"Great, now let's move."

The Hideout

"Who were you speaking to back at the mall," Kenji asked Kennedy as he typed away furiously on his computer from the kitchen table. Lounging haphazardly on the couch, Kennedy lazily averted her eyes from the television screen to Kenji.

She'd barely registered his voice as her attention was focused on the Italian subtitled soap opera. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"The woman at the mall, who was she?"

Kennedy shrugged. "She told me she was an American tourist or whatever. I don't actually know a thing about her other than the fact that she's from Texas and that her name's Lizanna. We started talking when she came over to help me when I started chocking on a sausage. I owe her my life," she joked.

Kenji cringed. "You should really eat your food properly, but anyway for safety measures I'm going to look into her. Lord knows we don't need any disturbances."

Kennedy waved him off. "Ok, do whatcha gotta do. Are you done asking questions Kenji, the drama is starting to get really good," she moaned in delight.

Kenji's response was his silence as he focused on more pressing matters. He gingerly typed into his specialized search engine Lizanna and Texas to gather information shrouding around the woman.

Upstairs, Christian and Walter were quietly playing pool in the game room. The game actually meant nothing to both players, it just served as a distraction for them see who could go the longest without itching to kill someone—a contest set up by Ivan. The bastard himself, who, mind you was not a participant, sat idly by with a pocket watch timing them. So far, they'd only gone twenty minutes without any signs of bloodlust.

"So Ivan," Walter questioned as he lined himself and the pool stick to shoot. "What do we have planned for tomorrow?"

Ivan looked up with his souless brown eyes, a devious smirk sporting his face. "Hmm, I was thinking about hitting up Milan's underground train station. It'll relay to the Vito's our strength despite our small size in numbers. Hopefully the attack will attract the head Vito honcho's so we can kill them on the spot." He finished maliciously.

Walter and Christian grinned, both men internally trying to fight off the bloodlust building up inside them. "Sounds like fun."

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