Goodbye, Berk *CANCELED*

By ThatRandomDragon

32.3K 661 336


Goodbye, Berk
I'm an idiot
A home?
New Faces
A Known Face
Attack or Retreat?
Peaceful Mornings
Thank you!
Long Journeys
Beautiful Ice
Dangerous Waters
So what am I doing with this?

Morning to you too

1.3K 38 38
By ThatRandomDragon

Point of views change a lot in this chapter... sorry DX It's the only way I could figure out how to write this chapter with a good edge to it if you get what I mean. 

I~Hiccups P.O.V~I

"Good morning Terrance."

"Morning Hiccup. Say, have you seen Astrid this morning?"

"No sir, I haven't. She left the house before me," I replied, putting an apron over my head and walking into the forge. 

"Any idea where she might be?"

"It was her patrol this morning, so I assume she'll be back in a few minutes."

"Thank ye Hiccup!" 

"Never a problem Terrance!" I say to his retreating figure. Working my way towards my desk in the back of the building, I trip over a crate that lay in the middle of the floor. 

"What the..?" I look at it with a questioning glance. Grabbing a hold of it, gosh this thing is heavy, I set it down on the table beside me. Opening it, I see a mass amount of iron, a few gems, and a letter that is directed to Taylor. Confused, I pull the letter out and replace the lid on the crate. 

"I'll bring it to Taylor later."

I~Astrid's P.O.V~I

Stormfly gracefully glided through the clouds on our morning patrol. People are bound to be waking up now. 

"Let's head back Stormfly. Nothing new out here." The dragon squawked and dived down beneath the cloud cover, gaining speed along the way. 

Zooming past the rock pillars that littered the ocean, we flew back towards the Edge, skimming the water as we passed. I let out a whoop of joy as Stormfly began to spiral upwards, passing the clouds before free falling back towards the ocean. In the heap of my excitement, I failed to see the lone ship sailing in the distance. I saw Zach and his Stormcutter, Prongs, speeding in the direction of Fury Island. (Anyone get that reference? XP)

What's he doing out and about so early? 

I~Zach's P.O.V~I

I urged Prongs faster and faster. Speeding further away from the giant icy safe haven back to my own home. Prongs beat his wings furiously, gaining speed as he soared through the icy cold air. I spot Astrid on Stormfly, and a small little dot in the background. oh shit, it's here already... did Taylor find that crate? 

Thoughts swirled through my brain. Astrid didn't appear to be going to fast. Maybe she didn't notice the ship. In that case, I need to give her a huge lecture on how she should be paying more attention. That sounds like fun. 

The island soon comes into my view, and Prongs begins to slow down, landing smack dab in the middle of the clearing. Sliding off his back, I rush to the bell that sat unmoving near the arena. Grabbing a hold of the rope, I swung it. 1 ring for be on the look out, 2 rings for a meeting, 3 rings for intruders or a battle.

Twice, I swung that rope. Two rings and I got the attention of everyone. Racing up the planks to the great hall, I swung the doors open to see Taylor looking away from Hiccup, who held a piece of paper in his hands, and towards me. I see Astrid walking in through the doors, followed by everyone else.

"Read... that... paper..." I pant out before collapsing onto a bench beside me.

I~Taylor's P.O.V~I

After hearing Zach's words, I take the paper out of Hiccup's hands and begin to read it.

Ms. Brekke

It's been a while since you've heard from me. I hope your ready for what is to come. 

The red death will soon be mine.

"Val said he was sendin a ship out here. I saw it as I came back," I hear Zach utter, still catching his breath.

"Then we must eliminate that ship and get our dragons to the Sanctuary. Good Morning Drago."

That was fun X3 Yea, I hope you guys have some questions in your head now mwahahahaha. please, do comment! I love reading them and it makes me feel lonely when I don't get any ;-;. You could literally comment about anything and I would be so happy XD 

But I must thank you guys for 40+ votes, 980 views and 20 followers c: Means a lot to me

(We are so close to 1k views it's not even funny)

I finally got out of writers block too! So expect a new chapter in the next couple of days. I have a feeling these next few are gonna be fun to write. Have a nice day/night!

- Thatrandomdragon

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