Descendants of The Sun: The S...

By ApplePie0097

128K 2.5K 877

The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where... More

Chapter One-Part One
Chapter One-Part Two
Chapter One-Part Three
Chapter One-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part One
Chapter Two-Part Two
Chapter Two-Part Three
Chapter Two-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part One
Chapter Three-Part Two
Chapter Three-Part Three
Chapter Three-Part Four
Chapter Three-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part Six
Chapter Four-Part One
Chapter Four-Part Two
Chapter Four-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part One
Chapter Five-Part Two
Chapter Five-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part Four
Chapter Six-Part One
Chapter Six-Part Two
Chapter Six-Part Three
Chapter Six-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Seven-Part Three
Chapter Seven-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part Five
Chapter Seven-Part Six
Chapter Eight-Part One
Chapter Eight-Part Two
Chapter Eight-Part Three
Chapter Eight-Part Four
Chapter Eight-Part Five
Chapter Nine-Part One
Chapter Nine-Part Two
Chapter Nine-Part Three
Chapter Nine-Part Four
Chapter Nine-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part One
Chapter Ten-Part Two
Chapter Ten-Part Three
Chapter Ten-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part Six

Chapter Four-Part Four

2.3K 48 15
By ApplePie0097

"I think we're bumping into each other as we pass by."

(Yoo Si Jin)

Six days before flight
   Prior to her volunteering duties, Mo Yeon was given a week to prepare everything she needed for the trip. She was given half-day tasks in the hospital and her TV show was postponed until she returns. With all the free time in her hands, Mo Yeon decided to use it to learn about the virus even further. However, that doesn't mean that she had no time for herself, as on Tuesday, she kicked off her day with some shopping together with Myeong Joo.

"Gosh, I never thought that you will go back there again! You are one lucky woman, sunbaenim!" Myeong Joo exclaimed with a smirk on her face.

Mo Yeon couldn't help but to let out a smile of her own. Myeong Joo had been saying that line three times already and from the way she saw it, Myeong Joo will stay surprised for quite some time. "Like I said, it's work perk. I'll be there for three months."

"You said that you will go to the capital, right? As I recall, the capital is under UN control. We've sent some men over as UN peacekeepers." Myeong Joo crossed her arms. "If you and your team go there, I suppose that the UN will assign some men to protect you all."

Mo Yeon nodded her head in simpleminded fashion, assuming that she had already known how the military works. However, the moment she remembered Myeong Joo using the phrase 'peacekeepers' seconds ago, Mo Yeon's brain began working out on the similarities between the 'peacekeepers' and the one Si Jin was involved in previously. She glanced at the lady lieutenant, her source of information. "Jamkkanman, what's the difference between a peacekeeper and the one Si Jin was in?"

"Ah, you don't know?" She gave Mo Yeon a questionable stare, since she thought that Si Jin would have shared with Mo Yeon some little titbits about military allocations and assignments. "Anyway, UN peacekeepers, like its name, are peacekeeping units sent and controlled by the UN to monitor conflicted areas. They are not a fully-fledged fighting force, but rather a military unit that controls and guards, while ensuring a smooth transition of a nation's political system. UN peacekeepers consist of soldiers of various countries."

"Oh? Then, what about yours? Aren't they the same?"

"Technically, we are. The difference is that during our mission in Uruk, we were dispatched soldiers. Dispatched soldiers are just like troops in a holiday, except that we still have the same duties like the UN. We report to the UN despite being a rather independent peacekeeping force." Myeong Joo explained elaborately.

"Uwah, so much details. I don't know if I can follow." Mo Yeon chuckled at her own lack of knowledge.

"Simple! Just look at their hats!" Myeong Joo pointed to her head. "UN peacekeepers wear blue berets. That's why they are nicknamed 'Blue Berets'. Once you see them, you will understand what I've told you." Myeong Joo showed a cheeky smirk at the lady beside her. Mo Yeon, in response, simply blew a whose, unable to stand the power of Myeong Joo's superb confidence.

Mo Yeon wished that it was ever that easy, but her heart, deep inside, began to feel heavy.

Mo Yeon really wished that Si Jin would be able to follow her, so that she wouldn't have to handle on her own with a bunch of unknown men. If she still preferred to be guarded around by guys with guns, it would rather be Si Jin and Alpha Team. However, since Si Jin had no assignments in Uruk anymore, there's no reason for the High Command to send him there. Plus, from what he said yesterday, the High Command too won't entertain requests for temporary transfer just because of personal interests.

So what can she do except to accept the fact that she would have to be alone for three months without him? Looks like she would have to learn how to cope with everything without him at all, and also to trust new faces for her team's safety. Even if he wasn't there for her, she must fulfill her promise to keep herself safe.

Looks like this is going to be a long three months without him. She sighed dejectedly as she went into a clothing outlet together with Myeong Joo, hoping that at least her shopping would be able to help in distracting her soul away from the thoughts about the trip.


Four days before flight
The last four days before she left for Uruk was rather boring. Much of her stuff were already packed and everything she needed had been obtained. Now all she could do right now was to wait for the day itself.

On Thursday, Mo Yeon conducted her own meeting with her fellow team members, which included a few from the original volunteering team, especially Dr Song, Nurse Choi, and Nurse Ha. Mo Yeon decided not to include Dr Lee inside this time for the young doctor already had a child to take care off. It would be quite cruel of her to split the father from the newly-born child. As for the new ones, they included Yoon Mi, the twin siblings and six other interns. In total, there were thirteen people in the all-new volunteer team, including Mo Yeon as team leader.

"We need to study this case seriously, but let's not forget that our general purpose of this trip is to help the ones in need." Mo Yeon told to the whole group. "Dr Athena has also requested our help in aiding in their rebuilding efforts. As doctors, we should play our part in this noble effort."

"Ah! Another noble effort!" Dr Song, in his usual rhetoric, voiced out loudly all of the sudden, causing the young interns to jump in shock while Mo Yeon and the rest who were already used to his happy-go-lucky demeanour, only responded with a soft giggle. "Listen, you young lots!" He pointed to the team leader. "Dr Kang over here is the best leader in the world. She will take you on a fun-filled ride across the mountains, rivers and even the deepest abyss of the war-torn nation! Follow her and you will survive, my fellow doctors!" Dr Song exclaimed as if he was promoting Mo Yeon in a very heroic way.

The interns, except for Yoon Mi, 'ooh'ed along with Dr Song's proclamation.

Mo Yeon simply shook her head with a sheepish smile on her face upon listening to her sunbae's exaggerated claims. She felt quite pity too that the interns were all too naive to believe what he had just said. In reality, she's not as strong as what Dr Song had described, but she knew that they knew as they had seen her on her lowest point before, and that Dr Song was just trying to liven up the mood. "Oh, gomapta, sunbaenim, for your great publicity skills. It's not a mistake to include you in."

Dr Song simply smiled along. "You are welcome, Kang-sonsaeng."

"Geez, what a show-off!" Nurse Ha retorted with an irritated huff, causing Dr Song to glance at her with wonder.

"Yah, did I say something wrong? Why do you always have to tackle me?" Dr Song questioned to Ja Ae.

"That's because you always talk too much! That's the problem, you don't know when to keep quiet! Geez, still behaving like a baby!"

"Oh, come on! That's my way! Don't spoil my fun!"

"Oh, why do I love you?"

Pretty soon, everyone in the room began to laugh along at the couple's comical anthics, nearly disregarding the meeting at hand. While Mo Yeon herself was enjoying the show, suddenly, her mobile buzzed to life. Still focusing on the show in hand, with a smile on her face, she took out her phone. However, the moment she saw the number on the screen, her expression changed instantly.

It was an unknown number.

Strange. Who could that be? How did they know my number?

"You guys carry on. I have a call to answer." She spoke aloud before leaving the meeting room in a hurry. Only when she was outside the meeting room and totally alone in a secluded part of the hospital she eventually answered the call that was beginning to bother her. "Yeobosaeyo?" She answered in a cautious voice, her face frowning.

The moment she heard the voice on the other line, she was shocked beyond her wits.


Nearby café
Mo Yeon entered the café with mixed emotions. She glanced around the café, looking for the familiar face amongst the large gathering of people in it who were all too eager to fill their tummy with lunch. Mo Yeon was not hungry at all when she entered the café, for her hunger was instantly extinguished the moment she received a call from her father. She saw him sitting at the very end of a corner of the café, and proceeded to confront him.

Her father was stirring his coffee in a slow manner when he saw from the corner of his eyes the lady in her white doctor's gown approaching him. He turned around and smiled, but what he saw instead was a frowning face of his daughter. Well, he had expected that, so he technically wasn't bothered. "It's good to see you, my daughter." He expressed.

Mo Yeon sat down in front of him, and let out a sigh as she crossed her legs. With her still-frowning expression, she went on. "Why do you want to see me, appa?"

"I just want to see my beautiful daughter." Her father chuckled softly before sipping his coffee. "Uwah, look at you! You are great as a doctor!" He praised aloud as he placed the cup back on the saucer.

Mo Yeon somehow managed to give out a soft smile upon hearing his praise, but the smile disappeared as quickly as it began. "I take that as a compliment, but you haven't answered my question yet, appa. I need an explanation, not a praise."

Like Mo Yeon, her father's expression changed, albeit a slow response. He dropped his head, staring instead to his coffee. He had absolutely no idea how to explain to her, since his intention was just to see her-nothing more, nothing less. There was nothing to explain, but her demand was too significant to ignore. "Like I said, Mo Yeon, I just want to see you."

"Jinjja?" Mo Yeon gave him a questionable look. "Is that really your purpose?"

"Ne, Mo Yeon-ah. Believe me. I have no bad intentions."

Mo Yeon adjusted herself on her seat with a little grunt before crossing her arms. In her mind, she had lots of questions she knew will never be answered in such a short time, but keeping it will only serve to be a burden to her heart, so she decided to throw it out one-by-one, as much as time permitted her. "How do you know where I work? I never told you anything." She asked after a few moments of silence.

Her father took another sip of her coffee before replying. "You said it once on TV."


Her father nodded his head.

" do you know my number?"

"I...." He paused for a moment as he tried to figure out how to explain it. The truth was he got her number secretly from Si Jin. He couldn't tell her in fear that he might cause a misunderstanding. So, he had to figure out a way. " it from your friend.."

Mo Yeon responded with a click of her tongue and appeared to be laughing at her father's remark. "Abeoji, if you want to lie to me, think of something better. I know where you get that number from. Si Jin gave it to you, isn't it? Besides, you don't know who my friends are. There's no way you can get pass them."

Her father simply smiled and nodded his head. "Ye, Mo Yeon-ah, you are right. I got it-"

"How do you expect me to believe you, abeoji? You can't even come clean to me on one simple fact at all." Mo Yeon interjected, her face serious. "You never change, appa. Not even once."

Her father realised where this was going to. He's not ready to go to that topic yet. "Mo Yeon-ah, just listen to me for once-"

"I'm not going to listen to anyone of your stories, appa. I will never care about any of them. Since you are not honest with me, I guess I have to leave." Instantly, Mo Yeon got up, but was stopped instantly by her father who called her name. "Be grateful that I still call you appa, because in the future, I may not anymore." She stomped away from the table before her father could stop her. Then, at that exact moment, she remembered something which caused her to quickly turn around and back to the table. "By the way, I'm leaving for Uruk by the end if this week, so don't bother finding me anymore. I'm too busy to treat you." With that said, she stomped away for good, leaving her father deeply scarred and heartbroken in silence.

The café was filled with laughter and joy, but not him. His happiness was put off just like that because of Mo Yeon's anger, and he had only himself to blame. Silently, he took out his old, brown wallet, and took out a picture of a little girl in pink dress. Slowly and tearfully, he let out a smile.

After a few minutes, he got up to leave, dejected and upset that his goal was shattered just like that.

However, little did he realise that someone was watching him leaving the café from the opposite end of the street, and the person was none other than Mo Yeon. She watched with an aching heart as her father walked away slowly towards the other way, wishing instead that she could just go to him and hug him like never before. She noticed that he had a weak left knee, and that hurt her even more. Unexpectedly, she began to tear. "Goddamn you." She muttered softly. "I hate you, abeoji."

Eventually, she turned away, out of fear that her emotions would get overboard, and proceeded back to the hospital.


707th Special Mission Battalion
Later that night
"Look, I'm very, very sorry for that! Please hear me out-"

"Oh, hear you out?! Geurae! Give me your best reason!" Mo Yeon blasted on the other line.

She was not angry, just agitated. The fact that Si Jin gave her number to her father bothered her so much that she could not let it go that easily. Now, Si Jin would have to taste the bitter pill of his 'treachery'. In the military context, giving away a phone number of a Special Forces soldier is equivalent to revealing a thousand secrets of the person's identity, thus exposing him. Si Jin did it in his 'small' bit to make the father and daughter together again. He even thought her father how to be conspicuous about his knowledge of her phone number. However, Si Jin had crucially forgotten that since Mo Yeon's being with him for quite some time, she would have gotten used to his tricks, and not only that, she can read minds. Somehow, she could differentiate between a lie and the truth perfectly just by listening to the way a person talks. Si Jin is no exception.

Si Jin rubbed his hair as he tried to explain. "I just want to help the two of you. How long do you want to avoid your father?" He played with the fountain pen with his fingers.

"I want to avoid him as long as I can! Why do you want to make my life harder?! Do you know how much trouble he had caused to my life?!" Mo Yeon stressed, her voice raising by the minute. "For once, can you don't-" She suddenly paused before letting out a sigh. "You know what, let's not fight about this today."

Si Jin rubbed his hair once again, feeling rather relieved this time that she was not pressing this further. " are you today?" He asked even though it sounded really unnecessary.

"My day's like that. Nothing much." She replied flatly.

"Do you need me to come to you? I can go right now if you want."

"Don't you have work to do?" Mo Yeon inquired on the other line, probably wondering how he can come to her house when he was busy.

"I do have work, but nothing is more important than you." Si Jin chuckled. "Hold on, I'll be there."

"Mwo?! Yah, Yoo Si-"

Si Jin ended the call before she could finish her sentence, thus preventing her from protesting. With a cheeky smile on his face, he got up, arranged his table, and left his office.


Two days before flight
"Is there anything you need left?" Yeung Joon asked as he zipped up her backpack that was placed on top of her mattress.

"Ani. Nothing else. Thanks for helping me out." She rubbed the back of her head. "I really suck in travel packing." She chuckled sheepishly.

"You are lucky that I dropped by. If not..." He stared at the backpack, " will never be done even for one day." He let out a quirky smile, teasing her.

"Ye, ye. Laugh all you want. Besides...." She pouted her lower lip, eyes narrowed on him while placing her right index finger below her chin, "....I heard Uruk men are handsome too." She clicked her fingers. "Ah, time for me to find some new guys for myself!"

Yeung Joon's nerves rattled upon hearing that. No way he's hoing to let her go and find another man. "Find some new guys for yourself?" He huffed. "Gosh, look at you. The locals there won't even care to look at you!"

Yoon Mi gasped aloud upon hearing his jibe. "Are you saying that I'm ugly?!" She pointed to herself. "Yah, Park Yeung Joon, listen here, I was second runner-up in my university's prom night for the most beautiful student, okay! Most. Beautiful. Student."

"Ye, ye. Second runner-up. Not the first."

"Yah! I'm beautiful, okay!"

"Jinjja? Which part?"

"All of me!" Yoon Mi replied loudly.

"Jeongmal? All of you?" He squinched his eyebrows, feigning wonder. "Hmm, I wonder where, because I don't see it. Let me get a closer look." He arched his body forward in one swift motion, startling Yoon Mi as she arched herself backwards in response.

"Yah, mwohaneungoya?"

"I'm taking a closer look at my yeoja. She said she's beautiful, but I don't see anything at all." He spoke playfully. He leaned ever closer towards her face, causing her to retreat in defense. However, her slow retreat only served as a magnet to make him move forward.

"Yeung Joon, you better watch your step." It was at that moment when she finished her sentence, her back touched the flat surface of the wall, signifying the maximum of her limits. She found herself gluing her body against the wall as her heart began to pound unusually at the sight of the alpha predator stalking her with feastful eyes. And then, in another quick move, Yeung Joon placed his hands on the wall, encompassing her in his 'cage'.

With that playful smirk, he leaned dangerously closer to her face, noses nearly touching. At that moment, Yoon Mi was completely frozen, not knowing what to do. She felt this strange yet familiar aura surrounding her, and it didn't take long for her to know what kind of feeling was that. "You said that I should watch my step. What happens if I don't?" He spoke in a soft whisper which sent a string of emotions down to her heart.

Yes, that was the feeling when they had their first kiss. Now, it's back to pull their heartstrings even more.

"I didn't say you are beautiful, because you already are beautiful. Your heart's beautiful, that's all that matters. Your beautiful heart is the reason why I love you." He slowly brushed his index finger gently down her face to her chin, and then lifted her head up slowly. It was as if she was already been bewitched because she never flinged at all. She allowed herself to be appreciated by him. "I don't know why, but I feel like....kissing you. I wonder if this lady over here can allow me to?"

Yoon Mi was already blushing till her cheeks go red like a tomato. She never said a word or even to nod her head, but he was already making his move as he tilted his head slightly. His rather large hand was already behind the back of her neck, holding her steady as he went in for the kiss. It was at that very moment when the ringing of her phone pulled them rudely away from their bonding. As Yeung Joon pulled back for some breathing space, Yoon Mi pulled out her mobile from the pocket of her jeans and answered the call which came from her sunbae. Yoon Mi excused herself and left her bedroom.

As Yeung Joon wondered what was going on with him, seconds later, his mobile rang up too. The moment he saw the Battalion's number on the screen, he tensed. "Dangyeol."

"Hasa Park Yeung Joon, be present back at base at 1345 hours. We have a special assignment for you and your team. Battalion out." The call ended just like that.

"A call from base?" Yoon Mi's voice appeared suddenly, causing him to turn around and saw her standing at the doorway.

"Oh, ye. Have to go now. Battalion asked us to gather." He kept his mobile back into the pocket of his black jeans. Seeing the unhappy expression of her face as he approached her, probably because of the fact that they had to postpone their lunch date together, Yeung Joon put up a convincing smile to warm her heart as he touched her shoulders. "Mianhaeyo, Yoon Mi-ah. I promise I will compensate for it."

Yoon Mi understood what he was trying to do, so in response and also not to disappoint him, she nodded her head with a smile as she held onto his right wrist. She didn't want him to feel wrong and that his duty is very important for the country. "You don't have to. Just be safe, okay." She spoke in a tender tone.

"I will." He pecked her forehead before leaving. When he was about to open the front door, he suddenly called out. "Yoon Mi-ah, if this mission takes me somewhere and I can't make it back in time, I just want to let you know that I wish you all the best. I know you can do it."

"You too, Yeung Joon-ah." She replied back.

Yeung Joon responded with another smile on his face as he finally turned the knob, and then disappeared behind it.


707th Special Mission Battalion Garrison
Alpha Team, Bravo Team and Charlie Team, along with a medical unit Foxtrot, gathered at the main hall of the base in anticipation for their next assignment-the joint military exercise with China. Since diplomatic relations between China and South Korea had recently being warmed up, the government thought that it was best to promote goodwill between the two nations rather than to fight. In addition to the fact that the current government had set it's sights on the Asian superpower, South Korea also wanted to avoid possible conflicts with the North. They figured that a good bilateral partnership with the Red Giant was a probable and maybe the long-term solution to the crisis that loomed the Korean peninsula for over seventy years.

The news may be good for the politicians, but for military men like them, the first rule in the book is that war, lethal or not, involves no friends. War is a battle of the mind, not by sheer numbers. However, since they had no internal conflicts with the PLA, they can at least lower their guard a bit. The PLA may be the largest army in the world, but they were well-known recently as an army that favoured peace than war. Even with all the expansion that China was doing, China had so far smartly avoided conflict. With the Chinese military poised to show its might, the Koreans too were quite interested to see their progress. A joint military exercise will give both sides a perfect overview of their strengths and weaknesses.

Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Teams will be the sent to China to train with the Chinese, as well as China's favourite political ally, Russia, and of course with the exception of the United States. Foxtrot unit will be there to support the three teams in terms of medical and logistic support. Foxtrot unit will also be training with other nations.

The units were prepared to go, but the only question remained-when are they leaving?

And so far, the briefing mentioned nothing about that topic. That made First Lieutenant Yoon curious.

"....and so we will carry out our operations based on that, and then-"

"Jogiyo!" Myeong Joo called out to the Lieutenant Colonel who was conducting the session, causing all eyes to fall on her, including Dae Young and Si Jin. "When are we leaving?"

The Lieutenant Colonel gave her a stern look for a few moments, as if he was going to kill her. Myeong Joo swore that she could feel her heart pounding like mad upon seeing that face, so much so that she found it difficult to breath. Little did she knew that her small act of natural curiosity will bring such a big effect. Anyhow, the Lieutenant Colonel replied to her inquiry albeit a cold one. "Three days from now, you will be leaving."

The answer might be meaningless to some, for to them, the days went by like normal. However, to someone like Yeung Joon who had initially prayed hard that he won't get deployed before Yoon Mi leaves, the answer came as a big relieve. Finally, he could send her off personally, saying his final goodbye before seeing each other again in the next three months.

As for Si Jin, he had already knew about it long time ago, so he needn't have to worry.

For Dae Young and Myeong Joo, this exercise will mark their second trip overseas together. If the last one was a honeymoon, this trip will definitely be a bang. Myeong Joo had never been to China before, so this will be her very first time. The men of Alpha Team, excluding Yeung Joon, and Major Yoo himself have been there before-five years ago. As much as they hated that feeling, this trip would be a deja vú for them. It was like visiting an old house that they never wanted to stay anymore. There were too much memories there, the one Dae Young and Si Jin knew best.

After the briefing, the trio gathered at the canteen for a light snack. As they sat down on their chairs, they began discussing about the the trip. "I can't wait for this trip! This will be our second outing together!" Myeong Joo intertwined her left arm to Dae Young's as she rested her head on his shoulder, plastering a big smile on her face. Si Jin only looked on with amusement as Dae Young shook his head slightly.

"Yah, this is a military exercise, not a honeymoon." Si Jin said with a slight giggle.

"It doesn't matter, sir. As long as I can be with him." Myeong Joo cuddled to him closer like a little girl, disregarding the few officers who were looking at them.

Si Jin could only look at the two of them. Dae Young's face in particular was the most apparent because he had this desperate look of wanting Myeong Joo removed from his arm. She's clenching it too tight, it seemed, and Dae Young didn't like it. Si Jin saw Dae Young staring at him and then lip-synced something-"Help me."

Help me, that's what Dae Young said. However, Si Jin knew Myeong Joo. She's like a glue. No matter how much you try and separate them, she will always find her way back together, like it or not. She dared to challenge her father to go to Uruk previously, so what can a Major like Si Jin do to her? She's untouchable, but not to Dae Young only.

Si Jin gave his comrade a weird look, before deciding to leave the lovebugs alone. Poor Dae Young could only watch in silence as his best buddy walked away just like that.

As Si Jin walked back to his office, his phone came to life. He was pleased to see Mo Yeon's number on it. He swiped the Call button and then placed the phone to his ear. "You know, you have been frequently calling me these days."

"That's because I love you. You better appreciate it though. After two days time, I won't be frequently calling you." She said on the other line.

"Oh? Is that so? Looks like I better do something. Geunde, I need to talk to you. I'll see you tonight."

"Tell me what? Can't you tell me now?"

"I can't. I'll tell you when I get home. Be patient, jagiya."


"You are going to China?" Mo Yeon exclaimed loudly as she sipped her drink.

"Looks like it. I'm leaving a day after you leave." Si Jin opened the fridge to take out some cold beer for himself.


Mo Yeon's short, low-toned reply made him stare at her. Maybe it was his intuition, but he could sense something amiss from the look of her face. Maybe she thought that he was going for a dangerous mission again, that's why she replied that way. Opening the can of beer, he sat down in front of her and sipped the content. "Don't worry, Mo Yeon-ah. It's just a military exercise. I just have to command, that's all."

Mo Yeon let out a sigh, indirectly telling him that she was still feeling worried. Well, she can't help it. Ever since he 'died' for a year, mere mention about missions were all that it took to raise her concerns. However, she knew that worrying too much won't help, so she might as well support him all the way. She nodded her head in response. "I know that I've been saying this a thousand times but, be careful, okay."

Si Jin only plastered a smile on his face as he pinched her nose. "Ye, ahrasseo." He responded. "You should be careful too. I heard Uruk is still quite unstable. Rebel forces are active over there nowadays, especially this month."

"I know that. We've arranged with the Foreign Ministry and even the UN to provide cover for us during our stay. Gosh, I really wish you will be there!"

"Reliving our old memories in that country, I reckon?" Si Jin chuckled

"Ye! I want to see whether our stone is still there!" She replied, joining her palms together. "Ah, what about Fatima? I miss her! She never posted anymore postcards since last Christmas."

Speaking about Fatima made Si Jin reminisce the good old days back in Uruk. The part where Mo Yeon crashed the military SUV through that aluminium barricade was still vivid in his mind. It was the moment where Mo Yeon proved to be a real army material-she had guts that no one had. Si Jin smiled widely at that memory, shaking his head.

"Why are you smiling like that?" The lady in casual asked upon looking at his face. She began to wonder what he was thinking about.

"I'm reminiscing about the part you crashed throuh the barricade in a SUV." He chuckled further. "Seolma, you are a real soldier back then! I still can't believe that you did that to save Fatima and me!"

Mo Yeon smiled proudly at Si Jin's compliment. Being praised by her boyfriend is one thing, but being praised by the Major himself is another accomplishment that she was glad that she had achieved. "Oh, in actual fact, I planned to save Fatima first, then you. That's why I called Fatima in but not you!"

Si Jin's expression changed upon hearing that. Now he knew the reason why he was nearly left behind. "Uwah, you little one! I braved the gunfire, fought the thugs with my bare hands, and that's the thank you I get? Goodness, you've killed me already!"

"You still got into the car, alright!"

"But...but...Ah, I give up!" He sipped his beer in dejection, while Mo Yeon chuckled at his 'cute' expression. Then, he remembered something. "You are not going to do that again, aren't you?" He pointed a finger at her. "Don't you dare do it again, you hear me?! You are everything to me!"

Mo Yeon responded with a gasp before immediately closing her mouth. "Uwah, sesanghe! Someone said I am everything to him! Oh, I'm blushing!"

Si Jin thought that she was playing a fool with that line, and wondered if she knew that he was honest with that line. "Yah, I am serious, okay? I just want you to be alright when I'm not there. I don't want to find out that you are trashing cars again. Ahrasseo?"

Mo Yeon frowned at his stern attitude, letting out a huff at the same time. "Ye, ye, ye! I'll do as you wish, okay?!"

Si Jin patted her head in response. "Good girl."


Haesung Hospital
The next day
Twenty hours before flight
On their final day at home soil, the team members gathered for the last time. Last minute preparations and changes were made, but most of it were minor. As usual, Mo Yeon conducted the meeting. Most of her team were prepared for the trip, excpt for a few interns who were new to volunteering trips and thus had some difficulties in packing their stuff.

"Just bring light stuff. Don't bring too much. Uruk is still a war-torn nation, so to bring light will make things easier for the UN to help us." She replied to an inquiry made by one of the twin siblings.

"In your experience, sunbaenim, what did they instructed you to do the moment you arrive there?" Tae Jin asked with curiosity.

"The military told us to allocate our stuff in duffle bags." Dr Song replied instead.

"Duffle bags?" Tae Jin asked again.

Dr Song clicked his tongue. He pointed the tip of his black pen to Tae Jin. "Yah, Tae Jin-sshi, you are about to enlist for National Service and yet you don't know what a duffle bag is? Duffle bag is a military bag, you pabo! Aish!"

The interns giggled softly at Tae Jin's clumsiness as the said intern rubbed his head sheepishly.

"Geundeyo, what Dr Song said is true. The military provided us with duffle bags. That's why I advice you to bring light. Only carry what is necessary."

"Do we have to bring extra medicines, just in case?" This time it was Yoon Mi who asked the question.

"The medicines we use here are almost the same over there. The WHO has been providing them with medicines, so I don't think we need to bring our own. Personal drugs are permittable."

Yoon Mi nodded her head.

"Anymore questions before we call this meeting adjourn?" Mo Yeon asked to the crowd. The members looked at each other before unanimously shook their heads. "Alright then, we shall call this me-"

A rap on the door of the meeting room interrupted Mo Yeon before she could finish her sentence. As everyone glanced to the direction of the door, which was opened seconds later by the person who turned out to be the Director herself, the room suddenly began to fill with whispers when Dr Kim Eun Ji walked in with Director Jo, still as proud as ever. Even Mo Yeon was wondering what was going on. As the Director approached Mo Yeon, everyone stood up in respect. "So, Kang-sonsaeng, I hear you are wrapping up preparations." Director Jo spoke with her usual confident style.

"Uh, ye, Director. Our meeting's just ended."

"Oh? Lucky I come in time. Kang-sonsaeng.." Director Jo turned to her back towards Dr Kim, Mo Yeon's nemesis. "From now on, Dr Kim will be in your team."

Mo Yeon didn't know whether it was the wind or it was just her that she felt her blood run dry suddenly. What did Director Jo just said seconds ago? Dr Kim is in her group? "Uh, mianhamnida, Directornim but, did you just said that Dr Kim is 'in' our group? As far as I know, our group's rather full at the moment."

"Well, I've just said that, and yes, Dr Kim is in your group. Do you have a problem with that?"

The seniors were surprised themselves upon hearing the news. They knew that Mo Yeon and Dr Kim never got along. Whenever the two of them meet, they will always end up in a verbal fight. Although Mo Yeon was a more deserving lot, it was Dr Kim's family connections that overruled Mo Yeon's capabilities. Dr Song sliently blew a breath before leaning closer to Ja Ae and then whispered, "Life is full of surprises."

"You happened to be right." Ja Ae replied softly.

While Mo Yeon was struggling to get her head right, Yoon Mi began to wonder what was happenig as well. They were all prepared for the trip and suddenly, they had a last-minute new member? It didn't make any sense for her.

"A...ani, Directornim, I mean,, I have a problem with that. Dr Kim is not suitable to go for this trip, Directornim."

"And why is that, Kang-sonsaeng? If the reason's the feud between you two, then mianhae, I can't accept that reason."


"Anyway, I have made up my mind. Dr Kim, like it or not, will be in your team. I suppose that you can make some arrangements. Good day, everyone." With confident steps, she walked out of the room, leaving Mo Yeon in bewilderedment.

Only after the Director left the room, Dr Kim went on with her usual behaviour. "Well, it seems that we will be working together, Dr Kang. I would really love to cooperate with you." She arrogantly pulled out her hand for a handshake, to Mo Yeon's disgust. "Let's kiss and make up, shall we? Don't want to let this small kids here misunderstand everything between you and me."

Now Mo Yeon's days had just got way much harder. Dealing with the virus is one thing, but dealing with that slutty Dr Kim is a big no-no. Her involvement in the group will only bring more harm than good, not to mention that she had a very bad track record. However, at this moment, Mo Yeon could not object to anything. It was the Director she was talking about, and she had no other options but to comply. Dr Kim's handshake-no, thank you. Still, what Dr Kim said had its rights. Mo Yeon wanted to build a cohesive team-a team that can work together despite their differences. If she was unable to prove that she can work with her nemesis, it would send a wrong message to her team members. Unity is important in teamwork, and when they will be alone in Uruk, each other's all they've got.

So what can she do except to lower her ego and humbly accept the handshake?

"Let's hope that things will go on smoothly...Professor Kim." Mo Yeon expressed as she shook the professor's hand.


Director's Office
Later that afternoon
"Director Jo, forgive me if I go overboard, but I really don't want Professor Kim in my group." Mo Yeon protested wholeheartedly.

"Kang-sonsaeng, I understand, but we need-"

"Don't give me that same old reason that her family's involved in this, Ma'am! I know her tricks well enough!" Mo Yeon exclaimed, unintentionally cutting the Director off rudely. When No Yeon realised her mistake, she retreated a step away from the Director's table. "Mianhamnida. I've gone too far."

The Director, surprisingly, didn't blast at her. Instead, she stared at the doctor with her head tilted slightly, pen in hand. She was quite amazed by this doctor who not only had a gift of brains, but also her will to retaliate when something's not right. This was a trait that made her special. "You know what, you did not go too far. In fact, I like your attitude, Dr Kang."

Mo Yeon, who was dropping her head just now, looked up with a slightly surprised expression. "Mwo?"

"You protest when you needed to. That's what I like. Still, this doesn't change my decision." Director Jo replied. She stood up and walked towards her with her arms crossed, making herself look classy in that black formal attire of hers. "Ye, I can't deny that her family's involved in this. As a Director, I'm under immense pressure to keep influential doctors under close eyes. Dr Kim is no exception in this." She walked around Mo Yeon. "However, we need those families for support, and so Dr Kim's family expected us to give back the favour we asked from them. Dr Kim's family has been very supportive of our hospital. Without them, there will be feuds between shareholders of this hospital."

Mo Yeon simply stood silently as the Director stopped right in front of her, face-to-face. "I know about the two of you. Your rivalry stands for a long time. She gets everything, and you don't. No matter how much you work your butt off, in the end, Dr Kim is always the primary focus." She tapped Mo Yeon's left arm. "I know that feeling. I've been there. That's why I say that we are living in the world where people only cared about their pockets rather than what's around them."

"Then why, Directornim? Why are you making things harder for me?" Mo Yeon finally retorted back, in a polite way though.

"Like I said, my hands are tied." She trailed off, probably not wanting to explain anymore. "If you are in my shoes, you will understand." She walked back to her table. "By the way, I need a favour from you." She sat down on her chair.

A favour? What does she want now? "What favour?"

Director Jo took a deep breath, probably trying to form the words she wanted to say. It took er a few seconds to finally say what she wanted to say. "I need you to keep an eye on her. If she messes up, report to me. If she doesn't cooperate, report to me. If she strays off, you report to me."

Mo Yeon began to feel as if she was being recruited for a spying mission. So this is how Si Jin operates at base, she thought. "I..uh..." She stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"You can do it if you needed to. I'm not forcing you to report to me everyday. All I wanted from you is just to keep an eye on her, that's all."

Mo Yeon personally found it a quite lucrative opportunity to exact her revenge. However, being a wise woman, she knew that doing so will only benefit herself, not the group. It was pure human instinct to be greedy once they had a lifelong expense card, but she tried not to let it overrun her conscious mind. She's not a woman who gets jealous easily. Keeping an eye on Dr Kim might do her some good as well, since it was an opportunity for her to show that doctor who's boss. "Geuraeyo."

The Director responded with a bright smile on her face, a sign that she was deeply pleased with Mo Yeon's willingness to cooperate. At least now, she had a newfound respect to the lady doctor in front of her.

As for Mo Yeon, her adventures in Uruk during the next three months will be very 'interesting'.


Later that night
Ten hours before flight
Mo Yeon turned around to her left, trying to shut her eyes so that she can wake up early for the trip to the airport tomorrow. However, despite her body accustomed and comfortable to her surroundings, she found herself struggling to sleep. She didn't know why, but something was bothering her mind ever since she got back from the hospital that afternoon.

She tried her best to clear her mind, but she somehow couldn't. The more she tried, the more her brain resisted. Something invisible was clouding her thoughts, and it was so thick and conspicuous that she had no idea what was going on inside her head. Frowning and grunting, she turned to her right. However, while doing so, she felt Si Jin's hands slither its way around her waist. She tilted her head upwards slightly, only to see Si Jin smiling at her, fully awake. "Did I disturb you?" She whispered softly.

His left hand went under her head. Using his arm, he brought her head forward slowly towards the base of his neck, shrouding over her lovingly. As she rested her head closely to his chest, she wrapped her hands around his waist as well, bringing her body closer to his. "As a matter of fact, you did." She heard him responding as he rubbed her hair tenderly. "What's bothering you?"

"Mollayo. I have been thinking about nothing for the past several hours and I still don't know what." She muttered.

Si Jin let out a smile as he continued to rub her head gently. "I think that you worry too much, Mo Yeon-ah. You told me about that doctor. Maybe that's bothering you."

"Maybe. Still, I can't get it off."

Si Jin thought for a while for a solution. If she continued like this, she will never be ready for her flight tomorrow. "Can I try massaging your head? Maybe it will work." Si Jin suggested.

Mo Yeon looked up at him upon hearing that suggestion. "Massage? You want to massage my head?" She asked in wonder.

"Well, I can try." Si Jin spoke with enthusiasm.

Mo Yeon thought for a moment whether or not to follow what he wanted. Seeing that there was no harm in a head massage, she sat right up, her back facing him. Si Jin followed suit, placing two fingers from both sides of his hand to the side of her head before turning in a clockwise direction. Mo Yeon hummed in comfort from his gentle touch. "You did good. I don't know that you can do that."

"It's time for you to stop underestimating me." He chuckled softly. "Feeling okay right now?"

"Just a bit more will do."

Si Jin continued to do as told as silence fell into the room. The more he did, the more comfortable Mo Yeon get. It was as if his touch pulled away the fog in her mind, calming her down. As clarity of mind appeared, fatigue followed. That was when she touched his right hand, telling him to stop. "I think I had enough for now."

"Sleepy already?" Si Jin asked.

Mo Yeon nodded her head.

Si Jim helped her lie down comfortably on the mattress, caressing her head until she fell asleep. That was the moment when Si Jin eventually realised that she was very pretty with her eyes closed, her face somewhat glowing in the dark.

He's going to miss that face. For the next three months, he will be really missing that pretty face. He better appreciate that wonderful face in front of him right now, for if he don't, he might never get the chance again.

Soon, without him realising it, he too fell asleep.


Incheon International Airport
Day of flight
The airport was packed as usual, with people coming in and out in droves. The airport itself was equivalent to that of a beehive, except that in this case, there's no colony to tend to and no honey to produce. Everyone in the airport had their own things to do. Children hanged out at the walkways under the watchful eyes of their parents, enjoying the spectacular view of the planes through the glass windows. At the entry points, some were seen hugging each other in a tight embrace, coupled with some laughter and even some tears. Some waited patiently at the waiting area for their flights.

Si Jin accompanied Mo Yeon together with her team towards the designated checkpoint, holding her tight in his arms. He helped her carry her black luggage bag, which contain mostly clothes and essential items. Dr Song and Ja Ae, including Min Ji, watched with awe at the couple in front of them. So did the rest of the team. "Aigoo, if they go on like this, we will never leave this airport."

"Waeyo? Are you jealous?" Ja Ae jibed.

"Aniyo. I just wish that we could be like this too!" He placed his right arm over to her right arm, holding her tight. Surprisingly, Ja Ae did not protest as she smiled under his embrace.

The team stopped for a moment when they neared the checkpoint. Their flight wasn't calling yet, so they had to wait for a while. "Is everyone here already?" Mo Yeon asked the whole group for confirmation.

The team members glanced at each other. "Sunbaenim, Dr Kim is not here yet." Yoon Mi reported.

Mo Yeon finally realised that they were a lady short. She hissed with agitation as she rested her left hand on her hip. "Aish, that witch! I told her to arrive early!" She took out her mobile and quickly searched her number. "This is unacceptable!"

Si Jin watched silently as Mo Yeon angrily tapped the number on her screen before placing it to her ear. It took a few agonising seconds before Dr Kim finally picked up her phone. "Yah, Kim Eun Ji, where the hell are you?! Don't you know that we are all waiting for you here?! Get your head over here, now!"

"I'm already here, you big talkaloud!" Dr Kim's familiar voice appeared from the back of Mo Yeon, causing the team to turn to that direction of the sound. Mo Yeon's eyes bulged wide as if she had seen a ghost when she saw what Dr Kim was wearing.

Dr Kim dressed up as if she was going for a holiday in Paris. Her pink dress was way not suitable for the trip, not to mention her exquisite high heel shoes and her rather large green polymer luggage bag-all of it way beyond what Mo Yeon had recommended, which was to keep things minimum. Even the whole team was surprised to their wits. Si Jin was utterly speechless. "Mianhae for arriving late. Last minute packing. You know, last minute changes." She spoke foolishly as she walked past the couple. She managed to throw Si Jin a wink. "Looks like army boy is here as well. What fun did I miss?"

"Dr Kim, I thought I had told you to bring what's necessary? Ige mwoyeyo? We are not going to Paris, Dr Kim!" Mo Yeon reprimanded, her face frowning.

"Well, I followed what you said, and then I realised that I have a lot of necessary stuff. So instead of picking what to bring, why don't I bring all of it? Simple, right?" Dr Kim replied in a proud manner, disregarding Mo Yeon's angry expression.

Mo Yeon really felt like smacking Dr Kim's head to wake her up to her senses. Letting her in was a big mistake. Mo Yeon was about to shoot Dr Kim again when luck had it, the airport's P.A. system blared to life.

P.A: Attention all passengers heading for Uruk. I repeat, attention all passengers to Uruk, the gate for boarding is open. I repeat, the gate for boarding is open. Please ensure all personal belongings are according to the airport's regulatory systems before boarding in. Thank you.

Mo Yeon began to hate this moment-the moment where she had to leave Si Jin and homeland. Saying goodbye to the person she loves so much was a hard and cruel part, and it brought some sense of deja vú for it was extremely similar to the moment where Si Jin said his last goodbye more than a year ago. Unable to go in herself, she instructed her team to go in first, so that she could have a few moments with Si Jin. The team members went in, except for Dr Song, Ja Ae and Min Ji, plus Yoon Mi who was apparently still waiting for someone.

Before Mo Yeon could talk, someone called them from the right. The couple turned to the direction of the sound, only to see Dae Young and Myeong Joo, and another soldier, coming towards them in their military greens. Myeong Joo proceeded first to hug Mo Yeon, apologising for being late.

Mo Yeon's attention shifted to the other soldier who came with them. She was surprised to see Park Yeung Joon's face. "Why is Mr Park over here?" She asked Myeong Joo before glancing at Si Jin, who also had a curious look on his face.

"Oh, we know about it today. It turns out that Hasa Park Yeung Joon over here is in love with your intern."

"Jinjja?" Si Jin replied instead, his face utterly surprised. "Uwah!" He called the Staff Sergeant over by wriggling his fingers. Yeung Joon sheepishly did as instructed. "Yah, Hasa Park Yeung Joon, you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell us?"

Yeung Joon could not say a word. He was too shy to talk it out. His eyes were focused solely on Yoon Mi, who approached the group silently.

"Let them be." Mo Yeon chipped in, letting Yeung Joon and Yoon Mi have their last moment together. "Yoon Jungwi, Seo Jungwi, thank you for coming. You don't have to apologise to me, Myeong Joo-ah. I'm not offended." Mo Yeon expressed sincerely to the couple.

"Well, we felt responsible, Kang-sonsaeng. You are related to Soryeongnim." Dae Young began with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, sunbaenim. You are my best friend too. How could I let you leave without saying goodbye first?" Myeong Joo supported before giving Mo Yron another hug. "Stay safe, sunbaenim. I wish you the best of luck."

Mo Yeon responded smilingly with her own embrace on her old enemy-turn-ally. She felt great to have known so many good people in her life-people who would sacrifice anything for their country and for their loved ones. It's a shame that she didn't have the opportunity to get closer to them soldiers. "You too, Myeong Joo-ah. I wish you and Dae Young-nim have a blessed relationship."

"Don't worry, soldiers. We will take care of her for you. We'll keep a good eye on her, we promise." Dr Song suddenly spoke from behind, causing everyone to glance at him. Ja Ae and Min Ji had already checked-in, leaving only him, Mo Yeon and Yoon Mi.

"I'll stick by her side too, Yoo Soryeong. I support her all the way." Yoon Mi, who was standing beside Dr Song together with Yeung Joon, supported Dr Song. "She's the best senior I ever had."

Si Jin in particular, felt relieved that his girlfriend had so many great people around her. She was one lucky lady. He too, felt himself lucky, to have such a loving and supportive girlfriend like her. She's one of a kind, a rare species. If he had to move mountains to get to her, he would gladly do so. "Well, I better stop worrying, should I? Mo Yeon has you to count on over there." Si Jin spoke to the two doctors, who responded with nods of agreement.

Once again, the P.A system blared loudly, reminding all passengers to check-in and board their flights. This time, Mo Yeon really had to go now. With a heavy heart, she stared at the checkpoint, before glancing back to Si Jin, her expression heavy with emotions. Her eyes talked to him telepathically.

I have to go now.

Si Jin received her message loud and clear. Honestly, he felt reluctant to let her go, but doing so will only prove that he was selfish. He never wanted to ruin her chance of serving humanity in a great effort because of his selfishness. This is what she was born to and this is her life. He had no right to steal it away from her in anyway. Support is the only way in showing that he truly loved her, and support he shall to the very end. With a smile that spoke a thousand words, he tucked a loose hair behind her ear.

Go on. I will always follow you.

Si Jin placed both of his palms behind the back of her neck, bringing her head forward as she closed her eyes when he placed his last kiss goodbye on her forehead. Resting his forehead on hers, he felt her breathing for one last time before finally letting go in a slow, calculated release. "Saranghaeyo, Mo Yeon-ah. God knows how much I love you."

"Saranghaeyo, Si Jin-ah. God knows I do."

"Don't you dare drink with other men, okay?"

Mo Yeon chuckled at his last-minute reminder. It was a piece of advice she figured she would be listening to from now on. "Ahrasseo."

Finally, Mo Yeon began to move, with heavy heart as the remaining few began checking in. Little did she know that she began to shed heavy tears. It was her first time acting this way and it was beginning to become harder to control herself. As she turned her back around and walked towards the checkpoint, she felt as if her heart was being stabbed by a sharp blade, the feeling of immense sadness shrouding her mind. It was at that exact moment when she finally learned that this was the hidden emotion that was clouding her mind all night.

"Your ticket, please." The security officer demanded softly as she reached the checkpoint. She complied to the officer's demand, despite knowing that once she did so, there's no turning back. She had every opportunity not to leave, but she knew that she had a duty to do, and sometimes, there are things that she needed to let go for the sake of the happiness of others.

Once she passed through the security checkpoint, she felt as if she had stepped into another world, separated only by a thin, invisible line. She braved herself to turn around for one last time, hoping that Si Jin will still be there, like he said. There he was, standing at the same spot smiling at her. There were no waves of goodbye whatsoever, only smiles in exchange.

She can't believe that she was really doing this-leaving Si Jin behind for a humanitarian mission. Her decision involved a lot of guts and sheer bravery, and here she is right now, standing and staring at her boyfriend for one last time. She was extremely happy though that Si Jin supported her. He understood her completely that this was important, and therefore made no attempt to stop her. She smiled at him once again.

Gomapta, Yoo Si Jin-sshi, for supporting me.

Sensing that her time was up, she turned away and walked away from himeland for good. Teary-eyed, she continued walking, vowing not to look back anymore for she feared that if she doubted one more time, she will end up going back for real. Then, she heard something speaking inside her brain that made her stop walking, which eventually stemmed her will to go forward.

It was a reply from Si Jin-loud and clear.

Gomawoyo, Mo Yeon-ah, for being a special person to me. Now go spread the love.

Mo Yeon could only smile brightly as she wiped away her tears and proceeded towards her flight.

End of Chapter Four

This is it, folks! In the next chapter, the story returns to Uruk, the place where everything began. Be prepared for new characters, new scenic places, and of course, more action! By the way, I hope it is not too late to wish you readers Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2017 bring better prospect to our lives.

Happy reading!

Spoilers: "I have links with the military, so stay out of my way!"

PLA: People's Liberation Army, China's military wing.

Korean military ranks
Jungwi=First Lieutenant
Hasa=Staff Sergeant

Romanised Korean Words & Expressions
Sunbae: Senior
Jamkkanman: Wait a minute
Uwah: Wow
Gomapta: Thank you
Sonsaeng: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss
Yah: Hey
Appa/ Abeoji: Father
Jinjja: Really
Ne/ Ye: Yes
Geurae: Okay
Mwo: What
Ani: No
Jeongmal: Also means Really
Mwohaneungoya: What are you doing
Yeoja: Girlfriend
Dangyeol: Salute (Actually means Unity)
Mianhae/ Mianhamnida: I'm sorry
Jogiyo: Excuse me
Geunde: Anyway
Jagiya: Honey
Ahrasseo: Okay/ I understand
Seolma: No way
Sesanghe: My goodness
Pabo: Fool
Mollayo: I don't know
Waeyo: Why
Ige mwoyeyo: What is this
Gomawoyo: Also means Thank you
Saranghaeyo: I love you

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