Drifting Away (Tanner Foust)

By bijouthegreat

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Drifting Away (Tanner Foust)
Chapter 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter four:

512 22 5
By bijouthegreat

    I sat at the table in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. My brother entered the kitchen and began rummaging through the cabinets. Finally he settled on a bowl of cereal as well and came to the table. He gave me a weird look that I couldn’t read. I gave him a look back. However he didn’t stop looking, he was thinking about something.

    “Why are you wearing a rockstar hoodie? Is that Tanner’s” He asked. I looked down at the jacket. I was still wearing my clothes from last night.

    “Oh yeah. It was cold last night and he lent me his jacket. I guess I forgot.” I played it cool.

    “Right.” He sniffed and then leaned in closer. “Why do I smell beer?”

    “Oh um.” I was screwed “We had dinner after working at the track and he drank some. I helped him back to his room afterwards because he had been drinking. I guess its because of that.”

    “I’m not sure you should be alone with him like that.” My brother looked skeptically.

    “You were fine with him training me. What’s different about dinner?” I defended my decision.

    “Well because you do things like go back to his hotel room afterwards and let him hang all over you while he is drunk.” My brother said.

    “Look you said it yourself, he isn’t interested in me.” I shot back.

    “Jeeze Whit, don’t be so dense. He is still a man.” Andy spat back at me.

    “Whats that supposed to mean?” I crossed my arms.

    “He was drunk and you’re a pretty girl Whitney. If he wasn’t thinking clearly who knows what he could have done!” He raised his voice.

    “You had me share a bed with him while he was drunk!” I stood up, I was getting angry.

    “You were in my house. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. If you’re somewhere else I can’t protect you!” He stood too.

    “I don’t need you to protect me. I can take care of myself!” I yelled back.

    “You’re still a little girl Whit. Tanner is a man and he is used to getting lots of women and he doesn’t stay with them long. I don’t want him to do something stupid and hurt you.” Andy shook hit head.

    “Why are you on this? He doesn’t like me!” I didn’t know why he kept making such a big deal.

    “Because he asked me if I would care if he asked you out!” Andy admitted.

    “What?” I said confused. “You lied!”

    “Sometimes that’s necessary to protect you.” Andy tried to justify himself.

    “Well don’t. Let me make my own choices.” tears were now welling up in my eyes.

    “I just don’t want you to get hurt. He won’t mean to but he will hurt you. He doesn’t want a relationship. He is a hit it and quit it kind of guy. Please Whitney.” Andy pleaded.

    “Look have to let me do my own thing.” I said.

    “I just don’t want to see you crash again.”

    “You know I can’t stay away.” I looked him in the eyes.

    “I know.” He said softly.

    I went back upstairs and changed in a cuter outfit than I would for training. I wore a cute top skinny jeans and sandals. I grabbed Tanner’s hoodie and then went out to Tanner’s car. I picked him up from his hotel. We got into the car and headed for the track. He hadn’t said much to me since I had picked him up.

    “I’m sorry for last night. I crossed the line.” Tanner finally broke the silence.

    “It’s fine. I over-reacted.” I smiled.

    “No. You did exactly what you should have. I should have never done that. “ Tanner shook his head.

    “Look Tanner, my brother told me what you asked him.” I said boldly. Tanner looked away for a moment and then brought his gaze back to me. He sighed.

    “I’ve been thinking. Its not a good idea. Whitney, you’re beautiful, talented and you know just about as much about cars and racing as I do. I find you extremely attractive. But have a bad track record with women. I don’t want to hurt you. Your brother is one of my best friends and you’re going to be racing for rockstar. So if it didn’t work out it would be hard because we would have to see each other. Please understand. I’m just not good for you.” Tanner said.

    “Right, of course. You’re right.” I faked a smile. On the inside I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I desperately wanted to cry. I wanted to go far away from here, be all alone, eat a gallon of ice cream and cry. But instead I had to spend the next few hours with him in a small car. Great.

    After managing to get through training I was happy to be home. I had decided that every single one of my cars needed to be washed. It wasn’t like I was trying to distract myself or anything. Yeah right! That’s exactly what I was doing. It should take me until dark and then I can eat dinner and go to bed. Hopefully I can wear myself out enough to fall asleep fast.

    I pulled all of my cars out into the driveway then went and changed into a bikini. It was about 105 degrees and I knew I would get soaked so might as well wear my swimsuit. I went outside and immediately started working on washing my Audi. For some reason I’ve always enjoyed washing cars. Maybe because I’m OCD and can’t stand to see them dirty. Either way it wasn’t a task that I minded, so I did it often.

    “What on earth are you doing?” I heard my brother groan. I turned around to see him and a group of his racer friends walking to the track in our backyard. Among them were Tanner, Brian Deegan, Bryce Menzies and several other drivers that I didn’t know right off.

    “Washing my cars?” I rolled my eyes.

    “Could you wear more clothing?” I could tell he wasn’t thrilled that all his friends were seeing me in a bikini. He needed to get over it though. I’m pretty sure they have all seen girls in swimsuits before.

    “I’m working on my tan. And besides it’s a thousand degrees and I don’t want my clothes to get wet.” I argued.

    “Whatever.” he rolled his eyes back at me.

    “Man I need to come over to your house more often.” Bryce elbowed my brother. He was hardcore staring at me.

    “Watch it. She’s my sister and I’m not above murder.” my brother genuinely looked pissed. I noticed Tanner kept glancing at me as well, but he at least was trying to be discreet.

    “Sorry dude, but she’s hot and next to all those cars. I’m about to have to take a cold shower.” Bryce said as the group walked away. I squired him in the back with the water hose.  And he whipped around to glare at me.

    “Oops.” I smiled coyly. The guys chuckled and kept walking. I went back to washing my cars. I moved on to my Lamborghini. I leaned over reaching to clean the suds of the wide hood.

    “I like this view.” I turned to see Tanner leaning against my hummer. I could feel my face flush.

    “Don’t you have something to race or drift or something?” I tried to focus on the car.

    “Sounds like you don’t want me here? I’m hurt.” he said dramatically.

    “Well I just don’t think it would be best. You wanted just a professional relationship. Well I don’t think you standing around staring at me in a bikini is very professional.” I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at him.

    “Whatever.” he muttered and skulked off.

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