The Roomie #Emison

By Ninabluesky

11.7K 260 65

(Main characters: Emily and Alison, Emison) So what happen when a womanizer as Emily Fields loses her girlfri... More

Chapter 2 - Home
CH 3 - Girls night
Chapter 4 - 1st Dates
Chapter 5 - 3 words 8 letters
Chapter 6 - Birthday Girl
Chapter 7 - The Fields
Chapter 8 - Revelations
Chapter 9 - Always & Forever
Chapter 10 - The Roomie

Chapter 1 - The Encounter

2K 30 2
By Ninabluesky


So this is my 2nd fanfiction; English is not my native language but I will do my best to do a proper job.

In this story there is no –A

Emily – Hanna – Spencer – Aria are childhood BF from Rosewood

Alison has never been in Rosewood and she's not friend of the other girls.

In this 1st chapter the name of the park is also fiction.

Chapter 1 - The Encounter

It was a sunny day in California, Emily opened her eyes slowly as the sun hit her directly in the eyes; as she was awakening; she got conscious of her horrible headache; she was moving in her bed and she noticed that beside her there was another naked body.

A girl voice yelled. - "So now you extended your taste to Asiatic girls!"

Emily turned her face towards the source of that voice and she noticed that it was her girlfriend.

Emily. – "Paige!"

- X -

Emily Fields was a star in her town of Rosewood, she won a lot of competitions and that good performance gave her a scholarship to study in UCLA. She moved out to California with her high school's girlfriend Paige but the big city changed both girls. California was so much different to their town Rosewood, there were so many temptations in this new city; Emily was popular in California and that was the start of the conflict with Paige who was very possessive with her.

The 1st year it was a little rough with all the changes, but it got worse when Emily's dad, who was a soldier in the army, was declared missing in action after his last tour, that produced a change of 180° in Emily; she became a womanizer. Parties, beers and girls were the new 3 friends of the brunette.

She was neglecting her studies, her girlfriend and she didn't care, Paige and her childhood friends (Hanna, Aria and Spencer) tried to make more than one intervention for Emily but nothing has worked.

- X -

Paige. – "That's it Emily! I'm not going to ignore anymore your cheating!"

Emily. – "Babe, please hear me out ok!"

Paige was ignoring the brunette as she was packing some clothes. Emily tried to wake up the other unconscious girl who was in bed but there was not response from the girl. Emily dressed up quickly and she approached her girlfriend.

Emily. – "Paige, please don't leave!"

Paige threw the bag into Emily's face and yelled. – "Oh no no no! I'm staying in MY apartment! And You're leaving!"

Paige pushed Emily outside of the apartment and slapped the door in her face.

Emily sighed. – "Great! Now what?!"

(phone ringing)

Emily answered the phone. – "Hi Hann"

Hanna. – "Hi Em, how was the party of last night? I saw your snapchats... Damn Fields, you really are a womanizer! I don't know how Paige can deal with you!"

Emily sighed. – "Well, she doesn't need to do it anymore..."

Hanna. – "What do you mean?"

Emily. – "Well, she kicked me out of the apartment and I'm very sure that also of her life..."

Hanna. – "Oh oh oh... It took her too long to do it! Really Em, any other girl would have done it a long time ago!"

Emily. – "Well, thanks Hann, it's really nice to know that YOUR friends are there for you..."

Hanna. – "Hey! I'm here for you, but as your friend I will always tell you the true, it hurts but it's the best way!"

Emily sighed. – "Really Hann, I have an awful headache and zero interest to hear your lessons this time ok..."

Hanna. – "Fine! ... Now, what are you going to do? I could offer you shelter..."

Emily. – "Yeah, like if I will go to your little studio in NY just to crush your sofa and be the 3rd wheel between you and Caleb..."

Hanna. – "Hey! Don't be all grumpy with me ok! You asked for support isn't it?!"

Emily sighed. – "Yeah, well, let me think and let's talk later ok..."

Hanna "Hey don't you dare to...."

Emily hung up and she smirked as she knew that Hanna will be pissed off because of that. The brunette put her sunglasses on her and started to type to who she believed it was her best option.

Emily text "Hey buddy, long time, no see; let's meet at 2pm in the park of St. Charles ok!"

(Park St. Charles)

There she was Alison DiLaurentis walking her dog Pepe in the park like all the week-ends; she was patting her dog as she looked to her surroundings; young people talking, laughing.

Alison sighed and told to her dog. – "Hey don't look at me like that Pepe, I don't need any of that, I already have you and that's enough..."

The dog approached and licked her face and that made her smile.

- X -

Alison DiLaurentis, the 2nd child in a wealthy family, she was a prodigy according with her teachers; since little, in all the courses and extra curriculum activities; she was always in the top. Losing her mother at young age made her focus more in her studies and neglected her social life. She might be a genius in the school and has always notes of 'A' but if someone could evaluate her social skills, she would definitely have a big 'F'. Her sexual orientation didn't make it easier for her, being attracted to girls was a shameful thing according to his old fashion father and until now it has cost her more than a tear...

Because she was a prodigy, she got through college at young age; when everybody at her age was starting the university, she has recently ended her last year in Berkley and she found herself working and in charge of the family business in California. She chooses Berkley as university because her mother studied there and because she could not handle be with her family in NY anymore, not after her awful 1st experience in the area of love... She thought that a new city as California will give her the opportunity to forget her 1st love, to recover from that bad experience and act at her age enjoying life, making friends; but until now her only friend continues to be Pepe, her dog...

- X –

Alison was lost in her own thoughts when Pepe saw a cat and started to pursuit it.

Alison yelled. – "Pepe! Wait!"

Emily was walking on the park towards the fountain to see her friend; she was drinking her coffee and checking on all the girls around her until she got tackled by a furry dog.

Emily was in the grown and she laughed. – "Hey buddy; what are you doing!"

The dog was licking her all over the face when someone approached.

Alison embarrassed. – "I'm so sorry! Really sorry!"

Alison pulls off the dog and Emily sat in the grown; the brunette was shaking the dirt in her t-shirt when she noticed that someone was offering a hand to get up. Emily looked up and she got speechless under the view: with the sun behind the blonde, it just made her look more perfect. Emily got hypnotized by those blue eyes, that porcelain skin, that diamond smile and that beautiful golden hair...

Alison said with a shy voice. – "Hi, let me help you..."

Emily gulped. – "Yeah... thanks"

Emily got up with the help of Alison and the blonde offered her a tissue to clean her face but Emily motioned with her hands that it wasn't necessary.

Alison embarrassed. – "I'm really sorry, I got distracted and..."

Emily smiled. – "It's ok blondie, don't worry, it's no big deal..."

Alison chucked when she heard how Emily called her. Emily looked around her and she noticed that her coffee was on the ground.

Emily sighed. – "Damn!"

Alison looked in the same direction and understood what Emily was looking. – "Oh, let me buy you another coffee..."

Emily turned in Alison direction and said. – "No really; it's not necessary..."

Alison insisted. – "Please, at least let me do something for you..."

Emily saw an opportunity to expend more time with the girl so she decided to accept her offer.

They walked towards the coffee car that was close to the fountain; when Emily noticed that her friend was already waiting for her, she decided to reach him.

Emily put her hand over Alison's shoulder and said. – "Hey, I need to deal with something quickly, mmm... can you order an Americano for me, I will join you in a second ok?!"

Alison nodded. – "Ok..."

Emily walked towards her friend Lucas.

Emily. – "Hey!"

Lucas. – "Hey... I see that you don't waste any time to get you a new conquest..."

Emily smirked. – "Come on men! Don't be like that..."

Lucas upset. – "What do you expect Emily! You're a mess! And you hurt a lot Paige! You might have forgotten but I'm friend of both of you!"

Emily sighed and she was running a hand through her hair when she noticed two boxes beside Lucas.

Emily. – "What is that?"

Lucas looked down to the boxes and said. – "That is part of your stuffs, Paige asked me to bring it to you..."

Alison was ordering the coffees and checking from the distance the conversation of the brunette with the guy, she noticed that they were having a hot discussion as she saw all the hand motions between the two of them.

The coffee guy. – "Breaks up are awful; isn't it?!"

Alison turned her head towards the vendor of coffee.

Alison confused. – "Do you thing that they are breaking up?"

The coffee guy. – "Lady, it's obvious that they ended in bad terms and looking to the boxes that he's giving her, it seems that there will be not reconciliation..."

Alison paid and took the two coffees: a cappuccino for her and an Americano for the brunette. Lucas left and the blonde & Pepe walked towards the brunette who was sitting on the border of the fountain with her hands in her head as she was looking down.

Alison. – "Hey..."

Emily looked up and took the coffee. – "Hey, thanks..."

Alison sat beside Emily but she left a distance between them.

Alison turned her head in direction of the brunette and asked. – "Are you ok?"

Emily sighed. – "Well, I have had better days..."

Alison said. – "Bad break-up?"

Emily made a little smile as she drank a little of her coffee. – "Yeah..."

Alison was curious to know more details. –"Can I ask the reasons?"

Emily sighed. – "Well, the usual thing, let's say that the girl couldn't deal with more cheating..."

Alison thought that Emily was refering to herself in 3rd person and she looked upset because she couldn't believe that someone could cheat on the gorgeous brunette that was beside her.

Alison looked to the boxes and asked. – "What about the boxes?"

Emily said as she was patting Pepe's head. – "Well, I'm single and homeless now..."

Alison raised her eye brows. – "You don't have a place to stay?"

Emily. – "Well for the time being I had my car so that will do..."

Alison got up and exclaimed. – "That is not healthy!"

Emily looked up to her and said with irony. – "And what do you want me to do! I have no enough money to pay me a place for myself; at least that you offer me a room to stay, I don't see a better option..."

Alison sat down and she took serious the proposition of the brunette, after analyzing it she said. – "OK..."

Emily was drinking her coffee when she asked. – "Ok; what?"

Alison turned her head in direction of the brunette and said. – "I can offer you a room at my place..."

Emily spit out the coffee from her mouth. – "What?! I was joking..."

Alison embarrassed. – "Oh..."

Emily smiled. – "Do you offer shelter to any stranger?"

Alison. – "Of course not! I even don't talk with stranger..."

Emily laughed. – "So I'm the exception?!"

Alison was also surprised by her own attitude towards the girl that she had just met.

Alison self-talk in her mind. – "What is wrong with you Alison, you don't know even her name and you offer her a place to live; who does that?"

Emily started to talk and Alison got back to reality

Emily. – "Look, It's very kind of you but don't worry ok, I had deal with worse stuff than this so I will be ok..."

Alison – "Oh... OK..."

They finished their coffees and Alison offered her help with one box in order to put them in Emily's car. The brunette accepted the help.

Emily dropped the box. – "You have to be kidding me!"

Alison. – "What is wrong?"

Emily ran her hands through her hair as she said. – "My car is gone!"

Alison looked to the place where the car should be and noticed something.

Alison. – "Well, it's normal that they take your car when you put it in a forbidden area..."

Emily turned towards the girl. – "What?!"

Alison pointed out the sign and Emily follow her indication with her eyes.

Emily. – "Damn! I didn't see that..."

Suddenly the sky start to get dark and when the girls looked up they could feel the rain falling in their faces.

Emily motioned her arms and yelled to the sky. – "Come on! Really!"

A little storm was coming up and Alison yelled to the brunette. – "Hey! Follow me!"

They crossed the street and they used the boxes to protect themselves from the rain. They arrived to a building that was in front of the park.

They got in the elevator; they stopped at the 8th floor.

Emily. – "Is this your place?"

Alison nodded as she was opening her door. Alison opened the door and Pepe was the 1st to get in, he started to run all over the place and when he arrived to the carpet in the living room, he started to rub himself on it and Emily chucked when she see him.

Alison. – "Come on, get in..."

Emily – "OK, thanks..."

They put the boxes in the hall of the entrance of the apartment; Emily rolled her eyes all over the place and she looked with admiration the beautiful department of the blonde, the place was really nice and modern, the department had huge windows with a beautiful view of the park.

Emily. – "Wow..."

Alison smiled and she offered a towel to the brunette. – "Can I offer you another coffee or a soda?"

Emily smiled. – "A coca will be nice..."

Alison was looking inside her fridge as she asked. – "If you are too rain soaked, I can..."

Emily. – "It's ok the rain was starting to fall so It was really a good savior that you live so close to the park..."

Alison smiled. – "Yeah..."

Emily. – "So do you live alone in this big apartment? Or you're actually looking for a roomie?"

Alison gave the soda to Emily and she started to talk as both sat in the sofa.

Alison. – "Actually I was planning to put an offer online and look someone to share the apartment, I read in some magazines that co-habit with someone may help to develop the social abilities..."

Emily didn't understand what she wanted to say by that so she just said. – "Oh, ok..."

Alison. – "You don't believe me right? Do you want to see my draft of the offer?"

Emily laughed. – "Ok, show me..."

Alison got up and went to her room for her laptop, she got back and she showed it to Emily. The brunette started to read it and her eyes got bigger when she noticed something...

(Alison's draft)


People who doesn't like dogs: not accepted

People who love parties: not accepted

People who love drink day and night: not accepted

People who smoke: not accepted

People who lie and are dishonest: not accepted

Boys or Girls who found themselves attracted to me: not accepted

Girls who likes girls: not accepted


Emily sighed and pointing out something in the screen. – "You can't put that! Are you homophobic or something like that?!"

Alison looked to what Emily was pointing out and she said. – "I'm not homophobic; I'm actually into girls..."

Emily gulped and turned in direction of the blonde. – "What?! So why are putting that 'girls who like girls: not accepted'... I don't get it?!"

Alison leaned her head on the sofa and said. – "Well, it's simple, I had a really bad love relationship and I don't want to get in anything right now, I just want to focus in work... I know myself and if I co-habit with another girl who I can think that I had a chance with her, I will misunderstand kindness and friendship with something else and right now the last thing that I need in my life is drama and break more my heart..."

Emily sighed. – "Ha..."

Alison grabbed Emily's from her arm and said. – "But that is one of the reasons why I offer you the room, I saw you with your ex-boyfriend and..."

Emily confused. – "What?!"

Alison. – "You know the guy that gave you the boxes..."

Emily. – "Lucas?!"

Alison shook her head as she said. – "I don't need to know his name; in any case, you're straight and I know that my heart will not fall for a straight girl so..."

Emily started to realise that the blonde misunderstood the situation; she was thinking how to clarify the situation when someone called her to her phone.

Emily. – "Excuse me, I need to get this"

Alison nodded and Emily got up in the hall in order to get the call and Alison got to her room in order to give her a little more of privacy to speak.

(On the phone)

Emily. – "Hi Hann, what now?"

Hanna. – "Don't use that tone with me! You hang up on me! Where are you?!"

Emily didn't want to explain so she just said. – "I'm looking to an offer of be the roomie of someone..."

Hanna. – "Oh... how is the apartment?"

Emily looked around and said. – "It's really nice; it has a great view..."

Hanna. – "And the roomie?"

Emily sighed. – "She's a nice girl but..."

Hanna. – "But what Em? You want already to fuck her, right?!"

Emily upset. – "Han! Who do you think I'm?!"

Hanna. – "The womanizer of Rosewood! Come on Em, you're not saint and you know it!"

Emily sighed. – "You might be right but is not it..."

Hanna. – "What then? Is she ugly?"

Emily sighed. – "No Hann, she's not ugly; in the contrary she's really beautiful..."

Hanna. – "I don't get, what is the problem with the girl?"

Emily sighed and read to her friend the requirements of the blonde.

Emily. – "Can you understand now? I'm all that she's not looking for: I got drunk, I love parties, I'm into girls and I do found her really attractive..."

Hanna. – "She's perfect for you! I already love her!"

Emily confused. – "What?!"

Hanna. – "If you stay there, you cannot be a party girl, you cannot get drunk, you cannot bring girls in and you cannot make a move on her.... Jesus! We could not found a better program of rehab for you!"

Emily smirked. – "Ha-ha-ha, it's not funny Hann..."

Hanna. – "I'm serious Em, you must become her roomie!"

Emily rolled her eyes as she said. – "I don't know..."

Hanna. – "What do you have to lose?! Look, let's do a deal ok: stay with her at least one month and if after that month you want to move out, I will pay your 1st rent of your next new place..."

Emily raised her eye brows and said. – "Ha.... 3 months of rent"

Hanna. – "What?! Who do you think I'm?! I'm not your sugar daddy!"

Emily. – "3 months of rent, take it or Leave it..."

Hanna sighed. – "Fine! Just because I do believe this will be good for you!"

Emily smiled and she said her good byes to her friend. She was looking to her phone with a smile when Alison got back.

Alison. – "Did your phone call end?"

Emily turned her face and she was looking her in the eyes when she said. – "Yes, it was my friend Hanna, we talked about your offer and she made me realise that I couldn't found a better offer..."

Alison smiled. – "Great! So you decided to say yes to my offer?"

Emily. – "Mmm... we haven't talked yet about the cost, this place looks out of my budget to be honest..."

Alison pat Emily's knee and said. – "Look, to be honest, I don't pay rent of the place because it belongs to my family; so let's just divide at half the cost of the services and that will do, ok?!"

Emily smirked. – "You really want me as your roomie isn't it?!"

Alison chucked and said. – "To be honest, I don't know why but I feel that your presence will be good for me and beside Pepe likes you so..."

Emily smiled. – "Yeah, me too, I like you both: you and Pepe and I also think that this will be good for me..."

Alison blushed. – "So... " (She extended her arm as she was closing a deal) "roomies?"

Emily smirked and shook her hand and said. – "Roomies!"

Alison smiled as they were shaking hands and then she said. – "Sorry roomie but I don't know your name yet..."

Emily laughed under the comment and said. – "I'm Emily Fields, nice to meet you 'roomie' and you're...?"

Alison smiled. – "I'm Alison DiLaurentis, nice to meet you too and I officially welcome you to your new home..."

Emily smiled. – "Home... I like how it sounds..."

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