One and Only (A Draco Malfoy...

By slythbabe13

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Elizabeth is burning the candle at both ends. She has two jobs and school full time, but she is hardly living... More

One and Only (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)
A Chance Encounter- Chapter 1
Missing You- Chapter 2
Fate- Chapter 3
Staying the Night- Chapter 4
A World Apart- Chapter 5
All I Think About is You- Chapter 6
Capture My Heart- Chapter 7
Heartbreak and Lies- Chapter 8
Taken by Someone Else- Chapter 9
Aching Hearts- Chapter 10
Truths Come to Light- Chapter 11
Don't Leave Me- Chapter 12
Healing Elizabeth- Chapter 13
The Best Gift of All- Chapter 14
I Need Your Touch- Chapter 15
Confessions and a New Year- Chapter 16
Home is in Your Arms- Chapter 17
Unexpected Confrontation- Chapter 18
The Perfect Place- Chapter 19
People Change- Chapter 20
Free at Last- Chapter 21
Will You Marry Me?- Chapter 22
A Surprise Trip for Elizabeth and Scorpius- Chapter 23
A Brilliant Plan- Chapter 25
Escape- Chapter 26
Reunited- Chapter 27
Survival and New Arrivals- Chapter 28

I Can't Live Without Her- Chapter 24

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By slythbabe13

I Can’t Live Without Her

Chapter 24

                Elizabeth knew she was going to go crazy. It had been a month since the Quidditch match and the incident in the tent when someone had come in there and frightened her. So far she had been safe, but it was a little impossible to feel threatened when she could not do anything without someone with her constantly. Even Minister Shacklebolt was overly protective, so obviously Draco had spoken to him about what had happened at the Quidditch match. When she was working with him he never let her out of sight, and if he had to leave he assigned someone else to be with her at the Ministry.

                Draco must have said something to Harry as well, because he was always coming to her office to check on her, even questioning her about the incident in the tent. Elizabeth tried to tell him it was nothing and she would be fine.

                “Elizabeth, Draco is worried about you and for good reason. What happened to you wasn’t normal and whoever it was in that tent is still out there. We are trying our best to investigate it in the aurors department, but we really don’t have much to go on, so right now you need to play it safe.”

                “Harry, I can’t even go to the loo without someone wanting to follow me in there,” she laughed.

                “I know it is rough, but better safe than sorry you know,” he said sternly.

                Even Hermione was visiting her more than usual, and insisting she never leave the Ministry without first contacting Draco or one of them. It was amazing that they were all that concerned for her.

                Elizabeth was leaving work early with Draco’s mother, Narcissa, so she could go try on wedding gowns. The wedding plans were all falling into place and it was already March and the wedding was less than a month away, the first weekend of April and Elizabeth had yet to get a gown. Elizabeth would be in her 5th month of her pregnancy, but her stomach was only slightly showing right now, so she wasn’t concerned about that. She wished she and Draco could marry now because all she wanted was to spend the rest of her life as Mrs. Draco Malfoy, but she had to admit the wedding was going to be beautiful.

                Elizabeth and Narcissa had decided to shop in muggle boutiques. The dresses were much more beautiful and Elizabeth was used to the muggle world of shopping. They tried one place, but didn’t really find anything. The second place was a lot better and Elizabeth picked out several she liked to try them on.

                She tried on two so far and was about to go in to try the third while Narcissa looked through a rack of gowns not too far away. Elizabeth closed the door to the dressing room when suddenly the electric lights went out in the little room. She could barely see in there and was about to call out for Narcissa when a cloth was placed over her face and she felt arms grab her tightly, like steel bands. She tried to fight, but she could feel herself going out as suddenly she felt light headed and a smothering feeling came over her. Elizabeth didn’t know what was wrong, but quickly her limbs felt like lead weights and she could feel a sense of darkness coming over her mind until all she wanted to do was sleep. Her last thought before she went out was Draco, but she couldn’t even call out for him.

                Draco was busy with one of the trade officials from Germany. They were working on how they could get more products out from each country to the other and make it profitable for both countries. Suddenly none other than Harry burst in on their meeting and from the look on Harry’s face Draco knew something was wrong. Draco quickly asked the German trade minister for a moment and went out the door with Harry.

                “Something has happened,” Draco said dreadfully. He knew Elizabeth and his mother had gone shopping, against his better judgement. He had wanted them to wait until he could come with them, but Elizabeth had insisted that it was bad luck for the groom to see the gown before the wedding and his mother had agreed.

                “Draco, you need to come with me,” Harry said solemnly.

                Draco couldn’t help himself, he grabbed the front of Harry’s jacket, “Tell me now, has something happened to Elizabeth?” he asked frantically.

                “She is missing and we believe someone took her,” Harry said honestly, barely able to keep his emotions in check.

                Harry watched as a range of emotions came over Draco’s face, “You have to find her,” Draco said desperately, his voice rising. He was still holding on to the front of Harry’s jacket.

                “We are doing our best. I have several aurors investigating and looking for clues.”

                “What about my mother? Is she okay? Why didn’t she contact me?” Draco could feel hysteria rising up in him.

                “Come with me and I will take you to where it happened. Your mother is still there and she is alright.”

                Harry and Draco made it in seconds to the shop and Draco found his mother in tears, talking to an auror.

                “Mother, how did it happen?” Draco asked with a shaky voice.

                “Draco,” Narcissa cried out, running over to him, “I am sorry. I was right outside the dressing room going through the gowns. I didn’t leave Elizabeth alone other than while she was in the dressing room,” Narcissa was crying, and it was all she could do to talk to Draco. “She never came out of the dressing room so I called her name. I got no answer so I went in. the lights were out in the room and Elizabeth was nowhere to be found. Draco, I’m sorry,” Narcissa burst out into tears.

                Draco grabbed his mother, hugging her to him, “It’s not your fault, mother.” Draco turned to Harry looking at him frantically, “You have to find her, Harry. I can’t go on living without her.” Draco sat down on the sofa near the dressing room, his head lowered in his hands. He couldn’t stop the tears as his mind thought of all kinds of terrible things that could happen to Elizabeth. He couldn’t stop the sobs that took over his body, “Elizabeth,” he moaned her name as if that would bring her back to him, “Elizabeth!” he screamed her name as he brought his head up and looked up at the ceiling.

                Draco felt a hand on his shoulder, it was Harry, “Draco, we are going to do all we can to bring her back,” Harry swore. Even he had tears in his eyes as he imagined what he would go through if it had been Ginny and he was in Draco’s place.

                Draco went back to the home he and Elizabeth were making for themselves after midnight. The aurors still had no clues as to who took Elizabeth and where she might be. He didn’t know if he could stay in the house without her there, but he didn’t want to leave it either in case she was able to get away and make it home. Draco didn’t sleep that night, but sat in the family room before the fire. He walked over to the cabinet and took out a bottle of fire whiskey. He had never been one to drink much, only keeping it for company. He started to get a glass but then just walked over to the sofa with the bottle and took a swig of the fiery liquid. He had to have something to keep the terrible thoughts out of his mind of what might be happening to Elizabeth. It wasn’t long until he had finished the whole bottle. Draco knew his ex-wife had to have something to do with this. She was the only one he could see who had a reason to hate him and Elizabeth. He was starting to feel anger at Astoria and himself for allowing it to happen. Yes, he blamed himself, but Astoria was going to pay if anything happened to Elizabeth. In his anger Draco sent the bottle flying into the fireplace where it shattered, sending sparks into the air. It was time he paid Astoria a visit.

                Elizabeth felt as if she were climbing out of a fog as her mind started coming back. She could feel her body lying on something soft and she slowly started opening her eyes. It was dark in the room and only a single candle burned on a table beside the bed she was lying on. Where was she? Then she remembered what had happened to her and she sat up quickly, which caused her head to swim. It was cold in the room and slowly she opened her eyes again. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she remembered someone grabbing her, obviously using something on a cloth to knock her out. As her eyes adjusted she tried to look around. There was a single window in the room and she could see the moonlight shining through the sheer curtains. Elizabeth quickly got off the bed and was about to run to the window when her head started swimming again and she had to lean against the bed and gather herself. Slowly she made her way to the window. She looked out and all she could see was darkness and what looked to be a desolate country-side and possibly mountains in the distance. She tried the panes and they opened up for her, letting the cool air in. It was hard to tell but it looked like she was very far up. She leaned out more to get a better look.

                “I wouldna do that if you keen,” a voice with a thick Scottish accent said, causing Elizabeth to jump back from the window, “It is rather far down and you wouldna survive the fall.”

                Elizabeth looked around and then saw the figure in the shadows, sitting in a chair in the room. She couldn’t make out the man’s features, but there was something odd about him.

                “Who are you?” she demanded, “And why am I here?”

                The shadow suddenly came across the room, so quickly that no human could have possibly done it, and stood in front of her. Elizabeth jumped back until she was against the wall, now afraid. “Be glad you are here,” he said roughly, his face near hers, “Because you are supposed to be dead.”

                Elizabeth was terrified now as she realized what he was. His skin was very pale and he had shoulder length dark hair, but his eyes were what frightened her the most. They were so dark it was hard to see any emotion in them, but what gave it away were his teeth. The two sharp incisors that was just able to be seen when he spoke. He was a vampire. Elizabeth swallowed and could not help the trembling. Why would he want to kill her?

                “Please,” Elizabeth said sharply, “why are you doing this? Why would you want me dead? I have done nothing to you.” Elizabeth tried to make herself be brave and show no fear.

                The vampire got closer until he was near her face, he ran his hand down her cheek causing Elizabeth to gasp at the coldness of his fingers and it was all she could do not to try and fight him which would have been foolish. His hand slowly traveled down her neck, “Are you afraid, Elizabeth Thorne?” he said in a soft voice, as he continued running his hand down her body and between her breasts until his hand rested over her heart, “Yes, you are terrified. And you should be,” his hand traveled on down to her stomach where it rested on her stomach, “But there is another heart beat too,” he observed looking into her eyes, “That is the only reason you are still alive tonight, Elizabeth.”

                Even as terrified as she was, Elizabeth would do what she could to protect her baby. She grabbed the front of the vampire’s jacket with both hands, swallowing back her fear, “Please don’t harm my child,” she pleaded.

                “Did you not hear what I said?” he asked a little angrily, “That is the only reason I did not drain your blood there in the streets outside that pathetic little dress shop and leave your body there for Malfoy to find. You are not supposed to be alive right now, but I do not kill babies.” He pushed her hands away from the front of his jacket.

                “But why would you want me dead?” she asked in a shaky voice.

                “Because that was what I was hired for. That and revenge,” he said scornfully.

                Elizabeth realized now who was responsible, “It was you at the Quidditch match that night in my tent. And Astoria hired you to do away with me. I see now.”

                “Yes, and don’t worry. Your time on earth is limited because I always finish what I start. You can never leave here alive. Once the baby comes you will be dead,” he said coldly, as if they were not discussing her life, but something not worth talking about.

                “You said something about revenge. What did you mean?”

                “What I mean is revenge on Lucius Malfoy,” he spat out angrily, “I will finally have revenge on him by destroying you.”

                Elizabeth laughed hysterically, “This is funny.”

                “And just what are you laughing at?” he asked angrily, getting in her face again.

                “Lucius Malfoy does not give a damn if anything happens to me because he does not even like me, so if revenge is something you want then you will not succeed there,” she laughed.

                “Stop laughing. If I hurt his son Draco, then it will hurt him as well, whether he likes you or not,” he spat out.

                “What are you going to do with my baby?” Elizabeth asked seriously this time.

                “After the child is born and you are dead, I will raise it as my own. Once the child is old enough I will transform it into a vampire as well. I will again have what Lucius took away from me,” he stood over Elizabeth. He was tall. Now he was looking at her a little differently, not quite as hateful, “Maybe I will turn you as well. You donnae have to die, you just canna go back to Malfoy.”

                He was looking at Elizabeth deeply and from what he said she realized that he had once had a family and somehow Draco’s father had a hand in their no longer being with him, “I am sorry,” Elizabeth said in a whisper, she brought her hand up to his cheek, “I truly am sorry for the loss of your family.”

                “You know my mate had golden hair much like yours,” he slowly picked up a lock of Elizabeth’s hair and held it up against his face, “So soft,” he whispered.

                “Please don’t do this,” Elizabeth whispered softly, “I promise not to tell anyone if you just let me go. I love Draco and this is going to kill him,” Elizabeth couldn’t stop the tears.

                The spell over the vampire was broken, “I do not care about Malfoy’s feelings. Draco needs to believe you are dead because you will never be leaving this castle. There are spells put up so you canna disapparate and if you try to use the window you will fall and be crushed by the rocks below. I suggest you get used to it here, you are in for a long wait for the baby.”

                “I will bring you something to eat shortly,” he said in his thick Scot brogue, “make yourself at home. I will also bring you some more clothes.” And suddenly he disappeared. Elizabeth looked down at herself. She was still wearing the long flowing wedding gown.

                What was she going to do? She had to escape. If no one ever found her, then Draco was going to think she was dead. She would find a way to get out of here. She just had to keep the vampire satisfied that she accepted her place there and hope he didn’t change his mind about draining her blood.

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