Glimpse Into My Brain

By MissSarcasm12

3.8K 248 170

Each a story in itself, tales of love, friendship, trust, values and Sacrifices. More

Food Containers
Promise Rings
Unrequited Love. pt 1.
Unrequited Love pt2
Couple Breaker


1.2K 58 65
By MissSarcasm12

Tessa's POV

"That bird is gorgeous don't you think so?" I point at the bird flying outside the window. Dr Martinez smiles and nods. "I want to be free like it."

"You will be one day." He lied. I knew that he did.

"Bye Doctor, thank you for treating me." Today was his last day, and a new doctor will come in today.

"Goodbye, Tessa. I know you will recover." He twisted his wedding ring, excusing himself, he left the room. I always wished for a love that would last through my life. What did I get?

I kissed him, my lips on his brought life in me. My hands played with his hair while his roamed on my body. Pushing me against the wall he went to pull my shirt, when I felt the sudden need to empty my stomach. The nusea made me push him and run towards the washroom.

This week, I had fainted twice this week, when Sam took it too seriously I just asked him to forget it. I had lost a few kgs too. And now I vomited the third time. I felt his hand rubbing my back while the other held my hair away.

20 minutes later, Sam handed me a cup of green tea and sat next to me. "We need to go to the doctor. I think you might be pregnant." He had a smile on his face.

Sam was my fiancee from 2 years and we were to get married in two months. I thought of the possibility of having a life in me.

So here we are a week later with my reports in the doctors hand. Sam wanted to go to the doctor rather than letting me take a test. And here we had the results.

"I am sorry, but she has leukemia."

And in a week, Sam had left me, when I needed him the most and now after a year of treatments, I had become a permanent patient in the Main Hospital.

I heard people talk around 'Isn't she just 24?' 'Tesaa Darein, that sweet girl.' 'There is no hope.'

I had accepted long back that I will not survive, if there is no cure, then why hope. I hear the door open and a man enters. He couldn't be a day more than 25, his eyes shining with happiness. His eyes were a darker shade of lilac. His hair were black, which were nicely made up.

"Hello, doctor." I greet him. He sits next to my bed and smiles at me.



"So Tessa, how's your condition?" He asks me, highly unprofessional.

"Well except the ever growing WBCs and it killing me slowly, I am doing just dandy." I said sarcastically. This guy is different than most of my doctors.

"Would you like a lollipop?" He hands me a lollipop and I take it, why not.

"Thank you, so what's you're name?" I ask him. Before he could reply the door opened and came in another man with a doctor's coat on.

"Ray, please go back to your room, the doctor is there waiting for you." The guy gave me his hand, "I am Richard Flenson, your new doctor.


A month, a whole month had passed by with my meeting with Ray and Everytime he came close to making me laugh and yesterday he had achieved it.

Everyday he came to my room and left with giving me a lollipop. The stick always had a paper wrapped around it with a sweet message.

And as time went by I came closer to having a light, hope that maybe I will survive, that maybe I will have my happily ever after, that maybe I will have my love. But maybe I was hoping too much. Ray too was ill, his heart had three holes.

"Morning, beautiful." I look up and see Ray standing at my door. I smile at him and he gets inside.

"Morning, Ray." He sits on my bed as I pull my feet up. "So what is the story of the day?" I ask him.

"Well, today I will tell you about my family." He grins at me, making me think that this was one of his happy stories, oh how wrong was I. "So, my family consists of me, my mother and father. My father cheated on my mother, and when she received that news and that his...Um..sidelady was pregnant, my mum couldn't take it and left me.
She left a 8 year old kid with a man who had cheated on her. She left her child just because she couldn't cope up with her situation....." His eyes twinkled with unshed tears. "Anyhow, your turn."

"My mum died giving birth to me, and my father does not want to see my face since I chose my love over him. I fell in love with my childhood best friend. Sam, he was my best friend for 12 years and my boyfriend for 5 years and my fiancee for two. When he got to know that I was dying, he left me. Without a single thought. But who would want to be with a girl who is going to die soon anyways?" He stared at me with an emotion that I no longer saw.

His hand went under my chin as he made me look at him, he gave me a heart stopping smile.

"I would." And with that he kissed me.

------------------- 3 Months Later ----------------------------

"Your white blood cell number is going down, which is really nice for you. Given a good diet and exercises, there wouldn't be any problems. Be positive and you will  recover." Dr Flenson gave me a warm smile.

"Doctor, how is Ray doing?" I asked him.

"Well, we found a donor for him, since he needs a heart. It will be highly risky but we hope he will make it."

"When is his surgery?" I asked him, while eating my lollipop that Ray had given a day back.


"Morning beautiful." Ray entered the room. "Bye doc." He pushed Dr Flenson out of the room.

"So eager to see me?" I teased him. Ray handed me a bouquet of roses.

"Happy birthday." He smiles at me.

"You remembered?" He was the first one to wish me in two years. "I got to know that you have a surgery. When is it-" he interrupted me by kissing me.

My hands were in his hair and his were on my waist. It was a very uncomfortable position. I pushed his back a little and some time later he was on top of me.

"I love you." And I froze.

"I love you too." And he continued .


Where is he? It's been 5 days and he isn't here yet.

"Tessa, you are being discharged, be here once two weeks and we will check on you. These medications are to be taken on time." Dr Flenson informed, handing me a slip.

"Thank you doctor," I had been allowed to leave. But where to? I have no place to live, no family to go to. Not a single way. "Where is Ray?" I asked him.
"Didn't you know, his surgery was a few days back. He is recovering. He will be discharged in a week."

It seemed like a dream, everything is getting better. I get up and ask the doctor to lead me to his room. He nods and leads me out of my room and towards the ward, which held him.

When the door opened, a gasp left my mouth. He was on the bed, his eyes closed, his hair falling on his eyes and his face as pale as the paper kept on the table next to him.

"I will give you some time." I hear the doctor say and then the door closes. I take hesitant steps towards him, my hand reaching out to push his hair back. I place a kiss on his forehead, and then sit on the chair next to his bed.

"Get up for me. Please don't Give up." I whisper, a tear falling. It has been a year and a half since I had cried. Not once for me. Now I cried for him. For the sake of him waking up.

"Give up? No, hold on. I am so going to hold on to us." I look up at the sudden voice and there I saw his violet eyes, rarest of the rare, staring back at me.

And I found hope, and my future with him, with the promising kiss he packed. His hand comes up and he hands me, a colourful lollipop.

A/N: So guys this is my first idea. What do you think? These stories will be of just one chapter.

Hope you liked it.

Love, Milk

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