The Hunger Games, Cato's stor...

Af Best_Mermaid_Ever_

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You all know that Katniss was Cato's biggest enemy. Well, what would happen if Cato and Clove fell in love, h... Mere

The Hunger Games, Cato's story
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chaper twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Second Book

Chapter ten

5K 38 48
Af Best_Mermaid_Ever_


Okay! So there is a part at the end of this chapter, that tells the scores of all the Tributes... well, I didnt completly list like 6 or 7, so I put like "boy;D3:afive" this says Boy, District Three, a five. Or maybe it will say "girl;D9:aseven" this one says Girl, District Nine, a seven. Get it?                                                                                       


It seems like it goes on forever. Spying, talking, training. Kissing, re-making, eating. Training, spying, re-making,eating, talking. Kissing, kissing, kissing. I feel like I am just repeating my day over and over again. And to make it all better, I think Katniss is even more annoying. I want to talk to Peeta so bad! But today will be different, it is the last day of training, and we will show the gamemakers what we got! Well somewhat different. As soon as Clove comes in, she gives me a long, hard kiss. Then we go down and eat and talk. Then we get re-made, and head down to training. As soon as we get there, Marvel is being called in. "We made good time." Clove says. I reply with a squeeze of my hand. I am so nervous. What if I mess up? I will just throw spears, maybe some weights too. I don't know what I am sup post to do. I am no good at anything but that. I guess I am pretty good at a knife, with the training Clove gave me. No! I promised myself I would not touch that, so Clove can have to knife victory to herself. Glimmer walks in. She turns around to me for a quick second, and crosses her fingers, I smile at her, then she walks away. I turn around to see Katniss and Peeta separate for a second. I rush over to him.

"Four is not going to be in the Career group this year."

"What!? We need them! We are small without them!"

"Well, I have you, and a girl from 5, she is very agile. Also a boy from 10, he will protect our supply stash. We are actually larger than most Career packs." He nods, then looks past my shoulder. Katniss is coming back slowly, she hasn't seen me yet, so I better hurry. Don't want to blow her little Lover Boy's cover. As soon as I get my hand wrapped around Clove's, my name is called. Glimmer must be done. My turn.

I slowly walk to the door, but then opening it at a normal speed. I walk in, and see the large group of the people ready to kill us. I am guessing Secrena Crane, I think that was her name, points to a bunch of weapons, and foods. I quickly rush over to the spears, once I grab one, I realize there is an old thing I once learned about in school. An atlati, I have used it a few times in the training area in 2. I actually dont know why they have spears in the training area, it is actually meant to train Peacekeepers. That is were the Capitol gets there secret supply of Peacekeepers. First I think I will show them what I can do without the atlati, so I grip the spear, and send it flying. The dummy is painted to look just like a human, eyes, nose, mouth hands, ears, feet, shirt. It even has internal organs that light up once it has been hit. I hit it's eye. Then a second one, right to a lung. Third to the heart. Then I grab the atlati, put in my spear, grab the handle, and push forward. The spear flies with such force, once it hits it's mark, the dummy knocks over. Those things usually weight around 400-500lbs. Filled with rocks, and sand. And wires. I pick it up to see that my spear had split the last one I threw in half. I look up at the Gamemakers, some have greedy eyes, for the soups just brought in by some avoxes, but most are wide-eyed on me, on the dummy I hold in my hand.

"May I see you throw some weights?" The head Gamemaker asks. I nod, and walk over to some weights. I start small, with a 50lbs one. Throw it at the 20 1/2ft mark. Then I slowly get bigger weights. I stop when I almost drop the 250lbs one. I turn and their eyes are wide again. I have never thrown that much before. I guess that the weights aren't in pounds. I turn all the way around, and make a small bow saying I am done, then they dismiss me.

I walk out of the room, and sit down against the wall. I soon hear something fall on the ground in there, then another thing. What is she doing? I think. Two more plops on the ground, then I hear Clove yell, and scream and curse in frustration. The plopping stops, and it is quiet again. I wonder who is injured. When she walks out, I see that she is frustrated, but pleased with herself.

"What did you do?" I ask flatly.

"Nothing. I simply got bored of the targets, and asked them if the targets could move, seeing how high tech they were in all. Well, one of the Gamemakers goes to press a button, but her plate slides on top of another. They all moved, but not like you would think. They fell to the ground. I got so frustrated, but I didn't do anything. Instead, I screamed and swore, then moved on, and started to grab a dummy lying on the floor, and rip it up. By the time the dummies were fixed, my dummy had its insides on the outside. There was sand and rocks, wires and stuffing every were! Oh well, not my problem." I snicker, and we make our way to our rooms. I go to step into my room, but she pulls me into hers.

"I herd someone in your room."

"Okay...? Why does that matter?"

"Never mind." She pecks me on the lips, and I head over to my room. There is another strange Capitol woman sitting on my bead.

"Hello. My name is Ridonica. I am Clove and your new mentor." She gives me a beaming smile.

"Okay. What are you doing in my room?" I try to sound as demanding as I can for her to leave. She shrivels up a little bit, her creamy blue skin hiding behind a pillow.

"I. I. I'm sorry... I guess I. I. I will be leaving then." She walks out.

"Don't go to Cloves room. That is a warning, not a demand." Great. She is terrified of me, isn't going to be much help then. Might as well help her a little bit. She scurries down the stairs, as I walk over to Clove's room myself.

"It was... um.. er.. Oh ya Ridonica. She is our new mentor. I remember her name because it sounds like Ridiculous. Ridonica, ridiculous. Haha that fun to think."

She smiles at me, "Well, I just hope she will be better than Milli."

I give her a sad smile, "Yea, me too." I yawn, and she pulls the covers back for me to settle in with her.

"What's her style?" She giggles.

"Blue skin, her eyes are like ours, but silver. She has a dark blue hair color, it goes down to about her hips with curls. And she dresses like she is from the Capitol." I am laughing now. "Oh ya, and she had silver tattos all around her eye area, to match her eyes I think." Clove laughs, then we lay back to sleep.

I wake up to the creek of Clove's door. Ridonica slowly, very slowly walks in. "Time for dinner." Then she smiles at me, trying to be friends again. I growl at her to go away, and that we will be down in one damn minute. I really didnt  have to swear, but she is so annoying, and she woke me from a good dream, and I just ruined my shot of her helping me at all. She gasps, and freezes.

"Go away!" I yell at her. She goes away so quickly, if you blinked, you would've missed it. I pull Clove's arm away from her face, and tickle her face until she wakes up. "Ms. Ridiculous wants us downstairs to eat." She giggles again, then leans up and kisses me.

"You be nice to her, okay?"

"To late." I tell her, "You might want to be though, if she isn't going to tremble around both of us."

Her mouth popps open, "That bad huh? Well lets head down then."

Once we get downstairs, I sit across from Ridonica, and smile at her. I must be pretty annoyed, because Clove kicks my leg. My smile must have been evil looking. Ridiculous leans back as far as her chair will let her before she goes and sits by Enorbaria. Bad idea. Enorbaria smiles an evil smile at her, revealing all of her sharp, pointy teeth. "Dinner is here guys." Enorbaria jokes. Ridoncia doesn't get it, gasps, then sits by Brutis. This girl is an idiot.

"Mmm yummy." Brutis says. At first she thinks he is a major flirt. Then she sees the knife positioned at her, and makes another rotation, this time sitting by Clove. Clove pats her leg. This is the first time I have seen her be nice to anybody but me, Marvel and Glimmer since we got here. I laugh for a second, then cover it up by a fake cough.

"Bless you." Redonica squeaks. I narrow my eyes at her, getting another kick from Clove. Im glad my eyes are red, because I am sure she is terrified of them.

Dinner goes by fast, talk, scare Ridiculous, eat salad, then a vegetable soup, then some grilled chicken, and lastly the dessert, brownies. They were delicious. We then crowd on a couch. Me and Brutis squishing Ridonica, Enorbaria behind her, breathing down her neck. Clove is nice, and sits infront of her, and grabs her hands.

Firs Marvel's picture pops up, he gets a ten, so does Glimmer. My picture, a ten. I get a high five from Brutis, right in front of Ms. Ridiculous' face, and a pat on the back from Enorbaria. Clove smiles at me. Cloves picture is next, she also gets a ten. "Good job sweety!" I lean down and kiss her forehead. Three is both fives. The boy from 4 gets a six, and the girl an eight. I was right to not have them on my team. The boy from five, is a nine, that's okay, I guess. Then mystery girl, she gets a 10, yes, good decision to have her. The rest goes by in a flash Boy;D6:a four. Girl;D6:a six. Boy;D7:a nine. Girl;D7:a three. Boy;D8:a2. Girl;D8:a two. Boy;D9:a three. Girl;D9:a six. The boy from District ten, the one who could bomb a haystack, got a ten. Good choice. The girl, not so good, a seven. Thresh got a ten, as expected. Little Rue got a nine. She got a nine! Good for her. Peeta is next. He gets a... 10. Yes, Careers all have tens. Next is Katniss. The I hear the gasps from the people around me before my mind can even imagine this is true. The number in front of me is impossible. She got an eleven. The scoring is one for terribly bad, twelve for impossibly good, a twelve has never been accomplished before. An eleven is about as rare.

                    Now I really need Peepa, becuse she is my first, and biggest target.

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