Euphoria ( Genji x reader )

By MonCheriix

102K 2.6K 1.7K

eu.pho.ri.a yo͞oˈfôrēə/ noun a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness. More

Ch 1 • the first encounter
Ch 2• tears
Ch 4• lost
Ch 5• master
Ch 6• euphoria
Ch 7• Sayōnara
I need help
Ch 8• old friends
Ch 9• adjustment
Ch 10• letters
Oh my gurd
Ch 11• new begginings
Im sorry
•Ch 12•
•Ch 13•
•Ch 14•
•Ch 15•
A/n :)
Update :)
Story cover

Ch 3• awkward encounters

4.6K 145 99
By MonCheriix

3 months later

It was the weekend, thankfully. I got out of bed and decided to visit Hana. It was a cold winter day so I put on a shirt and jeans, throwing on my trench coat and boots.

I arrived at her house, she was already outside just sitting on her front steps. When she saw me her eyes lit up." Y/n! Y/n! Wanna go to the arcade? She pulled a pouch of coins from behind her small figure.

"Yeah, lets go." She stood up and we walked to the arcade." So.. how's life treatin ya?" Hana looks up at me, since I'm taller than her by a few inches. So anyone to her is a giant." Uh, pretty good. Why?"

"Just wanted to know how you were holding up after you know what." She tried to to not make it to obvious on what she was talking about, but it was." Hana, it's fine. I'm over him anyway. I smile to assure her I was.
"Good, I didn't want some boy holding you back from being happy."

She giggles, pulling me so we get to the arcade faster.
And here we are, the 16 bit hero arcade. We walk in, the sounds from the machines very vivid." Oh, what's that?" Hana runs up to a toy machine with little stuffed toys that look like onions. "Aw, I want one." She exclaims. Quickly grabbing a coin from her pouch and putting it into the slot.

3 tries later, and she finally has her stuffed toy." Ok, what next?" I ask her scanning the arcade games around the room." Hmm... I don't know." She shrugs.

"How about fighters of the storm?" I ask her, as she cuddles her plushy." Sure!" We get up from the bench we were sitting on and go to play the arcade game.

A couple games later, and Hana was kicking my ass. "Dang Hana, I never knew you could play games like that." She laughs." Thanks, I get that a lot."

"Well, I'm starving? Wanna go get ramen?" My stomach growling as we sit in the arcade." Yeah I'm hungry, let's go."
We get to the ramen shop and take a seat.
We get our food and begin eating.


We both exit the ramen shop, tired and full." Hey, H-Hana?" I catch her attention. "Hm?" She turns back at me." You can go home, I was just gonna walk around for a bit." I have a small smile on my face." Uh, ok. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" She questions me, a look of concern on her face. Most likely because I was slap happy 2 minutes ago.

"I'll be fine. I just need to take a breather." She nods, and we exchange goodbyes before parting our separate ways. I walk to a small garden that I used to visit when I was a child, I would always go here when I was sad, or just needed a break from life for 10 minutes.

I walk to a tree and sit under it. Resting my head against the tree trunk. I take deep breaths, relaxing and clearing my mind. The sun starts to go down, and I start to get a bit tired. Soon before I know it, I'm asleep.


"Hey you! Wake up! What are you doing?!" I wake up to someone calling me. "Huh?" I open my eyes to see a stranger standing in front of me. They hold our their arm to pull me up. I get up and brush myself off, as well as wiping the drool from my face.

The stranger scans my face." You seem familiar, have I seen you somewhere before?"  Finally realizing the stranger was the boy I 'bumped into' I tense up a bit." Uh I accidentally bumped into you at the market and you freaked out."

"Ohhh, I remember that. Anyways what's your name? Why are you out here?" He bombards me with questions." First of all, my name is y/n. Second o-." He interrupts me." Wait you're who my little brother is crying over?" My eyes widen, ' he's crying over me?'

"My brother, genji. He's heartbroken over you. He stays in his room all day, crying." He pauses.
"I worry for him."

I was gonna update earlier, but I forgot :/

Hope you enjoyed this chapter <33

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