Anything for Family (A Levera...

By kittydunn29

6.6K 140 36

Eliot gets a call from his sister. This call is just the prologue to his "niece" moving in with him and the r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Author's Apologies
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: The End

Chapter 5

391 13 4
By kittydunn29

So sorry this took forever, guys! My computer that I normally do this on pretty much quit running the website or any website because it's outdated and I'm too stubborn for updates! Had to get the app, and you know how hard it is to write on that without stupid Autocorrect busting your rear. Anyway, here it finally is!
Shawn's POV
I took her hand and felt her squeeze mine. My fez was crooked, and my bowtie was in a similar state. When the bell rang, Amy saw this and straightened to tie. The fez didn’t matter. She would make it disappear later. We stopped by my locker so she could see that I did, in fact, have a ginger wig and a bald cap. She asked if she could borrow it.
“Sure. We don’t do anything in homeroom on pep rally days, so I can put them on you in there. We can trade at lunch.” She nodded and put a few things in her locker while I pulled the cap and wig out of mine.
We walked to our homeroom and she was messing with her hair the whole time. It was kind of cute. Soon I would be playing with her hair, though. We took our seats long enough to do the roll call, then we went to the back where there was a mirror and I put her hair into the cap and pinned the wig to it. She looked just like Amy Pond.
“Well, Pond,” I said in my Doctor voice, “I think we’re ready to run.” She smiled and stood up.
“Let’s go then,” she said in her Scottish accent. There were people staring at us, but I didn’t care. One of them was dressed in his normal clothes, so I said,
“What are you looking at, Rory?” The guy laughed and shook his head. I suddenly had an idea.
“Mrs. Pierre! Can we pull a prank on the principal?” She thought it was a wonderful idea.
“In what way would we do that?”
“You can send me to the office for ‘running and scanning people with a screwdriver’ and you can send her for being ginger!” The class laughed and the teacher nodded, pulling out write-up slips. She wrote the crimes on the papers, handed them to us, and we put on our best sad and defeated faces on our way to the office. No one questioned the fez or the wig on the way down the hall. We walked into the office and sat in the chairs you sit in when you’re in trouble. We kept our faces straight as we handed the slips to the principal and he looked us over.
“Why do you do this to me, West?”
“What do you mean, sir?”
“You get sent to the office from that class for the stupidest reasons. And now you’ve got the new girl in on it. ‘Being ginger’ is a serious crime, Ms. Spencer. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Without missing a beat, in her Scottish accent, she replied, “Everyone knows that aliens don’t attack gingers. It was self-defense.” The principal laughed and sent us back to class. We high-fived and laughed all the way down the hall. We walked into homeroom with looks of triumph, and the class applauded us. I sat in my seat and took out my notebook so I could finish my stupid biology homework.
Amy sat next to me and helped me on it. Apparently, she’d already covered that lesson in stupid biology. I hated the reproductive system. Especially the girl stuff we had to learn. If girls have to go through that every month, I’m glad I have male genitals.
“Ames, I feel so bad for you having to go through that bloody nightmare for three to seven days a month.”
“What bitch only gets it for three?!? I wanna be her!” she whispered. I laughed and wrote down more answers to the problems. These square things were stupid and annoying.
(Quick Author’s note about this previous section: If you are a male and are reading this, I am sorry if this has offended you. I am not a male, so I don’t know what you think about. Let me know in the comments if you can help me out on what a guy thinks about… You know, other than the obvious three things. Maybe four? I don’t know. Sorry for the interruption. Carry on, my llamas!)
Amy’s POV
At lunch, we traded costumes. The sad part was, the Amy Pond costume fit him better than it did me. He came out of the bathroom and straightened my fez before I put the wig on him. As soon as I was done pinning it to his hair, he stared grinning like a moron. He knew I could never resist a dork. I hugged him and then took the sonic screwdriver from his pocket.
“Nice try, Pond,” I said in my terrible man voice.
“Oh, you’re no fun!” he said in a high-pitched voice. I laughed as we walked down the hallway. We went to a table by ourselves and he went to buy a couple water bottles. Neither of us were very hungry. I sat awkwardly on my own, fiddling with my bowtie, until I looked up and tall person with jaw-length, auburn hair and olive skin. It was almost a mullet. The person, who now I could see was a girl, saw me and waved. I waved back and she took that as a signal to come sit with me. She sat in the seat in front of me and introduced herself.
“Hey! I’m Cairo. You’re the new girl, right?” She munched on her sandwich and waited for my reply.
“Uh, yeah. I’m Amy M- Spencer. Amy Spencer.” I almost said my adopted last name. “Cairo. I haven’t heard that name. Did your parents go to Egypt or something?”
“Nah, they’ve never left the country. They named me Cairo because they’ve got huge plans for me, I guess. It means ‘Victorious’ so I have a lot to get accomplished to live up to that. I LOVE your costume! I could have sworn you were wearing something different a few minutes ago, though.”
“Oh, Shawn and I traded. Both of the costumes are mine, anyway. We agreed to each have a turn being Amelia Pond and The Doctor.” Speaking of Shawn, here he came. He didn’t even have to see Cairo to know it was her.
“Hey, Cairo. What’s up? Will your dad let you get that mullet yet?”
“Nah, you know he would flip. Seeing the looks on people’s faces wouldn’t be worth the grounding until it grew back.”
“Hey, didn’t you say you were going to open a night club called ‘The Mullet’ when you got out of school?”
“I’m gonna try,” she said with a laugh.
“Why would you call it that?” I asked curiously.
“You know how mullets are all ‘business in the front, party in the back’? Well, in the front of the building would be an office and meeting room area, and in the back would be the dance floor and partying place. Prettt cool, huh?”
“Yeah!” I said with a laugh. “I would go to that and dance like an the Doctor.”
“Discounts to cosplayers! Great idea!” she exclaimed, writing that in a notebook. Shawn handed me a bottle of water and opened his own. He put one arm across the back of my chair and started chugging,
“You’re gonna pee your pants if you keep drinking water like that,” Cairo commented randomly. I giggled a little. “So, are you guys dating or just close friends?” Shawn choked on his water so hard that his wig fell off. I hammered my fist into his back and he sipped his water instead of trying to drink it all in one gulp.
“Uh… I guess we could be considered close friends?” Cairo started sneezing after he said this. It was obviously a fake sneeze.
“Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry! I’m allergic to all that bull-crud you’re spreading. I know a couple when I see one.” I laughed and elbowed Shawn a little. He was worried for nothing. I like this gal!
“So, Shawn, did you go to the Brew Pub the other night?”
“Yeah, actually.”
“I always thought the guy who cooks and runs the place is pretty cute. I wonder how old he is. Would he be cool with a 16 year old being totally in love with him?” Now I choked on my water. Shawn rubbed between my shoulder blades.
“Are you talking about my dad?” I choked out. Her eyes got really wide.
“Your dad cooks at the Brew Pub? And he basically runs the place? Shoulder-length brown hair?” I nodded. “Blue eyes that look into your soul?” Nod. “Buff?” Another nod. She slapped her forehead. “THAT’S your dad? Oh, I envy you! Biological, or…”
“Yes,” I laughed. “He’s my real dad. His sister raised me to believe that I was her daughter. It was okay, I mean she treated me like I was her own. I just wasn’t.”
“Is it totally weird that I am in love with your dad?”
“Kinda, but I won’t tell him. I promise. He would absolutely die of embarrassment, and if that happened, you wouldn’t have anyone to daydream about.’ We both laughed and Shawn looked a little weirded out. “What? You don’t have to listen to the girl talk, Pond.”
“Oh, but I need to learn how to be feminine. Let me go find an actual girl,” he said in his Amy voice. I laughed and he held me closer to him. Was this actually going to be a good day? It seemed to be a good one so far! I had fun chatting with Cairo. She seemed pretty chill.

Later on, the football boys were called out. Shawn stood from his chair, flipped his fake hair in a sassy manner, and strutted from the room. He winked at one of the boys who wasn’t in football. I almost fell out of my chair when Cairo made a face. I knew she looked familiar. She was in Theatre with me. I just knew that he was going to get an ear-full from the coach, but at the moment, it was rather funny.
Shortly after that, we could hear the drum line playing. Everyone started leaving. I guess that was the cue to leave. They had started at the sixth hall and were marching towards the gym while playing their instruments. I walked with Cairo, since I didn’t know what was going on, and we wound up on the front row of the seats. They entire band started playing a song and everyone stood to welcome in the football players. I could easily see Shawn through the crowd. He sat in his seat like a lady and had all the guys around him laughing. He flirted with one of them, who played along and put an arm around him. Everyone laughed so hard!
The coach called everyone’s attention after the band and cheerleaders did their playing and dancing thing. The coach gave a speech about doing your best, giving it your all, and winning for the ones in the stands who counted on them. No pressure, though. After that, the drill team came out and got some of the football players who were dressed up to dance with them. I had to laugh as Shawn danced better than everyone there. He, for some reason, busted out his mad twerking skills in the middle of it. I was embarrassed to know him, but Cairo hid me from the public eye until he was done. The principal came out and asked me to come and stand with Shawn, since we were two parts of the same costume. I was, once again, ashamed.
When I got up there, the principal asked if we had a skit. Well, then. In his high-pitched voice, Shawn answered, “Of course, we do! Don’t we, Doctor?”
“Whatever you say, Pond,” I answered in my Doctor voice. We were given the floor, and Shawn pulled a water-gun out of his pocket.
“I’m going to need a guy or gal with awesome aim to hold this and shoot something I throw. Anyone.” People all around the gym raised their hands, but he picked out the one known Whovian in the crowd. Cairo. She came up, took the gun, and said,
“Hello, Sweetie!”
“Hello, River,” I answered.
“What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?”
“I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool!” Shawn took it and threw it across the gym. Cairo aimed and fired at my precious hat. You could tell the water hit it, and it spun and fell to the floor. We all took our bows, except for Shawn. He curtsied. Cairo and I went back to our seats and Shawn jogged to get the fez. He brought it back to me before going to his own place. We were now to sing the school song. Great. More things I couldn’t do.

After the song, we were released to leave. Shawn had to go to the locker room and I was going to catch a ride home from Eliot, so we hugged and parted ways.
“You coming to the game tonight? Or is football not your thing anymore?”
“Football forever, man. I’ll try to make it! I don’t know if I can, though. You may just have to come by after for your victory dinner at the Pub.” He waved as the coach called him, and he promised to return the skirt. He was keeping the leggings, though.
I walked out of the school with Cairo and saw Eliot waiting on his motorcycle. Cairo walked with me to the bike and introduced herself as I stashed my bag under the seat and put on my helmet.
“Well, see ya, Ames! Oh!” She took out a pan and a slip of paper, used her knee as a table, and handed the paper to me. “Here’s my number. Text or call later! Bye!” She waved and ran off to get into a car with an older man. It was probably her dad.
“Glad you made a friend,” he said. “I really want you to like it here.”
“I already like it here, Eliot.” He smiled and revved the engine. We were soon speeding off to the Pub.
“Hey,” I said at a red light. “Could we go to the game tonight? It’s okay if you say no. I just promised someone I’d ask you.”
“Shawn’s on the team, I know. Sure. You can go. Could I come with you, or would that cramp your style?”
“I thought you preferred hockey.”
“I like sports where people truck each other.”
“Who am I to say no?” he laughed and the light turned green. We were moving again. I wasn’t that afraid anymore, so I let go of him and threw my hands in the air while we were on a quiet side road. I could tell that he was either rolling his eyes or smiling.   

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