Chapter 1

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Amelia's POV

"Mom, do I really have to go all the way to Portland? Why can't I stay here?"

"Because this is the only arrangement that will keep you safe. That man down the street is a danger to you!"

"I haven't seen this 'Eliot' guy in seven years, mom! I don't even remember what he looks like."

"He's your uncle, my brother! He misses you! Besides, you would be interested in what he does for a living."

"What does he do?"

"He is a 'retrieval specialist', whatever that means. He also fights people."

"Fighting, huh? Wait, why haven't I seen him in seven years?"

"I don't know. Last time you saw him, though, you were so excited about it that you didn't sleep for a week. You were also really sad when he left."

"Mom, I'm really not sure about this. Can't we rethink it?"

"There will be no more discussion about this. I've already called and told him that you would be there as soon as possible. Please, I love you and I am doing this because it's what's best for you. Besides, you're always telling me how much you want to go to a new school and meet new people. This is your chance to do that!"

"Fine. I guess I'm not getting out of this. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning. I'll help you pack if you want."

"No, I've got it." I went to my room and locked myself in. No one in the house had been in my room since I turned thirteen. I opened my closet and pulled my largest suitcase out. I would be there until further notice. That could be anywhere from a week to a few years.

I opened the suitcase and started pulling clothes out of my dresser. Folding them carefully, I stacked the shirts together on the left. I folded a few pairs of jeans and placed them on the far right. Socks and underwear went in the middle and shoes went in the pocket on top of the case. I opened my door and gathered my personal items from the bathroom, put them in plastic bags, and slid them into one of the inside pockets. I then pulled a set of sheets from the top of my closet and put a quilt on top of it all. I put a pillow in there and closed the case. Everything fit perfectly.

I sighed as I set the suitcase by my door. I was leaving this house. I looked at the posters on my walls. Would I take these with me? Yes, I would. I pulled their small tubes from the top of my closet and pulled the tacks out of their corners carefully. The anime characters, Dr. Who, Sherlock, and band posters all went into their assigned tubes and those tubes went into a long, thin box. I wrote POSTERS: DO NOT OPEN in marker on the box and set it with my suitcase. I then fell into my bed and waited for sleep to envelop me in its warm arms.

"Wake up, Amy! We're leaving in ten minutes!" my mother called from the other end of the house. I shot up and gasped. I quickly dressed, threw on my shoes, grabbed my jacket, hat, suitcase and box, and shut the light off on the way out of my room. Then I remembered something. I wheeled around and ran back into my room, grabbed my other two hats, and put them in my satchel along with my notebooks (probably about ten of them), pens and laptop. Then, I shut my door for good. It would be several hours to Portland. My mother and I loaded into the car and started our trip. I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from a friend of mine who actually lived in Portland.

Heard you were coming here to live with your uncle! I'll see you soon! Where will you be when you get there?


Shawn, always checking in on me. He and I went through middle school together. Then his family moved to Portland. I texted him back:

I think it's called the Brew Pub. Do you know where that is?

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