Scorpious and Rose: What are...

Por Lima_Beans28

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Rose Weasley hopped on the Hogwarts express and doing the exact opposite of wha her father told her she made... Más

Chapter 1 (A New Year)
Chapter 2 (Back At Hogwarts)
Chapter 3 (Mess in Potions)
Chapter 4 (Misconceptions)
Chapter 5 (Night time adventures)
Chapter 6 (Hogsmead and Apologies)
Chapter 7 (Pub)
Chapter 8 (Reflections and Realizations)


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Por Lima_Beans28

Year One

"Don't get too friendly though Rose." my dad said and I mentally laughed at him. I will make friends with that boy no matter what. Not only because I am the most stubborn Weasley, but because my mom brought me up to be tolerant, my own person, and that I should not live my parents lives. And... I wanted to make a friend outside of those I was related to or met through my parents' plethora of friends. So once I hoped on the train I found Scorpious Malfoy and I sat down in his compartment. "Rose Granger-Weasley." I say out stretching my hand. "Scorpious um Malfoy." he says tentatively. "I know I'm here to make friends with you to annoy my dad and because, well, I think it'd be good for me to befriend someone I don't know. Just like I'm not my parents neither are you." I say and he perks up. He must not used to such bluntness, or maybe he wasn't used to being told he wasn't the son of a death eater. "Thanks. So if you want to be my friend what do you want to know?" Scorpious asked and I smiled, I had made a friend not based on the fact I was a Weasley. "Well let's start off with the simple stuff. What's your favorite Color?" I asked and he laughs a little. "Oh that's easy Ocean Blue. What about you?" he responds smiling. "Oh I like Grey." I said with a small grin.

A crashing sound interrupts me before I could ask another question and Albus comes tumbling into our compartment; totally ruining my friend making process. "Oh hey Rose, just escaping James' initiation games," he says laying on the floor looking up at us, "um you must be the Malfoy. Scorpious?" Al asks with a smile while awkwardly sitting himself up and Scorpious nods. "Yeah Rose and I were just making friends, would you like to join?" Scorpious asks a little nervously and Al cracks a smile nodding. I bet he wants a friend that isn't either a cousin or close family friend too. "Alright, we started simple... what's your favorite color?" Scorpious asks and we continue to ask each other things until we arrive at Hogwarts, where I'm sorted Gryffindor and the boys are each Slytherins.

Year Two

"I can't believe I have to wait a whole other year to go to Hogwarts." Hugo complained with Lily who was making a pouty face. "Oh come on kids it'll be ok." Mom says, but I'm not paying attention. I'm looking for the silver blonde haired boy in the crowd of students and families. "I don't see him Al." I turn to say to my cousin, but he's run off in the other direction where I spot Scorpious Malfoy arriving with his family. "Scorpious!" I shout and chase after Al. "Guys!" He shouts and we meet up doing our hand shake while laughing our arses off.

Year Three

"Scorpious Hyperion Malfoy!" I shout at the arrogant, uptight, arse that was my friend. "What! Rose Granger-Weasley!" he mimic mocks me. "You complete arse!" I shout and storm off. I don't talk to him for the rest of the month of May, and it isn't until we get on the Hogwarts Express I hear from him. "Rose wait!" he yells as I walk into our usual compartment. "You do not get to use that name anymore, you lost that privilege." I say curtly and he nods. "Ok Weasley. I'm really sorry, what I did was wrong. I want to be your friend again and understand if doesn't happen over night. I would like to apologize to you, and if you'll give it, ask for forgiveness." he says pissing me off. He's so darn eloquent and just nice, ugh! "Fine, but my name is Weasley got it." I say and he smiles. Darn his smile is hot. "Thanks Ro-... ehm Weasley." he says and the train pulls away leading us home.

Year Four

"Granger-Weasley hits the blunger right at Cousin Potter missing by just an inch as Malfoy takes possession of the quaffle scoring for Slytherin. But look the eldest Potter has spotted something in the sky! It must be the snitch! Slytherin Seeker Nott takes off after Potter! But Granger-Weasley has just hit the blunger at Nott who doges and it hits Eldest Potter in the arm! Oh no he's defiantly out for the game, wait what's this? Potter comes back and is catching up to Nott! But Slytherin has just scored making it so if Gryffindor catches the snitch they will lose the game!" Katlyn Jordon says over the loud speaker as I aim blunger after blunger at Zaria Nott while Al and Scorpious score point after point. Finally I reassess the situation and aim the next blunger at Scorpious fighting him in the arm. "What's this? Slytherin chaser Malfoy hit by Granger-Weasley? This is key, Gryffindor takes possession, youngest Potter grabs it and scores just past Slytherin keeper Dellmount but Slytherin Chaser Artello-Wilkinson takes possession only to- wait the snitch has been caught by James Potter Winning the Game for Gryffindor!" Katlyn Jordon shouts and I cheer along with everyone but then I remember I fight Malfoy and fly down to make sure he's ok. 

"You didn't have to knock him off his broom Rose!" Albus shouts at me, and I notice Scorpious being taken to the infirmary. My hit must have caused him to lose his balance. I rush over to Al who is following Madame Pomffrey along with the rest of the Slytherin team. "I'm sorry it was a game time move I didn't mean to hurt him." I say jogging to keep up. "No offence Weasley, I know you all are close, but this is a team thing, we take him to the infirmary and see him first. Go see your lions." Stella Artello-Wilkinson says pushing past me as I pause. She was right, he would be fine and I would see him later, it would be fine... he would be fine.

"Wake up Scorpious!" I shout seeing as it's just Al, me, and Madame Pomffrey now. The rest of the team had left an hour ago after Madame Pomffrey assured them his concision would ware off soon. "Hush he needs sleep." she says to me but I don't listen. I need Scorpious to wake up if he doesn't I won't have never told him that-... " Rose." Malfoy stutters and grip his hand tightly while he groggily sits up. "Scorpious!" I shout and hug him.

Year Five

"Rose your insane!" Scorpious shouts at me as I climb farther up the tree at the Borrow. "Come on it's Christmas have some fun, take a risk!" I shout as reach one of the top most limbs. The whole tree is covered in ice so I cling to the tree, I just wanted to see the stars from up here. "Rose are you stuck!" Albus says as I reach for the last limb I can get but my hand slips and I begin to fall. "Ahh!" I shout but before I hit the ground Scorpious catches me. "Wow thanks." I say panting heart racing from the fall and the catch. "You were falling, I had to catch you." he said in the same breathless voice his face slightly flushed. "Rose are you ok?" Albus says ruining whatever form of moment we were having. "I'm ok." I say as Scorpious sets me down. "Uncle Ron will flip when finds out." Al says smirking. "You're telling him over my dead body!" I shout and chase him to the house.

Year Six

"Two years left." I say to my two friends in our compartment as we head off to Hogwarts. "Yeah then we'll be who knows where." Albus says as he looks out the foggy window. "Yeah Adult life here we come." Scorpious says and I nod. "How'd you all do on your OWLs?" I ask and the two boys grin. "Seven Os and the rest Es." Al says proudly. "Eight Os and two Es.: Scorpious says and Al glares at him while I laugh. "What did you get Rose?" Al asks. I don't want to brag but their the ones who made it a contest. "Hmm, jut 10 Os." I say with a smirk. "What?!" They both shout clearly upset. "Hey you all made it a contest." I say still smirking. "Yeah, I'll bet you won't get a single O on any of your NEWTS." Scorpious says. "As if. I bet that'll happen the day you get all Os on your NEWTS, ten galleons to the winner." I say and we shake. As we shake fireworks shoot up my arm and my face blushes as I let go.


Updated 2020: I've done some minor editing to make some story beats flow better and to fix some spelling/grammar mistakes. I really love editing so I'll be going through the first few chapters and cleaning them up. 

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