My Little Omega Mate

By Bunnysuprise2002

879K 24K 6.2K

Baba- This is soon to be Alpha in the Blue Moon Star's. After he finds and claims his mate that is. Baba is s... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Part One
Chapter 11: Part two
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: Part One
Chapter 13: Part two
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: Part One
Chapter 18: Part two
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Part One
Chapter 27: Part two
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Part One
Chapter 30: Part Two
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Part one
Chapter 34: Part Two
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44- FINAL
Things that I think need to be said

Chapter 1

53K 1.2K 765
By Bunnysuprise2002

Baba P.O.V

" Mom! Stop! You already told me how the whole mating thing work's. I don't want to hear it anymore!" I said to my Mom, who was making breakfast.

From what I can smell, she is making, bacon, eggs, and toast. Man, that bacon smells so good. If you want some good bacon, and I mean, some GOOD ass bacon, come down to the Blue Moon Star's pack. Find my house, and we can eat all the bacon my Mom makes. I'm telling you, this bacon is good!

What were talking about? Oh yeah... Mating... Well, the only reason we are talking about that is because, my birthday is tomorrow. And when you're a wolf that is about to turn 18, you get this talk with your parents about mating.

Like... I already get it. Why need to explain? It's not like I'm a virgin. Don't hate on me! I couldn't wait to find my mate to have sex. Being an Alpha, you have these hormones like there's no tomorrow. I just couldn't wait till I was 18. But, that's pretty much all wolves that have Alpha blood. So, I'm not the first.

" I'm just reminding you. And you have to break up with that, so called 'girlfriend' of yours. If you can even call her that." My Mom explained. Oh yeah, Jane.

Jane is really nice and hot as fuck! She doesn't know I'm a wolf. No one really does, that's if your a human of course. It's not like my Mom hates Jane. They just think that I should've waited. EVEN MY DAD?! Can you believe that! He is probably the only guy that understands what kinds of hormones I go through, and he says, ' I should've waited.' It's like he isn't an Alpha that had to go through what I had to. And it's not like I slept with hella girl's. Jane is kinda my first. Well.... Sex wise. That's why I asked her to be my girlfriend. Cause I felt a strong connection with her wanna we had sex. She could be my mate after all.

' Trust me. She is not our mate.' My wolf Bailey explained.

Yeah, my wolf is also a girl. Some people in the pack think I was suppose to be a girl. But I'm glad I'm not! I don't want to be the one to carry a baby. Or have those period things girls have every month. I already have to deal with the mood swings with Jane. I don't want to be that person who has to have them.

' But your Mom's right. You need to break up with the slut, so we have our mate to ourselves tomorrow.' Bailey explained.

' HEY! Jane is not a slut! She is hella faithful to us.'

' Yeah whatever. Just call the damn hoe, and end it. You don't understand how long I have been waiting to have our mate. I don't want to deal with her bitch ass anymore. I just want our mate.'

' Alright, I will call her today to end it.' I mind linked my wolf.

" Alright Mom, I'm going to go up stairs and call Jane, and break up with her after breakfast." I told my mom as she set a plate full of food.

She smiles and kisses my forehead, " Good we can FINALLY get rid of her." My Mom said, doing a little dance. I chuckle at my Mom's childness.

" Oh come on. She's not that bad." I said, while eating a piece of this bomb ass bacon. Y'all don't know what you're missing.

" Who's not bad?" My Dad said walking in, carrying my five year old brother, Cece, and placing him in his set.

" Baba's so called 'girlfriend.' He's going to end it after breakfast. I did my happy dance already." My Mom said, setting down my Dad's and brothers plate in front of them.

" FINALLY! We can get rid of her." My Dad said, making my Mom laugh.

" GUY'S! SHE'S NOT THAT BAD! GROW UP ALREADY!" I screamed, getting frustrated that no one is listening.

Jane is the nicest person you'll meet. She's hella clingy and I like it. Just cause I'm a big guy, doesn't mean I don't like to cuddle.

My Mom and Dad tried to contain their laughter. Key word- tried. I give them both glares, making them look down and continue eat. Still trying not to laugh. I turn to see Cece, have the most confused look on his face.

" Baba? Why do you have to break up with Jane? She so nice and funny!" My brother asked me, while my parents were talking about something.

I grab my other piece of good ass bacon and took a bit before I spoke. " Well, you see buddy, I'm going to have a mate tomorrow. And Jane's not going to be my mate. Apparently. I'm going to have another nice and funny girl." When those words left my mouth, all I could hear was forks being dropped onto glass plates.

Me and my brother snap our heads towards our parents, with a confused look on our faces. My parents look at eachother, then at me, then back at each other. Their eyes were changing, meaning they are mind linking each other.

" Mommy? Daddy? What's wrong?" Cece asked. They snapped their heads to my brother and gave him a smile. Let me add that, it was a fake one.

" Cece, honey, can you go to your room with your brother? Daddy and I need to talk, ok?" My mom said.

" But-"

" Not buts Cece. Go to your room, NOW!" My Dad's wolf growled, scaring Cece and myself. Don't fuck with my Dad's wolf, Mason. He will kill a bitch.

Cece puts his head down, and got up to walk over to me and puts his arms out, making grabby hands at me. Basically asking me to pick him up. I walked up to my room holding my little brother in my arm's.

When I open and closed the door, I feel something wet on my shirt. I pick up Cece, so that he was facing me, and saw he was crying.

" Hey, hey, hey. Buddy, what's wrong?" I ask while wiping some of his tears that escaped his eye.

" D-Daddy h-h-hates me..." He said stuttering throughout his sentence.

" No he doesn't." I pulled him into a hug. He hugged back, tightly. " Why do you say that?" I asked in a whisper.

" He never....n-n-never..." He cried even more into my shoulder when I asked. I rubbed his back in a calming matter.

" Shhh, it's ok. Daddy doesn't hate you, ok? I promise."

I know my Dad doesn't hate Cece. But him being the second omega in the pack... When he's the alpha? It puts a bad rep on our family name. But we don't care that he is an omega. We all love him nonetheless.

Speaking of Dad, what happen with him and my Mom? When I said something about my mate they just..... Weren't my parent's? Maybe they we're talking about something? Yeah that's it.

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. That's when I notice Cece had calmed down and got out of the hug.

" Can I go in my room?" He asked. I nodded and he left. He'll be fine. The other omega he shares a room with, will calm him down.

' Now! Call the damn hoe and break up with her.' My wolf said.

I chuckled, ' Oh come on! You like her too Bailey. You was practically begging to fuck her every time we did.'

' Not true! I want our mate. Not her hoe ass.'

' What if she is our mate?'

' Trust me, she not.'

' You say it now, but watch tomorrow she will be.'

' I know who our mate is.'

' Who?'

' C-can't tell you..... You have to wait'

Bailey stuttered. Wonder why....

' Why not?

' I j-just c-cant...'

I growled at my wolf. She such a stubborn bi-

' You say that, and I will make you regret it.' Bailey growled at me.

Damn! Moody changer, 0-100 real quick! I closed her out so that I can call this Jane and end it, so everyone can be happy.

I bring my phone out. I tap her call contacted and waited for her to answer.

Ring... Ring... Rin-

"Hello?" Her voice rang throughout the phone. Sounding..... Unsure of herself. Weird.

' JUST END IT ALREADY! STOP STALLING!' Bailey growled out.

' Ok ok, damn. Chill yourself.'

"Hey Jane." I said to her.

" Hey.... Baba..... What's up?" She said. I heard shuffling in the background.

" Are you good?" I asked slightly worried.

" Yes?" She said more like a question. It took everything in me not to growl at her for lying.

" You're lying. Tell me." I demanded. I'm so done with her lying to me. I heard her sigh into the phone.

" Ok look...... I'm breaking up with you.(sigh) Can you come over, so I can explain, please?" It took me a second to process what Jane just said. I mentally sighed.

" Yeah, that's cool with me. I will be over soon." I hung up on her. I sighed. I jumped when I heard my name.

" BABA!? CAN YOU COME DOWN HERE!?" My Mother's voice rang throughout the house.

" COMING!" I answered.

I ran down the stairs and into the dining room. I saw my parent's sitting and gave me a slight smile before motioning me to sit down. I look back and forth from my Mom to my Dad. My Mom's head was down and my Dad was trying to comfort her. After about a minute a silents, I spoke.

" Mom? Dad? ...What's going on?" They both pick their heads up to face me. My Dad took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

" Did your..... Wolf not tell you? About your..... Mate?" I gave them an confused look before my Mom spoke.

" Your mate's going to be a boy."

Continue next chapter........

Andrew P.O.V

I was laying down in my 'bed'. If I could call it that. More like just a mattress on the cold floor. Being one of the Omega's, I sleep in the basement, with the other Omega, Cece. He is the Alpha's son, but for the little dude being an Omega, he is stuck down here with me. Something to do with it being a rule... Or something? I'm not quite sure. I hear the door open, and lifted my head to the direction of the door, to see Cece standing there.

" Sorry... Did I wake you?" Cece said, closing the door behind him and walking over to the bed. I scoot over and patted a spot for him to lay down.

" Naw little dude, you're fine." That's when I heard little sobs coming from the Cece. I pull him to my lap and pull him close to me.

" Hey..... What happened?" I asked as he buried his head in my neck. I could feel the tears fall onto my sleeve. My heart was breaking. I hate seeing my baby so down and sad. Yes, I call him my baby. That how strong our relationship is.

" M-m-my D-D-Daddy h-h-hates m-me..." He said barely saying the whole sentence without breaking down again. I rub his back, trying my best to make him stop crying.

" He doesn't hate you baby. He loves you. He just has a hard time showing it. Please don't cry Cece."

It took me a good 5 minutes before he calmed down. He picked his head up and I kissed away the two tears that came down his face. He slightly giggled and kissed my lips. Told you. Our relationship is hella close. Like a..... Brother love relationship.

" Andrew? I'm cold." When he said that, I got up and grabbed him his blanket. I gave it to him and he frowned.

" What's wrong baby?" I ask him. He frowned and put the blanket around him.

" I want you to be Arnez to warm me up. Please?" He said whining and pouting his bottom lip out. I smiled and shifted in my wolf Arnez. Don't need to go into detail on how my bones break and reform and all that.

Arnez wasn't the biggest or strongest wolf. Perks of being an Omega. Welcome to hell my boys.

Anyways, Arnez was small, but bigger than Cece. He was white and orange. I never liked how we looked, so I never shifted into Arnez in front of the bigger wolf's.

One time I did, and everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, made fun of me. Every since that day, I never did it again, expect in front of Cece. Cause he said he loves Arnez.

When he sees Arnez, he smiles big. He gets up, runs over and gave Arnez the biggest hug and five year old can give.

" Hi Arnez! I missed you. I love you so much." He said, as he gave me a scratch behind my ears. Arnez starts wagging his tail and gave Cece a couple of kiss on the cheek. " Ewwwwww! Arnez stop!"

Arnez got on top of Cece and started licking him all over his face. He giggles and keeps moving his face to try and stop me from licking his face. But that didn't work.

" Stop! Arnez! I missed you too. Stop!" Arnez gave him a couple more sloppier kisses before getting off. I waited for him to get comfortable. What can I say, Arnez missed him.

' Hell yeah I did! He is the only person that loves us. You need to bring me out more, so I can see the only person that cares. Well at least at the moment. Until we get our mate.' My wolf mind linked to me.

Oh yeah..... my mate. I don't think I will ever have one. Well, I mean every wolf has one. But, mine is going to reject me. Who wants an Omega as a mate? Nobody, that's who. As soon as I meet my mate, he is going to reject me and then I will slowly die from the rejection. But, that's what I get for being born an Omega.

' Hey! Don't bring yourself down man. Our mate is meant to love us for as long as we live. And same with us. He will love us.'

' How do you know Arnez?'

' I don't but-'

' See! If you don't know something, then don't say it.'

' I might not know, but... I just can feel it. You should feel it to. Stop being so negative with yourself. Just believe.'

I know my wolf is right. Heck! He is always right! He is my wolf.

' I will try Arnez... But not to much hope is in my heart after how everyone tells me I'm not going to have a mate... Let alone be loved by anyone...'

I closed my mind link with Arnez, before he can answer.

" Arnez? Andrew? Are you ok?" I hear Cece ask. Arnez walks over to him and cuddles up on him. " Umm.... Ok. I guess that's a yes." He said with a giggle and nuzzled into me. I couldn't help but smile. He cuddles up on me, and we both fall asleep.

Hola guy's! First chapter. How was it? I know it was probably bad, but I will make it more fun and interesting more into the chapter. Here some questions you can ask yourself

How do you think Baba's going to react to his mate being a boy? Good? Happy? Sad? Confused? I guess you have to read on to find out!

Like, comment, share! If you have an idea, feel free to share! See you next chapter.

Btw, pictures of some of the character's

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