The Meaning of My Life

By _kayla320_

1.5K 19 3

A fan Fiction about Sean O' Donnell. One day Sean wakes up for the first day of senior year. His life is like... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

1.1K 7 3
By _kayla320_

Chapter 1

Sean's POV

I wake up this morning not ready for school. It's my first day as a senior in high school. I know I should be happy and ecstatic that I'm finely graduating, but I feel like I'm in a frickin world of hell. So I call my friend Drake to make sure that he's going to school today. I pick up my phone and call him up.

I asked, " Hey, you coming to school today?"

Drake says, " Yeah. I'll see you there."

I tell my mom to drop me off unhappily. I get there and see my friend. We walk to the registration and get our schedule to class. Me and Drake get two of the same classes. The classes are Ceramics and Science. My first class is Math. I get in the room and see our teacher. He looks nice, but strict at the same time. His name is Mr. Ramirez. He starts teaching and I see this girl staring at me. When I stare at her I can't stop, I'm stunned for a minute and can't move. She just keeps staring at me and can't stop. It's like we are in our own world and no one's around us. It was like we've known each other our whole lives.

After Math I go up to her and say, " Hey I caught you staring at me."

She says, " Oh sorry about that."

I say, " It's fine. Hey what's your name?"

She answers, " My name is Kate."

I say, " Cool name."

Then I walk away looking back at her as she looks so beautiful and sad. I couldn't go back I was already late for my next class.

Kate's POV

I get into class and sit in my seat. I see this amazing guy walk in I'm stunned I can't move and can't stop staring at him. I tried to look at him and not try to make it look too obvious, but I guess it didn't work. A minute after while I'm looking at him he stares at me back and doesn't stop either. We stare at each other for like the whole class. I felt like we were ment to be and like we knew each our whole lives. After class we actually talk. He asks my name and I tell him. The only thing I was sad about was that I didn't have the guts to ask him for his name. I'm probably not going to be able to see him again out of the thousands of people who go to our school.

Sean's POV

I go to my next class not being able to stop thinking about her. She was so perfect that I can't explain it. While I'm in Ceramics Drake asks me how my first class was. I said that it was fun and that I met girl named Kate and I told him that she was the most perfect girl I've ever seen. While our teacher is teaching us about how to make pottery I just keep thinking about her and get caught by our teacher. She sees me daydreaming looking through the window and asks me a question.

She asks, " Mr. O' Donnell what are you staring at?

I say, " Oh sorry Mrs. Gomez. I was inheriting the beautiful outside world."

Mrs. Gomez says, " Ok then, I better not see you again daydreaming."

I say, " Yes mam. I promise it won't happen again.

After that it was the end of Ceramics. It was lunchtime after and me and Drake went to the cafeteria to get some food. Surprisingly I see Kate and my face brightens up. Every time I see her it's like I'm in a whole different world. It's like I'm not in a frickin hell hole anymore. When I see her she looks so happy.

Kate asks, " Hey, It's you again. I thought I'd never see you again."

I say, " Me too."

She asks, " What's your name? I didn't get to ask you earlier."

I say, " Oh yeah. My name is Sean O' Donnell. "

Kate says, " Ok. Call me sometime. Give me your hand."

She wrote her phone number on my hand. I told Drake that she was the girl I met in Math. I was so happy I got her phone number.

Kate's POV

As me and my friend Nichole go to the line in the cafeteria, I turn around and see the guy from Math. When I turn around I could see those cute blue eyes. When I see his face he starts to smile, so I smile back. Then I talked to him and finally asked his name. His name was Sean.

In my head I was screaming, " OH MY GOSH! HIS NAME IS SO FRICKIN CUTE!"

As I finished asking him I started to walk away and remember to tell to call me. I took out a black pen and wrote my number on his hand. I'm praying that he'll call me sometime. He was like the only thing that made me happy. As I walked away I told Nichole everything about him. After lunch I walked to my next class which was Science. The next thing you know was that I saw Sean. I catch him staring at me again.

Sean's POV

As I wait in Science class for the teacher to come in I see Kate walk into the door. She sits two people behind me sitting next to her friend that was with her in the cafeteria. When the teacher walks in he writes his name on the board and says that we have to pick lab partners for the first semester. I walk up to Kate and ask her to be my partner and she says yes. I felt bad for her friend because I think she was about to ask her to be partners with her, but then I interrupted.

Kate's POV

Our teacher says we have to pick partners for the first semester. I see Sean walk up to me and ask if I want to be his partner. I decided to say yes.

Nichole says, " What about me Kate. Who's going to be my partner now?"

I say, " Hey look there's a guy alone right at that table at the right."

Nichole complains, " Ugh...Fine I'll go."

Nichole walks up to the guy and starts to talk to him, but I couldn't understand what she was saying.

Nichole's POV

You know I really hate that just cause my friend found a guy it doesn't mean she can just forget about me. As I walk up to this guy I'm feeling lonely.

I say, " Hi, My name is Nichole. Do you have a partner?"

He says, " Hi, My name is Nash and no I don't have a partner. Would you like to be my partner?"

I say, " Cool. So what's your favorite sport?

Nash says, " Mine is basketball. What's yours?"

I say, " Me too."

Turns out Nash is a pretty cool guy. I like that he also likes basketball too.

Sean's POV

As school finished I went home. When I got home I thought of calling Kate. She was a really cool girl. I took out my phone, dialed her number, and called. It was ringing. I was so nervous. She answered!

I say, " Hey Kate."

She says, " Oh hey Sean."

I ask, " Soooo.... what's your favorite sport?"

Kate answers, " My favorite sport is basketball."

I say, " Cool. Mine is too."

Kate says, " Soo um earlier when we met I felt like we knew each other for our entire lives. I just feel like we were ment to be together."

I say, " Me too. I felt the exact same way. I also felt like we were in our own world."

Kate says, " I feel like we could a good couple."

I ask, " Me too. You wanna hang tomorrow after school tomorrow?"

She says, " Sure!"

After that I hang up the phone.

Kate's POV

When I get in my room and lay on my bed I get a call from someone. I was so surprised that Sean actually called me. We talked for about 15 minutes. He asked me if I wanted to hang out after school and I said yes. He sounded really nervous on the phone. I wonder if he likes me. Cause I have to admit I actually really like him too. After he hung up I called Nichole.


She says, " Cool! You know the dude you told me to be partners with?"

I say, " Yeah."

Nichole says, " He's actually pretty cool, He likes basketball like us and his name is Nash.

I ask, " Do you think he's cute? Cause it seems like you like him, how I like Sean."

Nichole responds," Pft...nooooooo. Ok maybe a little. Don't tell anyone please."

I say, " Don't worry."

The next day I wake really excited to got to school. I can't wait to see Sean. I love his blue eyes. I tell my dad to drop me off at school and ask him if I could go hang out with some friends after school. He says yes. I was so surprised that he said yes. He usually doesn't let me go out. When I get to school I see Sean and Nica walk towards me. Then I see Nash follow Nichole.

Sean's POV

As I wake up in the morning I think about Kate. I love her beautiful smile. She makes me feel like i actually have a meaning in life. I ask my mom to drop me off to school. As I get out of the car I see Kate walking towards the school door. I also see Nichole and that kid Nash from Science. I get to her first.

I say, " Hey Kate."

She responds, " Hey Sean."

Nichole says, " Hi, Sean. How are you?"

I say, " I'm good."

Kate says, " I'll see you guys at lunch ok. Let's all sit at the same table."

I say, " Ok, can my friend Drake come sit with us?"

She says, " Sure of course."

As I walk to my first class which is History. Our teacher starts to talk about Ancient History. He talks about India and how the Indus River is a river system which has small streams connected to it. I actually kind of paid attention during class. I was also still thinking about Kate. Well, at least I learned about the Indus River. Another major river is the Ganges River. After an hour History Class ends. Then I go to my next class which was Art. In Art I see Nash.

I say, " Hey I think I've seen you in my Science Class right?"

Nash replies, " Oh yeah. You're name is Sean."

I say, " Yeah. So do you like your partner in Science."

Nash says, " Yeah sure. I like that she likes basketball."

I declare, " I think our partners are like really close friends and really athletic."

He says, " Yeah I think so too. Hey so do u like Kate?"

I ask," Umm why is it noticeable?"

He declares, " Umm yeah totally and it's kinda noticeable that's he likes you too."

I say, " Really, well I think Nica likes you."

Nash says, " Really chase I kinda like her too."

Then our teacher starts to teach us important stuff about Art. She talks about shading and mixing colors. As she talks the lunch bell rings and I get to see Kate.

Nash's POV

While I sit down a dude from Science comes up to me and starts talking to me. We talk about Kate and Nichole. I find out that Nichole likes me and I like her. Nichole is just a really great girl. I can't wait until basketball season starts so I could see every day. Then the lunch bell rings. Me and Sean walk to the cafeteria and see the girls and Drake. We see they saved a seat for us and of course Sean says hi to Kate. I say hi to Nichole and she starts to blush.

Kate's POV

Me and Nichole see the guys walk up to us and smiling. When they get to the table and sit down I asked all of them to come with me and Sean to hang out after school. They all agreed. At lunch and announcement comes out and it's was that basketball try outs were the next day and we were all going to be there. Sometimes I feel bad for Sean's friend Drake. I feel like he feels left out. As lunchtime ends we all go to our classes and wait until they all end and hang out after school.

I walk outside and wait for my friends. I see Nichole.

I say, " Did you see Sean & Nash?"

She ask, " Yeah I saw him and Sean walking together to go outside."

I respond, " Ok. I see them."

Nichole, " Hey guys over here!"

They see us and walk to us. Sean walks next to me and Nash walks next to Nichole. We walk to the mall because it's right next to our school. As we walk I catch Sean staring at me again and I start to blush. He is really cute. I see Nichole and Nash laughing together.

(They are whispering)

Nash says, " So I here you like me."

She says, " No."

He answers, " It's ok I like you too."

Nichole responds, " Really you like me."

Nash says, " Yeah."

I think they are a cute couple.

Nash's POV

As we walk I talk to Nica. She looks so beautiful in the sunlight. As we talk she blushes and always laughs at what I say.

Nichole's POV

As we walk Nash is always staring at me with a cute smile. I find out that we both like each other. I feel like sometime soon he's going to ask me out. After we walk for about 15 minutes we get to the mall. While we were walking I noticed Sean's arm around Kate's shoulders. Then the next thing you notice Nash's arm is around me. In the inside I'm creaming in happiness. I look at him and smile. They look like such a cute couple, but I don't think they're officially together yet.

Sean's POV

As we get to the mall I see my arm around Kate and her smiling at me. Me and Nash are planning to ask Nichole and Kate out. Kayla is just such a pretty and great girl. I love everything about her. When uses her beautiful smile I feel like the happiest person on Earth. I think that's how Nash feels about Nichole. When we enter the mall I see Mark's arm around Nichole like me and Kate.

(Sean whispers to Nash)

I say, " Hey Nash. I think we got our girls."

When we get in the mall we walk around. The first store we go into is the Nike store.

Kate's POV

When I see Sean's arm around me I get the feeling that he's going to ask me out soon. When we walk around the mall we go into the Nike store. Me and Nichole buy a pair of Nike socks. While we walk around me and Sean take pictures on his phone. We had so much fun.

I ask, " Are you going to try out for basketball?"

He says, " Hell yeah. All four of us are. At least we get to spend time together."

I say, " You're right."

Nash and Nichole looked like they were having fun too.

Sean's POV

As the day ends we ask the girls if they want us to walk them to Kate's house. They say yes. The girls go to the bathroom before we start to walk.

I ask, " Hey Nash do you really like Nichole?"

He says, " Yeah."

I say, " We should ask the girls out on a double date."

Nash response, " That sounds good."

As we finish our conversation, the girls come back from the bathroom.

Kate's POV

As we finish walking around the mall the guys ask us if they could walk is to our house. Of course we say yes. First me and Nichole go to the bathroom.

As we walk I ask, " I wonder the guys are going to talk about?"

Nichole says, " I know right. They're probably going to talk about guy stuff."

I say, " You're right."

Then we get into the bathroom and wash our hands and head back outside.

Sean POV

When I get to school on the morning I see Kate at the door waiting for someone.

She says, " Hey."

I say, " Hey."

We smile at each other and she blushes. Ever time I see her I can't stop staring at her. Before my life was like frickin hell. Now I feel like the happiest person on Earth. Ever since I met Kate she gives a meaning to life. When I see her our first class was Science so we all get to see each other. I put my arm around her and walk to class.

Kate's POV

As I wait by the door for Sean I see him walk to me, we talk for a little. Then he puts his arm around me and we walk to Science. As we walk into class we see Nash and Nichole seating at the table behind us. I see them laughing and looking so happy together.

I say, " You guys look so cute together."

They say in sync, " Awwww thanks Kate."

I respond, " Your welcome."

Then I go back to my table seeing Sean wait for me. Sean is so cute. As class starts me and Sean hardly even pay attention. We just stare and admire each other.

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