Chapter 2

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Sean's POV

As we walk, we can see the sunset. It looks so beautiful. I slowly try to hold Kate's hand, but she moves it. I see Nash is trying to make a move, but it wasn't working.

I say, " So, Kate."

Kate responses, " Yeah."

I say, " You know ever since I met you, it was like you give a meaning to my life."

Kate says, " Awwww...Really. I really like you too. It was like we were ment to be."

I ask nervously, " Soooo...ummm... do you want to go out sometime?

She responses happily, " Yes! Of course I will go out with you."

I say, " Cool. I think we will be a great couple."

I am so glad that Kate said yes. She is such a great girl. I hope I can give all that she deserves.

Kate's POV

As we walk Sean talks to me. He said that I gave a meaning to his life. It was really sweet of him to say that. After all I really like him too. As we talk he asks me of want to go out with him. He sounded really nervous. Of course I day yes. Sean is so cute and athletic, He is such a perfect guy for me.

I shout, " Hey Nichole, Sean asked me out!"

She says, " Cool. I'm so happy for you. I thought Nash was going to ask me out."

I say, " Trust me. I know he will."

Nash's POV

I see Kate talk to Nichole and hear shout that Sean asked her out. We were almost at Kate's, it was time to make my move. As walked I grabbed a few roses and started to walk back to Nichole.

I say, " Hey beautiful."

She responses, " Hey."

I say, " Sooo I know you like me and you know I like you."

Nichole says, " So."

I take out the roses and ask," Will you go out with me?"

She shouts, " YES YES YES!!"

I say, " This will be the greatest senior year of our lives."

Now that we are all dating each other we are even closer. As we keep walking we get to Kayla's house. Me and Sean stop at her doorway and give Kate and Nichole a kiss on the cheek.

Nichole and Kate's POV

As we get to Kate's house the boys stop at the doorway. The both face us and give us a kiss on the cheek. We were stunned. When they kissed us it was like fireworks were in the air. It felt like we were ment to be.

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