A Dragon's Melancholy

By PseudoCouplet

19 0 0

The kingdom of Rausten is near to its downfall, along with the three great houses of the continent of Grado... More

🍂To thy readers🍂
🏰Part I: Kingdoms Of Grado🏰
Part 2: The Aftermath; Chapter 1
🐲Chapter 3🐲

🐲Chapter 2🐲

2 0 0
By PseudoCouplet

The air breeze blows and the cold weather sneer as queen Celeste watch the sun rises today, still bothered by what Galadreil said the other day,

Celeste ordered the whole army of Rausten to be fully Alert,

all the villages in the kingdom is full of deployed soldiers, every hour patrol dragons is soaring in the sky, and the kingdom's border between Archanea and Thorum is now closed.

She cannot just sit here doing nothing, if truly the enemy practices fell magic,

" Your highness, you wish to summon me, what can I do for you? "

Celeste know fell magic, but she don't have any knowledge about how it works,

" I have a question to you Meister Knoll, since your a bishop you have a knowledge in any magic. "

" What about it your highness? "

" Tell  me everything you know about fell magic. " Celeste is now eager to avenge her husband, if their enemy fights them with magic, she will also use her own magic to kill the enemy.

" The magic of death, that's what the we mages called it, fell magic is considered as forbidden and lost magic, it was used eons ago by the mages who uses dark arts,

even the starlight magic of queen Alessandria cannot withstand the power of fell magic, it is forbidden because to be able to harness the power of the death, the caster must first take a life of another living being,

once life was taken, fell magic comes in place, it sucks the very soul of a person leaving its victim desiccated, if the caster uses fell magic in a large area everything that have a life quickly faces death. "

She couldn't believe that fell magic posses such tremendous power, now she's not just worried about her daughter or the stone that she protects, but also for the safety of her kingdom.

" But is there any way to stop such evil magic Meister? "

" The only way to destroy fell magic, is the power of the stones, once the stones of life is combined as one, then the Aurelius stone will be formed,

it have the power to purify any traces of evil in the whole land, and with that maybe fell magic will be stop. "

Celeste could not utter a word, it is impossible for the stones to combined since Thorum owned the fire stone, they will not surrender it easily.

            ~~~THRONE ROOM~~~

So many works is piled up today, and the queen and princess Linde are busy doing the works, that the king has left since he passed away.

The lines of the townsfolk from different villages is in the room, crowding with their complains and requests,

Celeste couldn't help but over think about their conversation with Knoll, she heave a sigh of tiredness,

" Pardon people of Rausten, but we will continue tomorrow, I will not accept any more complains and requests today, you may now leave. "

Before all the villagers get out of the throne room, a young lad came rushing in front of the queen,

he is sweating and drench in blood, fear and shock is visible in his eyes as he bow down to queen Celeste.

The queen hurriedly step out of the throne and go directly to the young man, she's wondering what happened to him.

" What happened to you my dear, you look like your afraid of something. "

The lad is stuttering as he talk to the queen of Rausten.

" Y-y-y-your highness, creatures there are creatures who attack my village, they look lik--- "

Before he could finish his message, a loud explosion is heard in the castle,
and in just a second another explosion is heard, and another explosion again.

The people in the room starts to panic, there have never been an offensive attack to Rausten, specially here in its castle,

Meister Knoll came by the throne room, along with him is the new royal commander of Rausten, sir Alister.

" My queen our villages is being attacked by an unknown creatures, they are accompanied by the orcs of Thorum led by king Maledus. " sir Alister said, he's the son of the late sir Eddard who died together with king Eragor.

" I'm afraid that those creatures your grace, is made by the igros magic, creating life out of dead bodies another forbidden magic. "

This is getting worse she thought trying to suppress her fear and nervous at the situation,

the orcs are known to have a blood lust for war, and it seems that there kingdom offer alliance to the mage who killed her husband.

" The only thing the we must do now is to protect this kingdom, sir Alister deploy more soldiers in villages that has not been attack,

order them to transform in their dragon form, we are much stronger than the orcs, the wind is our ally use it well. "

" But your grace, the orcs have ballistae scattered in the field, one arrow spate and surely our soldiers will drop. "

She knows that they don't have much time, the orcs have a great physical strength and a strong enemy,

any moment from now they might reach the the city walls.

Another explosion trembled, temple bells are ringing---- a signal for the people to stay still and wait for the soldiers to evacuate them.

" Then we have no choice but to fight them in our human form, arm our catapults and ballistae, deploy more soldiers within the city walls and evacuate our people in the mountain passage of Dhofnir. "

The battle cry of the orcs can now be heard, they are near the city shouting and screaming for their victory.

The dawn is approaching, and yet the battle still rages, dragons soar the sky firing their fire breath, arrows from orc ballistae raining in the sky killing every dragon it reach,

screams of courage, hurt and fear can be heard everywhere, seconds by seconds dead manaketes fall in the sky as their dragon magic slowly fade and face their death as a human,

sounds of swords and axe crashing together, blood stained in the city pavement, and dead orcs and manaketes scattered.

Celeste's heart is in vain watching her kingdom fall in the hands of her enemies, they are after the air stone---- beside her is princess Linde her daughter and nineteen years of age.

The orcs and those vile creatures now reach the castle walls, killing everyone they see,

" Meister Knoll bring Linde to a safe place away from Rausten, I fear that any moment the orcs will be here. "

" But mother how about you? I will not go without you mother. " Linde said, her eyes are now watery, she don't want to leave without her mother.

" I must stay here my princess, I will defend this castle, and if ever something bad happen to me house Rausten will still have an heiress to avenge those people who die. "

She unlocked her necklace with a blue amulet and give it to her daughter, along with this she open her hands and the majestic air stone floats with a magic circle underneath it.

" Take this necklace Linde, the aquamarine amulet attached to it is a special kind of dragon stone, the Aerus stone that will allow you to control air even in your human form,

I want you to also protect this for me, this is one of the stone of life------ air stone, don't let it get in the hands of our enemies,

I love you my princess, please keep safe always. "

After Celeste give the stone to Linde, she gave her daughter a one last hug before they immediately escaped in the secret passage in the throne room.

She is now alone, though she is afraid of her enemies, the fire burning in her chest is scorching that fear, she must fight, and if death will be her faith, then so be it,

she must be ready to face her enemy, Celeste channels her magic, letting it to take over her whole system.

Scales of white quickly covered her body, two pairs of wide broad wings sprout in her back, her teeth was immediately replace by sharp fangs, her nails become claws that are sharp as the finest sword and lastly her body becomes large and most likely like a lizard.

Rausten's castle is design to fit every dragon inside of it, from its throne room stood an elegant White dragon, her scales is white as a pearl and her eyes is full of determination.

The gale of the wind change instantly, Celeste sense's that someone much stronger is in the room,

a blinding light emitts as the door open, and from there brings the Shaman smirking at her.

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