A Dragon's Melancholy

By PseudoCouplet

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The kingdom of Rausten is near to its downfall, along with the three great houses of the continent of Grado... More

🍂To thy readers🍂
Part 2: The Aftermath; Chapter 1
🐲Chapter 2🐲
🐲Chapter 3🐲

🏰Part I: Kingdoms Of Grado🏰

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By PseudoCouplet

There are four great kingdoms that rule the continent of Grado, each of which protects a peculiar stones containing the four elements of life, the stones also reflect the races of people in the four kingdoms.

The Kingdom of Archanea:

Magic is the way of life in Archanea kingdom, also called as the kingdom of mages, the stone that they are protecting is the Water stone.

The water stone gives the people who uses anima magic the ability to mix different elements.

There are three types of magic that the people use here;

The anima magic which uses the elements of fire, thunder and ice, Considered as a common magic.

The light magic which uses a concentrated energy of life and light, considered as a sacred magic.

And lastly the Spirit magic, it is a rare magic that only few mages possess, the mage uses different kinds of keys to summon either a fighting, healing or support spirit.

The ruler of Archanea is queen Alessandria a Valkyrie who uses the sacred light magic.

Kingdom Of Rausten:

The most powerful kingdom in Grado, they are often called manakete or dragon kin's because of their ability of turning into a dragon.

Their magic is considered as one of the oldest magic ever exist in Grado, their power is suppressed in a stones called dragon stones, they cannot transform into a dragon without the stone in place.

The stone that they are protecting is the Air stone which give the people of Rausten a special ability to control the air and camouflage  in the sky.

The ruler of Rausten is King Eragor and Queen Celeste, their family uses an extraordinary dragon stones, namely the aura and coal stone.

Kingdom of Highgarden:

The forest kingdom, their magic is the most gentle among the four kingdoms, the nature magic they posses gives them the ability of controlling the flora and fauna.

The stone they are protecting is the Terra stone, which gives the ability of healing among the people of Highgarden.

The people living in here is called Ghaila's, they have a strange mark in their backs, the marks varies according to the personality of a Ghaila, these marks are actually their wings like of a fairy but can be suppress at their back.

The ruler of Highgarden is Queen Galadriel she uses a special kind of magic that enables her to put illusions in the forest of Highgarden.

The Kingdom Of Thorum:

The kingdom in the underground, the orcs are the one who is very savage and always want war.

They are protecting the Fire stone which gives the orcs  a tremendous physical strength.

The thorum kingdom is no ally, due to their treacherous characteristics, the kingdom's reputation gives the other kingdoms not to have an alliance with the orcs.

The ruler of Thorum is King Maledus, a big and mascular orc, the fire stone gives him a special gift of apperance resulting in his more human form than any other orcs, he's a very handsome orc.


The four kingdom ensure that the stone they are protecting is safe from any touches of evil.

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