Fell For The Wrong Person

By Directioner_Cousins

427 33 3


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

22 3 0
By Directioner_Cousins

On the way back, Zayn was flirtatious. I know Maro doesn't like him because she cheated on him and never explained to him the truth. So if I get him, she won't be mad.

We arrived.

"Thanks Zayn!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"No problem." he kissed my cheek too. I got out and went in my room.

"where were you and who's that guy in the car?"Maro asked me before I enter my room.

" I was at school. I was walking home because mom couldn't bring me back and the buses already left so I had to walk. On my way back, Zayn passed by me so he asked me if I wanted a ride back home, I said yes because I was so tired. That's it."

" Zayn, do you like him?"

"I don't know."

"If you like him, tell me. I don't care about him anymore. I like someone else anyways."

"Really? that's cool. I don't know I mean he's really nice, sweet, handsome he's just perfect!"


"But I hope he isn't one of these cheaters."

"No don't worry, he's not."

"Thank god." if Zayn was a player like Harry, I would die.

"So you like him. huh?!"

"Well when he was flirting with me in the car, I had butterflies." Why did I mention the flirting part. ugh I hate myself.

"Aw that means you like him."

"I guess. Anyway who's that guy you like?"

"You won't get mad?"

"No why would I?"


"Yes I promise!"


"What????!!!!" I yelled. Why am I so jealous? I never really dated him or anything!

"I'm sorry."

"No it totally fine I was just.... surprised." I lied.

"Yeah right."

"I don't care!"


"I have to go do my homework I have tons."

"Alright see you at dinner."

"Kay." I went upstairs and sat on my comfortable bed. I feel sick. I stared at the ceiling and started thinking.

Why am I jealous? Do I like Zayn? I do! I had butterflies in my stomach when he flirted with me! What about Harry? I like Harry more but I should move on. The thing is that he's just perfect!

Ugh a lot of thoughts!!! I hate that! I should pick one. Zayn. Tracy's deal is a big deal for me. Harry make problems. He's a bad boy but nice in a way that not everyone see's it.

Tracy WILL get him. I am sure. She got in all the boys I like or dated's minds and dated them and tried to make me jealous. I never was jealous except with Carter. I loved him more than I loved to breathe. Anyways my final choice is Zayn or neither. Carter maybe? no probably not. I should just distance myself from Harry but get close to Carter and Zayn. At the end I'll pick the guy. Good idea. I changed into some comfortable grey sweatpants and a white tank top. I go in bed and tried to sleep. Minutes that felt like hours passed, I got a text on my phone. I wanted to ignore it but I couldn't so I turned on the other side and took my phone.

I got a text from Harry.

'Hey, are you still mad at me?'



I feel horrible! I'm really sorry u didn't update for like 2 weeks. Maro is as busy as I am. I told you guys that I'm going to update on Saturdays. I tried to write a little bit this week but it's kinda hard when you have 13 math pages to do for the next day example. I promise you every Saturday (hopefully) to update. Maro will update on another day I still don't know. she'll tell you sooner or later.

I love you guys ! thanks for 95 reads and 10 votes!! keep it up please! :*

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- Bella :*

Chapter written by: Bella✌️

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