Haunted By You

By sam07maurer

18.7K 796 91

When Lexa is hit with a stray bullet meant for Clarke, can she save her? If she can't, how long will she be a... More

Chapter 1: You Did It, Clarke
Chapter 2: Six Days
Chapter 3 Ai Hod Yu In
Chapter 4 Dark to Light and Light to Dark
Chapter 5 You're Sorry?
Chapter 6 Nowhere Visible
Chapter 7 You Are Not Atlas
Chapter 8 Do You Ever Miss It?
Chapter 9 Nowe
Chapter 10 Nightbloods
Chapter 11 Prisoner 319
Chapter 12 Breakfast
Chapter 13 Soul Bonds
Chapter 14 How Was She?
Chapter 15 No Matter Where You Come From
Chapter 16 Do Not Apologize
Chapter 17 Home
Chapter 19 I Win
Chapter 20 You Cannot Take the Coalition
Chapter 21 What the Hell Were You Thinking
Chapter 22 Nerves
Chapter 23 Build a Brace
Chapter 24 Killer
Chapter 25 Prisoner
Chapter 26 Pain
Chapter 27 Healing and Ink
Chapter 28 Bound
Chapter 29 Osir Keryon Ste Teina

Chapter 18 The Meeting

469 32 9
By sam07maurer

They walked down the hallway, hand in hand. Those they passed, mostly guards and servants, bowed their heads in respect for the two young leaders. They stopped in front of the throne room doors, and Lexa turned to Clarke, "They will use your title, hodnes. Remember that it shows how much they respect you, and that you are higher than they are. Do not let the name Wanheda be an insult in there. It is an honor." Clarke nodded, "I know." Lexa turned to the guards, dropping Clarke's hand, and nodded.

The heavy doors were opened for them and Lexa entered first. She walked up the aisle and, acknowledging the ambassadors and Kane as she passed, and climbed the few steps to stand in front of her throne. Clarke stayed just inside the doors, not quite sure where she fit into this picture. That is, until Lexa caught her eye and motioned her forward.

Clarke felt herself blushing as she quickly walked down the aisle and moved up the stairs to Lexa's side. She could feel Titus glaring daggers into the back of her head from where he was standing slightly behind and on the other side of Lexa's throne. Lexa smiled at her as if to tell her it was alright before her mask fell into place and she turned to address the room. Clarke felt her own mask fall into place as well.

"Welcome, Ambassadors. I trust all of your journeys were made well?" When they all voiced some sort of agreement, she continued, "I wish to welcome all of you to Polis. You are, as always, my guests during your time in the city. You are to be treated with the utmost respect, so if something is not to your liking, do not hesitate to let a guard or servant know and I will fix the problem. Please," she gestured with her hand, "be seated and we will begin the meeting."

They ambassadors waited until Lexa was sitting, before they each took their designated seat. Kane was standing beside Abby in a way that was very similar to Clarke standing next to Lexa, but Clarke thought it was probably a lot less awkward for him.

"Now, we have gathered to discuss what Skaikru's plans are for the Mountain, as it was they who defeated it." She motioned to Abby and Kane, "In addition to Ambassador Griffin, their chancellor, Marcus Kane, has joined us."

Clarke's mom sat up a little straighter in her chair, "Thank you, Heda. Skaikru itself is unsure where we stand with the Mountain. Many of my people wish to open it up and use the technology inside, some wish to live there, and other's think we should leave it to be the graveyard that it is."

Lexa felt Clarke bristle at her side. Carefully, she reached over and placed a hand on Clarke's arm and removed it just as quickly, trying to calm her down without being noticed. She knew Clarke was upset and angry over Abby's choice of words, but knew that them arguing during the meeting would get nowhere.

Instead, she interrupted, "Ambassador, I would prefer for you to speak of the event that happened there with more respect. Many lives were lost and many difficult descisions had to be made." Abby nodded, "Of course, Heda. My apologies." Lexa nodded and felt Clarke relax again at her side.

Kane spoke next, "Ambassador Griffin is correct when she tells you that our people are divided. However, many of the original hundred are the only ones who share the idea that we should leave the Mountain to remain as it is. And if that is not what we decide to do, they will accept that."

Clarke narrowed her eyes, "And if they don't?" He looked over at her, "I'm sorry?" Clarke took a step forward, challenging him, "The original hundred? You say that if you do decided to invade the Mountain, they will accept. What if they don't?" Abby laughed, "Clarke, they're still children. We're in charge. Kane and I, we lead them. They'll do what we tell them and if that's moving into the Mountain, then they'll move into the Mountain."

It was when Clarke took another step towards her mother that Lexa actually stood from her throne, "That's enough, Ambassador. You're speaking out of turn." But Clarke wasn't going to let this go, and Lexa couldn't stop her as she spoke harshly.

"The hundred are not your people. They are mine. They are not children, they stopped being children when you locked them in prison and sent them to the ground to die. The Mountain is a warzone, not a playground for you to explore. And you will respect me and refer to me by my title, Ambassador."

The throne room lapsed into silence, not even the sound of breathing could be heard. It was the ambassador of Fluokru, the Boat People, who broke the silence. He turned to Clarke, "And what do you think, Wanheda? It was you who defeated the Maunon, I believe it is you who should decide what is done with it."

Clarke walked down the small stairs and turned to adress the room, "I believe the Mountain was deafeated for a reason. I believe that our warriors died for that reason, to bring down the shadow that the Maunon has cast on your people for generations. I believe that the Mountain should be sealed shut and left to rot. Our dead have been set free and there is not reason to take the tek that caused this war in the first place. Wamplei gon Maunon!"

The other ambassadors started chanting with her, "Wamplei gon Maunon!"

Clarke turned back to face Lexa and saw pride shining in her eyes. Moving back to her side, Clarke closed her eyes and took a minute to collect herself. When she opened them, she gasped. All of the ambassadors, except for her mother and Kane, were on their knees before her.

Lexa rose and stepped up beside Clarke, "Wanheda has spoken. Wamplei gon Maunon. This meeting is over, I wish you all a safe journey home."

Lexa motioned for Clarke to walk beside her as she walked out of the throne room, and Clarke did so with her head held high and pride shining on her face. As soon as the doors were shut behind them, Lexa pushed her against the wall and kissed her.

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