Hard Timez (Completed)

By augustalsina2013

25.5K 1K 58

Te'ambrah was always popular in the city of Chicago, She was known as one of the best dancers around until he... More

memories from way back
way back.....
The Night Is Still Young
Hanging Out....
Ain't nothing Wrong
I Wanted Him
Today's Is The Day For Change
New Start
Your My Family Anyway...
I Will Always Be By Ya Side
When The Truth Comes Out
All Things Go
My Mistakes
Never Love Another
I Cant Believe...
Cayden 😍😚
Two months later
Truth Set Free
Happily Never After
Mommy Time
Show up
Kyron's Problems
A Couple Days Later
She Belongs To Me
It's Not Her
I Want You Back
Cant Leave
What The Hell
Something Aint Right
Talk To Her
Tell Them The Truth
Hospital Bound
I Forgive You
Block Party
Dead Or Alive
Gotta Get Her
This Cant Be Happening
Im So Sorry
Excape fail
Labor Pain
A Few Months Later
Break away

what would you do?

397 14 1
By augustalsina2013

Author's pov

Days had passed and Shotta and Gia barely said two words to each other. Apparently she couldn't understand why he was over Shanay house, even though she tried to block it out her head she couldn't.
She was putting Te'marie down for a nap in her bed when he stopped and stood in the doorway watching her. He walked over to over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing the back of her neck.
"I love you Gia and my daughter I would never hurt y'all".Shotta said causing Gia faced him calmly and looked in his eyes.
"Please Gia can you stop acting like this".
"What would you do if that was me"?
He thought for a minute " I would fuck you up real shit".
"Ok, so you know how I feel. Stay away from her house Shotta I'm serious if Cayden wanna be dumb and go there let him, but you don't".
"Ard Gia"he said with a serious expression.
"I'm serious, I'm not playing with you" she warned, putting her finger in his face.
"Okay babe damn, can you stop? I fucked up I know damn can you let it go"he said chuckling.
She kissed his lips softly then hugged his waist... "You forgiven" She said smiling, still holding on to him.

3 months later-
Author pov

Te'ambrah had been doing so good lately. She was almost four months pregnant and hadn't missed any doctor's appointment. The baby's heart beat was nice and strong with perfect growth. She really didn't care what she was having all she wanted was a healthy baby. It still hurt her that couldn't share her happy moments with Cayden, but what it was is what it will be. They hadn't spoken or seen each other since he had came by the house ending their relationship. She was determined to find her happiness that she deserved, no longing crying herself to sleep nor mopping around.
Her and Krissy was at the studio teaching a class for a upcoming event next week. There were ten young teens of age group 15 to 17 practicing a routine for a hip hop dance party. Te'ambrah stood back and watched proudly. They reminded her of her when her and Krissy was that age performing.
Krissy was in charge at the time of keeping the girls in line while Te'ambrah observed.
"Stop... Jasmine I need you to put more on that spin, and Tia when you spin make sure your following the group. Start from the top y'all" she snapped her fingers as the music started to play.
At the end of practice Te'ambrah and Krissy said their goodbyes to the girls as they all exit the studio. Te'ambrah was locking up the studio when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She glanced up at Krissy, but no words came out as her eyes followed what Krissy was staring at. Cayden stood close by her car along with Shotta patiently waiting.
She inhaled as she headed over to them, she spoke to Shotta without saying a word to Cayden.

Instead she walked pass him until he reached for her arm.
"Te, just talk to me".
She faced him with a irritated facial expression "What do you want Cayden".
"Just to talk to you". He said remaining calm as he stared her up and down.
She sucked her teeth and tried to walk pass him, but he reached for her arm again.
"Cayden what do you want" she said rudely facing him giving him a look like something stinked.
"I just told you Te I just came to check on you and talk to you" he spoke in a low voice as he blew out air.
She lowered her eyes at him at the moment as a thought came to her head..."No you didn't you only came to see if I was still pregnant did you"?
Cayden looked down at her with a calm expression, but no words came from his mouth,he just stared at her.
Te'ambrah let out a chuckle and shook her head back and forth.

"No secrets I just wanted to make sure it wasn't no mistakes before I mentioned him" she said being honest.
"I'm happy for you Te you need to be happy baby" Ashlei said cheering her sister on.
"So when do we meet Mr. Mystery man"?
"Soon girls I promise, real soon"She said resting her head back relaxing.  They continued to chat it up while getting their feet done,catching up on each other beings though it had been a while since they had spent time together.



I was missing miss lady so I decided to grab a bite to eat and visit her at her house. When I knocked I watched as she peeked out her window before coming to open the door. Once she opened the door I was stuck for a minute by her beauty her long curly hair was up in a messy bun, she was dressed in some leggings and a blue fitting shirt looking good as ever.
"Hey Kyron" she said with bright smile as she opened the door wider for me to come in "Hey baby girl I'm hoping me popping up with out notice wouldn't be a problem. I decided since we missed our date I would come pay you a visit if that's fine".
She continued to smile at me for a second before she answered...

"It's fine Kyron I'm glad you came" she said in a sweet voice that gave me chills.
We got settled on the couch and watched a couple of her movies of her choice Paid and Full, Boys In The Hood and Waist Deep. I was enjoying my time with her, but I really wanted to get to know her more so I grabbed the remote and muted the Tv. She looked up at me with a shy look on her face that caused me to chuckle a little.

" Ok so what would you like to watch next?"she asked me about to get up off the couch, but I gently pulled get back down close next to me.
" If you don't mind I would like to get to know you more".
She nodded her head with a innocent look on her face.
"OK.... what would you like to know"?
I looked around the living room before my eyes landed back on her "Ok let's start with why you stay in this house by yourself"? She smiled at me before answering. "Well my cousin was here to but she lives with her boyfriend, one of my best friends and I don't mind it's peaceful forreal".
"Umm... so where's ya man?"
That caused her to burst of in laughter "Well if I had one of them you wouldn't be here... I'm single".
I chuckle a little then went on to my next question " If you dont mind me asking why not"?

She inhaled and looked away for a second then back at me no longer having that beautiful grin on her face, her expression went sad suddenly.
" umm.... well my baby father.... "
"Wait your pregnant?"I calmly asked with a shocked expression.
She nodded her head yes. I couldn't believe that this small petite, but nicely shaped girl was carrying a baby inside her you couldn't even tell.
" I'm actually four months now and I've been by myself all this time" She said with so much saddest in her voice.
"If you don't mind me asking... what happened"?
She paused with a little smile before speaking again " He was my childhood sweet heart, but things happened and I moved away for a while I came back a couple months ago and reunited with childhood bestfriends and he was part of them. Soon as we got together we were inseparable, until he found out his grandmother passed away....after that he turned into this dude that I no longer knew and that's when I found out I was pregnant and when I told him about it he didnt want it and let it be known"....
By now she was in tears "He hurt me So bad how could he not want his own child his own flesh and blood how could he leave me to do this all by myself ".
I stopped her right there because she was began to get me emotional "Baby girl that's his lost don't you ever feel like your alone as long as you with me you will never feel alone"... I grabbed her face gently as we locked eyes.
"I can take all that pain away and bring ya life so much joy I can be the man that you need in ya life for you and the baby" I told her as I began to kiss her tears away.
With that I leaned in and kissed her lips so softly causing her body to quiver a little. I wine up stayed the night and held her so close to me as she slept like a baby in my arms.

Kyron above.....

The next few weeks Kyron and Te'ambrah had  grew closer and closer. He was there for her ever step of the way and she loved his present he attended all doctor appointments and never let her stay alone. They were falling in love and with that her pain that she felt for Cayden's absence no longer bothered her. She was just about to walk out to meet Kyron's mother for the first time when a knock came on her front door. Her and Kyron glanced at each other with questioning faces "You expecting company?" he asked calmly.
She shook her head no as she headed to the door, but she opened the door she regreted opening it. Cayden and Shotta were both standing there at her door step. Shocked a little she mugged Cayden before her eyes landed on Shotta.
"Wassup Te?" Shotta said grabbing her into a tight hug.
"Hey Shotta how are you"?
"I can't complain forreal, you look good"he said as he took in her new glow that she was carrying.

Kyron then joined them at the door causing Cayden to look up and grill him hard,at the site of Kyron his blood began to boil.
"Hey Te you okay?" kyron asked ignoring Cayden and Shotta's presence.
"Yeah I'm good you wanna wait for me in the car I'm coming" she said clearing her throat at the  intense moment.
"Yeah, don't be long we gonna be late" he said giving Cayden and Shotta one last look before walking pass them and heading to his car.
Shotta and Cayden stood out of place and confused for a minute, She focused back on Shotta.

"Tell Gia I'll see her later on for me please Shotta" she said closing and locking her front door.
"Happy" Cayden said cutting her off.
She frowned, confused to what he was saying. She turned and looked at him with a confused expression on her face.
"You look happy is what I meant to say" he said sacastically, lowering his eyes at her. Seeing Te'ambrah happy with another man would have definitely been the last thing on his mind.
She shrugged and revealed a closed smiled."Well what do you expect me to be sad...hurt....depressed well that's not me no more Cayden I told you the last time I seen you that I was moving on from you and this mess that was created by us".
"So who's dude?" Cayden said pointing behind him to Kyron's car.
She smurked " His name is Kyron and yes... he's my boyfriend".
"Since when?" he asked stepping closer to her causing her to swallow hard. Just being close to Cayden all over again was causing her to feel some type of way. This was the man she once loved so hard that she couldn't imagine herself without, but now that imagination had turned into reality.
She lowered her eyes at him then chuckle a little " Does it matter Cayden you didn't want me you want Shanay remember?" she said smartly as she let out a small chuckle.
"He knows you pregnant"? He asked being sacastic.
" Does that matter Cayden and how would you know if I'm pregnant still have you been there"? She splat out.

Cayden took a deep breath before looking deep into her eyes" Te understand I was confused and I didn't know what to do forreal".
" You thought you was the only one confused...no you weren't you tore my poor heart into two and left me on my lonesome you didn't even care"She said pointing at herself, getting upset.
He raised his eyebrows realizing what she had just said and frowned "What are you saying Te' you not pregnant nomore... you got rid of my baby"?
She exhaled with a sad expression as she glanced down then back up at him "There is no more baby Cayden" she said before walking pass them and to the car. She gave them one last look before getting in the car and pulling off leaving Cayden standing there hurt.
Although she didn't look pregnant at all she pulled of her lie real good, Truth be told she felt bad that she lied to Cayden about no longer being pregnant, but she just wanted her heart to forget about him. She was on a new chapter in her life now and didn't want Cayden apart of it she was determined to close that chapter of her life with him.

In the car:

Kyron looked over at Te'ambrah with a confused facial expression "Hey who were them niqqas"?
" The one with the hair that was Shotta my other childhood bestfriend and the other one was Cayden, my babyfather" she said the last part at a low voice halfway ashamed.
"Now he shows up after all this time" he said shaking his head. Honestly Kyron was pissed that Cayden had even showed his face there.
He clenched his jaw and gripped on the streeling wheel tight "You coming to my house, I don't want you staying there no more Te".
She looked over at him and frowned "What's wrong Kyron, he's not a problem, he's nobody to worry about" she stated, but kyron wasn't tryna hear what she was saying.
"Who said I was worried... Your coming to stay with me".
"My aunt got us that place and it's paid up for a few more months I can't waste my aunt's money like that Kyron. Plus I don't think I'm ready to move out and in with someone else this soon".
"I wasn't asking" he said as he glanced over at her.
She couldn't believe how he was reacting to this situtation. It wasn't a big deal her and Cayden were over with so it really was no need for all this. He glanced over at her once again then back on the road with a frown on his face... They rode in silence for the rest of the ride.
This was the first disagreement her and Kyron had had, but little did she know it was more to come soon.

Kyron already feeling some type of way
Is his true colors ready to reveal?????
Cayden pissed that she had really moved on ....😣😣😣

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