Thirteenth Night; Malvolio's...

By EmeraldEye668

417 7 1

I recently performed Shakespeare's Twelfth Night with my high school. We joked about this sequel, in which Ma... More

Act 1 Scene 1
Act 1 Scene 2
Act 1 Scene 3
Act 1 Scene 4
Act 1 Scene 5
Act 2 Scene 1
Act 2 Scene 2
Act 2 Scene 3
Act 3 Scene 2
Act 4 Scene 1
Act 4 Scene 2
Act 5 Scene 1

Act 3 Scene 1

24 1 0
By EmeraldEye668

Enter Viola, Valentine, and Curio
Valentine: Your wedding is your wedding, my Lady, be 't held at home or no.
Viola: Be that as it may, I see no reason for this fuss. Why can I not go as I am?
Curio: The gown is traditional, as all My Lord does may be.
Viola: 'Tis strange, to be no longer disguised. Time hath played a mad trick o' this house. I've found such change with this love. What say you, friends? Are we not still equals?
Curio: Only until the wedding.
Valentine: For then marriage puts you above us.
Viola: Wherefore must that be? Why can I not do as I please in temperament, whether I address as eunuch or Lady? Must tradition fall always to split comradery?
Enter Maria
Maria: Madam Viola, I bring word from Sebastian.
Viola: So soon since he left?
Maria: Ay, Lady, but 'tis for your ears alone.
Viola: A sentiment I've spoken myself for the sake of another.
Maria: I prithee. I can speak only to you.
Viola: As you say. Leave us, then.
Exit Valentine and Curio
What draws you here with such fervor?
Maria: The Lady Olivia's household met with a... disturbance.
Viola: How so?
Maria: One Malvolio returned... with avenging blade.
Viola: What dost thou imply?
Maria: The steward tainted the wine which Olivia drank, and slit Sebastian's throat.
Viola: Why speakest thou these things? Might it be a cruel jest?
Maria: I saw it with mine own eyes.
Viola: Oh, dear brother. I thought you dead once. You returned, and my heart was filled with joy, repaired alongside my spirit. To hear you dead again, hath killed me doubly so.
Maria: If there's any way I could aid you i' this darkness?
Viola: Nay, good wench. I would bid you farewell.
Exit Maria
What could drive a man so far as to hang Illyria by this thread?
Enter Malvolio
Malvolio: Some wounds dig so deep, Cesario.
Viola: Time can heal all wounds, but not one so dark as this. Steward, what wrong did Sebastian show you? What reason didst thou have?
Malvolio: Exactly the same that you showed. My Lady was corrupted by your courtship. I might've been a Count, but am left as a maddened servant.
Viola: Art thou so blind? I did only what I was told. You've been mislead.
Malvolio: Have I? Only in my journey here. You'll be run through as your dear brother was.
Malvolio draws sword
Viola: Be it Fate's decision, I'll comply. Sebastian will be waiting 'cross the Styx.
Malvolio stabs Viola
Malvolio: So 'cross the Styx you shall sail, good Lady.
Enter Valentine and Curio
Valentine: Mistress Viola!
Curio: Sir, I will see you punished for bringing her harm.
Curio tries to take sword
Malvolio kills Curio
Malvolio: This world hath seen me punished a thousand fold what thou wouldst do.
Valentine: Sir, I must insist you drop your sword.
Malvolio: I must insist you speak not a word.
Valentine: Drop thy sword.
Malvolio: Hold thy peace.
Valentine tries to take sword
Malvolio kills Valentine
And now you've no choice. Dead men speak not.

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