
By Carla9732

15.7K 351 121

For the first time in a long time, Nico's life was working out for the better. Will and Nico become close, bu... More

11. WILL
12. NICO
14. WILL
15. NICO
16. NICO
17. WILL
18. WILL
19. NICO

13. NICO

573 14 2
By Carla9732

When he woke, it was light. Nico sat up and looked around. There was no sign of Eris or Will. Anger filled him as he remembered what had happened, but it was quickly replaced with worry.
Carefully he got up, his legs weak as if they would collapse at any moment.
He reached down to pick up his sword and sheathed it, slowly he began to walk back towards Camp, he knew it was no use looking for Will, it would be impossible to find him and even if he did what could he do in the state he was in.
When he got back to camp, he could see people walking around as usual. Everything  looked normal and how it should be, but it felt so far from it.
In the distance he could see someone approaching, they were running.
It was at that point Nico collapsed.

Gasping for breath he felt as if he was drowning. He tried to breath but it was impossible.
'NICO' He heard Will's voice. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes. 'Nico'.

His eyes opened and he sat up suddenly as if he'd been slapped. Next to him was Jason with a relieved expression his face.
'Are you okay?' He asked 'You just passed out for a minute. After you and Will disappeared last night we were all worried so we went to look for you'.
Nico frowned, 'Will...' he muttered 'It's a long story, and I'd prefer not to tell it more than once.' His eyes not meeting Jason's.
'Nico?' He asked uncertainly 'Where's Will?'
Nico's eyes were beginning to fill up with tears, but he focused all of his sadness into anger. He didn't want to show how broken he was.
'We need to get the others. Then I'll explain'.
They went off into separate directions. Nico found Annabeth sparring with Piper in the sword arena, their blades moving with extraordinary speed. 'Annabeth!' He called, 'Piper!'
They turned and sheathed their weapons.
'Nico?' They replied in unison, 'Gods Nico, where have you been?!' Asked Annabeth storming towards him, Nico frowned 'I.. I'll explain later to all of you, get Percy and meet outside my cabin'. Before they could reply he stepped into the shadow of a nearby tree and disappeared.
He fell to his knees as he materialised next to his cabin, so many thoughts spinning through his head that he didn't even notice someone was talking to him.
Turning his head, Jason stood beside him.
'This is becoming quite a habit of yours isn't it?' He joked half heartedly, he offered his hand to Nico who took it and stood up. Piper, Annabeth and Percy arrived each with the same worried expression.
'So what happened?' Asked Piper trying to sound as calming and reassuring as possible.
Nico stared down at the floor and began telling them the events of last night. Once he'd finished he shook his head, 'it's my fault, I should've- I didn't- Why didn't I just send him back!' He said with resentment.
'Nico, it's not your fault' began Percy, 'you know Will, he's pretty stubborn.' The son of Hades clenched his hand around the hilt of his sword muttering 'but I should have done something, anything... And I didn't, so now he's gone.'
'We'll find him' said Annabeth firmly 'I'm sure he's okay, this goddess is using him as leverage to get what she wants, so she has to keep him alive'.
He nodded slightly 'Yeah but that doesn't mean she won't hurt him'.
Suddenly he noticed Annabeth's hands. They were red, covered in cuts and bruises'. What happened to you?' He asked examining at her hands.
She rubbed them gently and explained the dreams she and Percy had been having.
Nico's anger began to rise 'It's Eris! I bet she's just trying to mess with your heads'. 'Nico, you need to calm down' said Jason as the others looked at the floor around him. Bones and cracks were appearing around him as he radiated anger.
Taking a deep breath, he forced the bones and cracks to disappear 'Sorry, I'm just worried.'
'It's alright, but we need a plan.' Said Piper, Annabeth nodded 'the only problem is we have to wait to find out what Eris wants. She's a goddess so I doubt we'll be able to find her if she wants to stay hidden.'
'Wait so we Just have to wait?' Asked Percy. Annabeth nodded 'That's all we can do.'
'Although!' Began Jason 'We could try and contact Frank and Hazel, or Reyna. Maybe Eris is causing trouble in camp Jupiter?'
'Yeah, maybe they can help.' Said Piper. 'Although, none of our messages seem to be getting through to them. Something's up with all of our communication. The only thing that appears to be working is literally taking the message to them.'
'But that's dangerous and takes a few days.' Replied Percy.
'I could always shadow travel?' Suggested Nico.
'No' said Annabeth shaking her head 'Eris is definitely watching you somehow. one of us should do it. Besides if she wants you to do something and you're in camp Jupiter then she might hurt Will.'
Nico sighed 'Yeah, I guess... I just feel like I should be doing something.'
Jason nodded 'I get it. How about me and Piper go? I mean its not a quest so we don't exactly need three people?' Piper nodded 'and we should be able to get there and back in a few days depending on how many... surprises we encounter on the way.'
'Yeah, and me and Percy can stay here and help Nico with Eris.' Said Annabeth.
Nico nodded 'And figure out what she's doing messing up our lives.'
'Well If we leave tomorrow morning then maybe we can make it there in a day?' Suggested Piper, Jason nodded. 'But for now, I'm not doctor but Nico you look like you need some rest. Otherwise you're going to pass out again.'
He nodded 'I suppose, I won't be much use to Will like this.'
'Then it's settled' said Annabeth. 'Me and Percy can do some research on Eris while you rest.'
Nico nodded thankfully and went into his cabin. Taking off his belt and sword before laying down and falling asleep.

He was back in the same clearing, the air was thick with fog. He could barely see anything in the moonlight.
Suddenly something brushed past him. He turned, and behind him stood Eris.
'Nico di Angelo' she said quietly, her voice echoing. 'I see you and your friends have formed a little alliance.'
She smirked 'but if you want your friend to live... Well then I suggest you forget about letting them help you.'
'Where's Will!?' He asked trying to sound angry but it came out more concerned.
Eris sighed. She pointed at the tree line and the fog cleared.
Will was on his knees, his hands tied behind his back and a gag in his mouth. His neck was bruised from the other night and the makeshift bandage tied around his head was now soaked through with blood, but otherwise he seemed unharmed.
Nico ran over to him and tried to touch his face but his hand passed right through him.
'Will, are you okay?!' He asked kneeling down, Will's eyes were wide as he tried to speak but it just came out as a muffled noise.
'Touching' the goddess said cutting them off, 'now, if you want him to remain alive then you need to follow my instructions very carefully.'
Will began to protest but Eris glared at him 'Don't try and talk or I'll just make the task harder.' With that he stopped, but his eyes were pleading with Nico.
'Tell me what I need to do.' He said as she smiled cruelly.

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