BLSC #1 : The Undercover Model

By beyondlocks

5.6M 180K 16.5K

BLSC #1 Andrew Samuel The most popular guy at school , handsome , play soccer and a player of course. You can... More

Chapter 1 - Sorry Nerd (Edited)
Chapter 2 - Bothering Carla (Edited)
Chapter 3 - You'll Never Know (Edited)
Chapter 4 - Curious (Edited)
Chapter 5 - One Lucky Girl (Edited)
Chapter 6 - Not Again (Edited)
Chapter 7 - The Call (Edited)
Chapter 8 - His Period (Edited)
Chapter 9 - What's Wrong With Me (Edited)
Chapter 10 - I'll Take That as a Yes (Edited)
Chapter 11 - Trouble (Edited)
Chapter 12 - Kayla vs Carla (Edited)
Chapter 13 - Why I Like You (Edited)
Chapter 14 - His Tension
Chapter 15 - Truth
Chapter 16 - Lies
Chapter 18 - Painful
Chapter 19 - Anger
Chapter 20 - Don't Trust Him
Chapter 21 - No One Except Me
Chapter 22 - He Hates That Word
Chapter 23 - Ex
Chapter 24 - Too Bad
Chapter 25 - Cheer Up
Chapter 26 - Again
Chapter 27 - The Parents
Chapter 28 - The Samuel
Chapter 29 - Punishment?
Chapter 30 - No Question
Andrew Samuel - Kayla Michaelson
His Secret Admire (BLSC #2)

Chapter 17 - Happy or Not? Idk

149K 5K 330
By beyondlocks

Kayla Michaelson

"He's that evil?" Stacy asked annoy and I nodded

"I never thought all of this is fake , he's dating me just for fun"

"I think you should just break up with him , how can he be that evil?" Stacy said disbelief and I can't believe it either

"I will break up with him but I want him to fall for me first.. that will break his heart too"

"Kayla.. How long will you do this? Not just breaking his heart but it will break yours too. You already like him and it will make everything harder" Stacy looked at me and yes she's got a point there

"How am I suppose to do then?"

"Break up with him.. Just break up , live your usual life Kayla. Do it before you fall for him deeper" She said

"I want a revenge"

"Just don't Kayla , he's someone that you don't want to mess up with. I don't want you to get hurt more. Just break up with him and end everything before it's too late"

"He's seeing me as a fool , he thinks is funny to see me having this 2 identities. He wants to caught me having this two identities. How can he treat me like that?" I sighed

"He's an asshole Kayla , just let him go already! I'm sick of you being like this. Just break up with him.. I'll introduce you to my friend Jackson" She tried to cheer me up

"I will take a break from dating for awhile I think , Andrew really makes me feel special and suddenly I know that everything he did for me was fake" I let out a bitter laughed

"I don't think he's not that evil.." I looked at her weirdly.. she mocked him earlier and now she suddenly said this

"What do you mean Stacy? Why are you on his side now?"

"I think he really likes you but the fact that his first intension was to make fun of you makes him to say that in front of his friends. How can he act so good like that? Think about it" I shook my head

"No he doesn't like me Stacy , Axel even said if he can have me after all this done and Andrew said to him that he can take me"

"Unbelievable" She groaned and throw herself to my bed

"Why is he really that sweet to you? Why? If everything is fake , why is he really into it?" Stacy asked and I sighed

"I don't know and I don't want to know a bit. I never thought he's going to be like this. I shouldn't have want to be his girlfriend"

"It's already happen Kayla , now it's time for you to decide things. Whether to end it or continue it but I suggest you to end it" Stacy said

"I'll end it but I don't know when"

"Come on 4 months before the school ends , end it now and besides it's almost Valentines day. You will find someone new"

"I'll be in France on Valentines day anyway"

"It's better to work than being here and seeing his face , do you want me to go to France too and spend time there?" She asked and I smiled shooking my head

"You have work too idiot"

"I was just trying to cheer you up.. Geez" She laughed and I smacked her butt


"Let's watch a movie" I said and at the same time my phone rings. Stacy is the one who take my phone for me. She showed me my phone screen

"Shut my phone off" I said

"Pick it up.. I want to hear what is he saying"

"I don't want too.. I'm beyond piss"

"Oops" Stacy slide it , my eyes widen

"Hey" I sighed as I heard his voice

"Hey babe"

"I miss you.. How's your flight last night?" I glared at Stacy as she mouthed 'he's so sweet'

"Good , still a little bit tired"

"Wanna have dinner together tonight?"

"I'm a little bit sick , I need some rest" I said

"I'm going there" My eyes widen and so is Stacy

"Babe no no , you don't need to come here. I'm fine. I just need a rest that's all" I said. Pleaseplease don't come here

"Okay then" He said with a sad tone.. Lies

"I'll just see you tomorrow" I said and Stacy gave me a thumbs up

"Okay then.. I'll let you rest"


"Welcome" He said and I pressed the red button really fast

"Shit.. he sound real" Stacy said

"That's what I'm talking about , everything looks real and he treated me really nice and sweet. Like I'm the luckiest girl in the world but the fact is not like that"

"He was like.. 'I'm going there' really seriously and sounded really panic"

"I hate this.."

"Are you going to break him up tomorrow?"

"I think yeah.. I will , I'm sick of his game and I don't want to continue because I might fall for him more and continue to play his game like an idiot" I said

"Let's watch some movies. How's Mean Girls sound?" She asked and I smirked

"Let's watch that and watch The Proposal next"

"Deal!" She squealed. I turned on my laptop and immediately put the DVD into my laptop. We watched Mean Girls first and can't help but laughing our ass off. Suddenly someone knocked my door..

"Yes?" I walked to the door and opened it. I found my maid giving me a brown paper bag.

"Who is this from?"

"Mr. Samuel" I sighed and take the bag from my maid's hand. I walked in and Stacy raised her eyebrows

"From Andrew"

"What? Let me see!" She took it from my hand and opened the paperbag quick

"It's a hot chocolate , your favorite chocolate lava cake , a rose and a letter" She squealed in happiness but not me. She gave me the rose and the letter

Hey baby ,
I hope you will get well soon.
I bought your favorite hot chocolate and cake
Eat this to lift your mood okay?
Put diet later on..
Text me when you're feeling better , I can company you anytime


"Kayla.. I think you should break up with him sooner before you can't let him go" I turned to Stacy and then turned to the letter again

"I think so too.. I almost believe everything Stac. Even my heart is beating crazily right now. I don't know if I have to be excited or not now" I said honestly

I hate you Andrew.. I really hate you

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