
By _Ukulele_Bean_

26.6K 1.5K 1.6K

Everyone has an expiration date. But what happens if you poke a hole in the package. What happens if you open... More

Thank you
Shots Fired
She's Gonna Kill Me
Her Past
He's Free
The Call
My Brother's Time
Never Let Go
Our Time
New Me
Move On
New Times
Protect Them
What Now?

Me And Him

1.1K 53 53
By _Ukulele_Bean_

We left the cottage and went back to the house 2 weeks later. When we got there, Anna squeezed me tight. Mark and her both apologized for not helping me. I accepted there apology but Ash was still a little upset.

"You need to forgive them Ash."


"Okay, number one, stop shouting, you're gonna wake up the neighborhood. Number two, I told you why I'm not upset already. I want to give them the chance to be human. They will make mistakes and fix them too. Besides, if I don't let them make mistakes, then they won't let me make mine. And I don't want to lose my family to mistakes."

"Fine. Maybe you're right. I'll.......TRY to forgive them."

I stop walking and hug him.


He drops his bag to the ground and gives me a weird look.

"Uhhhhhh. I-I think that we should be going to sch-"

He grabs my face and gives me a quick kiss.

"Your so kind."


"Let me ask you something."


"Why don't you want to tell anyone about how we feel about each other?"

"Because no one is gonna keep there mouth shut. They'll spread the rumor, and one day, Cosette will find out about this."

"Well.........fine. I just don't want anyone to think about hurting you in anyway. If they know how much I care for you, then they won't even think about laying a finger on you."

"We can let it out soon. For now, I'm lucky if she doesn't hurt me while she thinks we're just friends."

Me and Ash were always shy to talk about anything "official". For now, we just know of each other's feelings. We are trying to go out together sometimes.........but it's just so awkward for us. We enter the school together. I'm nervous because ever since we started living together, I can't get through one day without being harassed by everyone. Everyone was staring and whispering. I speed up and Ash could tell why so he did too.

We get to our lockers and put away our stuff. Ash has all of the same classes. First was quoir. I always was shy to sing in front of everyone. I sat in my seat and began taking out my music.

"Attention everyone! I am proud to present a new system that we will begin! Every month, I will pair you guys up with someone or make you be by yourself to sing a song that all of you will agree on together! You will have 2 weeks to practice! You will then perform in front of the school in the auditorium!"

Oh no. This is going to be the worst 2 weeks of my life. I'm gonna embarrass myself in front of everyone.

"Okay! Sarah and Abby! Taylor and Jacob! Seth and Alex! Dante, you will be doing a solo! Ha-"

He went on and on and on. I was last. I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.

"And last but not least.............Sage and Ash!"

I looked next to me to see Ash blushing as much as I was. Everyone was staring at us. Cosette was paired with Hannah and she was very upset. Her face was red from all of the hate and anger that she had against me. I'm so dead.


"I'm so dead. I'm so dead. I'm so dead. I'M SO DEAD!"

"Sage you're not gonna die. She's just jealous. Don't worry about her."

I'm starting to relax. I want to just go home and sleep. We start walking towards the door. Just then, a boy stops us before we leave. Him and his friends are blocking us from leaving and giving Ash a weird look.

"Dude. What do you want Jacob."

"I want to know why you broke up with Cosette for this loser."

"Okay NUMBER ONE SHE IS NOT A LOSER Number two, why is it your business? And number three, I-I'm not dating h-her. We're just f-f-friends."

"DUDE. I can tell that you're lying! You always stutter when you lie or when you're nervous."

"I-I um.......uh.......I-"

He breathes out talks to me with his Kal.

"Sage. I need to tell him. He's gonna keep bothering me and he could get to the point where he could hurt you."

"I-I-I d-don't know."

"Sage. I love you. I want to be with you. W-w-will-"

"Will what?"

He looked at me and blushed.

"Fine, you won. I-I-"

He used his Kal again.

"Sage. This is a something that I've been wanting to tell you since the day we found the creek. Now I finally feel man enough to tell you how I truly feel about you. So......Sage Rose Lantern. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I start turning into a tomato.

"Wait. Why is she red?"

Ash looks to me. He gasps


I use my Kal.

"I-I can't breath."

I collapse on the ground. I was shocked of his question. He loves me that much! I mean, I do too, but, I didn't know that he would want to take it like this so fast. I just am so shocked. Ash grabbed me and started crying.


Jacob knelled down to my side and looked around me, panicking.

"Dude. She's not choking. Does she have asthma?"

"Oh my God. When we were at the hospital, the doctor told me that she has asthma. He gave me the inhaler but-"

He opens the little zipper on the side of his bag and pulls out an inhaler. I looked at the can on the top. It said "Lantern Sage"

"Sage, calm down. When I press the button, suck in the air."

He holds up the back of my head up and puts it up to my mouth. I suck in the air. I tastes like Styrofoam.

"Are you okay?"


"Dude. I need to know now. My bus is about to leave."

I decide to answer Ash's question with my Kal.

"Yeah. I w-will."

He smiles at me. I can tell that he's beyond happy. I wouldn't judge him. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted.

"Me and Sage are together."

"Like together together. Like BF and GF."


"Well man, judging on the way that you were freaking out when she had that attack, and how you guys look at each other, I think that you guys should be together anyways. That is what I call, caring for someone you love."

"Hey, can you not tell Cosette about this?"


"W-well, remember when the school found Sage tied up in the bathroom stall?"

"Uhh, yeah."

"That was a revenge thing from Cosette. The thing is, Cosette has been on to Sage ever sence the day we broke up. The reason why I was gone for those few weeks was because of Cosette. S-s-she k-k-k-"

"She what?"

"She kidnapped and beat Sage. I know it sound weird but she did it. I went looking for her and I found her 5 hours away at the old soda factory. Please don't tell anyone."

"No one would be live me anyways dude. I'm sorry about that. I have to go. Catch you later?"



"Ash, I'm gonna take a walk around the block okay."

"B-be careful. Do you have your bag?"

"Yes. I have the inhaler, the pepper sprays, the pocket knife, the tracker, and my phone. Don't worry about me."

I walk over to him and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Be careful."

"I will."

After a few minutes of walking around the block, I decide to take the trail that leads to the river. It's a little far from the house but it's okay. I walk down the trail that leads into the forest. After a few minutes in I suddenly hear a scream. I start to run to where the screaming is coming from. I look to my side to find a man standing up in the middle of the forest. I slowly walk over towards him. As I get closer, I start to see that the man is armed with many weird looking gadgets. He's tall, skinny and bald. He is standing in front of a woman who has fallen. I decide to hide behind a tree.

The man takes out a weird looking object that was in the shape of a blue glowing metal cylinder. He splits it into 4 and wraps each one around the woman's hands and feet. The woman looks like she can't move her arms or legs even though the cylinders were not attached to the ground. He then takes out a long knife and stabs the woman, cutting a straight line, down her stomach. She screams in a way that it came from her gut. He slowly, one by one, pulls each intestine out of her body. It makes a horrifying noise for each pull. The woman screams with each move the man makes.

The woman finally looks to be given up. She's just laying there, moaning in pain. The man stands up and walks over to her head. The woman looks up to my direction and see's me. She gives me the most desperate look and says

"Help me."

"Night night princess."

He swings his knife at her, and chops her head off in one slice. I'm shocked at what happened. What did she ever do to him? I start to slowly back up. The man notices and turns his head towards me. He stares at me with a confused face. Then he smiles an evil smile. He grabs his knife from the dead corpse, and says

"Come here little Pastel, I won't hurt you."

I turn around and run for my life. How did he know I was a Pastel? I keep running until I reach the house. I run inside and lock the door behind me. I turn around and see Ash standing there, with a worried look on his face.

"Sage what's wrong?"

"H-he's coming. He know's. He's gonna kill me."

"Whoa whoa Sage. Who's gonna kill you? What does he know? What's going on?"

Right as I'm about to tell Ash I hear a knock on the door.



I love you all. thank you so much for making me #49 in horror!

Happy holidays my Dangels



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