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Ash starts throwing things in the air like crazy. He throws my clothes into a suitcase.


"Ash, who is that guy?"

He frantically starts running down the hall to Anna's room and starts screaming. He comes back running to me and grabs my hand. He practically drags me into his room with another suitcase and starts filling it with his clothes.


"ASH! Please stop shouting."

"That guy is the Wing Watcher. He hunts down Pastels and kills them. He would do anything to kill them. He's looking for the Pastel with the small crescent moon birthmark. The problem is, the Pastel who had the birthmark, died a long time ago. He won't get over it though. Even if he see's there's no birthmark on that person, then he would kill them. SO WE HAVE TO LEAVE!"

Anna walks into the room with my suitcase and her's in hand, looking at her watch.

"Okay, we will be staying at my sister's house in California. We have 3 first class tickets leaving in 1 hour. Because of the fact that we can't access our cars without getting hurt, we have to fly to the airport. Sage. I know that you never flew before, so I'm gonna have you ride in the carrier. It's going to be big enough for you and the bags."

She notices that I'm in a state of shock.

"Don't worry honey. It's gonna be okay."

We grab our bags and go to the back door to leave. I go outside to see Mark standing next to, what looks like, a giant sized laundry basket. We put the bags into the carrier and I get in. Ash and Anna put the ropes around their waist and release their wings. Anna gives Mark a kiss and starts to fly. As we fly over the house, I look and see the man watching us as we fly away, with a big creepy smile on his face.




"Would you like another glass of water?"

"Uhhh, y-yes please."

We are about 1 hour away from California now. Anna is asleep and Ash keeps looking at me funny. I'm gonna die. I know I am.


I look to Ash. He has a concerned face on, looking at me as if he's mesmerized by the color in my eyes.


I start to break down. He puts my head on his chest hugs me tight. He pets me softly ignoring my Fall Out Boy Beanie. He stops and seems to think for a minute.

"Sage......I-I'm so sorry that you had to see all of that. I wish I wouldn't have let you go on that walk. Is that why you're sad?"


"Please tell me why you're sad."

I decide to show him. I slowly raise my hand up to his eyes. He gasps. There, right on the side of my middle finger, there is a small, black crescent moon. He grabs my hand and takes a look at it.

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