Catch Me, Mr Alpha

由 monkogs12

662K 12.4K 1.1K

The way she made his body act was incredible. She felt high, like she had so much power. Who knew she could c... 更多

Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Catch Me, Mr Alpha

124K 858 63
由 monkogs12

Dedicated to my Wattpad best friend GummieBubbleBear.

This is a really boring, filler chapter. Please give this story a chance and I promise you it will get better.


My pencil glided across the paper, leaving behind it's trail of led. I erased and scribbled, occasionally groaning when my pencil pressed through the paper so hard it nearly broken through. I was trying so hard to picture his face but it had been too long since I had last seen him- his face was now distant in my memories.

"Whatcha drawing, baby sister?" Leo tilted his head so he could get a better glimpse at my picture. I scrunched my face up, pulling my brown eyebrows together in frustration. He sank back, raising his hands up in surrender, and if I were in any better mood I would of laughed at my older brother acting like I frightened him. Leo was my twin, so we got along- on occasion. Even though we all had the same two parents none of my siblings looked alike, including me.

There were five of us in total, way too much to handle. Obviously, my parents couldn't get there hands off each other because our age differences aren't that big. We all were barely a year apart, except for my baby brother, who was the youngest, at the age of eight. I was a good eight years older then him, but sometimes I felt like I was years younger then him. Thomas, was his name, and he was smarter then I was at some things- and I didn't blame him for not having many friends, his intellectual brightness made him think everything they did was unreasonabley stupid.

I had the great misfortune of being the second youngest, which meant I was a victim of the 'baby' sister jokes. On the bright side, I wasn't stuck with over protective brothers, but more like lazy, really weird brothers instead. Thomas wasn't my only brother, but I had two older ones, including my annoying twin.

Calvin was the second oldest of the family, a man whore at heart- if he even had one. He spent his days at the gym, sleeping with girls and blasting his music too loud. I barely spoke to him, and when we did it often ending with us screaming at each other. He got along great with the oldest sister, Annabelle because they hung around with the same group of people. Yes, that did mean Annabelle was a slut. But she was a year older, she had just graduated high school, and surprisingly, I got along with her too. She did have a kind side, but I know better then to speak to her when she was with certain people. Calvin was a senior in high school, so he was already making plans about moving out and leaving home- unlike Annabelle who was still living with us even though she had turned nineteen almost a month ago.

Then came Leo and me, we were best friends and I don't know what I would do with out him. Even though we fought like guys, throwing punches randomly at each other; we always were together. I hung out with his friends, he hung out with mine. I wasn't 'One Of the Boys' but I did get along with them, until they started becoming creepy and liking me in perverted ways.

The school year had already begun, and it was second semester- my parents decided moving would be fun.

So, my whole family had been shoved into our over stuffed SUV and we were heading towards a new home some where in New York. My parent's were so excited to move, apparently we were only moving for a change, but I could tell that there was a secret behind it, a better reason.

The ride there was only supposed to be four hours, but it had gone from that to eight because of the ridiculous amount of traffic we hit. I found my temper flaring and I was snapping at everyone for no reason. So I had resorted to drawing my favorite man in the world- and unfortunately he couldn't come with us to New York.

Rock, my horse- my favorite man in the world had to be left behind at our old farm because now we were living in some mainstream little town that probably had one public horse barn. I dropped my sketchbook to the floor under my feet, and laid my head down on Leo's shoulder, shutting my eyes for the first time in six hours. I drifted off to sleep, only to be woken by Leo getting up- and my head smashed down onto the seat belt buckle.

"You suck Leo!" I snarled at him, getting unbuckled and realizing everyone had already exited the car meaning only one thing- we were here. We had arrived at the house we would be staying at and I'll admit I was disappointed in my parents house choice. It was large house, it had a cosy look to it and looked like a cottage but one problem was that there were houses right next door. I was so used to the country, how neighbors were at least six miles away from our house.

"Shut up and take your bag, Chloe." Leo laughed, tossing my over stuffed plaid backpack at me. I dove to catch it, but ended up missing it and it smashed against the driveway. I glared at Leo, letting out a warning, short scream. He stepped back, the humor evident in his eyes.

"I'm sorry!" He laughed out, and I charged at him, but every step I took he took four back. I cursed him for having such long legs- longer then mine. In the end, I gave up, turning back around and picking up my bag like it was my baby. I cradled it in my arms and stomped my feet into the house, desperate to find a comfortable bed and take a nap.

The house was beautiful inside, classy and elegant, but completely empty. The moving truck wouldn't be here until after us, I had forgotten that. I groaned, looking at my parents who were acting like a bunch of love sick teenagers, Annabelle who was spinning on her bare-feet in the empty living room, Thomas who was playing with his Hess trucks that he had packed in his bag and Calvin who was texting some one on his phone- no doubt some slut that he wanted to get with.

Leo appeared behind me, looking almost as bored as I was. While I was pondering this, I noticed the large woods steps that led upstairs. No one seemed to of noticed the upstairs yet, and I slowly travelled up the creaking steps. I had to find a bed room before any one else. The room closest to the stair case was the master bedroom, so I didn't even look in it because I knew I had to chance of even getting that room.

I spotted the half open door of the room at the end of the hallway, the same time Leo came pounding up the stairs. I shoved him backwards and ran, making it to the room in the nick of time. I slammed the door shut before Leo entered the room and closed my room hoping this bedroom would be worth losing any of my chances of getting any other rooms. I spun on my heel, snapping open my eyes and let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

It was incredibly large, the wood floor slick and clean and a perfect spot for the bed. The walls were a cute purple color but it wasn't any of that, that caught my attention. The window, it's was just big enough for a full grown body to climb out of, and there was a siding roof that was just big enough for my feet to stand on, and then the jump down was only like twelve feet and if I was lucky I wouldn't break anything. It showed me the house next door, which was almost identical to my house. I found myself staring into a bedroom, something so bland and boring I couldn't even tell if it was a males or a females. Shrugging, I figured I got a pretty good bedroom.

I opened my backpack, flipping it over and letting everything spill to the floor. My sketchbooks, pencils, colored pencils, clothes, under garments and other random crap collapsed to my clean floor, almost as if I was marking my territory.

The weather was surprisingly warm for Febuary here and I was greatful I had worn a pair of basketball shorts and a tanktop under my large sweatshirt. I kept the sweatshirt on because there was a breeze coming in through the walls of the house. I heard the sound of running feet coming up the stairs, Annabelle, Calvin and Thomas must of been looking for a bedroom now. I sat down on my floor, flipping open my sketchbook to a blank page and whipped out a pencil, my mind consuming in dreams and fantasies; forgetting the world of reality around me.

I glanced at the clock routinely, something I did every few minutes when I drew. Two quick raps at my door woke me, and I looked at the door, not speaking yet waiting for whoever knocked to enter. Annabelle made her way in, and she smiled at me, a hopeful smile on that flawless face- a warning she was about to ask me for a favor.

"What is it?" I asked, throwing my brown hair behind my shoulder. She dropped to the floor next to me, taking a sneak peak at my drawing, before I flipped my book shut and her eyes travelled back to make eye contact with me.

"Mom wants to explore the town, she won't give me her keys, she thinks we should walk around it." Annabelle slumped her shoulders over and made an annoyed face. It was pretty amusing, so I couldn't help but laugh. Annabelle jumped up to her feet, smiling down at me like I had agreed to what ever she wanted me to do. Brushing a piece of her blonde hair out of her face, she gave me a judging look as I got up.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, immediately touching my face, wondering if I had food or something on it. Then again- I haven't eaten anything in the past eight hours. My dark brown waves fell into my face, and I pushed it away. Feeling uncomfortable under her discriminating look, I looked down at the boring wood floor.

"You're not wearing that out- right?" She raised one of her eye brows, giving me a look over and quickly I shook my head no. I knew better, even though my outfit was comfortable, it was a new town and I had to make a good impression.

"Okay, good." Annabelle smiled, skipping out of the room, "So change then steal mom's keys!"

I deliberated for a moment. Given Annabelle's sleazy smile, I had a bad feeling that I shouldn't be stealing mom's keys. But I pursed my lips and shrugged, pulling off my clothes and scrambling through the messy pile of clothes on my floor. I slipped on a pair of dark colored skinny jeans and a plain over sized sweater. I matched the sweater with black flats and made my way down the stairs.

Mom's keys were left on the counter, and carelessly I snatched them up, I walked out the door. Easy. Too easy. I knew my house wasn't empty, meaning my family had to be here somewhere. But there was all silence and I snuck around to the living room, the keys dangling from my fingers. Thomas laid on the ground, snoring away and clenching his Hess truck.

Figuring mom and dad were upstairs acting like teenagers, I scurried out the front door to see Annabelle leaning against the car with her signature sneaky face on. I walked towards her, wondering why she was acting like this right now. I stared her down as I neared her, questioning why she was acting so strange all of a sudden.

I tossed her the keys, which she caught. But her jaw swung open and she looked at me like I was criminally insane. I took a peek behind me, to see nothing was there but woods.

"What?" I asked, realizing in the past ten minutes she had made me feel uncomfortable twice. Wow, that's a new record.

"You were supposed to get caught.. I put them.." She stuttered, running her hand down her straight blonde hair. I crossed my arms over my chest, and she huffed. Unlocking the car, she gracefully got in, her skinny legs sliding in perfectly. I made my way around the car, typical Annabelle- setting me up to get in trouble.

I opened the car door and got in, sitting down and buckling. Annabelle had already started driving and she seemed distant. I felt strange in this new town, and I watched the houses pass by. Kids rode their bikes around, skateboarding as girls followed, short skirts and heels.

Van sneakers and snap backs. I had a feeling this town was just as cliche as my old one.

"This town's so boring," Annabelle groaned, "Where are all the hot guys?"

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow," I sighed, tomorrow was our first day at school here. The first day I'll meet the people I'll be spending the next two years of my life with- then I can move out of here and go back home.

"I guess we will," Annabelle groaned, turning the car around and heading back home. Silence consumed us, neither of us bothering to pick up a conversation. We got home, parked the car. I climbed out of the over sized SUV, when Annabelle let out a squeal.

Wondering what had gotten her all excited, I turned my head, to see four overly large males climbing out of a sleek looking car. They had an intimidating glow around them, the kind that makes you want to melt into the floor and hide just by one look kind of glow. But I stared, finding my eyes trained on the male who had gotten out of the driver's seat, his large body seeming the biggest.

As if he had noticed my staring at him, he turned around, his muscles flexing in the process. He looked me up and down, before looking away- disinterested. I didn't blame him, Annabelle was prettier anyway. But a feeling of disappointment flashed through me anyway- and he didn't even look Annabelle's way. The guys all entered the house next door, and I let out a husky breath.

So, I suppose I was living next to one of those guys. How lovely. It was going to be a rough two years here in this town.

So, yeah. I didn't like that first chapter, but I pinky promise it will get better. Next chapter will be out tommorrow, along with a new chapter of Rolling In The Deep. (: So thumbs up or thumbs down? Did you like it? Did you hate it? Vote if you liked it, Comment your opinion! Become a fan. Thanks love you guys <333


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