Demonic Possession

By KiriTsukimi

35 0 0

A girl fearful of the devistating power she holds. The destruction that she can cause. Fear of everyone who s... More

Demonic Possession

35 0 0
By KiriTsukimi

Darkness started to cloud my eyes. My vision was being covered and all I could see was death. I passed out cold. My pulse slowed down so much that it could not be felt. My heart wasn't beating normally. I felt so nauseous and weak that even though I wanted to throw up and get the feeling out, I couldn't. My body wasn't cooperating.

My breathing had been drawn in short. Was I dying? No. How could that be? Just as I had thought of such terrible things, my eyes burst open. I panicked. Not knowing where I was I jumped and got up from my lying down position. It was too quick for my head that it made me dizzy and my head was spinning. I had to lean on my legs and get a hold of myself.

After a while my stomach started to feel a little better and my vision began to be clear. I looked around and found myself in a cell. I tried to walk to the door but my arms and legs had been chained to the wall. I didn't understand what the hell was going on. I started to feel nauseous again. I sat down to refrain from gagging.

I took a deep breath. I knew it wouldn't help any to go crazy and panic in this situation. I had to grasp, first, the meaning of the situation that I am in.

"Hey you!" I turned my head swiftly to the possessor of the voice. It was an old man, well not that old but he is around the age of my father. Or would be if he wasn't dead. I took a better look at him. His legs were crushed and sprawled on the floor next to him. They were so deformed. My stomach started to churn a little.

Painful memories started to creep up from the back of my mind. I was falling. "Hey kid?! Can you hear me?! Wake up!" The man's loud and forceful voice had snapped me out of my daze. I look over at him. He is in the same position that I am in. "What...what is it?" My voice was hoarse. The burning sensation of it almost brought tears to my eyes. What had happened when I was out cold? "What's up with that mark on your arms? It's pretty crazy for a young girl like you to have a tattoo like that."

My eyes widen with shock. I looked at my arms. The old man was right the marks were crazy but, it wasn't a tattoo nor was it going to go away anytime soon. I wanted to scream. This was all too real. These marks, they are the sign for my demonic powers. My nightmare wasn't just a nightmare after all. I brought my hand painfully to my face. Tears started to form in my eyes. How could my father do such a thing to me. Why did he place such a huge evil power inside me?

"Hey are you alright?" I looked up at the old man who was speaking. He looked genuinely worried. I wiped away my tears. "I didn't mean to open up something touchy, I'm sorry." He said looking down at his legs. They were in terrible shape. They had basically been shredded to pieces. I looked at them in horror. What could have done that. A sharp pain hit me, I realized that I was capable of doing such a thing. My nausea got stronger.

I covered my mouth holding back a hurl. This place was filthy and dirty as it was there was no need to had my revolting demonic hurl in here as well. The old man looked up at me and realized what I was staring at. His eyes became sympathetic. "Heh, it's not as bad as it looks you know." I looked at him and he gave me a small smile. "I barely felt a thing when it happened," he turned back to his legs, "but I guess it is a very nauseating sight. I don't blame ya for feeling sick at the sight." I removed my hand from my mouth, swallowed down what ever wanted to come back up and out into the open and shook my head.

"I'm sorry that wasn't what made me sick. I was thinking about what could have done such a thing. I didn't mean to be rude." My voice was feeling slightly better. It was still a little hoarse but I feel like I would just need to wait and moisturize my mouth a little bit.

The old man looked at me with surprise and then kindness. He had a small satchel sitting next to him. He rummaged through it and pulled out a small bottle. He tossed it to me. "Here maybe that will help you." I caught it and looked at him with confusion. "What is it?" I ask. There was some sort of liquid inside by the sound of it. "He chuckled it water mixed with a special herb. It will help with the pain in your throat." I looked at the small bottle and back at the old man. "Are you sure?" This man was awfully kind. He nodded and I opened the bottle to take a small gulp.

Once the rim of the bottle touched my lips a loud sound was made. The old man panicked and motioned me to put the bottle away. I did as I was told not knowing what was going on. I tucked the small bottle behind my back and sat still waiting for an explanation or a hint of what was happening. A loud crashing and a scream came from outside the cell door.

My arms had started to burn. The old man was looking panicked. The burning sensation in my arms began to grow. I looked at them to see what was wrong and they were growing red. The old man hadn't noticed. He was too busy focusing on the door. He looked like he was about to jump at any sudden movements coming from the direction. I focused back to my arms as the pain of it became nearly unbearable I bit my lip. I felt that screaming would cause more trouble no matter how much I wanted to let it out.

The markings had started moving and I took this as a very bad sign. I glanced over to the old man hoping he didn't see what was happening. The markings spread across my whole body. As this happened the burning sensation had increased in my wrist and ankles. I looked to see why and I saw the chains start melting.This was crazy. This can't be happening now, no not now. I had this weird taste of iron in my mouth. Then I remembered that I was still biting my lip. I stopped and brought a finger to them. Blood had started dripping from my lip. Right when I saw the blood drip from my lip it started to heal itself and the blood stopped.

I started to realize something. Why was I panicking? It made no sense. I should be use to this kind of thing by now. I smiled, unable to do anything about the situation I started to laugh hysterically. When the sudden burst of laughter escaped my lips two men with very strange weapons, unlocked and came into our cell immediately.

The expressions on their faces made it seem like they were two kids about to go to an amusement park. The look of excitement faded as they looked over to the old man. Now they look just plain disappointed. They both gave a each other a depressed glare then glanced over at me.

"Was he not your taste?" They both said in a synchronized tone.

My mind was racing, so many things were going on and I couldn't grasp the concept of any of it. My body was glowing, the markings spread across my entire body. The two strange men who walked into the cell were talking nonsense. The old man was in the corner going insane and pulling at his hair.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them up again everyone's eyes were facing me. My body stopped burning but the markings were still there and didn't look like they were ever gonna go away. I stood up slowly and their eyes followed.

I took a step to my right and then two to the left. Their eyes never left me. It seemed like they weren't even taking a moment to blink. I walked forward and the took a step back.

I looked at them with confusion spread across my face. "What is wrong with you all?" It was dead silent. No one moved unless I did. I scratched my head and sat down. They stopped and it seemed like they had disappeared but when I blinked they were back to the way they were before.

The two creepy guys were snapping at me to see if I was listening and the old man was still cowering in the corner. I stood up again and took the bottle. The two men stiffened as they watched my movement. The old man had his eyes tightly shut. He kept mumbling to himself. It was too quiet to hear from my distance.

I walked closer to him and that first step had him flip his eyes open and head up. I continued to walk closer to him but slowly.

The two weirdos were whispering to each other. "Hey do you think she's gonna kill him" "Oh I hope so. We could be the first to see her in action." I glared at them to shut up and they did.

I looked back at the old man and made it clear that I wasn't trying to or ever going to harm him. He didn't let his guard down but he did become less fidgety. I put the small water bottle in front of me. I kept a distance between me and the man and then I keeled down. "Here," I stretched my arm out towards him. "I don't deserve your kindness. I truly apologize. I didn't mean for this. I didn't even know what was going on and for that I am truly deeply sorry."

He slowly extended his hand for the water bottle then quickly snatched it. I smiled at him. I looked at his chains then I had an idea. I looked over to the two men. They jumped at my stare. I stood up and stared at them fiercely and sternly. With confidence I stood straight, "unchain this man right now." They looked at me with horror in their eyes. "What's wrong I thought that this is what you wanted to see. My oh so beautiful transformation. Or are you disappointed?" I glared and they shook their heads

"Then hurry it up!" They nodded and ran towards the man with keys. They unlocked his cuffs and backed away.

I looked back at the old man. He was rubbing at his wrist. It seems like he has been here for weeks. The man could be scarred from the chains.

I looked over at the two men. They stood in salute. I waved them down. "Stop, don't do that." I walked over to them. "Now I need you to explain something to me, can you do that?"

They both glanced at each other and nodded, "of course. We are here to serve you." They said in unison. What, were they practicing these lines their whole life or something?! Jeez.

I sighed, "First may I ask who or what tore up that poor man's legs? Second who the hell was in charge of all this?"

They both stood up straight, "well...the answer to the first question...well it was us. I mean we heard that you liked to feed on weak human beings but I guess we were wrong." I was gonna be sick. They really expected me to eat the poor man who tried to help me.

I looked at my body. My back was burning right under my shoulder blades. I felt around my head and found two little horns. When I tried to see why my back was burning I saw a freaking tail swishing behind me. What the hell was this all about.

I had never been conscious when my demon form broke out. I hadn't noticed the tiny wings that sprouted out my back. Until, of course one of the two idiots spoke up, "I thought her wings were suppose to be big and extravagant?" The other idiot looked closer at my wings.

"Yea they are. Are we sure she is even the real deal?" Crap, I had to think fast. If they started to question my power they may lock me up again or do something worse with me. Actually that wouldn't be too good. I saw what they could do, I just hope that they can't do worse. I wasn't going to leave a man who showed such kindness to a monster like me. Even if he didn't know how truly terrible I am.

"Are you really questioning my power?!" I said in the most intimidating voice I could. I'm guessing it worked because they straightened up. I decided to continue as to not show my surprise. "What made you think that I would show my true form to a bunch of neanderthals?!" I gave them a pissed off stare. I finally had them both with me.

"Now I don't really believe you wish to see my true form because if I were to unleash it, well," I looked at them and gave an evil smirk, "I don't think you'd be able to see it for long." They both looked over at each other. As they did so I walked over to the old man and kneeled down in front of him.

He shook with fear and guilt started to crawl up from the pit of my stomach. "I'm sorry about this. Let's get you home." He averted his eyes and pushed himself closer to the wall. I sighed, there was nothing I could do to convince him after all. I stood up then bent down,lifted him up and threw him over my shoulder. He was panicked. I looked over and bent down again to lift up his satchel that was on the floor.

The demon blood was rushing through me and gave me quite a bit of strength. It was easy to carry him but it was sad to see and feel his weight so light. I broke the chains that were keeping him here and I glared at the two of them standing there. They must have felt my glare because they froze up real quick. I walked over to them and stared at the open cell door. Still holding the man I bolted. I was out so fast.

I was able to find my way out miraculously. I noticed that I was still holding the old man and he was shocked and seriously frighten. I felt terrible for having all this happen to him. I found a nice spot to set him on. I had no idea where we were. I looked around for some kind of clue but got nothing. My gaze went back to the old man. He was curled up in fear.

My power slowly started to fade. My wings averted back into my back and my tail shriveled up and vanished. I had two holes in the back of my shirt my tail was pushed above my bottoms. My horn painfully pushed back into my skull and I winced at that pain.

When I was back to normal I opened my eyes and kneeled down in front of the old man. I kept a reasonable distance from him as to not trigger him. "Uhm...sir, I'm deeply sorry about all of this. It's my fault. This whole situation is my fault." I hung my head and stared at the dirt beneath me.

His gaze rose to me. "W-what are you?" Surprised that I had gotten a response from him, I looked up. "Uhm...well in normality I am human but when I was a child," I stopped myself from saying anything more. Something swelled up in my throat and I felt like I would never be able to speak. Terrible memories of my childhood swarmed in my head like a bundle of bees in their hive.

I felt sick again, the nausea returned in the pit of my stomach, crawling its way up. He sensed my discomfort and spoke up. "Hey, young lady come here." I looked at him finding comfort in his voice. "What are you waiting for. Come, come," I watched him then slowly made my way closer to him. He searched through his satchel that I was carrying. He pulled out the water that he had offered earlier.
I watched him confused if he just brought me over for his satchel. However, he never actually took the satchel from me. Instead he offered me the water and I couldn't do anything but accept it. "T-thank you." He rustled my hair and my very soul felt soothed by his touch. Is this how it would feel if my father had been around and normal.

"Tell me what's wrong?" I hadn't noticed till now but I had been crying for a while. I wiped way at my eyes. "I-i don't-" My body started shaking out of fear. Maybe I should tell him...but what if he doesn't believe me? I don't want to go through that again. Being isolated because they think I'm a psychopathic liar. I just don't want to deal with that pain again.

I shook my head and sniffled. I can't take that chance. My father would never be taking responsibility for what he did to me. That's why I murdered him. He needed to pay somehow for what he did. I was shaken out of my thoughts.

"Hey!" I looked up at the old man with tear stained cheeks, puffy red eyes and snot dripping nose. Fear must have really consumed me. "I-I'm sorry." He shook his head and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'll listen to what you have to say. So just tell me what's gotten you so scared. What's bugging you?"

I stared at him with overwhelming emotions. Maybe he wasn't like the others. Maybe I can tell him, maybe he will believe me. My eyes started to water again. He wiped at them gently. I stood up and sat next to him. I hung my head thinking about where to even start my story.

"When I was little, my father was an obsessed demon researcher. He consumed himself in his work and was rarely with me and my mother." I wiped at my eyes, "the day of my eleventh birthday I went down into the basement to check on my father. While I was walking down the steps I heard my mother crying. I leaned over the railing of the stairs and what I saw I couldn't believe," I took a breath and wiped again at my eyes.

"There was a weird symbol on the basement floor. It looked like blood, my mother was sitting in the center of the circle her throat was cut. I could see the blood seeping from her throat. There was a table covered in a red cloth. On the table laid a bronze bowl a few candles and a strange looking knife."

I leaned my head back and looked at the sky. It was so clear and normal, just like the day of my birthday. No one would have guessed that a demon would be summoned on such a normal day.

"He was summoning a demon. My mother was his sacrifice. My father had it all planned out. He was chanting some weird things as he made weird hand motions and walked around the circle. At the time I had no idea what he was doing. Heh, ignorance is bliss I guess."

I glanced at the old man then looked at the ground. "If only I had known maybe I could have stopped him. I could have still had my mom and dad with me. However, it wasn't the case. My father had originally planned to have the demon possess him when he was summoned but the demon didn't seem to interested in the idea." Reliving these memories hurt me deep inside. I can feel the demon inside laughing as I continued to talk.

"Apparently the demon knew I was there. He wanted to use me as his vessel and my father was eager to comply with the demons demand. I was scared and I froze. I thought my father was going to comfort me when he came up the stairs, heading towards me. I was praying he was going to tell me that it was all fake and it was just a game mommy and him were playing. Yet again, that was not the case. Instead he grabbed me and pulled me down the steps. He threw me to the floor where my mother was now lying on the floor. I rushed to her side."

I paused to take a breath. "Her skin was freezing, her eyes seemed almost empty, and she wasn't moving. That's when I understood everything. My father started to chant some nonsense that I couldn't understand especially under my screams. I leaned over my mother and cried my eyes out. While I was distracted by the sudden realization of my mother's passing, the demon entered inside my at my vulnerable state. At first I didn't realize it but I soon began to feel faint and then blacked out. When I awoke I was in bed and my father was leaning over me pouring down a red substance down my throat. It tasted strangely of iron. Little did I know that it was demon blood he kept religiously feeding me."

"I feared my father. He was obsessed with me or more so with the demon inside me. One day, I had been outside picking vegetables from our little garden, when I blacked out. When I woke up well, let's just say that my father had some cleaning to do. There was so much blood. He had locked me down in the basement with my deceased mother whom he left to rot there. I was there for weeks rarely fed I began to lose my sanity. I wanted him to pay and pay he did. When he unlocked the basement door, I freed myself from my shackles, to give me my meal of the day I grabbed his sleeve and pushed him over the railings. I grabbed the knife that he always carried with him in his satchel and I stabbed him."

I hung my head and pulled my knees to my chest. "The worst part was, I didn't feel any remorse for it even after I had calmed down. Inside I laughed at the scene. My father was lying face down beside my rotting mother. It was quite ironic. I found out that my father actually wished the demon to grant him immortality. The demon had no plans on making such a deal with my father so he chose me to be his vessel so I could kill my father. It was very cynical. My father, the demon and myself. We all did what we did for self gain."

I felt a warm hand wrap around my shoulders and pull me. I looked up to see the old man staring up at the sky. He let out a long breath. "Well, that is one story you have their young lady. You really had it rough. I don't even compare." I was shocked and filled with overwhelmingly mixed emotions. In the end I cried in his arms. I cried till the sun went down and our surroundings became pitch-black. I finally had someone. Someone who believed me.

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