Torture Of Small Talk

By GetardWay

510 42 56

in which Gerard fell head over heels for the tattooed model +Frerard AU+ +Gerard tops + +trigger warning+ +su... More



46 4 1
By GetardWay

"Your turn"

The two boys had moved to a more comfortable position on the herd playing equipment. Frank laid mostly on top of Gerard, resting his chin on the elders chest as he looked up at him.

"My turn to what?" Gerard raised a dark eyebrow

"Your story. I shared mine, its only fair " frank grinned, lifting a hand to brush Gerard's fire truck red hair away from his eyes and cheeks.

"I suppose so" Gerard agreed and began rubbing Circles on Frank's back

"My story isn't all that interesting. I had a decent child hood, growing up with my brother Mikey and two loving, accepting parents. Whom I couldn't never thank enough. I was quite the nerd throughout most of my school years, I was teased a bit due to my little weight issue for a year or two in highschool but besides that I was just your standard comic book obsessed, dark clothed emo kid who believed no one understood my life style. I knew ever since primary school that I wanted to become an artist. So I worked hard enough and it seemed to pay off, seeing as I got a scholar ship to an academy of my choice to major in Art and English. Wanna become a comic book writer, maybe illustrate and write movies " frank noticed a twinkle in Gerard's warm hazel eyes when he spoke, clearly passionate about his future work.

Frank smiled warmly ,getting lost in Gerard's unique, scratchy voice, watching the way his lips curled and how he seemed to talk out of one side of his mouth, as if an invisible cigarette was dangling between one side of his lips.
He examined Gerard's pointy noise and his round and slightly chubby, yet perfectly shaped cheek bones. His gaze fell over the mans thick eyelashes with a beautiful set of haze eyes, a tie dye iris with assorted colors ranging between brown, yellow and green.

Everything down to Gerard's small amount of stubble was perfect. Staring at those full pink, bow shaped lips wasn't exactly helping him not attack Gerard in kisses either.

Gerard was a piece of art, fitting in with an abstract museum. He stuck out like a sore thumb in bland, confirming places. Gerard was beautifully unique in ever way, shape ,or form imaginable.

Frank could have starred all night but was tugged out of his daze when Gerard's chest rumbled in a low chuckle under franks chin.

"W-whats so funny?"

"You were in your own little world for a few minutes. You alright, sugar?"

Frank blinked a few times, feelings a warm ,pink hue casting over his usually pale cheeks.
"Y-yeah..I'm sorry, I guess I just got a little caught up in thought"

Gerard simply smiled softly and nodded, giving Franks forehead a tender kiss
"Its okay. We should get going though. As much as I'd like to stay here with you, its almost 2am and we aren't exactly in the best part of town"

Frank frown slightly.
Even Gerard agreed how shitty this area was.
This made frank feel a little insecure about his living arrangements. Perhaps he might not be wealthy enough for Gerard.
What if he laughed at frank for having a shitty run down apartment ? What if he left, thought lower of Frank due to his lack of money.
Gerard surely wasn't any lower than middle class which intimidated frank to say the least. He had never been swimming in money but neither has he been this low on income.

He was just in a rough patch in his life right now, surely Gerard would understand..right?

After a moment of silence, frank found himself nodding, carefully standing and extending a hand to help Gerard up as well.

Soon the two boys had yet again jumped the vine covered steel gate, taking extra long due to franks height and his lack of parkour skills.

"I'll walk you home" Gerard grinned, wrapping an arm around Franks shoulders.

Frank nodded softly, looping his own arm around the side of elders waist.

The walk wasn't far but with each step, it felt like time had cut itself inhalf, taking thrice as long. Frank was still anxious for Gerard to be seeing his living conditions.

Frank knew he wasn't in poverty or anything but having a place just a little less than decent had never scared him so much, especially now that Gerard was going to visit.

Within fifteen minutes the pair stopped outside of franks Shitty apartment building.
He stiffened when he saw Gerard look it over "guess were here then. Shame, I'd have liked to spend a little more time for you"

Gerard was actually pouting like a fussy child that didn't get candy at the grocery store.

"W-would like to come in? Its isn't all that safe t-to be walking home on your own this late"

Shit, now you've done it Frank.

It wasn't his fault he wanted to spend more time with Gerard! That and he was genuinely concerned for Gerard safety.

Dangerous neighborhood wasn't an understatement.
You can even ask the last mail man who was attacked by a dog a few doors down, or even the grumpy old man next door with a swastika on his forehead.
These people were far from Jersey's finest but its all frank had.

He couldn't wait to get out of here.

For now though he would enjoy his night with Gerard, try not to let his insecurities get the better of him

"I'd love to" was Gerard's reply.

So with a nervous smile, Frank lead him into the building which halls smelled concerning enough of moss and wet dog.

Frank apartment wasn't too bad on the inside. It was just small, though he tried his best to keep it tidy and smelling better than those hallways straight from hell.

Gerard didn't have a hint of a judgmental gaze, he just took his shoes off at the door and looked around with a kind smile.

This eases Franks nervous, feeling silly to have thought Gerard would be a judging  asshole about his home and class level.

So after a moment of comfortable silence and both men had removed their shoes and coats, Frank spoke up.


"Have you got batman?"

"Course' "

"Rad "


Together, they laid on their tummies on the shitty mattress is franks room.
Since Frank didn't have a DVD player, he used his phone so the two could watch batman with the WiFi Frank stole from his neighbor.

It was a bit difficult for the two to have a good view of the slightly shattered screen, so frank just turned it more towards Gerard, knowing he'd want to watch it more.
Besides, frank had other things to be lookin at.
Like the beautiful red head that was lost deep in the dramatic scene.

Unexpectedly, franks screen went black, leaving the two men to groan and rub their faces dramatically "it died! Just when it began to get good!"

Gerard let out a frustrated growl and rolled over to lay on his back, his forearm laying over his eyes

"Don't pout, ya big baby. Well watch finish it when my phones charged up again " frank reassured, getting up and plugging his phone into the black charger. He had to mess with it moment before it took charge.

He then crawled back into bed and hovered over Gerard a bit who had now uncovered his eyes "what do you suggest we make of our free time?"

Frank saw a familiar glint in the mans eyes, and before he knew it he'd been pulled to sit in Gerard's lap.

Frank flushed a warm red, hoping Gerard wouldn't pay it any mind

"We could have a little fun.."

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