Jesterine (Third book in the...


33K 1.1K 226

"Madness, as you know... Is a lot like gravity... All it takes is a little. push." I know what your asking y... More

Jacqueline Avery Wayne
flash back:
Gotham City
I Am Who I Am
Smile for me
(: Authors Note :)
Jokers P.O.V
Evas P.O.V
Zone 3
Author note
Underground Tunnels
December 3
Authors note :]
another authors note (sorry)
guess whos back

The Mob

1.4K 71 12

"Listen up boys!" I said slamming my hand on the table frustrated. Everyone stopped their loud and annoying chatter and turned their attentions to me. I bit my lip as the dim room grew silent and I only prayed this would go well. It was me. Dressed like a clown. Against 30 or so men. A small meeting for the mob. "It took me almost all night to find you. And I got something to say.." I confidentially spoke though I felt like I was dying inside.

"What is it princess." One of the guys said sarcastically.

"I'm gonna be running the mob now." I said raising an eyebrow. No one responded most just looking at me like I was crazy.

"What makes you think that?" One of the guys yelled out. I opened my mouth to say something else but was cut off by another guy.

"The mob hasn't been run by anyone since the joker." He said. The room began filling with chatter.

"Hey!" I yelled to silent them. But they wouldn't be quiet. "Shut up!" I yelled . It didn't work. Their voiced filled the room and my head giving me

One hell of a migraine.

I stood on a chair that was at the end of a long table. "Shut up!" I yelled again. All attention snapped to me and silence filled the air again.

"No one can run the mob as good as joker did. As psychotic as he was he was the best.." A man spoke. It suddenly hit me. Though my dad was a criminal... He earned so much respect among these men. They almost spoke of him

Like family.

"I'm gonna run the mob. And we're gonna find the joker and break him out. Joker will once again be the most feared criminal. And so will I." I said. More silence filled the room. Tension was thick and I couldn't seem to read the expression off these men's faces.

"And what makes you think your qualified for that? To us your just some crazy ass girl with a big chest. " The guy across from me asked as he tilted his head. A few men snickered.

I raised an eyebrow and looked over at the men. I ignored his little comment and smirked.

"Because I'm the jokers daughter."

There were a few gasps. A few men mumbled and muttered to each other. One guy eyed me.

I stepped onto the long table and walked across it as I spoke.

"When I run it. This mob will take over Gotham once again." I confidentially spoke as I grinned underneath my painted face concealing my real identity.

"What about batman and bat girl?" Someone questioned.

"Trust me." I said raising an eyebrow. "With me In charge they won't be a problem. Lets face it. Batmans getting old. And batgirl is just a bitch who doesn't have a clue what she's doing."

"Alright.." One of the men said.

"We'll uh- we'll give you a chance." He licked his lips.

"Great." I muttered with a smirk. "First order of business. Get the mobs reputation back."

Hey guys sorry this is a short chapter but I hope u know. Since this is the last book of the series when this is done I will be making another story of Harley Quinn's origins. Featuring her growing up, getting her job at Arkham, meeting and falling for mr j, and their crime life. It will be based off the original Harley. So if ur interested in that lemme know I'm the comments XD OKIE BYEEEE


Nom Nom


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