By xxTaepartyxx

51K 2K 544

Pyrokenisis, Telekinesis. Vitalim Vitalus. Transmutation. Body control. Heightened abilities. Divination. T... More

The First chapter
The Second Chapter
The Fourth Chapter
The Fifth Chapter
The Sixth Chapter
The Seventh Chapter
The Eighth Chapter
The Ninth Chapter
The Tenth Chapter
The Eleventh Chapter
The Twelvth Chapter
The Thirteenth Chapter
The Fourteenth Chapter
The Fifteenth Chapter
The Sixteenth Chapter
The Seventeenth Chapter
the end
Probably the last post

The Third Chapter

3.5K 152 21
By xxTaepartyxx

Everyone in the roon was dressed in black. Flowers were covering the memorial. In the middle was a picture of a man with black hair, pale skin and warm smile on his face. In front of it sat a woman. She was shaking, crying, sobbing. I placed a hand of the woman's shoulder.

"I thought I told you to stay away," She whispered through her tears, looking at me.

"You did," I replied. I sat down beside her and wrapped my arm around her, pulling her in. "But when have I ever listened?"

She placed a hand on my mine resting in her shoulder. "You're such a disrespectful punk, Taehyung,"

"I know I am, mom,"

"Why did you do it?" She asked.

I looked at the picture of my dad. "He was gonna hurt you. He told me himself. I don't know, if it was the alcohol or what it was, but he told me," I said. I felt my mom lay her head on my shoulder. I knew she'd forgiven me. I held her tighter. "I lost control. I couldn't help myself and the bottle was right there so I grabbed it and - and well, you know the rest of the story,"

"Thank you for saving me, son," She whispered. "I love you,"

"I love you too, mom," I whispered. "I should go though,"

"Will you be back?" She asked.

"Of course I will. I don't know when, but I will," I said, getting up. She looked at me with eyes similar to mine.

"I'll look forward to it,"


"Where is he?" Bang yelled. I could hear doors being slammed. "Someone find him. You're a group of super humans for Christ's sake!"

Suddenly, the front door was ripped open, revealing an angry Bang. We'd stayed at the house for less than a week, but I was already more than familiar with the pumping vein in his forehead and the way his eyes almost disappeared under his full brows when he furrowed them. He gripped onto my arm and pulled me inside.

"Where the fuck have you been? I said no one leaves the house - including you and your lack of respect!" He yelled. I looked at him with and emotionless expression on my face. Gently. Removing his hand from my arm, I nodded in the direction of his office.

He sighed frustratedly, but walked over to his office and opened the door, waiting for me to follow. I smiled at the boys, staring at us with wide eyes. I ignored the voices when my eyes met theirs.

"Kim Taehyung, now," Bang demanded.

Inside his office, he sat down behind the counter. I took the seat in front. For a moment there was silence. Bang sat with his mouth pursed and his fingers intertwined on the table.

The room was bright caused by the white walls and many windows. The room itself was rather empty. Only two grey sofa chairs and a light wood coffee table stood in the back of the room, beside it was a book shelf filled with bottles, pictures and books. In the end we sat in, were a light wood counter and two chairs. One black office chair to add to the rest of Bangs cliché office and a black painted wood chair identical to those in the dining room.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Bang asked. The amount if disappointment in his voice made me look at him, dead in the eye. "You can't keep acting this reckless, Taehyung. You're putting yourself and the others in danger,"

"How?" I asked.

"If someone sees you, who knows, what will happen. Your mother may not have turned you in, but a neighbor might. If you're wanted and someone sees you," He took a break to look me in the eye, before he continued. "If someone sees you, you're as good as done. So please, for one just listen. Stay here, follow my rules and for your own sake, talk,"

I scoffed. "I can do the first two, but I know as well as you, that I am not wanted here. So why should I make an effort, when no one else is?"

"I don't know, Tae. They might surprise you," And with those words he got up and motioned for me to follow suit. He walked down to the back of the room and took a photo down. It showed five boys around my own age. They were happy, laughing with each other. "Like I said the day you arrived,. You remind me of a young me. And young me, didn't want to talk to these four guys, but someone told me that I'd regret it. He told me that my relationship with these boys was so important th-"

"I know. You were the supreme, just like me. I get it, Bang. Believe it or not, but sometimes your words actually sink in," I said, cutting him off. He smiled. Not at me, but at the picture. He wiped his thumb over one of the boys and sighed.

"I'm happy to hear," He whispered.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Cut it, man. Stop being so sentimental,"


I was once again sitting with the other boys in the living room. I was in the chair furthest away, watching them, or one of them in particular. Jungkook. There was something about him that seemed a bit different from the others, besides the fact that he treated me like a human being.

'He's staring at me again'

I smirked under my hood. He looked uneasy, like I was making him uncomfortable. Nobody here knew about my powers, none of them bothered to ask. None of them knew that I could always hear them, the things they think about me. Weird. Creepy. They all said them, except Jungkook.

'I wonder what his powers are, would it be weird to ask?'

I breathed out a laugh, and looked at him.

'I'm clairvoyant. I hear thoughts, not to mention I have heightened senses and physical abilities.' He sat there, shocked. His mouth was opened in a perfect circle, his eyebrows coming together on his forehead. I laughed, the look on his face almost priceless.

'What the fuck can he hear everything I think what the hell oh god he can probably hear this' I laugh again as Jungkook's face deepened from pink to a dark red, spanning from the tips of his ears to his neck.

He stuttered out a light "see you at dinner" before running of again thoughts running across his mind and blush deepening. As he left, one of the others walked in. The loud one, orange hair. Liked to call me weird when he thinks I couldn't hear. I put on my headphones, it wasn't like I was going to listen to anything, I left my phone at home and it's not worth going back, not for a something as small as a phone. I used the headphones so none of them talked to me, so I could read them without them knowing. It works, none of them really know.

"Where's he going?" He asked, pointing over his shoulder. I shrugged my shoulders and got up as well. There was no point in staying when I knew my company was unwanted.

When I passed Jungkooks room I saw him sit with a confused, almost scared look in his face. He looked up and pointed at me.

"What you just did in there. How'd you do it," He asked. I shrug and was about to leave when he rushed over to the door and grabbed my shoulder. "Don't leave when I'm talking to you,"

I sighed and turned around, following him into his room. He sat down on the bed and patted the space beside him, but I shook my head. I leaned against the door frame and looked at Jungkook.

"How do you do it," Jungkook asked.

'I don't know. I've always had the-' The brunette boy shook his head.

"Speak," He said softly.

"I've always had the ability to read minds, but I only recently discovered this. That I can communicate through thoughts," I said. My voice was naturally deep and raspy, but barely using it for the few days I had been here has made it almost inaudible. It was barely above a whisper, cracking every few words. My throat was sore too, my body wasn't used to me talking as much as I used to.

'He sounds awful, should I offer him something to drink?' I nodded, mouthing a please at the boy, he stood concerned for a moment before realizing what I was asking for. He nodded, and motioned for me to sit on his bed again.

'It'd be rude to sit on someone's bed when I've barely spoken to them. It's like an invasion of privacy.' He shook his head and grabbed my wrist, dragging me into the room and pushed me onto his bed with a smile.

"I think reading someone's thoughts and responding with some of your own is invasion enough. Now, stay here and I'll get you something warm to drink for your throat." I smiled lightly and nodded, the kid was cute, in a motherly sort of way. Like he'd scold you for eating before dinner but apologize when you looked upset. It made me think of my mom, my smile faltering as he turned around and walked out of the room.

Their room looked pretty much similar to mine and the guy I shared with. Except there wasn't a giant tape line down the middle to "avoid any confrontation.". The boy's sheets were white and crisp, like the rest of the bedrooms, and his roommate's were a shock of black. I just sat on his bed and stared at the wall in front of me until a crash and a shout of "you clumsy fuck" and the boy tapping my shoulder tore me out of my trance. He had a bandage on his hand and a sheepish smile.

"So the drink's a no go seeing as Namjoon-hyung knocked over all the mugs and I cut my hand on a piece of broken glass. I'm Jungkook, by the way." He stuck out the hand that wasn't wrapped up for me to shake. I took his hand in mine, it was warm. And slightly clammy. 'He must be nervous' I thought, 'not like I have the best reputation here right now' We stood there for a few seconds, neither of us really knowing what to say, until Jungkook's roommate walked in. He was the small one, the one I almost beat at dinner last night. He stopped in his tracks once he saw me, his eyes widened and he looked at Jungkook.

'Why is he in here. Is he bothering Kookie? Should I get Bang-hyung? Jungkook saw what happened at dinner, that weird asshole has no reason being in here.' I stood up, nodding a thank you at Jungkook and pushed my way past his roommate. I didn't want to stay in a room where I'm not welcomed. Someone grabbed my wrist, and I turned around to meet Jungkook's eyes.

"V, wait. I'm here if you need to get stuff off your chest, okay? Don't be afraid of me, I want you to have at least one friend here." He smiled, his front teeth showing and I nodded, leaving him and a fuming roommate in the room. Yelling about a freak with a temper were behind the door, met with ones about a good soul and everything that happened at dinner being an accident. I stayed by the door, tuning my ears to pick up what they were saying.

"Jungkook, the guy can't control himself. He almost beat me at dinner, has this just magically slipped your mind? He's not good company to be around. Probably was in a gang or something before ending up here." The guy was fuming, thoughts of how irresponsible Jungkook was and how unnecessary it was to bring me into their room were escaping his mind.

"Hyung, I promise you, he's a good person. Sure, he gets a bit egotistical at times and acts without thinking, but that's no reason to hate him. He needs someone to talk to here, someone who'll be okay with listening to him talk about how awful the rest of you treat him. He's a human, Jimin. You need to treat him like one." Jungkook seemed angry, angrier than Jimin. Thoughts of how close minded and rude the other was being flying out of his mind at a million miles an hour. I didn't think he would actually have been defending me, that his bout of hospitality was never to be seen again and we'd never speak of it.

"Whatever, Jungkook. I'm staying with Hoseok-hyung for tonight. He has a spare bed in his room. Invite your new buddy if you get lonely." Jimin was fuming, his footsteps along with Jungkook begging him not to leave, that he needs someone else in the room for the company could be heard through the door. I slipped away, walking to my room a few doors down. I flopped onto my bed, covering myself up and preparing to take a nap. Jungkook wasn't going to ask me to spend the night with him, so why would i stay up and wait. I was half asleep when someone pounded on the door.

"Up and at 'em, V. Bang-hyung needs us all in the common room. Now." I huffed, pulling myself up, and staring at the one who woke me up. He was the tall awkward one. He was always in the kitchen, cooking shit when we already had food and making everyone else try it. He liked to call me rude under his breath and in his thoughts. He looked at me, before rolling his eyes and walking away, 'asshole' being the only thought in his mind. I started to walk when I knew he was gone, I didn't feel like meeting him halfway and hearing him insult me again. I'd had enough of that for one day.

The common room was fuller than I had seen it since I've been here. The seven of us and Bang all crowded into it. Bang and Jungkook both looked up when I walked in, Bang sighed and stood up.

"Now that you're all here, I think it's time I told you why."

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