Haruhi's Old Friend (Kyoya Oo...

By Claire_201

35.8K 1.3K 599


Chapter One: Starting At Ouran Academy
Chapter Two: Her First Day As The Vice-Vice President

Haruhi's Old Friend (Kyoya Ootori : OHSHC)

16.1K 409 80
By Claire_201

Hanako's POV

"Thank you Suoh" 

Walking down the corridor I put my hands in my pockets as I listened to the silence, before I heard giggling.

Stopping I turned and stared at the door in confusion as I heard more and more giggles, in curiosity I opened the door and then stared at the rose petals in shock - until I inhaled one.

Turning my back I coughed, getting it out I wiped my tongue on jumper sleeve before I turned and stare at the room and gaped at the fact some twins were almost making out, "Er..."

Suddenly someone noticed me and glass shattered.

Everyone's head's turned to see some brunette boy staring at me in shock with a tea cup shattered on the floor.


"Haru-chan?" I stared at him - her in confusion before she ran over me and tackled to me to the ground.

"Haru-chan!" I laughed as she tried to squeeze the life out of me as I laughed at her, before I squeezed her back, "Oh how I missed my little innocent Haruhi" I giggled as Haruhi jabbed my side.

"Excuse me?! I had to tell you what the-"

"I THOUGHT WE AGREED ON NEVER SPEAKING OF THAT AGAIN! DOESN'T THE BEST FRIEND PROMISE WORK AFTER YOU GO TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL?!" I yelled at her, shaking her back and forth like a mad woman as the audience from the room Haruhi was in stared at us - well, probably me shaking Haruhi back and forth like an idiot.

"Hanako Matsuura?"

I stopped shaking Haruhi and looked up to see the twin's staring at me in shock, "Hey, I recognize you guys" I grinned, standing up as I pulled Haruhi to her feet also as I leaned forward and stared at the two.

"Hikaru, Kaoru" I stated, grinning.

"No you-"

"Now don't you lie to me," I waved my finger at them, "Lying is an awful trait to have - and your mother would be ever so disappointed to hear that you've been trying to deceive me again"

"We talked to you for six minutes and that was a one time thing" they sweat dropped at me.

"And yet I know you better than you know yourselves" I mused.

"Our mother loved your present by the way, thank you for that" Karou and Hikaru bowed at that I rolled my eyes.

"All I did was sign something for you while I came over to your house to meet your mother for a birthday gift - stop bowing," I sweat dropped, "Your embarrassing me" 

They grinned at me before wrapping their arms around my shoulders, "So, you and Haruhi?"

"Mmm, we were best friend's in Primary and Middle school" 

They dragged me away from the door's and pushed me down into a couch as girl's stared at me in jealousy - well, I am touching two attractive males, not going to say lie.

"Who's this lovely gem?" a blonde haired boy stood in front of me, poking my forehead.

"Let it go boss, she's with us"

"Actually, I knew Haruhi first, so..." I untangled myself from their arms and walked over to Haruhi and stood in front of her, "How's Ranka doing?"

"Good - I'm sure he'd love for you to drop by Hana-chan"

"I'd love to Haruhi" 

We continued to chat until someone appeared next to me, "I'm sorry to int erupt Miss Matsuura, but Haruhi needs to get back to his clients" his?

"Of course," I turned and stared at the boy in front of me "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met before, I'm Hanako Matsurra, but because your a friend of Haruhi's you can call me Hana" we shook hand's and his glasses glinted weirdly.

"I'm Kyoya Ootori, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Hanako"

"Ah, the Ootori's - I had a meeting with your father yesterday"

"Why's a commoner meeting with Kyoya's father?!"

"All good I hope?"

"Mmm, we signed a contract so I assume that's good," I smiled up at him and his eye brow arches a bit, "Any who, it was lovely seeing you again Haruhi and the twins! Tell your mother we'll have to have lunch together again!" I waved at them and they waved back at me with matching smirks before I continued walking down the corridor.

"Wait! Hana-chan! Why were you here?!" Haruhi calls after me and I turned around.

"I'm changing school's Haruhi! And it seem's we might even be class mates again!"

"AWESOME!" she yells back and we wave like idiots to each other before I continued to run around the school and head home, happy I will be with my best friend again.

And this time, I won't let get anything in the way of that, no new school's and no distraction's - well, not many anyway.

Because this time - I plan to make sure we'll never get separated again.   ^.^

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