On the Verge ~ (Seth Clearwat...

By DimpledMe

359K 6.5K 1.2K

Seth Clearwater doubted his chances of imprinting, until Violet Brown,a selfless girl moves to La Push, bring... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Violet's POV)
Chapter 4: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 5:
Chapter 7
Chapter 7: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 8: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 8: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 9: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 10: (With Bonus chapter!)
Chapter 11: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 11: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 12: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: (Seth's POV)
Chapter 14: (Violet's POV)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: Part 1
Chapter 18: Part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24: P2
Chapter 25: (Violet's POV)

Chapter 6

15.5K 288 51
By DimpledMe


That night, I dreamt about Seth. And I wasn’t surprised that I was feeling flushed when I had woken up.

I got ready, and when I managed to look in the mirror, my cheeks were pink under my skin.

The sun was barely up in the sky as I headed off for the diner.

I was in a jittery mood, my lips still tingling from the kiss. Everytime I thought about it, my cheeks would feel hot and my lips would tingle.

Jimmy couldn’t destroy my mood too with his own remarks and grunts. It didn’t touch me. Nothing touched me now that Seth was in my life.

The day dragged on, me in the back washing up, as I waited anxiously for Seth to visit.

His words echoed in my head, Goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow.

I knew his words were true. I could always count on Seth now.

I remembered last night, and his stories about neighbouring vampires and his pack of werewolves.

It didn’t bother me at all. For some reason, it felt normal. Like something deep down inside of me was expecting it all along.

After telling me about the Cullens and Bella and Edwards’ story, I felt like I knew them.

Somehow, I wanted to meet them. The way Seth talked about them, made me feel like they were friends.

I worked and worked at the diner, my hands carrying plates to tables and washing dishes, my mind somewhere else. With Seth.

A part of me was desperate to see Seth, the other part of me was smug to be able to be with Seth, and the rest of me was just disconnected from my body.

I knew I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I knew I was in love with him, and he was with me.

I know that sounds weird, since we’ve only met up a couple of times, but, I just know.

Seth and I met up again, he knocked on the door long after Jimmy had gone home, leaving me to close up the diner. It was a black night, and I was puzzled about who would want pie at this hour.

“Seth? What are you doing here?” I asked as I let him in.

“Well, I saw the light on, and I guessed you’d be here closing up, so I came to accompany you. I’m sorry I couldn’t come earlier in the day. Sam had emergency patrols” he replied.

I started to feel guilty. “You didn’t need to see me if you were busy. I don’t mind.”

“As much as I want to run through the forest looking for something that hasn’t been here in months,” he said sarcastically, “I would much rather be with you.”

I smiled, feeling my cheeks flame.

“So, what can I do to help out?” he asked looking around the half packed diner.

“Oh, you don’t need to” I protested, but he already grabbed a dish towel and began scrubbing the top of the tables. I watched as he flipped the chairs on top.

“What?” he asked with a grin as I stood there smiling at him. 

“Nothing” I replied embarrassed he had caught me.

I grabbed the other dish towel and began followed his lead. I couldn’t help but hide a smile as we talked and cleaned.

A short silence filled the air as we were both stuck in our own worlds. He mopped the floor quietly as I counted the money in the register.

“Hey Vi,” Seth said.

“Hmmm” I replied concentrating on my numbers.

“I’m curious” he said.

Something in his tone made me look up. He was resting his chin on the blunt side of the mop. 

“It’s about the fire” he said slowly.

I tightened. “Yes?”

“Well, I was wondering…” he said returning back to mopping the floor, “Why did you run back into the building?” he asked.

My throat suddenly went dry as the faint memory of the photograph flickered in my mind. 

“I forgot something” I swallowed.

Seth detected something in my tone, and stopped mopping.

“My mother was in that fire” I said.

Seth looked at me strangely, and I realised what I said and how stupid it sounded. I sighed and told my story, Seth listened intently.

When I was done, I waited for him to respond.

Seth took my hands in his, his eyes apologetic. “I’m sorry” he said guiltily.

“It’s okay. I’m over it” I replied looking down. 

His hand was suddenly under my chin. I couldn’t look at anything else but his face.

“If you want to talk…you can talk to me. But that’s if you want” he said quietly.

I could feel nothing but awe at his concern for me.

“Seth, you are the sweetest boy I have ever met” I said in wonder.

He smiled and I smiled too, but then his eyes turned to awe.

“I love you” he whispered.

I didn’t say anything for a second, and neither did he. It felt like an eternity had passed, like time had stood still. Those three words made my whole perspective on the world change.

“You are every thought in my head, and every beat of my heart. I feel like I…need you now; and you need me. I want you to be happy, and I know that being with me, you would be…” he trailed off; unsure if what he said were the right words.

He looked at me with worried eyes, and then reeled back sharply. “Oh crap” he muttered to himself. He started pacing. “I went over this in my head, and now that I’ve said it, it sounds wrong” he said to himself, frustrated. “Okay,” he said facing me, “Forget what I just said to you” he clicked his fingers in front of his face as if to make the magic work.

I must have had a blank expression on my face, because he froze. “I’m sorry, this was a bad idea” he said, as he stood up and made for the exit.

“No” I said as I got up and whirled him around. I didn’t know what I was doing, because before I knew it, my arms were wound around his neck as I pulled him into a hug.

I lay my head on his shoulder and held him close. I felt his body language change as his arms wound around my waist and he embraced me back.

I felt warm and safe in his arms. I didn’t want to let go. “I love you too” I whispered.

He sighed in relief, and then his grasp tightened as he held me closer to his chest.

It must have been a while before we finally parted and finished up with the diner. I switched off the light, Seth holding the door open for me as we stood out in the cold air.

I locked the door behind me, and turned to face Seth.

“Well, I best be going now” I said, “Thanks for helping me out.”

“It’s okay. I owe you anyway for not being here all day” he replied.

I sighed. “Seth, you didn’t owe me, like I said I don’t mind it. I know that you have other things to do besides be with—”

I froze as his lips were on mine. Inside I was screaming with joy, and I panicked that he might have heard my screaming excited thoughts.

I relaxed as his hands on both sides of my face, moved to my hair as we parted.

I opened my eyes, and saw him gazing back at me.

“Like I said, I would much rather be with you” he said.

My mind suddenly felt light.

“See you tomorrow. I promise” he said again.

I held onto him promise, desperately. But I knew that Seth would keep his promise.

I was still in a soothing mood the next day; in awe about Seth.   

As I wiped down the last few dishes at the diner, I was suddenly embraced. I jolted back in surprise at the warm touch.

“It’s me. Seth” a voice whispered in my ear. “When is your break?” he asked fretfully.

“I don’t know…Jimmy’s in a tight mood today” I replied as I swivelled around in his arms to face him.

He was forever smiling. I felt so fortunate by all the love he was showing to me.  

“So when can you get off?” he asked.

“Well, how about now?” I replied.

He looked at me in disbelief. “I don’t want to get you in trouble…”

“Trust me, he won’t miss me” I replied.

He chuckled in response. “I don’t know...”

I sighed.

At that moment, Jimmy came screaming through the door.

“Violet!” he shouted.

I jumped, as Seth’s arms disappeared from around me.

“Yes?” I replied facing him, trying to clear the shock from my voice.

He stood there, holding a plate in his hand with a look of fury on his face.

“What is this?!” he said holding up the plate.

I squinted my eyes to see what he was talking about. “What is what?”

“This!” he screamed pointing to a dot the size of a crumb on the inside of the plate.

“A dot?” I asked.

“No,” he said walking towards me, “It’s not just a dot, it’s a stain. You haven’t been washing the dishes properly! What have you been doing back here?!”

I looked at him in surprise. “I’ve been washing the dishes. Besides Jimmy, I don’t see what the big deal is—”

“The big deal is that you haven’t been doing your job properly!” he screamed.

I backed away, his face close to mine.  

“Has a customer complained about the ‘dirty’ plate?” I asked.

He was stuck. “Well no, but still!” he said raising his voice, “This is unacceptable!”

A sudden idea hit me. “You know what Jimmy, you’re right” I replied.

Now it was his turn to take a step back. He looked at me in surprise.

“This was very unacceptable of me, and I apologise” I carried on.

“And what should you do about it?” he asked raising his eyebrows.

“I should…I should go home and think about what I have done” I said shaking my head in fake disappointment.

I held my breath as Jimmy thought. “I agree” he said.

I hid a small smile.

“Go home and think about what you have done” Jimmy said. He looked at me once with disgust, before kicking the door open.

When he was gone, Seth appeared back in front of me, with a big smile on his face.

“Wow, you’re beautiful, funny and smart” he said grinning.

I shrugged. “Come on, let’s go.”    

I was out the door faster than he was, and went running into the trees. “Slow down!” Seth called from behind.

“I thought wolves could run fast” I teased as I ran faster.

I heard him chuckle as his footsteps became rapid and louder. “I was just letting you run ahead a few metres” he replied.

“Yeah right” I laughed hysterically, just happy to be with him, as I weaved through the forest.

I kept running until he chased me around a huge tree.

I finally made my escape as I ran further into the trees, Seth chasing after me. I darted through the forest until I broke out from the trees and began running in a field.

The tall golden grass scattered after me as I kept running. My legs were alive and ecstatic.

Seth caught me, before I could take more steps. We were both in fits of laughter as we both fell back onto the soft grass.

I lay on my back, Seth beside me as we both sniggered. I was gasping for air after my run, but as he lay down, his breathing was even.

He could have been walking for all I could say. We could’ve run a mile. But I faintly remembered that he was also part wolf.

I gazed up at the cloudless sky, the sun shining high up. It was a warm day, and I could definitely feel the warmth, especially from Seth.

“Being a werewolf has its benefits” Seth said beside me.

I pushed myself off the grass, and onto him. I took his face in my hands. “Being Seth has its benefits” I said, before pressing my lips to his.

After that, everything was just too good to be true. We chatted and laughed. Seth filled me in on more things about his life, and I listened.

My time with Seth was an escape from my own life. I could listen to him talk for a lifetime and not get bored. I could lie next to him for a decade and not freeze.

We continued this routine of ours, throughout the week. Seth would come to take me away, every day. We would talk and laugh, before he returned me back to the diner.

I felt gracious when a letter came in the mail. It was addressed to me.

It was a fancy white patterned letter. I hid it from Max, and when I had time to myself, opened it.

It was a wedding invitation, to Sam and Emily’s wedding. There was another note, Seth’s handwriting scrawled across it.


Will you please accompany me to Sam and Emily’s wedding?


I felt my heart flutter. In my head I was screaming, Yes! Yes! Yes!

“I will be there, no matter what” I said to Seth when we had met up.

He beamed widely. “Promise?” he asked.

“I promise” I replied honestly.

He seemed relieved. “Great. Now you can meet the rest of the family” he said.

I felt brighter and brighter everyday I was with Seth. My hand eventually healed, and I was even happier.

Max noticed it as well, and he never notices things about me. As we ate dinner, he contemplated me. “You seem….different” he said studying me.

I shrugged. “Maybe, La Push is really getting to me” I replied as I scooped my mashed potatoes together.

He didn’t say anything else, just surveyed me with wise suspicious eyes.

I hid a smile under my hair as I thought about Seth. I knew I couldn’t tell Max about Seth, I didn’t want Max to have anything to do with Seth and vice versa. I wanted to keep both my lives separate.

I didn’t say anything about Max to Seth, and he didn’t ask. I presumed he’d guessed that I didn’t want to talk about it, but I saw his eyes flash with worry whenever he saw me, as if he was expecting something tragic.

The week went on and I worked at the diner, then spent time with Seth, then was at home late at night. The weekend was coming up pretty quickly, and I had to brace for the ‘Max’ that I hated, as well as deal with anything that was thrown at me.

Weekends were when I had to be Max’s eyes, ears and brain. I had to be there for him, whenever he called, or to stop him from hurting himself or others.

In order for that to happen, I had to be free on the weekends. This meant, no Seth.

I didn’t like the idea of that, and I knew he wouldn’t either. He told me how difficult it is to be away from the person you imprint on. Ever since we had first met, Seth told me he had never left my side.

He had always been outside; between the trees in the dark, watching the house, or some distance from the diner, watching me.

I wasn’t bothered at all for that, I actually appreciated the fact that someone was watching over me.

I didn’t know how I could make it, without seeing him, and I worried about him too.

On Friday night, as Seth walked me to the front door, I brandished the subject to him.

“So, is that okay?” I asked after my long explanation.

He looked dismayed, but answered half heartedly, “Sure, whatever makes your life easier.”

“Thank you” I said as I kissed him.

As I went to bed that night, I worried about how I could make it through the weekend. I had a restless night, my eyes not wanting to close.

I was still awake as my alarm clock went off. I didn’t know what bothered me most, the fact that I wouldn’t see Seth for two days or the fact that Max was already up, a large glass bottle in his hands.

He was lying slumped on top of the dining table. His mouth was drooped open, his fingers curled protectively around the bottle.

I sighed and shook him awake. “Dad, wake up” I whispered.

He groaned, before pushing me away. I stepped back, and knew I couldn’t haul him off the table.

Even if I tried, I would have broken my back, and I was dog tired from my restless night. All I could do for now, was taking the bottle away from him.

I searched the house for more alcohol, finding a pack under the sink and a few stashed between the pillows on the couch.

I dumped them all in the recycling bin on my way out. My eyes were half open as I drove to the diner.

I couldn’t control my yawning as I tidied the diner, and barely heard Jimmy as he entered.

“You’re like a zombie” he scorned at me, as I washed the dishes.

“I’ll eat your brains, if you don’t stop pestering me” I answered back.

He sneered at me, before going off to bother someone else.

That whole day, I was half asleep, and I was beginning to wonder if I really was a zombie. My body was completely disconnected from my mind, and the fact that I wanted to see Seth made it all the worse.

Jimmy was getting so frustrated with me, that he sent me on my break early, “And don’t come back, until your brain is working properly” he sneered.

I didn’t bother retorting, just walked out the back door of the diner. I didn’t know what to do, but I did know where to go.

I started walking towards the fringe of the trees, rubbing my eyes along the way.

Everything was familiar to me now; I knew every tree and the exact path that would lead me to the field of the tall, golden grass.

Seth and I had come here so much, that I had a feeling I could walk there blindly and still find it.

I walked among the tall, golden grass, the wind bowing it down. It was a cool breeze that blew easily through my cardigan.

I sat down among the grass and wrapped my arms around my knees. I was feeling a little depressed at the absence of Seth.

This was the first time I had come here alone, and I was definitely feeling alone.

I put my head in my knees and conjured Seth up from my memories. I wanted to see him now, to see his smile and kind eyes; to feel his warm skin against mine—like what I was feeling now. 

I looked up, and saw Seth standing before me, the same kind smile on his face. “It’s only been a few hours, and already I can’t stay away from you.”

I stood up. “Me too” I replied.

I wrapped my arms around him, and never wanted to let go. I didn’t feel the loneliness anymore; it was wept away with the wind.

I felt warm now, and at home. As we lay amid the grass, he placed something in my hands.

“What’s this?” I asked as I opened my hand to reveal the offering.

It was a necklace, the string leather, a small white tooth hanging off the end. The tooth was sharp and pointy, and curved beautifully in a slant.

“Well, it’s…my tooth, well my wolf tooth actually” he replied embarrassed.

“What? Seth, why would you do that?!” I said in dismay at his DIY.

“It’s cool. It grew back anyway. Wolves can heal, remember? So it’s okay Violet” he said reassuring me. “Well, it’s beautiful anyway. Thank you” I said as I placed it around my neck.

“Just something to remember me by, you know; when I can’t see you on the weekends. Just a reminder not to cave” he said shrugging.

I smiled at his thoughtfulness, and glanced down at the necklace which hung around my chest, right near my heart.

“I guess I should get back…” I said glancing toward the direction of the diner.

“Wait, can’t you stay for a few more minutes?” he asked holding onto my hand.

“If I do, then I’ll never leave” I replied.

He looked smug. “Just for a few minutes” he coaxed, “I need to see you one more time, before I have to face twenty-four hours without you.”

He looked desperate, and I couldn’t stay away from him. We were both desperate and in love. I didn’t know whether that was dangerous.

We lay in the grass; I was curled up to him as he wrapped his arms protectively around me. I couldn’t move after that, I was too at ease.

I was happy now, no, I was ecstatic, no I was thrilled. I didn’t know how to describe how I was feeling. I was so overjoyed I could’ve jumped over the moon.

My eyes began to feel heavy. It was as if all my nights out late with Seth were now coming back to bite me. My restless night the night before, added to the exhaustion.

Before I knew it, I had nodded off to sleep. I slept well; my mind was at peace as I dreamed. I had the secure knowledge that Seth was beside me, and I was safe.

A few cold raindrops and an irritable vibrating were all that shook me awake. My eyes opened as I woke from my dream.

At first I didn’t know where I was, until I realised I was surrounded by golden grass and Seth was sleeping beside me.

The sky was dark, the clouds darker, threatening to rain any minute. Something was buzzing in my pocket, and I jostled in it.

My phone buzzed angrily in my hand, the words flashing across the screen was enough to stop my heart. Twenty missed calls, eleven voice mails.

I flipped it open, and listened to the first voice mail. Max’s booming voice jolted me back.

“ROSE! I know what you’re DOING! You’re out there cheating on me, AREN’T YOU?!” he shouted, “Don’t think I don’t know! You better get home now, or YOU’LL NEVER SEE YOUR DAUGHTER EVER AGAIN!” he bellowed into the phone, before hanging up.

I recovered quickly from the voicemail, and scrambled through my voicemails, listening to Max’s voice in every single one.

I was perplexed at all his messages, each one was the same. He rambled about me cheating on him, or that he didn’t want to lose me, or even more confusing, that I’ll never see my daughter again.

Daughter? What daughter? I was his only daughter and yet he was saying I wouldn’t see my daughter ever again.

I looked at the time, and my heart wavered. It was nine o’clock at night, and I was never ever supposed to stay out late on the weekends. I knew how much trouble I was in, and Max knew it too.

I panicked as I jumped up. The movement jerked Seth awake. “What? What happened?” he said as he sat up.

“Seth, I’m sorry, but I have to go” I said as I stood up.

 “Crap, I’m sorry!” he said frantically, “We both fell asleep.”

“I know you’re sorry Seth, but I have to get home now” I said as I began running headlong to the trees.

I heard Seth running behind me. “Violet, wait, maybe we can explain to your father!”

I stopped abruptly. “Are you crazy? Have you even met my father?” I asked facing him.

“He might understand” he replied shrugging.

I shook my head, and began running again, “He’s a drunken alcoholic, who never understands!” I shouted as I began running again.

The clouds thundered as big drops of rain began pouring as I broke out from the trees and into the empty parking lot.

My clothes were getting soaked, leaves and branches falling from me as I scrambled to the car.

Seth caught up, and whirled me around to face him.   

“Violet, please calm down. I’ll take you home” he said.

“No. Seth, go home. Go home now” I said, my voice thick with tears.

“No, I’m coming with you” he insisted.

“Seth. No. Go home, please” I begged as I quickly got into the car, and mashed the locks down, so he couldn’t get in.

“Violet!” he shouted as he tapped on the window.

I ignored him and started the car. I backed out of the car park, and began speeding down the road.

I knew I wouldn’t have stopped him; he would have phased into a wolf, and was probably chasing me now, in the cover of the trees.

I didn’t look for him, just kept my eyes on the slippery dark road. I pulled up to the driveway, and clambered out of the car and into the rain.

I squinted in the rain, and saw Max standing on the porch, a beer bottle in his hand as he took a swig from it. “Get here NOW!” his words slurred.

“Violet, wait, maybe we can explain” Seth said suddenly beside me.

He had appeared out of nowhere, his skin was glistening with water.

“Seth, please just go home” I whispered. I looked pleadingly at him.

He must have known I was desperate, and finally understood.

He nodded in defeat. “Okay” he said.

I wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him on the cheek.

I turned and began walking up towards the porch. Each step I took away from Seth; made me want to run back.

“Dad” I whispered as I appeared before him.

“Dad?! What do you mean ‘dad’?!” he screamed at my face.

“What do you mean?” I answered back. I didn’t even know what he was talking about. He took a swig from the bottle.

“Maybe I should take that away from you” I said as I reached for it.

“Get away from me!” he screamed as he grabbed me and flung me against the railing of the porch. I felt my back connect with wood, and the air getting knocked out of me.

“What the?!—” Max’s voice said in shock.

I looked through my tear stained eyes, to see Seth standing before me, in a defensive stance.

His whole frame was quivering.

“Don’t touch her” Seth whispered menacingly.

“Who do you think you are?!” Max garbled at him as he took a step forward.

“Back off” Seth warned, his body quivering. He gripped onto the pole of the porch, to calm himself.

I remembered him telling me how anger can be a motive to morph into a wolf, and I tried to get up.

“No” I gasped; my voice just a whisper from being winded.

“Shut it!” Max shouted at me.

Seth roared as his grasp split the pole in half, splinters flying everywhere; Max jumped back in astonishment.

“Seth” I said as I scrambled to my feet and stood right in front of him. I put my hands on either side of his face. “Seth, calm down” I whispered in a soft voice. Seth wasn’t looking at me, he was glaring at Max. “Seth, Seth! Look at me!” I said louder.

His eyes slowly turned to meet mine, and they were furious. I pushed him back, back down the steps and down the driveway, into the pouring rain.

“Seth, listen to me. Please, please just go home. I can handle this” I whispered. I kissed him on the cheek, a sign of reassurance and hope. “Remember my promise. I’ll be there no matter what” I said reminding him there was another time.

He looked at me, he had stopped quivering, but his eyes were consoling. He was about to say something, but held it in.

I appreciated that, but felt blank as he walked off, down the road, and into the darkness.

“Violet, my rose” Max’s voice pleaded from the porch.

I turned slowly, angry and bewildered, and saw Max on his hands and knees, begging.

I slowly walked towards him.

“My, Rose” he whispered again. His eyes were in a daze, and he was staring at me, as if, I was the sun. 

I took the bottle which lay beside him. “I’m not your rose” I said in a thick voice, before heading inside.


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