He's Just Trouble Afterromeo...

By Brizaalmaraz

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Briza was the type of.person.who never broke the rules and never lived on the wild side TC was the bad boy of... More

He's Just Trouble A Afterromeo / Tc Carter Fanfic
Chapter 2-Chestnut haired
Chapter 3-Club
Chapter 4-The Fight
Chapter-5 I wanna go with Vi
Chapter 6 -His Place
Chapter 7 - Anger Issues
Chapter 8- Vi is back
Chapter 9 - TC finds out
Chapter 10-School
Chapter 11-Friends
Chapter 12-The world collides
Chapter 13-His Room
Chapter 14-Devin ??
Chapter 15-Explaining
Chapter 16-Niall shhh??
Chapter 17- Nialler WHYY
Chapter - 18 You dont have a Choice
Chapter 19 - Jayks Nickname
Chapter 20 - Dinner
Chapter 21 - School time
Chapter -22 -before the game
Chapter 23 - She's Gone
Chapter 24 - The boys throw a party
Chapter 25 - Wtf
Chapter 26 - Just Hold on we're going home
Chapter 27 - Don't wake me up
Chapter 28 - Story of my life
Chapter 29 - Guess Who's Back
Chapter 30 - Fun Time
Chapter 32 - You deserve this
Chapter 33 - Nahh

Chapter 31 ~ Airport Sadness

220 7 2
By Brizaalmaraz

Chapter 31

•jaime's P.O.V started• "Let's skip to the car." I said to Vi and Niall and started to skip until some one pulled me back. "What the fuck Niall." I asked laughing. "So I saw you and Damion eh eh." He said while poking my shoulder. "We're just friends. And I'm with Tc." I said looking away from his gaze. "Well you guys might be friends, but its totally obvious you guys got a thing going on." He replied smirking. "Plus I like Damion. He's cool to hang out with and to talk to." He added. "How about Jack?" I asked. "What about him?" He asked. "Is he cool to hang out with?" I asked. "Yeah, he's funny." He replied smiling." "What do you think about Damion my little love bunny?" I asked Vi playing around. "He's cool my little honey boo boo." She replied. "Gross." I replied and started to laugh. "I'm not honey boo boo." I said. "You guys are freaks." Niall said and got into the car. When we got into the car we drove to my house to go get niall's things. "I don't want you to go.." I told Nialler while he got his suit cases. "Me either." Vi whined. "Have too. I promise I'm going to come back in like 6 weeks." He replied. "That's a long ass time if you ask me." Vi said. "Well, sweetie no one did ask you." He replied. "Just kidding." He added while Vi started to walk up to him about to hit him. "Yeah that's what I thought." She laughed. "Well, let's go to the airport." He said. We just nodded and started to walk downstairs. "Where's my Mom?" I asked. I ask for her every fucking day, she's always gone. "Left, had some dinner to go to this evening." Vi said while she walked into the kitchen. "How do you know that?" I asked her. "There's a note. Duh, what you think I'm a fucking mind reader?" She asked while chuckling. "Shut up." I said walking over to the note. It said: 'vi and Jaime I'm not going to be home tonight because I have to go accompany the boss in a meeting we have with the other company's. So be good and don't get in any trouble girls, I'm serious. Love, Mom.' "Why does she have to go to the stupid dinner." I grumbled. "Now, Jaime we wouldn't want to sound selfish would we?" Niall joked while pinching my cheeks. "Get off." I said while shoving him playfully. "Mean." He replied and laughed a little. "Well lets go, my bags are getting heavy and I'm gonna miss my flight if we don't leave.." he said. "Kay." Vi replied. When we got into the car I put in Niall's Drake CD. "Do you want your CD back before you leave?" I asked him. "No, keep it so if you guys miss me you guys can listen to the sad songs all day and just think about me." He joked. "Whatever." I replied. When we arrived to the airport we all got off and walked inside. "Well it looks like its that time." Niall said smiling trying to stay positive. Me and Vi had our tears already sliding down our cheeks. "Come on don't cry, cause you'll make me." He added and then pulled us in for a hug, we were both on each side of his arms. "Don't leave." Vi mumbled. "Babe, you know I don't want to.." He replied. "I got to go." He whispered. We both let him go and he started wiping tears off his cheeks. "Look what you guys did to my shirt.." he said pointing at all the mascara marks. "And it smells like you dorks too." He joked. "Shut up." I replied while laughing a little and sniffling. "Well now I know what ima sleep with." He said referring to the shirt. "Cause it smells like you nerds." He laughed. "Creeper status." Vi joked. "What?" He asked while tickling her. "You wanna say that again?" He asked while he kept on. "N-No!" She said between laughs. "You too." He said and got me And started to tickle me and Vi. People were staring at us but we didn't care cause we were with niall. "People are staring." Vi mumbled. "I know." Niall laughed. "Well we don't want you to be late.." Vi mumbled. "Right. Bye and I promise to call you guys everyday." He said while hugging us. "Kay." I replied and he got me and gave me a huge hug and kissed the top of my forehead. "Just remember you need anyone to fuck tc up for any reason, I'm your guy." He said and I laughed. "Alright nialler." I said and hugged him again. "I'm serious." He replied and smiled at me. "And I think Damion's better for you,Jay . But its your choice. Just remember to be careful and me and Vina will always be here for you." He assured. I just smiled and nodded. When he got to Vi he hugged her and kissed her really passionately. "I love you." He said and she started to hug him. "I love you too." She replied. "You know if you need anything just call me." He mumbled into her hair. "Alright." She replied. "Okay girls I really got to go." He said. "Okay." We both replied. "Take care of each other." He said while walking away. "Alright Dad." I joked and he chuckled. "Love you both." He said. "Love you too." I replied and so did Vi, after that he left and we watched him walk away. "I'm going to miss that nerd soooo much." I laughed while a couple of tears escaped. "Me too." She laughed. "We better go.." Vi added and we walked out of the airport.

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