Chase Me Again

By LittleSheWolf

3.1K 118 33

“I was fully aware that I was trespassing. I was fully aware that I was stealing. I was fully aware of what m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

258 11 2
By LittleSheWolf

 For being the 5th voter - dedication as promised :)


 All those who had seen the girl , or were trial candidates were called to Alpha Richard's house for a meeting that night.

It was clear the second that we entered the house that the tension was running high. Richard was, by the sounds of things, shouting at someone while all those called were waiting quietly outside of the door. It was unclear exactly what he was saying but I did catch the occasional “how!?” amongst other things...

Whatever he was yelling about he was clearly furious, and taking into consideration recent events, I'd bet money on the fact that the girl was what had stirred him up.

Finally the door swung open to reveal a rather ruffled looking Anthony, who was Richard's second. He gave us all a grave look before standing aside.

“In you all go then.”

We all trailed into the room silently and stood in a line in front of the table while waiting for Richard to address us. He stood with his back to us looking out the window for a moment, his dark hair showing hints of silver as he allowed himself to age in the face of the humans.

He sighed and slowly turned around, moving to the head of the table and motioning to the rest of the seats.

“Sit please.”

Once we were all sitting he sighed again and rested his elbows on the table, one hand resting in his hair, the other on the table face down.

“So... I'm guessing you have all figured out why we are here then.” He stated, pausing to look at each one of us individually. “Usually I wouldn't be so... concerned about one lone wolf, but it has become clear to me that she is managing to get in and out of here without so much as a scratch while we are facing much, much more serious injury. This is a danger to our pack, our family. Therefore I am calling you here today to ask of anything you may know, or any ideas you may have, which can help us contain this she-wolf.”

Seth and Adam at this point updated everyone on what they had seen of the girl, and what they thought of her attitude towards people, both sphelka and human

“-she just doesn't really seem to take anything seriously. I don't think that there is any malicious intent behind what she is doing, she just sees it all as a game.” Seth concluded with a careful expression as he examined the people around him. Adam nodded in agreement.

“He's right, even when the car accident happened the only one to get injured really was James, and he's one of us, so could be healed quickly. Even so though, she's still kind of dangerous.” He said with a frown.

“Can I just interject something here?” I asked, looking at the Alpha, head bowed slightly in respect. He blinked and slowly nodded.

“Go ahead”

“The security wards, they haven't been working, am I right?” I asked seriously.

“No, not they haven't.” He looked slightly surprised by my statement, but pleased at the same time. There was a slight murmuring around the table at this. I turned to Seth and Adam.

“Correct me if I'm wrong, but by the sound of things, she doesn't seem like the sort to go to all the trouble of somehow disengaging them just to run in and then run out again. Nor does it sound to me as though this is someone who actually could do that.” Adam nodded enthusiastic, Seth looked deep in thought.

“I think you might be right, she hasn't used any magic since being here, none at all. And, since she doesn't seem particularly concerned about exposure, I don't think that it's because she is interested in remaining discrete.” Seth murmured. I looked back Richard, who was examining me with a great deal of interest and what I hoped was approval.

“Yes, good thinking boys.” He said looking directly at me before turning and talking to everyone else again. “Right, keeping all of this in mind we need to up our security dramatically. Every capable pack member will be patrolling the perimeter on a daily basis now – a rotor will be put in place, checking the perimeter as well as the wards. The wards will be upgraded. If the girl is seen on or near our lands again, try to capture her and bring her in. If that isn't possible take her down. This isn't a game, and we cannot reciprocate her attitude in all this. She is putting everyone, including herself in danger, so she needs to face up to the consequences. Logan, I think that you have earned the right to take lead in the action being taken upon her – make an action plan and spread the word. Josh, I want you to go over the spell casting with Rhys to determine the best way to upgrade our security boundaries. Get to work, I expect you to report to me by the end of tomorrow with strategies and any news that you may have on the current situation. Go.”

Everyone exited the room, debating quietly, I couldn't help but glance at Josh at this point. He was looking directly at me, smiling.

Feeling unsettled I dragged my eyes away and I left, already formulating a plan.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2 weeks later...


I stretched out my legs and wagged my tail blissfully. The sun providing me with joy, not for the first time since I had arrived; even if the area was mostly covered in snow.

It had been an interesting few weeks to say the least, a lot of hit and misses on their behalf.

They had upped their security, (clever them!) after the school incident, but I had still managed to get in and out a total of nine times. All that they had really done, was make it more exciting, more of a challenge.

A better game.

In which, so far I had managed to: befriend and become the begging partner of some homeless guy (we did an awesome singing duet); Gone for a swim in the pool at the local gym; kicked butt at the school athletics team try outs; Joined a ballet class; “borrowed” some new clothes; given fish girl (I’m so good with nicknames right?) another cuddle, and several things besides.

Did I mention that I'd done all this in wolf form?

Try as they might with their patrols and their plans and their boringly non-risk-taking strategies, they couldn't get me. And for that reason, I was over the moon. I'd met a few new faces as well, but still no leader-alpha-boss guy. I hoped to change that soon though.

In-between my trips into the “Muted River” (as I had recently learned their name to be) pack territory, I had been hunting, relaxing and planning my next moves. It was honestly the perfect life; in my opinion at least.

Yawning drowsily, I raised my head sniffing the air.


I stood, flexing my leg muscles and moved quietly in the direction my nose was leading me in. As I got closer I made my self become absolutely silent, in the way only a predator hunting it's prey can do.

A herd, six, five female, one male.

They all continued to snuffle through the snow, unaware of my stare. I began to stalk them when an idea suddenly occurred to me.

Calculating the distance from my current location to the town I had a realisation of what my next task would be. The odds were in my favour.

Time to play sheep-dog.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The deer screamed in panic as it leaped into the park, probably fearing me latching onto her legs considering the fact I was coming close to her hind quarters, it kicked out fearfully before galloping off to rejoin the rest of the herd, who were currently trotting round on the field with a mixture of fierce and worried looks on their faces. The male reared up bellowing loudly as I began to approach again, causing me to stop still.

I wasn't a born herder. I hadn't wanted to bring them so deeply into the town, I had planned on just getting them to run across the edge of the main street and then chase them back into the trees on the other side, until of course one of them had decided to go and be all stubborn.

Now I was left with six deer in the middle of the public park and no idea how to proceed.

Some humans had taken their phones out and were taking photos and films of my predicament. I suppose in part this had been successful, there was a decent amount of attention being drawn and rather a lot of... Well, chaos.

But unless I could figure out what to to next within the next two minutes, I was going to be in some seriously deep trouble.

It was at that moment I felt eyes on me, and I didn't know why, but I felt that there was more significance in these eyes than any before them.

I also knew that they were definitely not human.


It had been years, so very many years, but that battered ear, it was individual and unmistakable.

I know you.



A/N: heeeyyya! chapter 5 is up! (duh!) made snickerdoodles today... they're great :)
okay so for the next chapter I want at least 6 votes before I upload (pretty please? 0.0)

this isn't edited properly yet - coz it's late and am sleepy, but will check over it tomorrow  so bear that in mind :)


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