Gem Moralle

By TinaForever47

647 58 19

Eva Stevenson thought she lost her best friend, Jesse Moralle, until seven years later she moves to a new nei... More

Chapter 1 - Is That Really You?
Chapter 3 - Dreams and Visions
Chapter 4 - We Have Been Hiding Something From You
Chapter 5 - Questions and Answers
Chapter 6 - Voices
Chapter 7 - Creatures

Chapter 2 - What Just Happened?

89 6 2
By TinaForever47

Gem Moralle


Chapter 2 - What Just Happened?

I stepped out from the school building, the lite wind smacking my face. I felt relieved it was Friday. I could really use some time off from school. As I stepped out, there was one person I was looking for; Jesse. A lot of people were outside talking or goofing around, making it harder for me to find Jesse. I had to ask him if he wanted to come to my place for dinner. 

I looked around until I finally found the black-haired boy. He was talking to some of his friends standing nearby a tree. I didn't know if I should go there and interrupt their conversation. After a moment of competing with myself, I decided to go up to him. What is the worst that can happen? 

I started walking towards them, hoping they're almost done with their conversation that seemed to last forever. Jesse turned around and looked at me, but still continuing his conversation. His friends saw me too but didn't say anything. I stood there sheepishly waiting for them to be done, Jesse sounded like he was hurrying the discussion. 

They finished quickly, saying their goodbyes. Jesse's friends, who I think names are Ashton and Leo, smirked at him as they looked back and forth from me and Jesse. I knew right away what they were thinking. 

Typical boys, I thought to myself. 

"We'll be leaving you two," Ashton said, if that was his name. He was shorter than Jesse but taller than Leo. I heard a few people talk about them, that his how I know their names. 

They walked away, still smirking, leaving Jesse and I alone. "Hey Eva," he said as me and him started to walk home. 

"Hey," I said remembering what I had to tell him, "do you want to come over my place today? Have dinner, hang out or whatever? My mom would love to see you," I said. 

A smile spread across his face. Even if he looked like a bad boy, he still had the same lovable smile. "Okay that would be fun," he said. 

He brushed his hair, messing it up a bit making him look a bit younger. He was quite a pretty boy. The way his face was formed was perfect. There was something about him that made me stare at him. I don't know if it is his smile or bright eyes, he looked honest and sincere. His eyes shined bright as the sun hit them. They were full of life and real. 

We walked past the same houses from the day before. I took out my keys when we reached my house. Jesse was behind me, he looked some what nervous. I knew my mom was going to be home since she comes home early on Friday. As we entered my house I told Jesse to take off his shoes at the door. Mom's rules. 

Once my mother heard us, she came out of the kitchen and hugged Jesse. She was always a friendly person .

"Look how much you grown!" She exclaimed, "it's nice seeing you again. It's been so long!" 

"It's nice seeing you again Mrs. Stevenson," he smiled. 

"Oh call me Mary," she said. 

Blake stepped into the room, probably wondering who was here. When he laid his eyes on Jesse his face immediately turned cold. He gave him a long hard look before saying something. "You're Jesse right?" His voice serious. His brotherly protective side was showing. "Nice to see you again." Blake knew him from when we were younger. I don't get why he has to treat him like that. 

Jesse looked a little uncomfortable by the way Blake was staring at him. "Nice to see you again too," he said sheepishly. 

My mom had already left to cook dinner, so it was only Blake, Jesse, and I. You can feel the tension between Blake and Jesse. No one was saying a word so I decided to save the day. "Well me and Jesse are going to go to my room." I said grabbing Jesse by the wrist. Blake didn't say anything as I dragged him into my room. I closed the door shut after we entered my room. I sat on the green carpet floor patting the area next to me, telling Jesse to sit.

"Does your brother hate me or something?" Jesse asked as he sat down on the comfortable floor. 

"No," I said telling the truth. "He's just... very protective over me. He's scared you might hurt me in some way. That's why he is acting like that." Jesse nodded, understanding. 

"It looked like he was going to kill me. I didn't know what to do," he said making me laugh because of his expression. 

"I'm surprised my mom let you come over," Jesse looked at me as if he was asking why. "She's the 'no boys allowed' type of mother."

"Who could resist me? I'm so lovable," he said smiling innocently. Again I laughed. 

"Why did you guys move here?" Jesse asked abruptly. 

I didn't answer right away, "my mom got a promotion from her job. She needed more money." I said not looking at him until I said the last sentence. 

He shook his head up and down. I could tell that he has more questions to ask me. "Where's your dad? Is he coming late or something?" He asked clearly not knowing anything. 

I hesitated for a moment. I thought through of what I was going to say before saying it. "My parents divorced a while back," I said but not saying the whole story.

Jesse looked taken back for a moment. I guess he remembered them being happy together, like I did. Blake and I did see it coming, we talked about it when we saw how our father was acting. We knew something was going to happen between our mom and dad, but we didn't want to believe it. So, when the day came, reality hit us hard. Everything was happening too quick. My dad moving out, us moving to a new neighborhood, its happening too fast. Ever since they divorced Blake became more protected over me. I guess since now dad wasn't around he had to take his place for the man of the house. 

Jesse got up from the carpeted floor and began to explore my room. I don't mind, I don't have anything to hide. He looked very interested on what was on my desk. It wasn't my laptop or the blue marbles that were placed in a little bowl, but he was interested in my little jewelry box. The one his mother gave me along with the necklace. I'm guessing he remembered it, since he was there when his mom gave it to me. I stood up and went next to him. He opened the little drawer and took out the necklace, holding it from the little chain that was connected to the key. 

He observed it, turning the little key in his hands. "Isn't this the necklace my mom gave to you," he said still examining the necklace. I nodded crossing my arms. "Magiko dunamas? Is it Latin?" He asked looking up at me. 

"No. I'm taking Latin at school. I asked the teacher but he said it wasn't Latin. I never bothered looking it up." I shrugged.

 "Dinner is ready!" My mother yelled. Jesse placed the necklace on my desk before we left the room.

As we ate, my mom was telling stories about Jesse and I when we were younger. My mom seemed delighted having Jesse here with us. He was always like a son to her. Jesse seemed like he was enjoying himself too. He kept repeating how he had missed my mom's cooking. Blake was probably making him feel slightly uncomfortable by the way he was staring him down. Why does he have to act like this? I kicked him under the table when no one was paying attention and gave him a look telling him to stop acting like an idiot. When we finished eating, I cleared the table with also some help from Jesse. We went back into my room, of course Blake seeming not to approve. 

We walked back into my room leaving the door opened to let some fresh air come in. I walked to my desk to put my necklace back to where it belonged. When my fingers contacted with the key, a stinging burn rushed through my fingers making me drop the necklace on the floor. 

Jesse spun around looking at me to see what was happening. "What happened?" He asked. 

"I picked up the necklace and it like... burned me?" I said lifting up my hand to see that my thumb and index finger were throbbing with pain.

How did that happen? Was the necklace really burning hot, but how?

Jesse bent down to pick up the necklace from the floor, not touching the key. He lightly touched the key afterwards, probably to see what I was talking about. He jumped back removing his finger. He looked at the key strangely. 

Just as I was about to tell him something a noise distracted me, making Jesse and I spin our heads in shock. It wasn't just a noise though, it was music; music that sounded like it was coming from a music box. 

Jesse and I stared at my jewelry box bewildered. The lid was wide open, the ballerina spinning around as the music poured out from the box. Chills ran down my spine, making the hair on the back of my neck  stand. So many questions were rushing through my mind. Who opened the box? Is this a prank that Jesse is pulling on me? Most of all, isn't it supposed to be broken? It hasn't worked in years! 

I started to freak out. This wasn't normal, I was speechless and frightened. I felt a weird sensation in my stomach, probably my nerves. I didn't know if I should scream or run out. 

"Did you touch the box?" I asked Jesse not taking my eyes off of the jewelry box. 

He looked as shocked as I was, "no. You saw me the whole entire time." He said, "maybe before we left you accidentally opened it." He suggested. 

"Even if I did accidentally open it," I felt chills run down my back. I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth. "It has been broken for years," I gulped. 

I began to freak out again. I can't describe the emotions I was feeling right now. This is something you would see in a horror movie. I slammed the lid closed, grabbed the necklace from Jesse's hands, surprisingly it wasn't hot, and threw it on the floor. I dragged Jesse out of my room and into the living room. I sat down on the couch trying to get my breathing back to normal. 

"What just happened in there?" Jesse asked shocked. 

My hands were trembling. I hope that all of this was some kind of mistake, but it couldn't be. The burning hot necklace, the freaky music box that opened by itself, and how it worked with it being broken and no one wining it. I couldn't think straight. My mind was a mess at the moment. 

"I-I don't know," I stuttered, "I don't want to talk about it. I'm really freaked out." I wanted to try not to think about it, maybe it can calm me down. I was wondering if he was freaked out as much as I was. 

Jesse sat down next to me putting an arm around me, avoiding the subject. I began to relax again. After a few moments I got up to grab my phone in my back pocket. I checked the time which was almost seven o'clock. "You should probably get going. It's getting late," I sighed. I didn't want him to leave but he couldn't stay all night. 

"Yeah your right. You want to hang out tomorrow?" He asked. 

I thought for a minute to see if I had any plans for tomorrow, "okay. Call me tomorrow." I handed him my phone so he can put his number in it and he also handed me his. 

Once that was finished, he said goodbye to my mom and Blake, and then left. "It was so nice to see him again," my mom said. 

"Ma, can I hang out with him tomorrow?" I asked. 

She hesitated before responding, "okay I guess. Just don't do anything stupid," she finally said. I thanked her for not saying no, then I went into the bathroom to take a shower. 

I felt clean and fresh when I came out of the shower. I was standing outside my room with a towel wrapped around me. I have to admit I am a little scared to go inside my room. I toughened up and entered my room. I quickly put on my pajama, which was a pair of pajama pants and Blake's shirt. His shirts were comfortable to wear.

I glanced real quick at the jewelry box, making me shiver. It wasn't playing anymore. Maybe it was all in my imagination, but then what would explain Jesse's reaction? I grabbed the necklace that was laying on the floor and placed it on my desk. Looking at it gave me the chills. I shook my head trying to put the thought in the back of my mind. 

I grabbed my phone charger and my comfortable pillow. I wasn't going to sleep in this room tonight. It may sound babyish but I am scared. I left my room closing the lights. I went back to the couch where Blake was sitting, watching a movie. I dropped my pillow on the sofa and plugged my iphone charger in the wall. 

Blake looked at me strangely as I did this. "Are you sleeping here tonight?" He asked. I simply nodded, "how come?"

I decided not to tell him what had happened, "in the mood to sleep here tonight," I lied. 

He probably didn't believe me. He knew me long enough. "Yeah sure," he said sarcastically. 

"Okay I'm just a little scared to sleep in my room tonight. Nothing wrong with me sleeping here tonight," I said sounding annoyed. 

Blake shrugged his shoulders and continued watching the movie. I sat down next to him not knowing what movie we are watching. 

My phone vibrated on the coffee table. I picked it up to see I got a text from Jesse.

It said 'Hey so I was thinking maybe I can pick you up tomorrow and we can go to the park or something and probably have lunch.'

I quickly texted him back. 'Sounds good to me. See you tomorrow.'

I put my phone back on the table after answering Jesse back. 

"I don't like the idea of you hanging out with Jesse," Blake said abruptly. 

I didn't understand why he had to be so protective over me. Yes he's my older brother, but still. I'm seventeen years old, I could take care of myself. Sometimes his protectiveness gets me annoyed. I feel like he treats me like a child that can't tell from wrong or right.

"Why do you treat me like a child?" I asked sincerely, "I'm seventeen Blake, I'm not stupid," I said.

He looked at me but I couldn't tell if he was serious or his usual crazy self. "I know your not stupid," Blake finally said. "It's just since mom and dad divorced I felt like I had to be more protective over you. You're my little sister Ev. I don't want to see you broken hearted or sad," he said. 

I knew what he meant. Him and I have good times together and we also fight, but now I know that he couldn't bear seeing his little sister unhappy. This is why I love him. He is always there for me when ever I need him to be. 

"Thanks Blake," I said leaning my head on his shoulder, "and don't worry about Jesse. We're just friends he can't hurt me, so stop making him feel uncomfortable." I said lightly slapping him in the stomach. If he continued acting like that, Jesse would never come over again.

He laughed, "fine I'll try, but if he hurts you in anyway I won't go easy on him." He said. 

I didn't say anything else after that, I continued watching the movie. Time slowly passed and I started getting sleepy. I thought back to the events that happened today. What if there is a ghost haunting me? I felt scared again. What had happened with the jewelry box and necklace was abnormal. I realized that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep tonight no matter how tired I was. 

"Blake can you sleep here with me tonight? I'm scared," I said in a baby's voice. 

"You must be really scared. What happened that made you scared to sleep in your room? Is it haunted or something," he mocked. He might be right, my room could be haunted. I wasn't going to tell him what had happened, he'll think I'm deluded or something. "I'll sleep here with you tonight. Anything for my sister." He rubbed my hair, messing it up. 

I felt relieved. I laid myself down on the cozy couch pulling a blanket over me. Blake turned the t.v and lights off. I felt him lay down too in the far end of the couch. 

Eva nothing happened today. It was only your imagination, I thought to myself. Fall asleep, tomorrow is a another day. 

I closed my eyes, letting the darkness take over me. 


"But why me?" I asked the beautiful lady standing in front of me. I didn't know where I was. It was dark, the only light was coming from the lady, she seemed to be glowing.

"The angels have chosen you. You only have the powers to free us from the evil that is upon us." She said. She opened her hands which revealed a key, the same key that I have. "Magiko dunamas. This will unlock your powers. Go find the gem before they do, before the evil is spread." She said handing me the key. 

The lady slowly began to disappear. "What gem? What evil? What powers?" I desperately asked.

"Time will reveal them. They will soon find out who you are. Tell him to protect you as you both look for the gem. He will be your guardian. This is your destiny Eva!" She vanished into thin air.

"Who is this guardian?" I yelled desperately, "What is my destiny?" 


I woke up from my dream. My heart was beating rapidly, I was shaky and sweaty. I thought the dream over in my head. What in the world did it mean?

I then realized that the women in my dream was Jesse's mother. 


Hoped you liked it. Dedicated to Jobobi because she is one of my dearest friends. Don't forget to vote and comment. Bye. 


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