What Lies Beneath (Sherlock (...

By PunkRock_LifeStyle

159K 5.1K 2.2K

Meet Winter Watson, niece to the famous blogger John Watson. Winter travels from America, to London, to atten... More

Chapter 1; Dancing in London
Chapter 2; Day With Sherlock
Chapter 3; Little Sherlock
Chapter 4; The Sister Announcment
Chapter 5; Cracking the Walls of the Mystery Man
Chapter 7; A Visit From Mommy Dearest
Chapter 8; Job From Mycroft
Chapter 9; Questions, Answers, and Irene Adler
Chapter 10; Threats from Moriarty
Chapter 11; The Game Begins
Chapter 12; Attack of Irene
Chapter 13; Confustions of the High-Functioning-Sociopath
Chapter 14; The Chess Game
Chapter 15; Foolish Games.
Chapter 16; Sharing a Bed With Sherlock Holmes
Chapter 17; The Fake Detective, Sherlock Holmes.
Chapter 18; The Case of Moriarty, Meeting Mycroft, and the News From Molly
Chapter 19; This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race
Chapter 20; Critical
Chapter 21; Turn for the Worst
Chapter 22; The Game is Over

Chapter 6; Meeting Molly Hooper

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By PunkRock_LifeStyle

Right well, I thought that I would let you guys know, that i set this before 'The Reichenbach Fall' but after 'A Scandal in Belgravia'

Also, I'm having a blast writing this, and its literally pouring out of me like a water fall, so its probably going to be updated a lot faster then my other stories. Just FYI.

Plus on my other stories there is a bit of writers block going on, so I don't even know what to do.

Oh and the character Charlie Hooper, was inspired and is played by @CosmicMisfit a good friend of mine!

So go read her stuff, its really good!

Anyway, that's all!


Chapter 6;

I sat in my room the next morning, it was about 6:30AM. It was my first day of Uni. I began to get ready, start my daily routine. I walked down the stairs, and began to roam about, trying to find something to eat.

I guess I must have spooked Uncle John and Sherlock, because the both came in the room, slowing. Sherlock was holding some type of sword, and Uncle John was holding a baseball bat.

When they seen me, the stopped, and Uncle John looked relived. Sherlock on the other hand, looked disappointed.

“Why in the world are you up this early, girl?” Sherlock asked.

“I have UNI today. And I wanted food before I left.” I said.

“Wait, there is no time for school! We have a crime to solve.” Sherlock said.

“Relax, Holmes. I only signed up for morning classes. I’ll be back at noon, then I can help you with your crime solving. Although, you don’t really need my help.” I said, walking around Sherlock to get my hoodie.

I pulled my jacket on, and sighed. I picked up my backpack from underneath Sherlock’s desk, and slung one strap over my shoulder.

“So, Winter, what classes did you sign up for?” Uncle asked.

“Well, I really only have 5 classes this term. First there is my Writing and Editing class, then my Music Producing class. Third I have Music Writing and Form class. Then Fourth I have The Science of Deduction, yes Sherlock that is an actual Uni class. Fifth I have Criminal Investigations class.” I said, counting them on my figures.

“Wait, your studying Criminal Justice too? I thought you wanted to be a writer/musician.” Uncle John said.

“I do, but I those were my too majors. I need a minor too, so criminal justice was really the only interesting thing.” I said.

I glanced at the clock, before noticing that I was running late.

“Oh my, I gotta go! Bye Uncle! Bye Sherlock!” I said as I ran out the door.

I called a taxi, and quickly told the driver where I was going.

I rushed inside the school building, and ran to my first class. Luckily people were still arriving, and plenty of seats were open. I sat in the front row, next to a girl with dark hair, and slightly tanned skin.

The professor came in, and everyone was silent.

“Alright class, since it’s the first day, I want you all to pair up, and start discussing the different between your writing preferences. Get to know this person, because they will be your partner for the next 4 and a half months.” She said, before shooing us to work.

I wait, for about 5 minutes, before looking over my shoulder, seeing everyone but me and the girl next to me were paired up.

“Well, it looks like it you and me.” I said.

She looked up, and smiled.

“Looks to be that way. I’m Charlie Hooper. I’m here studying to be a Specialist Registrar, just like my sister, Molly. She works here at Bart’s hospital, in the morgue.” She said.

Wait a moment..

“You have an American accent?” I questioned.

“Yea. I spent some time over there helping out my grandmother. But I moved back to live with my sister and go to Uni.” She said.

The rest of the class went by smoothly. Then the bell range, and Charlie and I went our different directions, but exchanged cell numbers.

I went from class to class rather emotionlessly. Until on my way to fourth period, when some idiots tripped me in the hall.

“Seriously?” I mumbled under my breathe.

“What’s wrong freak? Cant read my thoughts too?” they joked before shoving me onto the ground.

“What the hell?” I questioned.

“We seen you on the news, with that other guy…Sherlock something. You two are quite the pair.” They laughed.

“Look I’m just trying to go to class. I don’t even know you!” I said, standing up, and grabbing my backpack.

“Name’s Jake, and this here is Rolf. But you better watch your back kid, we don’t like big headed freaks. This is our territory.” They threatened.


I walked away, and ignored there fowl comments. I took a mental picture of them in my head, to talk to Sherlock about later. Perhaps they could be useful to us and this case.

Finally I was able to go home.

I couldn’t gather my things fast enough. I rushed out the door, into the semi-warm London air.

I took a deep breath and called a cab, climbing in rather quickly before those goons catch up with me.

“221B Baker Street” I said, in a rush, seeing Jake and Rolf leaving the school house.

I made it home in about 10 minutes, and rushed through the flat door. I found Sherlock, sitting in his chair reading, flashes of last night went through my mind. I shook them away, and put my bag back under Sherlock’s desk.

“Have a good day?” he asked, not looking up at me.

Not the slightest…

“Yea, it was okay. Nothing to exciting.” I lied.

I felt bad about lying, but I didn’t want them to find out about the Jake and Rolf incident.

“Anything interesting?” he asked, sounding bored.

“I met a friend. Sherlock, why are you asking? You clearly don’t care.” I said, before walking into the kitchen.

I grabbed a soda from the fridge, and stood in the doorway, of the kitchen leaning up against the frame.

I remembered Charlie, and how she spoke so highly of her sister Molly.

“Sherlock?” I said, grabbing his attention.

He looked up from his book, and raised an eyebrow at me.

“When are we going back to the crime scene?” I asked.

“Oh, right. Were not, were going to the lab at Bart’s hospital.” He said.

Wait..isnt that where Charlie’s sister works?

Hmm..oh well.

Sherlock stood and grabbed his scarf and coat.

I followed him outside, and called a cab. We climbed in, and I let my mind wander off.

Then remembered I left my hoodie back at the flat.

“Are those bruises?” Sherlock questioned.

I looked at him with a questionable look, seeing him point to my arm. Sure enough, there were a about 5 bruises on my bicep and forearm.

Must be from Jake & Rolf…

“What have you gotten into?” he asked.

“I don’t know, maybe I hit my arm on something.” I lied, looking away.

“Or your lying to me. Winter, what happened?” Sherlock asked.

This is what I get for lying to the worlds only Consulting Detective…

“I’m fine really. No need to go blabbing to Uncle John. I just got picked on by some gangsters. Speaking of which, they might know something about the killings going on.” I said, quickly changing the subject.

“Right. Well, were about to go see the bodies of the victims. Can you handle that?” he asked.

“Yup. No need to worry about me.” I said.

I got out of the cab, and followed Sherlock inside. I fell behind a bit, to lost in thought.

Something was wrong here.

Was it me?

Did I upset Sherlock somehow?

Did something happen while I was at school?

Questions, so many questions spun in my mind. I pressed two figures onto my temple, and stopped in the hall. I tried to sort out my thoughts, soon giving myself a headache.

“Winter? Your slagging.” Sherlock’s voice rang out, breaking my thoughts.

“Right, sorry. Coming.” I said, catching up with Sherlock.

We walked into the morgue, where there was a girl. She was pretty, no make up, and light brown hair.

“Oh hello Sherlock. Who’s this?” she asked sweetly, smiling at me.

“Winter, John’s niece. Winter this is Molly Hooper, she works here.” He said, seriously.

“Hello! I do believe I met your sister, Charlie today.” I said.

“Oh really. You must be who she was going on about this morning. It’s nice to meet you.” She said, smiling at me.

“You as well.” I said.

“Right. Enough chit chat, where are the bodies of the recent victims.” Sherlock asked.

Molly nodded, uncovering two bodies, and shuttering.

“Cause of death?” I asked, walking over to the girls body.

“Looks to be both drug overdose and suffocation.” Molly said.

“Well they were defiantly restrained.” Sherlock said.

“What? How can you tell?” Molly asked.

“See here, Molly. There are faint marks on there wrist and ankles. And along there arms where there veins run, are needle holes. You’d have to have a very good eye, and know what your looking for to find them, so its okay you didn’t see.” I said, nicely.

“In other words, your stupid.” Sherlock said.

“Sherlock, now is not the time.” I scolded.

Sherlock mumbled under his breathe, but I ignored him.

What’s his problem?

“I think I have a theory.” I said, catching Sherlock’s attention.

“Well, what is it?” He pushed.

“Well, whoever killed them, clearly wanted them to suffer. That’s why they took away there sight, and injected the drugs, slowly. But as the drugs kicked in they quite fighting, and the lack of air to the brain finished the job. Molly, did you detect the type of drug?” I said.

“Well, some. There were clearly a lot more, but there were standard things, like rat poison.” She said.

“Rat Poison. Interesting.” Sherlock said.

“Right. Oh and Sherlock, Lestrade dropped off a blood sample, its in the lab.” Molly said.

Sherlock nodded, and headed out the door.

“What is his problem?” I asked Molly.

“Who knows. Although I’d say that its because Irene Adler made her face known once again, to the public eye.” She said.

“Irene Adler? Who is that?” I asked, confused.

“Right, well, a while back Mycroft, you know Sherlock’s brother, asked for his help to get some pictures from Irene Adler. Long story short, she has been the only person to break the walls of Sherlock Holmes. Her and all her seductive ways. He cared so much, he helped her escape death in the Check Republic, and go to America. But she’s decided that she needs the spotlight, so she became the Vise President of a huge company. She’s been all over the news today.” Molly said.

“Oh I see. Guess there is no way to break the walls of Sherlock, huh?” I asked.

“Not unless your Irene Adler.” Molly said, as she began to cover the bodies once again.

“Well it was nice talking to you, Molly. I’ll see you around.” I said, and turned to go.

“Winter, take my advice. Don’t fall for Sherlock. You’ll only get your heart broke.” She said.

“Molly, you sound like you talk from experience.” I said.

“Well, you’d be right. But, I moved on. You will too. I’ll see you around, okay?” she said, and I nodded.

I walked out of the morgue, and down the hall.

What was this pain in my chest?

Why did it hurt so much to find out about Sherlock and Irene?

Why do I care?

I don’t.

But I really do…

This is crazy, I just me him!

Yet you love him…

No, no. I’m not in love with Sherlock.

I walked past the doors to the lab, stealing a glance through the glass window.

Sherlock was there, busy working away, not even noticing that I wasn’t there.

Why would he care?

To him im just ‘John’s niece’ and nothing else.

Why should it matter!

I walked out of the hospital, and looked around. The wind blew, and I knew there was no way I could walk home without a jacket. I had no money for a cab, but I didn’t want to face Sherlock right now.

I sat by the trash can, and pulled my knees to my chest.

And I waited.

Finally, about three hours later, Molly came outside. When she noticed me, her face was covered with a look of concern.

“What are you doing out here? Its freezing.” She said.

“Well, I had nothing better to do. I couldn’t face him Molly.” I told her.

She pulled my into a hug, and sat next to me. By now it was dusk, and I wondered how much longer Sherlock would be.

“He could be in there awhile. If you want, I can give you a ride home?” she asked.

“Thanks, Molly. But I should probably wait for Sherlock, my uncle will be worried if I leave him all alone.” I said.

However, right after I said that, Sherlock came waltzing out the door. His face was expressionless, and I looked at Molly, who shrugged.

“Irene Adler.” Molly mouthed, before smiling, and waving me goodbye.

“Are you done?” I asked Sherlock, standing up.

“Yup. You know, you should have brought a jacket.” He said, as he waved down a cab.

We climbed in, and told the driver where to go.

“Sherlock, who is Irene Adler?” I asked.

I knew, very well, that I shouldn’t ask. And by the hurt that flashed through Sherlock’s eyes, I almost wished I didn’t.

But I had to know.

It was killing me.

“A friend.” He said simply.

“I thought you didn’t have any, except my uncle John.” I said.

“I don’t. I use the term loosely.” He said, looking out the window.

I mumbled under my breathe in annoyance.

We arrived at home, and I sat in uncle John’s chair, by the fire, warming myself.

“Did Uncle go to Sarah’s house?” I asked Sherlock.

“I believe so. Why do you ask?” he questioned.

“Just curious. Molly said something, back in the morgue. About…you know what…never mind. It’s not worth it.” I said, giving up. I rose from the chair and walked up the stairs.

I sat on my bed, and turned on the TV. The first thing I see is the news, and the headline about Irene Adler.

I groaned, and turned off the TV.

I walked over to my desk, where I had set up all my DJ equipment and keyboard.

Maybe a little mixing will help my mood.

I sat down, and put on my headphones.

I decided on a few of my favorite songs, and got to work.

Before I knew it, it was nearly midnight. I yawned, and rose from my desk stretching.

I crawled into bed, and yet again was unable to get things off my mind.

Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes.


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