A Fellowship with Destiny

By JillDavis

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Managing a popular and ritzy 100 acre western lodge/ guest ranch that has 40 room/suite accommodations for g... More

Chapter 1 A normal work day
Chapter 3 Out with the old-in with the new
Chapter 4 Lazy summer days
Chapter 5 Road trip to remember
Chapter 6 Childhood innocence lost
Chapter 7 A two week unplanned vacation
Chapter 8 The road leading home
Chapter 9 Getting back to normal Life
Epilogue (maybe a sequel later)

Chapter 2 A week of fascination and fireworks

526 6 1
By JillDavis

The next morning,  I dress in casual clothing as most of the guests want to go into town, then went down to see Carrie already at the desk with her breakfast making me smile at her. We both said morning to each other, I placed my Swede leather coat and Stetson on the hook then told her I was going to eat.  I informed her that since I was going with the guests to town,  Alec would be in charge so if she needed anything to let him know. Carrie laughed saying " Finally someone gets you away from here for a day." I chuckled nudging her saying ' Yes and he also worked it out that Mr. Garnett and I ride together." She smirked as I turned heading for the dining room replying " Oh good job Alec, kill two birds with one stone." I chuckled more replying "You both know nothing good will come from your meddling, nice try."  Carrie yelled at me before I made it through the door " Boss you need to find happiness so we try to help destiny along." I chuckled waving to her walking in the dining room, getting a plate of food then finding a quiet spot just to think about how these people, friends and employees all became like a family to me.

 I was deep in thought, so I hadn't noticed Reggie and Dwight come over until Reggie cleared his throat chuckling, making me shyly smile looking up.  " Please sit, sorry I was miles away in thought." I said softly and the both pulled out a chair sitting as Dwight said " Good thoughts or something you need help with Ms. Young." I shook my head no answering " Good things sir, self realizations in my life is all." He smiled to me and Reggie told me about the dance in town last night, how he met a few single girls, he also stated he was coming with us today as he has a lunch date with one of them. I  smiled saying" Treat her right and who knows what life will show you young man." he smirked nodding to me as we three ate our breakfast. Dwight reached for the salt shaker just when I did and as our hands touched, I quickly withdrew mine  as he smiled warmly to me using the shaker and passing it to me. After everyone finished eating I arranged for us to meet outside, so I knew who was staying behind giving  Alec and Carrie  some clue  how many would be at the ranch.

Alec stood by my side as we watched the guests load up in their vehicles heading to town so when the dust settled,  Alec and I knew he would have three families for a total of six adults and their two daughters Amy and Lexi. The two girls stated they wanted to stay at the lodge just relaxing, reading with the parents so Alec and Carrie should have an easy day ahead. Dwight pulled his truck up  while I finished talking with Alec and he reminded me to pick up the fireworks for the fourth this weekend. We always have a nice show for the guests, do a picnic out at the lake spending the day there then the ranch hands light off the fireworks over the lake. Reggie opened the door for me as I sat in the middle then he climbed in, Dwight smiled saying bye to Alec shaking his hand then got in and we pulled out the gates. I have to admit this was a comfortable ride, plenty of room, Reggie bouncing around making Dwight and I both chuckle at him. I sat close enough I could feel Dwight's body heat, smell his very nice cologne and had to keep telling myself I can't mix business with pleasure no matter how much my employees say I should throw "care into the wind".

Twenty minutes later Dwight parked on main street, Reggie got out holding the door for me then he said he'd catch back up with us around five pm so we could go back to the ranch.  I looked at Dwight as he smiled saying " Now that you're here and I have no particular plans, what can I help you with today Kandi?" I shrugged sighing " I only know that I have to get the fireworks, other than that Dwight, I have no plans, I really haven't thought  that far ahead." He chuckled as he placed his palm on my lower back leaning over as I felt his warm breath softly saying " Let's wing it then what do you say?" I smiled replying " Hmm spontaneity, something I haven't done in awhile."   He took a deep breathe leaning back up as he nodded to me and we started walking down the street just window shopping. Dwight and I seemed to have a lot in common, our tastes ran the same in colors, clothing designs, furniture, opinions about simple things, we  both seemed to come to the same realization over lunch as we both ordered the same soup and sandwiches.

He bought us both chocolate vanilla swirl ice creams and we sat in the city park watching the kids play on the swings and slides. " Can I ask you a question Dwight that I've been wondering about since you showed up Sunday?" He turned to me answering " Sure, but you may not get the answer you expect." I raise an eye brow as he chuckled continuing " How is it the management company I employed by booked your suite?" He thought for a moment looking into my eyes saying " They manage some of my businesses for me, why do you ask Kandi?" I shrugged shyly saying " Curious, I've never met the owner of the ranch or ever spoken to them is all." He smiled saying " I'm sure they are pleased with your work from what I've seen they made the right decision hiring you, you have a way with people Kandi."

I blushed at the compliment and he brushed his finger down my cheek asking "Now can I ask you a question?" I blushed nodding shyly saying " You may, may not get the answer you want either." His laughter was nice, soft, deep and real sexy which I never noticed before now when he asked " I do understand your high standards of no business mixed with pleasure, but what if you met a man who swept you off your feet, was mister right?" I sighed shaking my head no replying " Never happen, I cant allow it to Dwight, my career is stable, dependable and I will not having anything jeopardize that for me." He  was still looking into my eyes then softly said " Commendable Kandi, but I think you should  allow happiness in your personal life if it won't threaten you career." I sighed " Maybe one day, who knows right, Dwight let me be honest with you because I see where this line of questioning is going." He tilted his head as I chuckled            " Your about as subtle as a tornado, I don't know you, you don't know me, I can't allow us to be anything other than what we have now okay, please understand it's not personal, I just can't ."

Dwight leaned in to me a breathe away softly saying " Can't or won't  Kandi, I admit you intrigue me, you know I'm going to be around all summer, so I now see a challenge." I stood up sighing and shaking my head no stating " I'm sorry to disappoint you then sir because I'm not up for the chase, thank you for today but I see it's time we part ways." I turned walking away from him when I heard him sigh to himself " Impossible situations, impossible women, the story of my life." I got to the fireworks stand, ordered everything needed to be delivered then I  caught a ride back to the ranch with one of the guest I met up with at the stand.  I surprised Alec and Carrie when I walked back in the lodge doors at three firmly stating " Alec I'm taking the night off, you and Hank deal with whatever comes up." He looked stunned at me while Carrie just shrugged to him, I turned and went to my suite, changed into jeans, heavy western shirt, then put on my duster and Stetson.  Alec was still at the desk as I said over my shoulder walking out " I'm going for a ride, I'll be at the line shack so see you both tomorrow."

Alec looked at my back saying " Okay boss but if you need anything here.. catch." I turned when he tossed one of the radios to me and I smiled then turned walking out the doors. I heard Carrie say " Wow, something happened today, she never has taken a night off, Alec wtf?"  I got to the stables saddled up Thunder, tied a bedroll to it, put my rifle in the scabbard then softly said to her " Come on girl time to spend it alone just us, for the night, you seem to be the only one who doesn't want something from me." Thunder nuzzled me making me smile as I rubbed her nose, mounted up and galloped at a dead run out the corrals ,  just as Dwight's truck was pulling in Thunder jumped over the gate railings, heading toward the lake. I headed north to the lake slowing her down as she rabbit hopped when I reined her back, she hasn't been set loose like that for a long time. I leaned over her neck patting her as she nickered walking up to the lake then drinking from it. I'm sure she feels my confusion, pain,sorrow as the emotions run through me while I thought about my life, Dwight, everything so I sat there until the sun set then turned her north heading for the line shack.

Alec did radio me to make sure I was okay, telling me Dwight saw me leaving demanding to know where I was going. I let Alec know my plans of staying the night in the shack and under no circumstances to let Dwight  know where I will be tonight. He sighed then stated that we had a nice chat coming when I returned making me laugh, but thanked him for the concern. Thunder whinnied  right when I put the radio back in the saddle bag looking down to see fresh tracks in the mud, I stopped her getting down, realizing that cougar has been in this area very recently. As I stroked her neck, looking around I didn't see him but could feel his presence, as could Thunder since she was pawing the dirt. I radioed Alec telling him what I found, he stated he'd get Hank,Brad and Seth to ride out here asap with the hunting dogs we keep and for me to be careful because we all know "three toes" had to be at least a four year old cat.  Thunder calmed down after we got a mile from the lake making me calm down a bit then I led her to the line shack, dismounted and unsaddled her, dropping the reins knowing she'd stay close, taking my saddle,saddle bags, scabbard with the rifle and bedroll into the shack.

We keep the line shack stocked with firewood, can foods, fresh water, just in case one of the wranglers gets caught out here in a storm which can happen, as we are in the mountains and the weather turns at a moments notice. I went back out handing a sugar cube to Thunder as she nuzzled my chest making me chuckle then led her into the small barn next to the shack, brushed her down, added new straw to a stable, fresh water and some grain to her bucket then put her in for the night, closing the barn door on my way out. When I got back in the shack I  lit the propane lantern for light then started a  good fire in the fireplace, the shack was definitely chilly, grabbed  two cans of chili, poured them into a pot and hung it  on the hook over the fire. Set my bedroll on the bed, the radio on the end table by the couch, got the coffee together with fresh water also placing in on a hook over the fire. When the heat in the shack got to a bearable temperature, I took off my duster, Stetson then grabbed a book I brought and curled up on the couch across from the fireplace with a quilt. I like being here and  stay here about  three times each summer, just to get away from people, to think, it's how I manage my  personal issues  and it's very soothing since it's so quiet and serene here. Alec knows this about me, so when I mentioned I would be here tonight, he knew something odd had happened and I need time to put everything in a manageable prospective, line of thought for me.

The clock above the kitchen  read  eight pm making me wonder how dinner went and how Alec is handling the guests as they wouldn't see me tonight. I have faith and trust in Alec, he was the first ones that I met when I arrived here and we seemed to click right off. He did hit on me but after we got to really learn about each other, we became close like a brother and sister. There was a knock on the door just as I took the coffee off the hook, setting it on the counter I opened the door seeing Hank, Seth and Brad standing there  and I smirked to them. Hank slapped the dust off his duster walking in saying " Boss, that cat is surely roaming this side of the ranch, my question is why are you here and not at the lodge?" I shrugged as Brad and Seth grabbed themselves coffee, then handed Hank and I a mug. " Just needed some alone time Hank, this is my place to do just that right?" He sighed shrugging then continued " Right, you'll be back at sunrise if I know ya so be careful tonight, "Three toes" is prowling around here ma'am." I nodded to all three when they tipped their hats saying bye, walking back out and mounting up on their horses. I watched them ride south back towards the lodge closing the door and throwing the deadbolt for the night. I ate the chili with another mug of coffee as I read more of my book. Around eleven I decided it was time to turn in, so I lower the brightness of the lantern, grabbed the quilt off the couch and headed to bed.

My internal alarm woke me up at five so I stretched, rolled up my bedroll, cleaned up the dishes, and made sure the shack was back the way it was when I came last night. After making sure the fire  in the fireplace was totally out, I headed to the barn saying morning to Thunder and smiled as she whinnied then I saddled her up, tied  the bedroll back on, put my things in the saddle bags, my rifle back in the scabbard then mounted up. As we made it out the barn doors, I leaned over closing them secure and took a deep breathe of the fresh clean morning air. Thunder was antsy to run so I allowed her free rein as she took off south heading back to the lake. I stopped her so I could watch the sunrise at six then we headed to the lodge, making it back by seven just as Clyde nodded  morning to me, taking Thunder saying he'd take care of her as  I thanked him. I grabbed the saddle bags and my rifle  then headed for the lodge, stopping to notice Dwight's truck was gone from the parking lot.

Walking in Carrie smiled to me asking " All good now boss?" I smiled back sighing " As good as can be I think Carrie, so how'd things go last night?" I placed the radio back in the holder, hung my duster and Stetson on the hook, set the saddlebags on the floor. She chuckled saying " Good, all the guests did ask about you, but one in particular just kept after Alec wanting information." I shrugged telling her I was going to put my rifle away then grab breakfast as she nodded scanning the computer, updating anything happening today. Carrie said as I walked to the dining room " He did leave about ten minutes ago saying he had some appointment in town today, just thought you might be curious ma'am." I tilted my head and smirked saying thanks then finished walking in the dining room.

As I finished putting food on my plate, I turned to see Reggie standing with a smirk gesturing me to join him. I smiled as I walked over and he said " Morning ma'am, care to join me today?" I nodded yes then we both sat down and I took a drink of my coffee. He looked right into my eyes saying " I don't know what Dwight said or did yesterday to make you bolt but accept my apologies for his actions Ms. Young." I sighed softly replying " He did or said nothing wrong Reggie, we, I think just came to an impasse so I thought it was best to find another way back here." Reggie raised his eye brow chuckling " An impasse, well that's a polite way of saying he crossed the line somehow now isn't it?" I smirked then shrugged as we dropped the subject and I asked him how his lunch date went yesterday. He told me it went well,  he was heading back to Chicago to the university today and stated that Dwight has a kind heart but bad luck with women as his last relationship fell apart when he caught his girl in bed with his partner.

  I never said a word while Reggie looked at me saying " He means no harm ma'am just a bit forward in my opinion, please don't think badly of him, what ever happened yesterday ." I smiled softly saying " Reggie I'm sure he's a good man, I just don't want a relationship, I don't see one right now but I don't think badly of your brother, just so you know he may have misplaced affections that I  don't and can't return." He smiled as we both got up, taking the plates to the dirty bin then I walked with him to the lobby as he said thank you for the nice two days and maybe we'd see each other again. I smiled  thanking him for showing up and to remember what I told him on girls making him chuckle then nodded before he turned and walked out the lodge doors. The rest of the day went by as normal, guests went to the lake swimming or fishing, a small group went riding but Alec and I agreed to make the trip on the south side of the property now.   Dwight did show back up around lunch time, we politely greeted each other but it did have some tension in the air. He ate lunch in his suite as I shrugged every time when Carrie kept at me asking what happened.  I went to my suite after lunch doing my normal paperwork, checking emails, adding figures to the accounting software.

After I  showered, brushed my hair tying it back in a messy bun, I changed into clean black jeans, a baby blue western shirt  then walked back to my desk to see a new email from the management company. The letter stated that after they reviewed the comments from past guests  from the surveys they send everyone, my annual review was yesterday, so they have increased my salary for doing such a super job, have also stated that they learned I don't take days off so they are sending me a new employee that will fill in as an assistant for me now. I sighed to myself thinking just what I didn't want, someone else meddling and someone I had to teach.   I checked my bank account and yes the management company did add more money so I could  presume it was my raise. I logged off the laptop, then headed out my door after locking it I turned to see Dwight leaning against his looking at me. I blushed at his intent stare, nodded saying " Good afternoon sir, how was your appointment and  is everything today?" Dwight smiled answering " Good to both Ms. Young and how was your night at the line shack?" I looked down softly saying " Very serene and peaceful thank you for asking sir." He walked with me to the elevator, then he headed for the dining room as I said have a nice dinner walking to Alec at the desk.

 I told Alec about the email and the new employee making him laugh saying " Well it's about time ma'am, you've needed help for two years so all I can say is thank god, now I do't have to be here at night." I laughed with him nudging him as he whispered " Now you and I need to have that chat after dinner Kandi, I want to know what made you bolt to the shack." I sighed blushing as he nudged me back so I nodded yes and he told me to go eat dinner. I smiled to him as he chuckled then I went into the dining room getting a few hellos and smiles from the guests while we chatted getting our food  and talked about the Fourth coming up on Saturday. I glanced around noticing the only seat left was at Dwight's table making me sigh softly when I decided I would head to my suite to eat, I really did not feel comfortable with sitting at Dwight's table.

As I turned he caught my eye smirking as he stood motioning me  to join him knowing I couldn't refuse him since he is a guest. I slowly walked over, he pulled out my chair as I thanked him setting my plate down pushing my food around nervously when  he said " I think we need to clear the air Ms. Young as you seem uncomfortable in my company now." I  looked at my plate softly saying " No sir  I think, that with what was said yesterday, you would understand and respect my space, thoughts and concerns  as I do yours, just giving you room to find a different challenge to look after, now if you will excuse me, I have a lodge to run." I abruptly stood picking up my uneaten dinner nodded to Dwight then dumped the food in the trash walking out the dining room.

Dwight caught up with me saying " Ms. Young I need a word with you now, so please come with me outside." I took a deep breathe sighing as he led me out the doors and to chairs on the veranda motioning for me to have a seat. I saw frustration,  maybe anger in his eyes then I looked down at my hands when he sat by me lifting my chin so we looked eye to eye as he sighed " Kandi,  I owe you a deep felt apology, I overstepped my bounds with the brash unwanted comments yesterday, it wasn't my intent to make you feel uncomfortable."  I softly said " I know sir that wasn't your intent, you surprised me I can say that, so no apology needed from you."

He growled saying " Drop the sir Kandi,  god you can be so frustrating, I have to say the guy had to of done a number on your trust and heart." as he stood up turning his back standing ridged and tense to me making me think about how I was reacting. I stood up and I don't know what I was thinking, but I ran my hands softly up and down his strong tense back,  feeling him shiver at my touch, softly whispering " Dwight , forgive me for my reactions, if  we met in  a different time or circumstance then maybe it would be different, you are very handsome and attractive please understand ." He turned back around softly taking my hands looking into my eyes whispering back " Why Kandi, make me understand  please, I see you have built a wall around your heart, I know the pain of heartache, so if all you offer is friendship then I'll be okay with it from you."

Dwight pulled me against his chest taking a deep breath, smelling my hair as I laid my head on his chest sighing " It's all I can offer right now, please don't hate me because friendship is all I can give you Dwight." He gently ran his hands up and down my arms saying " Never Kandi could I hate you, friends then agreed, thick or thin promise?" I nodded against him enjoying the touch of a man, the affection only if for the moment, as he sighed kissing the top of my head. I shivered in his arms as he chuckled and I said " Friends then thick or thin Dwight no more." He sighed nodding against my head then brushed his lips against my neck before I pulled away blushing, feeling cold all of a sudden, smiled turning  as he huskliy said ' You do taste as sweet as your name." making me blush as I went back inside the lodge. Dwight followed me in smiling saying good night as I smiled back nodding to him, Alec raised an eye brow while I leaned against the desk. He huffed saying " You ma'am have a lot to tell me by a slight glow about you." I shook my head sighing " Alec it can't happen, you know it, I know it, so please don't push  I beg you." He leaned over taking my hand asking " Why  can't it boss, I see how he looks at you, I see how you react, so tell me why not?" I sighed " I can't let any man in ever again, can't stand the thought of heartbreak."

Alec raised a brow making me turn to see Dwight standing there behind me and  I blushed when he said " Alec, Ms. Young,  I  need to let you both know that I will be gone until Saturday so please let the maids know?" He nodded to Dwight as I  smiled saying I would inform the staff , he smiled softly to me running his finger down my cheek, turned going back to the elevator as I sighed and Alec chuckled at me.  " You know he heard every word  Kandi." Alec softly said , as I sighed nodding yes then explained to Alec everything that happened yesterday, why I went to the line shack and Dwight's talk outside right now. Alec smiled saying " Want it or not , you have his eye now Kandi, I know what he may be thinking, being a man, he will back off so not to push you away but he won't quit." I frowned sighing " Why always bad timing for me when this happens." Alec chuckled saying " Because you ma'am set the timing, destiny does this when it wants, no matter what your plans are Kandi." I nodded to him then said good night and for him to plan on working  nights for awhile since the new assistant still needs trained, he smirked saying " You can always count me in boss, night."

The rest of the week went by as normal, as I woke up my mind was scheduling the activities since today is the Fourth and we go to the lake all day for a picnic and fireworks. Jeb  came in the kitchen early today to prepare all the food for the lake, Tim and Ben would be here by six to finish helping, making Carrie have to be here earlier as she rides with them.  I know she will be at the desk when I go down so I took a nice long hot shower, dressed in my nicest western shirt, tan jeans, polished up my boots, this time I grabbed my black Stetson and duster then locked my door going to the lobby. Jeb would  have breakfast out saving time for him the picnic foods so I chuckled when Carrie had a big plate of pancakes with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. She smiled saying morning, I nodded greeting her back , hung up my duster and hat then headed for breakfast myself.  Alec walked in behind me,we talked while we both grabbed some delicious food, as I told him I was having Greg watch the desk tonight since I needed him to help light fireworks. Alec smirked saying " Yea we all figured since that's what you did last year ma'am, it worked well then, why change a good routine right?" I chuckled nudging him saying " All of you are getting to use to me I think cowboy." He laughed answering " It's a good thing boss, we all get along and like you, this place runs better than ever before I must admit and I've worked here for seven years now." I blushed thanking him as he chuckled nudging me towards a table the we sat down and dug in to breakfast.

The wranglers and hands were outside getting all the wagons hitched,  then loaded with blankets, lawn chairs, bales of hay, tables for the food, the large portable barbecue for the burgers and steaks for the dinner at the lake tonight. The guests wandered in the dining room slowly as I greeted them and they all seemed content and happy. The kids as normal, bouncing and excited for today at the lake asking Alec and I all kinds of questions about today's activities. Alec chuckled after we finally were alone again saying " Boss you do know how to throw one heck of a shindig and so you know, all of us, every person working here, respects you, your work ethics and how you have turned this lodge around to prosper."  I smiled shyly saying " I couldn't have done all this without all of you either, thank you Alec for everything, and for being a close friend on a personal note sir." He smiled nodding to me then we cleaned up our plates, heading outside to supervise the chaos making us both laugh. Hank was yelling orders, Brad and Seth seemed to be dawling just to bug Hank so Alec chuckled again saying " I think I better help out here ma'am." he tipped his hat then walked over clapping Brad on the shoulder saying " Don't tease an old dog when he hasn't has his morning coffee cowboy." They all chuckled as Hank growled then smirked looking at me nodding, I hid a laugh nodding back to Hank.

Mitch, our local horse shoer pulled in the parking lot , laughing as he walked to me saying" Kandi, when are you going to train these cowboys to work together?" I laughed saying" Morning Mitch, and this is working together for them." We both laughed and he mentioned  Clyde told him a few horses in the corral threw a shoe so he was here to fix that issue, I nodded saying thanks as he smiled, tipped his hat, grabbed his things from his truck and nabbed Brad's collar as he passed saying " You cowboy aren't helping here so I volunteered you to help me now." I smirked as Brad chuckled nodding to Mitch. Farris came over asking me " You riding Thunder ma'am?" I nodded yes , he smiled then turned to saddle her for me to ride to the lake when I yelled "Please saddle Ginger also Farris, I know a young man who is dying to ride her again."  he smiled turned heading into the stables as I turned heading for the lodge. I told Charlie, he and I would ride together to the lake as he squealed and his parents chuckled saying thanks to me. This group will go home tomorrow morning, the next group comes in late Sunday night, early Monday so the maids will work late on Sunday changing bedding and get things ready for the new guests.

After my wranglers and hand finally had the wagons ready, I went into the dining room announcing  departure time for the lake is in thirty minutes. Everyone cheered as they all moved around gathering their things, kids, and putting coffee mugs in the dirty bin. I told Carrie I would have a radio along with Alec and Hank if she had anything come up. She smiled saying " I see a certain guest just walked in boss, have a great day." I said thanks to her turning to see Dwight and a young college age girl with him. I nodded to them both saying " Morning Mr. Garnett and who have we here?" She smirked  as Dwight said " I found this young lady in town asking for a ride up here, so here we are Ms. Young." I smiled and she said " Hi, I'm Darla your new assistant for the summer Mrs. Young , this sexy man here brought me from town." I smirked saying " Thank you for bringing her up sir, Darla this is Mr. Garnett, a guest here this summer and let me show you around for a bit, but I will leave you in good hands today since most of us are heading to the lake for the day." 

Dwight smiled at me then said his good byes to Darla when I turned walking her to the desk, introducing her to Carrie saying" Carrie is like my right hand here so she will be training you today, letting you get to know the ropes." Darla smiled as they both said hi to each other, I walked around getting the needed paperwork, employee folder and handbook.  " Did you rent a place in town or do I need to find housing for you Darla,  here is the employee handbook with  rules, benefits all that jazz." She nodded saying " I couldn't find a place in town, so yes I need a place to stay this summer."  I nodded then looked over computer for the small rooms that we have incase such an issue comes up, handed her a key to a room  not to far from the desk saying" Okay here is the key to your new summer home, Carrie please show Darla around, and let's start with basics on booking, so on." Carrie told me okay then I smiled saying I'd see  Darla later and for Carrie to let Greg know just what she has learned so he would know where to pick up. I grabbed my black Stetson and duster, radio and rifle then walked back around the desk waving bye to the girls, as I had my hand on the door I heard Darla  say " No fraternizing with the guests is rule one?" Carrie chuckled saying " Yes, and no one questions the rules set down here by Ms. Young our boss Darla, they work well for the good of the business." Darla huffed saying" Hmm, Mr. Garnett is hot thought." I smirked seeing where this will go, a problem maybe with Darla on rule one.

I smiled nodding to my wranglers and ranch hands, the guests were being helped into the wagons, Alec was laughing with Charlie as he helped Charlie mount up on Ginger, Thunder standing right next to them reins on the ground. She raised her head whinnied as she caught my scent, Alec chuckled saying " Come on girl give the boss a chance to get here before you get all wound up." I laughed patting her nose as Alec chuckled along with Charlie and Ginger nudged me so I smirked saying " Now you both know I always carry  sugar cubes huh." Charlie's grin was bright and big saying to me " Thank you ma'am for letting me ride her one more time." I ruffled his hair answering " She asked me if you could ride today." He tilted his head saying" Really, she talks?" Alec and I both chuckled nodding yes to him and he smiled patting Ginger's neck while I place my rifle in the scabbard, radio in the saddle bag and mounted up on Thunder, noticing Dwight coming our way riding  Asgard.  He stopped by me nodding to Alec saying " Nice day for a picnic and a ride, I see a happy young man gets the honor of escorting Ms. Young today." I smiled and Charlie beamed saying " Yes sir along with Alec and you now."  Alec whistled low then Goliath trotted out of the stables as I laughed saying " Cowboy now that's cheating." Alec chuckled nodding to me as Dwight laughed saying " Well I see a matched pair if he comes by a whistle Alec."  He smikred repling " He's a great horse sir and  we have been together since he came here  three years ago, good team I think."

Dwight smiled saying " So I think you raised this young man, guess one day Ms. Young should just make him yours to keep Alec." I  chuckled nodding yes and then Hank announced it was time to head out to the lake. Alec mounted up as Goliath lower on one leg making Dwight chuckle and I smirked as Charlie said " Wow he bowed for you sir." Alec laughed saying "He has his moments young man, a proud gelding if I've ever seen one." We all chuckled as  the four of us followed the wagons out the gates toward the lake and I took a deep slow breathe just enjoying the time in the saddle. Alec so slyly moved himself and Charlie together leaving Dwight to ride by my side making me growl as Alec chuckled knowing I wouldn't call him out on it in front of anyone. Dwight softly said " So you now have an assistant for the summer Ms. Young?" I nodded softly saying " Yes I guess I do sir, the management company some how heard I don't get days off so they hired her  just for that reason, maybe you had some input in that as you  have them working for you?" He didn't answer to quickly so I already knew  his response, Dwight smiled saying " Honesty right between us, yes I did ma'am, no one works harder than you from what I have seen this week, you need down time so you don't burn out Ms. Young." I blushed saying thank you but him getting involved was unnesscary as he stated firmly that any good employer, owner or company knows to keep good people, keep them happy and days off are a must in his book.

I looked into his eyes quietly saying " Thank you Dwight for the thought, I do appreciate the concern from a friend." He smiled nodding to me saying " I will help where I can Kandi, never doubt that, and if you think I can help, please ask me." I smiled to him when he reached over gently squeezing my hand as I took a soft deep breathe. He held me captivated in his deep blue eyes we just stared into each others eyes before  Alec whistled to me breaking our gaze. I looked to Alec as he nodded to the right so I followed his line of sight sighing " Dwight I need you to stay with Charlie please." He looked at me puzzled nodding yes then Alec and I took off  to the east at a dead run because we both saw " Three toes"  at the tree line. Alec had already pulled his rifle out, Thunder and Asgard pacing side by side when I said " Alec stop him, wound him, do not kill him." Alec raised an eye brow, then nodded as he took aim at the cougar.We both saw him raise his ears as he finally caught wind of us and the sound of the horses coming at him, making him growl, I turned off to the right to flush him out for Alec to get a clean shot. The cougar has always in the past seeked out the females by scent so Thunder and I are now his prey as he crouched then came dashing out of the tree line for us. I leaned over her neck whispering to her" Don't let him get you but don't loose him girl." She flicked her ears slowing a bit as the cat now was tracking us, Alec had stopped Asgard to get a sure shot on the cougar.

As I looked back Alec had the rifle over the saddle and took his shot knocking "Three toes" down, the cougar didn't move, didn't get back up so I turned Thunder back around as we headed to Alec and the cat. Jason, Doug and Seth came riding hard and fast towards us when Alec and I both got to the cougar. It was mewing, he hit the cat in the hind legs crippling it and we could now see this cougar was a female and looks to be nursing. I sighed as the guys walked up saying " It's a mom , she looks like she has nursed recently, Alec tie her up, muzzle her and then radio Carrie to get Bryce and a game warden up here." He nodded as Jason and Doug tied her mouth shut while Alec and Seth bound her legs. They lifted her to put  her on a horse as each one shied away so I said to put the cougar on Thunder as she seemed okay with it.

As the five of us rode back to the wagons and the guests, Charlie asked" Is the cougar still alive  ma'am?" I nodded yes running my hands down her back trying to calm her  feeling her tense with all the commotion. Dwight rode over saying" Why is that cougar alive and better yet why on your horse Ms. Young?" Bryce and Vick, the game warden, came up in a wagon just then and I heard Vick reply " I'm sure the cat is alive because Kandi thinks all creatures deserve a right to life, no matter what situation." I smiled as the guys helped them load the cat into the wagon, Bryce checking her over then said" She has a cub or cubs somewhere Vick, I think you better call for help to find the den as they won't make it through two days without this girl." Dwight turned to Vick saying " That's life, less cats to kill ranchers livestock  so I wouldn't bother with it sir."

I growled saying " This girl only fed off us to feed her family sir, any animal out of instinct would do the same, even you, since I run this ranch, Vick find the cubs as they and this cougar can go to a zoo after Bryce fixs her back to good health."  Dwight looked at me tilting his head, Vick nodded yes then radioed for more of his men to come help with the search. Alec stepped up in between Dwight and I saying " Boss, I know you and why, any other rancher would have the cubs killed on site, you sure about this?" I nodded yes saying in anger " Yes cowboy, she's only been killing I'm sure since birth, all of them deserve to live, not die because they don't understand fence lines, now does anyone want to question my authority here?" Alec and I both looked at Dwight as he sighed shaking his head no as he held up his hands in a surrendering motion. Bryce and Vick both chuckled as they nodded to me, then Vick's men showed up and four of them on horseback headed east when Alec told them where we caught the mom .

Bryce and one of Vick's warden said bye then turned going back to the ranch so Bryce could take her and fix her up. Hank started the wagons back up then we all finally made it to the lake to enjoy the rest of the day and the fireworks. The rest of the night went very well, the kids had a great time and the adults all complimented me on how I saved the cougar and also for the awesome fireworks show. After everything was over and we had the guests back comfy in their rooms or suites, I locked the lodge down as Dwight just watched me every so intently. We never said another word to each other all night, maybe smile now and then but the tension was really thick between us.

After we both got by his door I softly said " Sir, I'm sure you will report this so let me  tell you one thing, I used my authority in a situation I saw for the best results, Alec and I went after the cougar for the safety of the guests, knowing she probably would have stalked them tonight, maybe even catching one of the kids harming them, I couldn't have that. You can question my judgement, so do what you feel you have to about this, I stand firm in my decisions today." He nodded as I turned, walked to my suite and then walked in , not looking back figuring I may have just ended my career here being so bold and point blank with Dwight.  I'm quite sure he has the pull to make sure I get fired over this, as I sighed thinking tonight could be my last here, I changed and slipped into bed taking one more long deep breathe of the cool fresh mountain air and fell asleep.

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