The Pretty Boys

By GladysVanessa

659K 17K 2.8K

Zariah McCalister, has no idea what's she's getting herself into when she transfers to Cambridge Over-Sea's A... More

The Pretty Boys
Chapter 0.0: Airplane Mishap
Chapter 0.1: Welcome To Cambridge Academy
Chapter 0.2: Ms. Stares-A lot
Chapter 0.3: X Never Goes With Y
Chapter 0.4: Writtled Scars & V-Shape Lines
Chapter 0.5: Pretty Boy Nerd Tease
Chapter 0.6:T R O U B L E
Chapter 0.7: Pepper Spray & Motorcycles
Chapter 0.8: Mind Teasing & Hipster Glasses
Chapter 0.9: You're A Good Boy
Chapter 1.0: The Side Effect Of Aaron Taylor
Chapter 1.1: Boys & Skanks
Chapter 1.2: When You Go Bonkers, Kill Someone
Chapter 1.3: With Ears You See, & Eyes You Hear.
Chapter 1.4: Secret Diaries Make The Perfect Superman
Chapter 1.5: The Future Pretty Boy Baby Kidnapping
Chapter 1.6: The Devil's Backbone
Chapter 1.7: Dancing With The Devil

Chapter 1.8: You Don't Hurt People You Love

18.7K 642 90
By GladysVanessa

My body ached. It ached so badly. I tried opening my eyes to get a view of where I was, but I couldn't. They weighed a ton. Pushing myself up from what felt like a hard steel surface I was pushed softly back down.

            "Don't move," I heard Aaron's soft voice. "You'll strain yourself,"

            Where was I? I thought I had died after getting shot, the signs of I had died were there when I passed out. My second chance of life was to be used to save Aarons life and I did. Now, I was supposed to be dead, but I'm not. Why?

            I felt my shirt being ripped. "Aaron this is a shot wound, she lost way to much blood!" A females voice said. "You have to take her to the hospital!"

            "Sam, you know I can't,"

            A burning sensation crept on my back causing me to wail in pain. I was dying, if Aaron doesn't take me to a hospital I'm going to die. But he can't. If he does the police will get involve and our parents will know where we are.

            "Aaron this is a dog clinic, I don't have human blood. Her pulse and pressure are low, she's not going to survive,"

            "Give her my blood!" He raised his voice. "I'm type O,"

            I shook my head. "Are you insane?" I whispered. "You will put yourself in danger," I huffed out.

            "Please, save her, don't worry about me. I'll be fine," He assured her.

            She lets out a heavy sigh agreeing with him. As she prepared for the blood transfusion, I used all the strength left in me to open my eyes. Aaron was sitting down beside me staring at me attentively.

            He didn't need to save me. I left him clear instructions. His job was to get Khole back and get the hell out of London. He didn't have to worry about me, sooner or later this was going to be my destiny.

            "Go find Khole..." I trailed off trying to catch some air. "Don't-don't worry-"

            "Don't strain yourself. I will find Khole once I know you're okay." He reassured me. "But for right now just relax, you're going to be okay."

            His eyes watered. He was scared. He didn't have to be though; I wasn't in so much pain anymore. My body felt numb, so much of the pain was gone, and my breathing was getting slow. All I really wanted was for him to sit there and let me admire his presence. I wanted to die in peace.

            "Aaron..." I called out for him.

            "Don't talk, please," He begged me.

            I moved my arm slowly toward him, until he took hold of it. He was trembling. He held onto my hand tightly not letting it go.

            "," I sighed out.

            The darkness invaded me again and his face was the last thing I was able to see.

Aaron Taylor:

Hearing her say those three words broke me down completely. After she fell unconscious again, I cried. Her words hit me straight into the heart like a knife. Zariah had attached a broken piece back into my heart. A part of me that had died with Caroline came back to life.

I laid next to her the entire time the machine transferred blood to her. I kept my hand and her hand intertwined with one another, letting her know I wasn't leaving. Through the blood transfusion she awoke once again, but she didn't say anything.

She looked down at our hands and a small smile appeared on her lips. I wasn't sure why she was smiling. I bet she was in great pain. Hopefully soon she would be able to rest without waking up again.

Sam stepped inside the room with a small clear liquid and a needle in her hand. "I'm going to extract the bullet from your body, so you'll go to sleep for awhile," She told Zariah.

Zariah bright brown eyes bore into mine. A few tears manage to escape from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. Her eyes roll to the back of her head falling back to sleep. Sam walks over to me, giving me a look.

"I'm going to put you on fluids and put you to sleep as well,"

I nodded. "Just make sure she lives,"

Sam sighed heavily. "I will, I'll see you in awhile," She injected me with the clear fluids and a few seconds later I passed out.

            I was sitting on the deck staring into the sea, daydreaming about life. In just a few more months I was going to graduate and go to college. An overwhelming feeling crept over me. For so long I waited for this day to come that I didn't even know what I wanted to do in college anymore.

            I could become a police officer or a tattoo artist. I let out a small chuckle. Tattoo Artist? My mother would kill me if I told her my dream was to be a tattoo artist.

            I felt two arms wrap around my neck bringing to a tight hug. The sweet smell of lavender crept in my nose. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. I would recognize that smell from anyone.

            "What are you doing here in the cold?" I let out a small sigh; it had been so long since I heard her sweet angelic voice.

            I shrugged. "Since I saw you sleeping I thought I would come up here,"

            She smacked her lips together. "Day dreaming again?"

            I nodded. I brought my hands up to hers intertwining my fingers with hers. She felt so real as if she truly was here. I didn't dare to look up at her, I was afraid. Afraid her face would look disoriented or that this dream would turn into a complete nightmare if I did.


            I felt her bright smile beaming from her face. "It's okay," She whispered to me. "It's time to move on sweetheart, its okay if you love her,"

            "Are you talking about Zariah?" I asked her quietly.

            She nodded. "She isn't me Aaron, she'll never be me. I'm gone and I'll never come back, so love her instead, give her all the affection you weren't able to give me," She leaned forward kissing my cheek.

            "You lied to me..." I departed from her.

            Caroline grabbed onto my cheek picking my head up. She looked the same way as a year ago. Her perfect white shiny skin, her dark brown eyes gleamed, and they way her heart shaped lips curved. She was still as beautiful as the day she was buried.

            "You wouldn't have understand, everything I did was for you Aaron, just remember that,"

            She lied to me. Everything we ever shared was a big fat lie, because while I was in Cambridge she was doing Daniel. Once she told me Daniel raped her and she broke down, was that her way of feeling guilty?

            "Protect her and never let her go," I heard her suddenly say.

            I shot up straight from the bed, turning around I saw Zariah lying there peacefully asleep. I was drenched in sweat. It had been so long since I dreamt of Caroline. Her presence in my dreams scares me a bit; I was always too much of a coward to look at her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Zac asked me.

When did he get here?

"How did you get here?"

"Sam called Logan and we rushed over here. Why didn't you let us come with you? Look what type of trouble it got Zariah and you in!" He raised his voice but quickly lowered it back down. "I want to break your face Aaron for letting my sister get shot, but I wont, because you kept saying her name over and over again."

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "She took a bullet for me, I tried to keep her safe. At the end I screwed up things anyway, Khole got re-kidnapped and Zariah almost died,"

Zac sat back down on the chair shaking his head solemnly. "How much more are you going to let Caroline death affect you? Zariah is head over-heels man. I can't keep her away from you,"

"Her death doesn't affect me, but last night Daniel revealed so much crazy shit about her. I don't know to believe him or not. I don't know whose lying or saying the truth anymore,"

"What did he tell you?" He asked me.

"That she was cheating on me with him. Apparently she didn't kill herself and from trying to save my ass, Daniel killed her. He made it seem like a suicide, since during that time Caroline was depressed we all believed it,"

I felt betrayed and angry. I loved Caroline, I loved her with my entire human being. Apparently I changed her for what she said was a monster. But I didn't introduce her to Daniel Zendaya did. I didn't get her involve in my problems, she managed to get herself in them on her own.

But to know that she betrayed me with Daniel was the most disgusting part of all. I don't know if the last few months when she was alive was all a lie or somewhat the truth.

"It's true," I heard Zendaya say. "She was having an affair with my dad. I didn't find out about him killing her until a few days ago, when his men spotted Zac and Logan."

"How could you kept him alive when he killed your best-friend?" I asked her.

She laughed dryly. "My father is a heartless man. He wouldn't hesitate to kill me if he could. The only reason why I am still alive is because of my mother. Since she is a woman with a lot of cash, he gets some percentage to maintain me. I don't have the guts to kill him, but believe me Aaron I want him dead,"

I glared at her. "How could you let Caroline get involve with your father? How could you pretend like she wasn't cheating on me! You knew how much I suffered for her!" I yelled angrily at her.

She nodded with tears in her eyes. "I couldn't do it. After her death my dad took me out of Cambridge and I forgot about what happened. Or at least I tried. How could I tell you she was having an affair with my father when she made it sound so believable that deep inside she still loved you!" She cried.

"She was fucking your dad!" I snapped. "Caroline was fucking your dad, then he killed her when I stole the drugs on accident! My girlfriend paid my fucking debt! Your father should be happy I didn't kill him last night because I could've!"

I felt so much anger right now! I couldn't even control myself. The urge to cry, scream, and go insane emerged inside of me. If Caroline was alive there would be so much shit she needed to get straight with me!

Then I would leave her and forget all about her. So when Zariah would appear in my life I could be with her. And even though I have strong feelings for Zariah I wasn't good for her. She deserved someone who wasn't involved in this type of trouble.

I jumped out of bed biting down on my lip. "I need to get some fresh air, I'll be back."

My head was pounding. The lies, this heartache, my feelings, I couldn't take it anymore. I stepped outside the clinic letting the cold air hit my face. The harder I tried telling myself I couldn't let Caroline keep taking affect one, the more urge I got to punch the wall.

I went through hell after she died! I felt so much guilt for not saving her because I wasn't there from stopping her. I know Daniel killed her but why did she die for me? She didn't love me, you don't hurt the ones you love!

Did she expect I was going to be okay after her death? She could've spat out the truth then making me feel like a worthless piece of trash! I was walking back and forth asking thousands of questions.

"Aaron," I heard Sam say. I snapped my head up glancing at her. She was standing by the door looking at me solemnly. "I told you a thousands of times Caroline was never who she said she was,"

"You knew about the affair too?" I responded.

She nodded. "We knew she was cheating, we just didn't know with who. Aaron my sister changed after she met Daniel. But believe me when I say she truly did love you, she love you enough to know Daniel was going to kill her,"

"But she cheated! I been rotting away for months now," I shouted hysterically at her. "I been suffering..." my voice cracked.

"Aaron!" Chloe came outside. "Zariah is asking for you,"

I wiped away a few tears walking back inside the clinic. She was now sitting up on the bed giving her best smile to everyone. When our eyes met she let out a small chuckle.

            Logan and Zac both got up from the chair giving Zariah and I a moment alone. I rushed beside her grabbing onto her hand.

            "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Are you in pain? Do you need Sam to give you-"

            "Are you okay?" She interrupted me. "You have taken in more than I have in the last twenty-four hours,"

            "I'm fine," I lied. "Don't worry about me,"

            Zariah takes her hand away from my grip and touched my cheek. "I don't know how it feels like to be lied too or cheated on, but stop acting like you're strong. You'll only going to kill yourself more,"

I shrugged at her. "I don't know what to do, Zariah."

She grabs onto my shirt and pulls me into her and she hugs me. "fall apart Aaron, I'll pick you right up," she promised me.

I thought I could give her my best smile and not break down, but I did. I let out a small sob before the tears came pouring down. I buried my head in her chest crying harder. I hadn't broke down this badly since the day I found Caroline died.

In my head I thought I would never be able to cry this much. To me all my tears had run out the week of her funeral.

"I'm sorry!" I sobbed.

"I'm sorry too, Aaron," She whispered in my ear.

            I pushed myself away from her. "I have to go now," I told her with tears still rolling down my eyes.

            "Where are you going?" She demanded.

            "I'm fixing things my way now," I told her. "I'm going to tell Zac to send you and Chloe back, and we are going to finish this,"

She quickly shook her head. "Aaron, no, I'm not leaving you!"

"It's not a offer Zariah. I'm not putting you danger anymore, if you love me you'll listen to me," I leaned forward kissing her forehead. "I'll see you someday,"

Her eyes watered. "Aaron, get back here!" She shrieked. "Don't you fucking act like a superhero!"

Logan and Zac stared at me. "I'll be back," I told them.

"Aaron, we do this together, we aren't letting you leave again," Logan responded holding onto my arm.

I nodded. "I want you to keep the girl's protected. It's time for us to fix this mess and go home." I told them.

Logan released my arm. "She's going to be upset,"

"But she'll get over it. I'll call you when I have done what needs to be done," I told him.

"Okay." I glanced over at Zac. "I'm leaving her alone, send her back home, and call me when you have. I can't do this alone,"

Zac shook his head. "What the hell are you going to do? We should give up Aaron, we are teenagers, and Daniel is a fucking human trafficker we don't stand a chance,"

"I'll be back," I stepped out the clinic walking over to the car.


He lost his mind! He couldn't take it upon hisself to track down Daniel and kill him! I wasn't leaving not after I have came this far. I threw the covers to the side getting up from the bed.

My body still ached and my shoulder was hurting like hell, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to let Aaron disappear. I was going with him wherever he was headed.

"Zariah what the hell are you doing out of bed!" Zac screamed at me.

I walked passed him. "I'm going after Aaron, we cant let him go off on his own!"

"Zariah you aren't in any condition to leave!" Logan called after me.

I opened the door running towards my right. From far away I could Aaron walking quickly. The cold concrete hurt my bare feet, and the pain increased by each step. I was sweating from how much I was straining myself to go after him.

When the streetlight turned green and Aaron stopped walking, a black van pulled up. A group of men jumped out the car and threw Aaron inside before speeding off.

"No, Aaron!" I screamed from the top of my lungs sprinting towards the moving fan. "Aaron! Aaron!"

I stumbled onto he concrete falling on my knees. This couldn't be happening, Daniel was going to kill Aaron!

"Zariah!" Logan yelled behind me.

"They kidnapped Aaron!" I told him staring at the concrete. "Daniel kidnapped Aaron," I sobbed.


Hello Reader,

Have you no fear, this is not the end of the book. The next chapters is waiting for you over at Inkitt (platform is free & ad free) by searching for my book or clicking on the link in the comment I've put right over there --->

Not only will swamping platforms bring you the rest of the chapters, but it'll also show some serious love to your writer here.

I'll still be updating on Wattpad, don't worry. Inkitt just gonna be one chapter ahead.

For those who choose to continue supporting me through this platform or Inkitt, thank you so much I appreciate all the love and support.

Much Love, GladysVanessa


Guys this is getting good isnt it;D 

I'm not sure if we are getting closer to the ending, but i doubt it since I still have like another four major twist to put in the story plot;D





oooooo you guys should make banners for the story:D i would dedicate a chapter and post your banner up:D


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